HF 606 |
A bill for an act authorizing funding for providing disaster grants to needy individuals and families and providing an effective date. |
HF 752 |
A bill for an act relating to and making transportation and other infrastructure-related appropriations to the department of transportation, including allocation and use of moneys from the road use tax fund and the primary road fund, and related matters. Effective 7-01-07. |
HF 787 |
A bill for an act appropriating federal funds made available from federal block grants and other federal grants, allocating portions of federal block grants, and providing procedures if federal funds are more or less than anticipated or if federal block grants are more or less than anticipated. Effective 7-01-07. |
HF 874 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to certain state departments, agencies, funds, and certain other entities and providing an effective date. Effective 7-01-07 with exception of section 24 effective 5-29-07. |
HF 876 |
A bill for an act establishing a sensitivity training program for heads of state agencies. (Formerly HF 224) |
HF 877 |
A bill for an act creating a statewide voluntary preschool program for four-year-old children and making appropriations. Effective 7-01-07. |
HF 889 |
A bill for an act relating to incentives for school district reorganizations and shared operational functions, and making an appropriation. (Formerly HF 534) (Formerly HSB 114) |
HF 890 |
A bill for an act relating to assistance for small businesses, making appropriations, and providing an effective date provision. Effective 5-22-07. |
HF 891 |
A bill for an act to support the establishment of a George Washington Carver endowed chair at the Iowa state university of science and technology and making an appropriation. (Formerly HF 518) |
HF 896 |
A bill for an act creating a disaster aid individual assistance grant fund. Effective 7-01-07. |
HF 900 |
A bill for an act relating to the waste tire management fund and making appropriations. (Formerly HF 511) (Formerly HSB 82) |
HF 906 |
A bill for an act requiring children enrolling in elementary or high school to have a dental screening and providing an effective date. Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 907 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations from the healthy Iowans tobacco trust and the tobacco settlement trust fund and providing an effective date. Effective 5-23-07. |
HF 909 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations for health and human services and including other related provisions and appropriations, and including effective date provisions. Various effective dates, see bill. |
HF 910 |
A bill for an act relating to the creation of a task force on postnatal tissue and fluid banking, related postnatal procedures, and providing an effective date. Effective 5-09-07. |
HF 911 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to state departments and agencies from the rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund, vertical infrastructure fund, the endowment for Iowa's health restricted capitals fund, and the technology reinvestment fund, and related matters, and providing an effective date. Various effective dates, see bill. |
HF 920 |
A bill for an act authorizing the state board of regents to borrow moneys and issue revenue bonds to finance the costs of certain building and facility improvement programs. Effective 7-01-07. |
HF 922 |
A bill for an act revising the requirements for child care registration and providing an effective date. (Formerly HF 416) |
HF 926 |
A bill for an act relating to voting machines and optical scan voting systems. (Formerly HF 845) (Formerly HSB 178) |
HF 927 |
A bill for an act making appropriations for specified energy-related purposes and providing an effective date. Effective 5-23-07. |
HF 928 |
A bill for an act relating to regulation of underground storage tanks by the department of natural resources, making appropriations, and providing contingent effective date provisions. (Formerly HF 792) (Formerly HSB 199) |
HF 2630 |
A bill for an act relating to the use of optical scan voting systems in every county, making an appropriation for the cost of purchasing and distributing optical scan voting systems, reducing certain appropriations, providing for continuing education for certain election personnel, and providing an effective date. (Formerly HSB 779) |
HF 2647 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to the judicial branch. (Formerly HSB 772) Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 2660 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to the justice system. (Formerly HSB 773) Item veto. Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 2662 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations involving state government, by providing for agriculture, natural resources, and environmental protection. (Formerly HSB 784) Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 2672 |
A bill for an act relating to water use permit fees, creating a new water use permit fund, and making appropriations. (Formerly HF 2654) (Formerly HSB 691) Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 2679 |
A bill for an act relating to the funding of, the operation of, and appropriation of moneys to the college student aid commission, the department for the blind, the department of education, and the state board of regents, providing for related matters and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 787) Item veto. Effective 7-01-08, with exception of section 39 and Division III effective 5-09-08. |
HF 2680 |
A bill for an act relating to student achievement and teacher quality program definitions and requirements and extending or changing program allocations. (Formerly HF 2487) (Formerly HSB 529) |
HF 2694 |
A bill for an act relating to long-term care insurance, and providing for penalties, an applicability date, repeals, and an appropriation and providing an effective date. (Formerly HSB 793) Effective 7-01-08, with exception of sections 10-11 effective 1-01-09. |
HF 2697 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations for health and human services and including other related provisions and appropriations, providing penalties, making penalties applicable and providing effective, retroactive, and applicability date provisions. (Formerly HSB 795) |
HF 2698 |
A bill for an act relating to the collection of delinquent debt owed the state and political subdivisions of the state by requiring offsets of gambling winnings, sanctioning of professional licenses, modifying provisions related to county attorney collections, writing off certain delinquent court debt, modifying provisions relating to the deposit of certain funds in the jury and witness fee fund, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly HSB 796) |
HF 2699 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to the department of cultural affairs, the department of economic development, certain board of regents institutions, the department of workforce development, and the public employment relations board, and related matters and providing effective dates. Effective 7-01-08, with exception of sections 26-29 effective 5-13-08. |
HF 2700 |
A bill for an act relating to state and local finances by providing for funding of property tax credits and reimbursements, by making, increasing and reducing appropriations, providing for salaries and compensation of state employees, providing for matters relating to tax credits, providing for fees and penalties, and providing for properly related matters, and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions. (Formerly HSB 797) Item veto. Various effective dates, see bill. |
HF 2701 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to state departments and agencies from the rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund, the endowment for Iowa's health restricted capitals fund, the tax-exempt bond proceeds restricted capital funds account, the technology reinvestment fund, the FY 2009 tax-exempt bond proceeds restricted capital funds account, the environment first fund, and the FY 2009 prison bonding fund, and related matters, and providing effective and retroactive applicability date provisions. |