Date & Time/Public Comments Bill Bill Title Legislators
Location: House Lounge
HF 529 A bill for an act relating to the removal of vehicles or debris from highways, including payment of associated costs and blue lights on involved towing or recovery vehicles.
Location: House Lounge
HSB 519 A bill for an act relating to notice of agency sales of unused highway right-of-way.(See HF 2186.)
HSB 518 A bill for an act relating to certain reporting requirements of the department of transportation.(See HF 2187.)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HSB 517 A bill for an act relating to personal information of the previous owner of a motor vehicle.(See HF 2185.)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HSB 553 A bill for an act providing an alternative to filing a bond as a condition of registering and titling certain motor vehicles.(See HF 2316.)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 2133 A bill for an act relating to required information in the electronic database used by the department of transportation and law enforcement to access registration, titling, and driver’s license information.(See HF 2307.)
Location: House Lounge 2
HF 591 A bill for an act relating to the midwest interstate passenger rail compact, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HSB 132.)
HSB 612 A bill for an act relating to the driving privileges of persons under eighteen years of age, and making penalties applicable.(See HF 2463.)
Location: House Lounge 2
HF 2091 A bill for an act establishing a motor vehicle insurance verification program, establishing fees, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
Location: House Lounge
HSB 611 A bill for an act relating to the maximum weight of vehicles powered primarily by natural gas or electric battery, and making penalties applicable.(See HF 2447.)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HSB 610 A bill for an act relating to vehicles, including the initial registration and issuance of certificate of title by any county treasurer and the definitions of terms for purposes of motor vehicle franchisers.(See HF 2607, HF 2678.)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2120 A bill for an act relating to road construction, modification, and repair project standards.(See HF 2451.)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2092 A bill for an act relating to motor grader operator training.(See HF 2452.)
Location: House Lounge 2
HF 2142 A bill for an act relating to personalized fire fighter and emergency medical services special registration plates, and providing fees.(See HF 2579.)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 586 A bill for an act relating to bicyclists’ right-of-way at certain crosswalks, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly HF 214; See HF 2568.)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 2417 A bill for an act relating to certain motor vehicle equipment, including required signage regarding such equipment, and making penalties applicable.
HF 589 A bill for an act requiring the state transportation commission to prioritize the improvement of United States highway 30.(Formerly HF 230; See HF 2569.)
HSB 707 A bill for an act relating to traffic violations and enforcement, including the use of an electronic device while driving and the use of automated or remote systems for traffic law enforcement, providing penalties, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.(See HF 2595.)
Location: House Lounge 2
SF 2116 A bill for an act relating to nonpedestrian travel on roadways based on lane designations, including the manner of overtaking other vehicles, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly SSB 3090.)