Date & Time/Public Comments |
Bill |
Bill Title |
Legislators |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3002 |
A study bill for an act relating to criminal jurisdiction on the Sac and Fox Indian settlement. 01/11/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Hogg, and Schneider 1/12/16 Returned to Committee. |
SSB 3024 |
A study bill for an act relating to persons on probation, parole, or work release at the violator facility or a residential facility operated by the judicial district department of correctional services. 1/13/16 Subcommittee: Taylor, Kinney, Whitver 1/19/16 Returned to Committee. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3034 |
A study bill for an act relating to consent decrees in juvenile delinquency proceedings. 1/14/16 Subcommittee: Petersen, Taylor, Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3031 |
A study bill for an act including fathers whose paternity has been lawfully established in the definition of parent for the purposes of juvenile justice proceedings. 1/14/16 Subcommittee: Petersen, Taylor, Zaun |
Location: Room 206
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2012 |
A bill for an act relating to the revival of lapsed use restrictions by a common interest community. (See SF 2282.) |
SSB 3026 |
A study bill for an act relating to the assessment of fees and court costs in certain criminal cases, and providing for a fee. 1/13/16 Subcommittee: Taylor, Quirmbach, Whitver |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3028 |
A study bill for an act relating to the placement of shorthand reporters in exempt status and to the supervision of the board of examiners of shorthand reporters. 1/13/16 Subcommittee: Quirmbach, Horn, Shipley |
SSB 3007 |
A study bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of interference with official acts at county jails, municipal holding facilities, and judicial district departments of correctional services, and providing penalties. 1/12/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Kinney, and Whitver |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3032 |
A study bill for an act relating to attorney fees and court costs in an action to quiet title after a request for a quitclaim deed. 1/14/16 Subcommittee: Hogg, Bisignano, Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3010 |
A study bill for an act relating to the appointment of a guardian ad litem in an adoption proceeding. 1/12/16 Subcommittee: Bisignano, Horn, and Garrett 1/25/16 Returned to committee. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3035 |
A study bill for an act relating to a fiduciary's access to digital assets and including applicability provisions. 1/14/16 Subcommittee: Hogg, Sodders, Schneider 1/20/16 Returned to Committee. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3030 |
A study bill for an act relating to forcible entry and detainer actions, including granting concurrent jurisdiction to small claims courts over preliminary hearings for certain forcible entry and detainer actions. 1/13/16 Subcommittee: Hogg, Sodders, Zaun |
SSB 3029 |
A study bill for an act relating to child support payment processing, and including effective date and applicability provisions. 1/13/16 Subcommittee: Kinney, Bisignano, Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Location: Rm 206
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3025 |
A study bill for an act relating to persons examining and obtaining their own criminal history data.1/13/16 Subcommittee: Kinney, Petersen, Shipley 1/21/2016 Returned to Committee. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3027 |
A study bill for an act relating to the legal representation of indigent persons in criminal proceedings. 1/13/16 Subcommittee: Bisignano, Taylor, Garrett |
SF 2023 |
A bill for an act relating to the expungement of criminal offenses for alcohol consumption in public, public intoxication, simulated public intoxication, or similar local ordinances, or when a finding of contempt has been entered. (See SF 2164.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3008 |
A study bill for an act establishing a statewide chemical substance abuse monitoring pilot program. 1/12/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Kinney, and Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3033 |
A study bill for an act relating to exceptions to the meeting of a required ninety=day waiting period prior to the granting of a decree for dissolution of marriage. 1/14/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Bisignano, Zaun |
Location: ROOM 206
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3056 |
A study bill for an act relating to the time period during which a vacation or appeal of a termination of parental rights order may be requested. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Taylor, Petersen, Zaun |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3009 |
A study bill for an act providing that certain peace officers and law enforcement officials are not required to use a notarial stamp when administering oaths or acknowledging signatures. 1/12/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Hogg, and Garrett |
SSB 3057 |
A study bill for an act relating to the time period during which a vacation or appeal of a termination of parental rights order may be requested. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Taylor, Kinney, Shipley |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2039 |
A bill for an act relating to the limitations of criminal actions in sexually motivated or exploitation offenses that involve a minor, modifying the criminal offense for disseminating obscene materials to minors, and providing penalties. (See SF 2226.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3053 |
A study bill for an act relating to the statute of repose for medical malpractice claims. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Hogg, Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SF 2063 |
A bill for an act creating the criminal offense of sexual exploitation by an attorney, including civil actions for sexual abuse or sexual exploitation by an attorney, and providing penalties. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3049 |
A study bill for an act relating to electronic recordings of court proceedings within a magistrate's jurisdiction. 1/21/16 Subcommittee: Bisignano, Horn, Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3077 |
A study bill for an act relating to civil law provisions, including notice requirements for the disposition of the real property of an estate, notice and document delivery under the trust code, the powers of an agent under a power of attorney, and liability for refusing to accept an acknowledged power of attorney, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability provisions. 1/28/16 Subcommittee: Hogg, Horn, Garrett |
