SF 134 |
A bill for an act providing for the issuance of an annual statewide license for a farmers market, including a license fee, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 1040.) |
SF 141 |
A bill for an act relating to access to and use of the county land record information system.(Formerly SSB 1029.) |
SF 174 |
A bill for an act relating to building design element regulation by governmental subdivisions, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SF 43; See SF 2154.) |
SF 214 |
A bill for an act relating to certain emergency services provided by a city.(Formerly SSB 1091; See SF 2237.) |
SF 215 |
A bill for an act relating to certain filing deadlines for property tax credits available to certain elderly, disabled, and low-income persons and including effective date and applicability provisions.(Formerly SSB 1088.) |
SF 216 |
A bill for an act relating to the authority to postpone or cancel an annual tax sale.(Formerly SSB 1051.) |
SF 217 |
A bill for an act allowing counties to collect a fee for the issuance and renewal of driver’s licenses and nonoperator’s identification cards to persons who reside outside the county.(Formerly SSB 1092.) |
SF 344 |
A bill for an act relating to repayment of governmental subdivision loans for disaster aid.(Formerly SF 137.) |
SF 352 |
A bill for an act relating to emergency management services and emergency medical services and including applicability provisions.(Formerly SF 41; See SF 570, SF 2426.) |
SF 353 |
A bill for an act relating to certain deadlines relating to the informal review and protest of property assessments in counties declared to be a disaster area or that are the subject of a disaster emergency proclamation.(Formerly SSB 1089.) |
SF 355 |
A bill for an act relating to requirements for the split and consolidation of parcels.(Formerly SSB 1093.) |
SF 443 |
A bill for an act relating to county supervisors, concerning county supervisor representation plans and county supervisor vacancies, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SF 314.) |
SF 445 |
A bill for an act relating to protests considered by local boards of review and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SF 278.) Effective date: 04/04/2023. Applicability date: 01/01/2023. |
SF 446 |
A bill for an act relating to required considerations by a county compensation board.(Formerly SF 32.) |
SF 447 |
A bill for an act authorizing length of service award programs for volunteer fire fighters, volunteer emergency medical care providers, and reserve peace officers, and making appropriations.(Formerly SF 272.) |
SF 448 |
A bill for an act relating to the composition and procedures of county compensation boards.(Formerly SF 170.) |
SF 450 |
A bill for an act relating to the collection of delinquent judgments owed to a county or city, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SF 293.) |
SF 451 |
A bill for an act relating to sessions of the local board of review and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SF 169.) Effective date: 04/10/2024. |
SF 454 |
A bill for an act relating to civil service requirements for the hiring of certain city public safety positions.(Formerly SF 266; See SF 2205.) |
SF 455 |
A bill for an act relating to the regulation of topsoil and storm water at construction sites. (Formerly SF 34.) Effective date: 07/01/2024. |
SF 457 |
A bill for an act relating to city civil service and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SF 231; See SF 2325.) |
SF 2102 |
A bill for an act relating to common interest communities and unit owner associations and the display of the American flag.(Formerly SSB 3039.) |
SF 2154 |
A bill for an act relating to building design element regulation by governmental subdivisions, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SF 174, SF 43.) |
SF 2205 |
A bill for an act relating to requirements for the hiring of civil service positions. (Formerly SF 454, SF 266.) Effective date: 07/01/2024. |
SF 2231 |
A bill for an act relating to the regulation of styles and materials used for residential building exteriors. (Formerly SSB 3040.) |
SF 2237 |
A bill for an act relating to certain emergency services provided by a city.(Formerly SF 214, SSB 1091.) |
SF 2325 |
A bill for an act relating to city civil service employees and related procedures and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SF 457, SF 231.) |
SF 2329 |
A bill for an act relating to local civil rights commissions.(Formerly SF 2212.) |
SF 2333 |
A bill for an act relating to the powers of public and nonpublic schools and political subdivisions regarding the sale, lease, or transfer of real property for educational purposes.(Formerly SSB 3112.) |