Iowa Legislature Public Hearings

Public Hearings and times are as follows:

HSB 1 - A bill for an act relating to education programs and funding by establishing an education savings account program, modifying certain school district categorical funding supplements, making appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.

Sponsored by the Education Reform Committee

Tuesday, January 17, 2023
5:00 PM (introductions begin)
6:30 PM (conclusion of the hearing)
RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber

Sandy Wilson [Citizen Engagement]
Citizen Engagement is IN FAVOR of HSB 1.
Denise O'Brien [none - individual]
I am opposed to public money for private schools. This is private school legislation. Iowa has had a good reputation for our public schools. That is where I want my tax dollars to go.
Lisa Johnson [retired teacher, Dubuque Community School District]
I am opposed to the school choice bill that Governor Reynolds proposes. As a retired public school teacher who taught students with special education needs, I know that private schools are not held to the same standards for admissions as public schools, meaning they can decide who they want to admit. Private schools do not have to accommodate student with learning or behavioral disabilities or admit students from lowincome households. Private schools are not accountable to the public/taxpayers for educational standards, for teacher licensure, or for providing student transportation. Private schools may support religious based education. How is the use of taxpayer money going to private schools a separation of church and state, a basic tenet upon which our country was founded? Do not siphon off funds meant for public education to support nonpublic schools! This proposed legislation involving school choice will not lead to improved student achievement which is what we should be striving for when discussing education in the State of Iowa.
Nick Covington []
My name is Nick Covington. I taught social studies at Ankeny High School from 2012 to June of this year. As a teacher, I saw firsthand that most Iowans, including teachers and parents, want the same thing: strong, quality public schools that give every student the freedom to reach their full potential. All students, no matter what they look like or their zip code, deserve the freedom to learn and succeed. Governor Kim Reynolds website currently reads: School choice allows public education funds to follow students to the schools or services that meet their needsand allows parents to choose whats best for their children, whether thats a different public school, a private or charter school, home school or other learning environment.And it is true that we already have a robust open enrollment system for public schools in Iowa. According to a report from the Iowa Department of Education, only about 7 percent of public school students were openenrolled outside their home district for the 20192020 school year. Thats 93 percent of public school children in Iowa attending their neighborhood school district.Given the choice to open enroll, the vast majority of Iowa parents choose their neighborhood schools. And I agree with Reynolds when she boasted that same year, in January 2020, about the successes of Iowa public schools, saying, We have strong local control, rooted in communities and parents who care deeply about educating their children. We have the highest highschool graduation rate in the country and more high schoolers taking college courses than any other state.Vouchers are another policy tool framed as providing school choice to families and students, but school choice really means nonpublic schools get to make the choice about what students they serve, all while receiving public dollars to discriminate based on religion, gender and sexual identity, disability, and other protected statuses under Iowa civil rights code. So when we talk about school choice under a voucher plan, we need to ask about choice for whom? Does that voucher spend the same for LGBTQ students and their families? Or for students with disabilities? And where does that voucher money go once it gets spent? Let's investigate:One Iowas Director of Policy and Advocacy explained to me earlier this year, Since we dont treat these organizations similarly under the law, any discussion about choice is at best a misunderstanding and at worst an intentional misrepresentation.When One Iowa went through every nonpublic school policy they could find in the state, 75 percent indicated, either explicitly or implicitly they would be willing to discriminate against LGBTQ families, only 15 percent stated affirmatively that they would not. Any talk of competition between nonpublic and public institutions isnt a competition at all because were not talking about institutions playing by the same set of rules. Any talk of choice then, they explained, is totally dishonest.Nonpublic schools have every right under Iowa law to teach in accordance to their religious principles, but nothing should obligate taxpayers to financially support institutions that permit discrimination. Its more complicated when it comes to students with disabilities and those in need of accommodations to be successful in school, as public and nonpublic institutions are required to provide public accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.However, nonpublic schools that do not accept federal funding are not required to provide special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. In fact, as the parent of a child with an Individualized Education Plan, or IEP, I called a local private school on Monday to see how they would accommodate my child with special needs. I was