Location: Room 206
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2071 |
A bill for an act relating to the temporary delegation of parental rights by the parent or legal custodian of a child. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2082 |
A bill for an act establishing an office within the department of public safety to oversee efforts to combat human trafficking. (See SF 2191.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2070 |
A bill for an act relating to the confidentiality of juvenile court records in delinquency proceedings. (See SF 2288.) |
SSB 3054 |
A study bill for an act relating to civil penalties assessed for suspension or revocation of a person's driver's license or nonresident operating privilege. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Bisignano, Zaun |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2083 |
A bill for an act relating to the limitations on criminal actions for the criminal offense of child endangerment. (See SF 2183.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3127 |
A study bill for an act modifying the criminal penalties for a controlled substance that contains cocaine base, and providing penalties. 2/9/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Horn, Garrett 2/11/16 Returned to committee. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3103 |
A study bill for an act relating to guardians ad litem, attorneys for minor children, child custody investigators, and child and family reporters involved in child custody and visitation proceedings. 2/4/16 Subcommittee: Petersen, Horn, Garrett |
SSB 3122 |
A study bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of identity theft, and providing penalties. 2/9/16 Subcommittee: Kinney, Hogg, Shipley |
SSB 3123 |
A study bill for an act relating to the modification of the sex offender registry requirements for certain offenders. 2/9/16 Subcommittee: Quirmbach, Taylor, Garrett |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3101 |
A study bill for an act providing for the restoration of the right to register to vote and to vote and hold elective office for certain persons and including effective date provisions. 2/4/16 Subcommittee: Bisignano, Quirmbach, Schneider |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3104 |
A study bill for an act establishing a criminal penalty for violent repeat offenders and reducing earned time for offenders required to participate in batterers' education under certain circumstances. 2/4/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Petersen, Schneider |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2138 |
A bill for an act prohibiting the mistreatment of animals other than livestock and wild animals, providing reporting requirements, providing for criminal offenses, and including penalties. (See SF 2289.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2088 |
A bill for an act relating to a name change for a child. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2120 |
A bill for an act modifying the elements defining hate crimes, and providing penalties. (See SF 2284.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3144 |
A study bill for an act creating the uniform deployed parents custody and visitation Act, and repealing current Code provisions relating to parents on active military duty. 2/11/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Horn, Garrett 2/16/16 Returned to committee. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2173 |
A bill for an act relating to law enforcement profiling by standardizing the collection and centralizing the compilation and reporting of officer stop and complaint data, providing for officer training, creating a community policing advisory board, providing for penalties and remedies, and including effective date provisions. (See SF 2267.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3155 |
A study bill for an act relating to charges and expenses incurred by a county on behalf of prisoners. 2/15/16 Subcommitte: Sodders, Kinney, Shipley |
SF 2175 |
A bill for an act concerning employment prohibitions relating to receiving an annuity under the judicial retirement system. (See SF 2266.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2172 |
A bill for an act establishing a task force related to extending juvenile court jurisdiction in delinquency matters and proceedings to include persons under the age of twenty-one years. (See SF 2270.) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2139 |
A bill for an act relating to the disposition of unused property that was acquired by condemnation and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2174 |
A bill for an act relating to the access to and retention of peace officer body camera data. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3100 |
A study bill for an act relating to clerks of court, including the collection of court debt, the filing of medical reports, and the indexing of notices of lis pendens by county recorders, out=of=state=witness mileage expenses, and including effective date and applicability provisions. 2/4/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Bisignano, Whitver |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2166 |
A bill for an act relating to forfeiture of property for criminal offenses. (See SF 2262.) |
Location: RM 22
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3166 |
A study bill for an act requiring the master list for juror service to be updated using an electronic data processing system annually and eliminating jury commissions. 2/17/16 Subcommittee: Sodders, Hogg, Schneider, Bisignano, Garrett, Horn, Kinney, Petersen, Quirmbach, Shipley, Taylor, Whitver, and Zaun |
HF 2279 |
A bill for an act relating to possessing and transferring firearm suppressors, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. Effective 3-31-16. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2314 |
A bill for an act relating to the issuance and verification of, and the transfer of records concerning permits to carry weapons and the confidentiality of such records including the confidentiality of records for such permits and for permits to acquire pistols or revolvers, prohibiting fraudulent transfers of firearms and ammunition, providing for a fee and a penalty, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly HF 2129) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2354 |
A bill for an act relating to electronic recordings of court proceedings within a magistrate's jurisdiction. Effective 7-1-16. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HJR 2003 |
