Bills Sponsored By Committee

State Government (S)

Bill Bill Title
SJR 8 A joint resolution applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints, and limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and requesting Congress to similarly propose such amendments. (Formerly SSB 1110.)
SF 180 A bill for an act relating to the powers and programs of the economic development authority, including apprentice eligibility under the apprenticeship training program, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1026.)
SF 236 A bill for an act relating to the possession, sale, transfer, purchase, and use of fireworks, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1051; See SF 489.)
SF 237 A bill for an act relating to the practice of public accountants. (Formerly SSB 1033.) Effective 7-1-17.
SF 252 A bill for an act concerning state purchasing from prison industries for products manufactured in this state. (Formerly SF 165.)
SF 351 A bill for an act providing for the elimination of the Iowa emergency response commission. (Formerly SSB 1081.) Effective 7-1-17.
SF 352 A bill for an act relating to electronic filing requirements for statements and reports filed with the ethics and campaign disclosure board. (Formerly SSB 1108.)
SF 388 A bill for an act relating to energy conservation requirements contained within the state building code or adopted by governmental subdivisions, and including retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1126.)
SF 395 A bill for an act providing for the establishment of permanent emergency personnel positions directly related to certain disasters. (Formerly SSB 1080.)
SF 396 A bill for an act providing for the confidentiality of certain records provided by gambling licensees to the racing and gaming commission. (Formerly SSB 1112.)
SF 399 A bill for an act relating to the conduct of elections, including general election ballot vacancies, voter registration, elections administration, absentee voting, and vacancies on school boards and merged area governing boards and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1104.) Various effective dates; see section 11 of bill.
SF 410 A bill for an act relating to a declaration concerning the final disposition of a person’s remains and including applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1111.) Effective 7-1-17.
SF 411 A bill for an act relating to contractor registration and licensing by the department of public health and the department of workforce development and related fees and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1113.) Effective 4-21-17.
SF 425 A bill for an act providing for the establishment of first-time homebuyer savings accounts in Iowa, including related individual income tax exemptions, and including applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1056; See SF 505.)
SF 426 A bill for an act prohibiting persons from intentionally blocking the movement of traffic on certain highways, and providing penalties. (Formerly SSB 1135; See SF 2222.)
SF 440 A bill for an act relating to authorized expenditures for preschool programs under the statewide preschool program for four-year-old children and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1136.)
SF 441 A bill for an act relating to the issuance of birth certificates and providing for a repeal. (Formerly SSB 1129.)
SF 442 A bill for an act concerning persons voluntarily excluded from gambling facilities. (Formerly SSB 1103.) Effective 7-1-17.
SF 454 A bill for an act relating to 911 emergency telephone and internet communication systems and making appropriations. (Formerly SSB 1082; See SF 500.)
SF 463 A bill for an act concerning authorized investment vehicles in a tax-sheltered investment program established by the department of administrative services. (Formerly SSB 1107.)
SF 474 A bill for an act relating to the conduct and administration of elections, including voter registration, absentee voting, voter identity verification, signature verification, polling place prohibitions, commissioner certifications, and post-election audits, creating an electronic poll book and polling place technology revolving loan fund, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1163.)
SF 483 A bill for an act requiring that a primary runoff election be held in the event of an inconclusive primary election for certain offices, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SF 33.)
SJR 2006 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the gubernatorial line of succession. (Formerly SSB 3133.) Effective 7-1-18.
SJR 2008 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the consideration of bills by each house of the general assembly. (Formerly SSB 3116.)
SF 2155 A bill for an act concerning public investment maturity limitations relating to the operating funds of political subdivisions. (Formerly SSB 3022.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2213 A bill for an act relating to the examination and copying of a public record under Iowa’s open records law and federal copyright law. (Formerly SF 494.)
SF 2214 A bill for an act relating to horse racing regulated by the racing and gaming commission. (Formerly SSB 3118.)
SF 2215 A bill for an act prohibiting cities and counties from imposing time-of-sale requirements on transactions involving real property. (Formerly SSB 3090.)
SF 2255 A bill for an act relating to the auditor of state concerning legislative requests for auditor reviews, applications for certain city or township audits, and retention of certain repayments for auditor services. (Formerly SSB 3117.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2256 A bill for an act relating to campaign finance, including electronic filing requirements for statements and reports filed with the ethics and campaign disclosure board and disclosure requirements for contributions made to candidates or committees. (Formerly SSB 3111.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2289 A bill for an act relating to the joint exercise of government powers by federally recognized Indian tribes. (Formerly SSB 3157.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2290 A bill for an act relating to boards of trustees for county and city hospitals. (Formerly SSB 3114.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2291 A bill for an act relating to the inspection and examination of certain public records under the custody of the state archivist. (Formerly SSB 3113.)
SF 2306 A bill for an act concerning the notification by the ethics and campaign disclosure board of certain candidates that an amended disclosure report has been filed by another candidate. (Formerly SSB 3085.)
SF 2307 A bill for an act relating to 911 emergency telephone and internet communication systems, making appropriations, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3107.)
SF 2310 A bill for an act relating to alcoholic beverage control and matters under the purview of the alcoholic beverages division of the department of commerce. (Formerly SSB 3112.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2322 A bill for an act relating to the practice of pharmacy, including the administration of certain drugs and vaccines and the establishment of technician product verification programs. (Formerly SSB 3146.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2323 A bill for an act relating to prohibitions and disclosure requirements concerning outside employment or activities requiring registration as a foreign agent and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SSB 3086.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2332 A bill for an act relating to allowable forms for payment for amusement concessions at a fair. (Formerly SSB 3174.)
SF 2333 A bill for an act relating to amusement concessions concerning allowable prizes and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3023.) Effective 4-4-18.
SF 2334 A bill for an act relating to the regulation of hospitals, including the issuance of licenses and the conversion of hospitals. (Formerly SSB 3128.) Effective 7-1-18.
SF 2345 A bill for an act concerning manufactured homes by creating a manufactured housing program fund and providing eligibility under the home ownership assistance program for military members for the purchase of manufactured homes. (Formerly SSB 3019.)
SF 2346 A bill for an act relating to the ballot arrangement for certain partisan offices. (Formerly SSB 3191.)
SF 2347 A bill for an act providing for the personal importation of alcoholic liquor, wine, and beer, concerning criminal penalties for bootlegging, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 3084.) Effective 4-10-18.
SF 2355 A bill for an act providing for an audit, accounting, and appraisal of the Iowa communications network. (Formerly SF 2219.)
SF 2380 A bill for an act relating to energy conservation requirements contained within the state building code or adopted by governmental subdivisions, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3138.)
SF 2381 A bill for an act relating to the expenditure of public funds and funds held in trust by statewide elected officials, members of the general assembly, or local officials on certain forms of advertisement and imposing penalties. (Formerly SSB 3188.)