SF 48 |
A bill for an act concerning the limitation of actions for prosecution of violations under certain statutes administered by the natural resource commission. (Formerly SF 3.) |
SF 49 |
A bill for an act providing for a .08 blood alcohol limit for motorboat or sailboat operating while intoxicated offenses. (Formerly SF 18.) |
SF 78 |
A bill for an act relating to various conservation and recreation activities under the purview of the department of natural resources, modifying fees, making penalties applicable, and making an appropriation. (Formerly SSB 1068.) Effective 7-1-07. |
SF 203 |
A bill for an act requiring certain children to wear personal flotation devices while on board certain vessels operated on state waters and providing for a penalty and an effective date. (Formerly SF 149.) |
SF 247 |
A bill for an act making black bears and cougars fur-bearing animals. (Formerly SSB 1220.) |
SF 250 |
A bill for an act relating to regulation of the harvesting of commercial fish, turtles, and freshwater mussels and providing for fees and penalties. (Formerly SSB 1067.) (See SF 591.) |
SF 253 |
A bill for an act regulating the administration of drugs to certain noncaptive vertebrate wildlife and providing a penalty. (Formerly SSB 1112.) |
SF 255 |
A bill for an act providing for an increase in the wildlife habitat fee, making an appropriation, and creating a game bird habitat development program. (Formerly SSB 1224, See SF 558.) |
SF 261 |
A bill for an act requiring certain private sewage disposal system-related inspections to be conducted when certain property is sold or transferred and including an effective date provision. (Formerly SSB 1066.) Effective 7-1-09. |
SF 304 |
A bill for an act relating to the exercise of regulatory authority by the department of natural resources and the natural resource commission within the boundaries of the Sac and Fox tribe settlement in Tama county, and providing for applicability and effective dates. (Formerly SF 239.) Effective 5-25-07. |
SF 308 |
A bill for an act authorizing the governor to designate April of each year as Aldo Leopold month. (Formerly SF 156.) |
SF 309 |
A bill for an act creating a department of environmental protection and providing an effective date. (Formerly SF 77.) |
SF 310 |
A bill for an act relating to civil damages payable for unlawful taking of certain animals and fish. (Formerly SSB 1114.) |
SF 344 |
A bill for an act relating to enforcement of certain solid waste disposal requirements and providing civil penalties. (Formerly SSB 1111.) Effective 7-1-07. |
SF 405 |
A bill for an act relating to national pollutant discharge elimination system permits for disposal systems. (Formerly SF 294.) Effective 7-1-07. |
SF 428 |
A bill for an act providing for state and local planning for the rescue of support animals in times of public disorder or disaster. (Formerly SF 312.) |
SF 435 |
A bill for an act relating to youth deer hunting licenses. (Formerly SF 280.) Effective 7-1-07. |
SF 438 |
A bill for an act establishing a local government energy innovation competitive grant program, and making an appropriation. (Formerly SF 296.) |
SF 474 |
A bill for an act requiring certain Iowa national pollutant discharge elimination system program permit holders to post signs at discharge points, including a reporting requirement, and providing a penalty. (Formerly SF 230.) |
SF 477 |
A bill for an act authorizing the issuance of additional special nonresident deer hunting licenses. (Formerly SF 389.) Effective 7-1-07. |
SF 485 |
A bill for an act relating to greenhouse gas emissions. (Formerly SF 153.) Effective 7-1-07. |
SF 493 |
A bill for an act relating to plans and financial assurance requirements for certain sanitary landfill projects. (Formerly SF 328.) |
SF 494 |
A bill for an act relating to statewide greenhouse gas emissions. (Formerly SF 262.) (See SF 574.) |
SF 495 |
A bill for an act relating to water quality. (Formerly SSB 1235.) |
SF 499 |
A bill for an act relating to regulation of underground storage tanks by the department of natural resources, making appropriations, and providing contingent effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1226.) Various effective dates; see section 13 of bill. |
SF 511 |
A bill for an act regulating dangerous wild animals, including their ownership and possession, requiring registration, providing for fees and appropriations, and providing penalties. (Formerly SF 135, See SF 564.) |
SF 542 |
A bill for an act relating to a pharmaceutical collection and disposal pilot project. (Formerly SF 291.) (See SF 579.) |
SF 544 |
A bill for an act relating to the development, management, and efficient use of energy resources in the state and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1244.) |
SJR 2002 |
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa to dedicate a portion of state revenue from the tax imposed on certain retail sales of tangible personal property and services for the benefit of the state's natural resources. Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2197 |
A bill for an act relating to water quality by establishing a water resources coordinating council, authorizing a marketing campaign, directing assistance to local communities for monitoring and measurement, and creating a regional assessment program, a community-based improvement program, and a wastewater and storm water infrastructure program. (Formerly SF 2121.) |
SF 2198 |
A bill for an act relating to the appointment of the membership of the Brushy creek recreation area trails advisory board. (Formerly SF 2151.) Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2223 |
A bill for an act relating to renewable energy, providing for state bank acquisition of equity interests in wind energy production facilities, and providing for qualification for specified tax credits and refunds by state banks and by owners or manufacturing facilities generating wind energy for on-site consumption rather than sale, and providing effective and applicability dates. (Formerly SF 2077, See SF 2405.) |
SF 2230 |
A bill for an act authorizing the issuance of special nonresident turkey and deer hunting licenses to certain persons who have severe physical disabilities or a terminal illness. (Formerly SF 2086.) Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2267 |
A bill for an act relating to rules for discharging wastewater from water well drilling sites. (Formerly SF 2202.) |
SF 2276 |
A bill for an act relating to the disposal of solid waste by changing permitting requirements and updating and clarifying existing provisions. (Formerly SSB 3134.) Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2321 |
A bill for an act relating to the recycling of mercury-containing lamps by providing for a study. (Formerly SF 2225.) Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2328 |
A bill for an act relating to the deer depredation management program, establishing a deer study advisory committee, and providing an effective date. (Formerly SSB 3176.) Effective 4-8-08. |
SF 2360 |
A bill for an act relating to solid waste disposal and environmental management by providing for the designation of environmental management systems, providing incentives, and creating an environmental management systems board. (Formerly SSB 3166.) |
SF 2367 |
A bill for an act relating to the compliance advisory panel, including the appointment of its members and its powers and duties. (Formerly SSB 3178.) Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2375 |
A bill for an act relating to alternative energy system tax credits under the individual and corporate income taxes for the installation of alternative energy systems and including a retroactive applicability date provision. (Formerly SF 2210.) |
SF 2380 |
A bill for an act establishing a low head dam public hazard program. (Formerly SF 2232.) Effective 7-1-08. |
SF 2386 |
A bill for an act relating to energy efficiency by establishing a commission on energy efficiency standards and practices, providing for the reporting of energy efficiency results and savings by gas and electric public utilities, specifying procedures for assessing potential energy and capacity savings and developing energy efficiency goals by gas and electric utilities not subject to rate regulation, providing for the establishment or participation in a program to track, record, or verify the trading of credits for electricity generated from specified sources, and providing for the establishment of an interim study committee to conduct an examination of energy efficiency plans and programs with an emphasis on the demand or customer perspective, and providing an effective date. (Formerly SF 2083.) Effective 5-6-08. |