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to searches and seizures of electronic communications and data. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2333 |
A bill for an act relating to consent decrees in juvenile delinquency proceedings. (Formerly HSB 521) |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2064 |
A bill for an act relating to the criminal offenses of child endangerment and robbery and criminal drug offenses, and providing penalties. Effective 7-1-16. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2420 |
A bill for an act relating to untested sexual abuse evidence collection kits stored at law enforcement agencies. Effective 7-1-16. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2265 |
A bill for an act relating to the disclosure of an address confidentiality program participant's address in certain legal proceedings. Effective 7-1-16. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2373 |
A bill for an act relating to the organization and administration of limited partnerships and limited liability companies doing business in Iowa. Effective 7-1-16. |
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2400 |
A bill for an act providing for voidable commercial transactions and including applicability provisions. Effective 7-1-16. |
HF 2278 |
A bill for an act relating to the limitations of criminal actions in kidnapping or human trafficking offenses, and providing penalties. Effective 7-1-16. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3111 |
A study bill for an act relating to nonsubstantive Code corrections. 2/8/16 Subcommittee: Shipley, Bisignano, Kinney |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2025 |
A bill for an act relating to the reclassification of marijuana, including tetrahydrocannabinols, under the controlled substance schedules. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3102 |
A study bill for an act relating to the standard for judicial review of agency action in a contested case and including applicability provisions. 2/4/16 Subcommittee: Hogg, Bisignano, Whitver |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2011 |
A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of sexual exploitation by a school employee. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3055 |
A study bill for an act relating to sexual abuse and sexual exploitation by a counselor, therapist, or school employee, related penalties, and the time within which actions may be brought for damages for such injury. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Petersen, Kinney, Whitver |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3141 |
A study bill for an act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and including effective date provisions. 2/10/16 Subcommittee: Shipley, Kinney, Bisignano |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3076 |
A study bill for an act allowing the formation of certain for=profit corporations as benefit corporations authorized to do business in this state under certain conditions. 1/28/2016 Subcommittee: Petersen, Quirmbach, Schneider |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2210 |
A bill for an act relating to a right of first refusal for cotenants of family farms and defendants in certain partition actions, and including applicability provisions. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2372 |
A bill for an act relating to the preference for joint custody and joint physical care of a child in awarding custody. (Formerly HF 2090) |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3121 |
A study bill for an act relating to a criminal trespass that results in a violation of a person's expectation of privacy, and providing penalties. 2/9/16 Subcommittee: Kinney, Sodders, Garrett |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2117 |
A bill for an act relating to creation of transfer on death deeds and to disclaimers of an interest in real property, and including applicability provisions. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2114 |
A bill for an act prohibiting all human cloning and providing penalties. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2089 |
A bill for an act requiring electronic monitoring for certain bailable defendants who commit domestic abuse or violate no-contact or protective orders. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2087 |
A bill for an act establishing a criminal penalty for violent repeat offenders and reducing earned time for offenders required to participate in batterers' education under certain circumstances. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2074 |
A bill for an act relating to the operation of motor vehicles by persons without a valid drivers license or financial liability coverage, and providing penalties. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3059 |
A study bill for an act relating to the confidentiality of juvenile court records. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Petersen, Kinney, Schneider |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3058 |
A study bill for an act providing for voidable commercial transactions and including applicability provisions. 1/26/16 Subcommittee: Hogg, Horn, Whitver |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2152 |
A bill for an act relating to the determination of when fetal death and homicide and related criminal provisions apply to a fetus, and making penalties applicable. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2002 |
A bill for an act relating to unattended motor vehicles. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2171 |
A bill for an act relating to the standard of judicial review and providing a claim or defense when a state action burdens a person's exercise of religion, and including effective date provisions. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2281 |
A bill for an act relating to the possession of a pistol, revolver, or ammunition by persons under fourteen years of age, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HF 2042) |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2280 |
A bill for an act relating to the regulation of firearms and ammunition in a state of public emergency and providing a remedy. (Formerly HF 2044) |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2168 |
A bill for an act modifying penalties for trespassing. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2220 |
A bill for an act relating to the right of a tenant or resident to summon emergency assistance. |
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2211 |
A bill for an act establishing the government nondiscrimination Act, and including effective date provisions. |