told that they review it on a case by case basis because We dont have special education services here.If you attend a nonpublic school that does not accept federal funds, any special education evaluation will be paid for by the public school district where you live. Further, if your child qualifies for an IEP while attending a nonpublic school, equitable services may be provided out of a limited amount of public funding set aside for such purposes. Let me be clear, no voucher will cover the out of pocket cost incurred by parents for acquiring private special education services for their kids.Further, what evidence do we have that a private market will emerge to serve children with the greatest physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs, with the assumption that it will also be cheaper and more accessible? While Iowans agree that taxpayer money should be spent on providing educational services, the competition that school choice programs are meant to engender also diverts millions of dollars away from educational programs toward marketing. In addition to providing payouts to marketeers and staffing salespeople, where private & charter programs expand to take advantage of taxpayer vouchers, in the absence of transparency, grift and fraud inevitably follow. In 2017, investigative reporters in Pennsylvania learned that twelve of Pennsylvanias cyber charter schools spent more than $21 million combined in taxpayer dollars promoting their schools over a threeyear period. One school spent nearly $11 million alone. A similar report from Utah in 2019 found that charter schools spent a combined $2.1 million on marketing and advertising, and suggested that some schools spending the most money on ads performed among the worst. One charter school that spent $819,000 on marketing to persuade wouldbe parents, had received an received an F from the state in 2016.And in the most recent highprofile incident of charter fraud, earlier this year in Oklahoma, the cofounders of Epic Charter Schools were charged with felony racketeering and embezzlement, among other charges, related to their public virtual charter school system: Investigators allege the Epic Charter School cofounders cost taxpayers $22 million by engineering a complicated criminal enterprise through their management of charter schools, spending Learning Fund dollars on their personal credit cards and diverting money toward political contributions to influence state education policy to further line their pockets. The Oklahoma State Auditor called it the largest abuse of taxpayer funds in the history of the state.Iowans deserve better, and we have better, than an education system cluttered with discrimination, misinformation, waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money in the guise of school choice". If we have enough money to fund a twotier public and private education system, we should invest it into improving accessibility and equity, and expanding school programming to guarantee the right of every Iowa child to a free, appropriate, and excellent public education.Thank you.
Tom Chapman [Iowa Catholic Conference ]
Please see the attached comments from the Catholic bishops of Iowa in support of Education Savings Accounts.
Ralph Rosenberg [TBH]
I am the parent of two sons who attended K12 public schools, in addition to private religious education (which I appropriately paid out of my pocket. I benefitted from excellent K12 public education and from over 5 years of private religious school education (4 days/week, after public school). My parents were working class and paid for the religious school education.Please explain where accountability is for public money given to a private school, unless that is specifically written into the law. Please explain where legal protections will be put in place for transparency and accountability to prevent abuse, such as recently exposed in Missouri private school system/ Please require private schools to accept and accommodate all students, including but not limited to racial and cultural minorities and people with disabilities. Public schools do. If necessary, legislate accountability and enforcement for these reasonable civil rights protections in the area of education. 0
Angela Jones []
Lets not give up on public education; instead, lets innovate and energize by giving teachers more room to develop quality initiatives in the classroom, which they know far better than the rest of us. We must place our support behind initiatives for students who require more support and also for those who desire more challenges. And we cannot allow those in the middle to be ignored. Rather than allowing school choice outside of public schools, allow more choices and options within them.Public education is allinclusive, diverse, promising. Often, public schools more closely reflect the work world and the communities we inhabit, both in challenges and in opportunities. Please let educators prepare and support our students in ways that draw on and pave the way for equal access, individual and group motivation, and renewed excellence. Do not throw in the towel.
Kerry Lust [Parent]
I have three children in public schools. My 15 year old son has autism. Because of his disabilities, private schools will not accept him. Even if he received a voucher, he would not be able to use it. When you hear the term school choice, remember that private schools have the choice who to accept. Not the students. Not their parents. Tax dollars should not be given to schools who can discriminate against children like my son and who do not have to comply with the same rules as public schools who also receive tax dollars. Every public school district in Iowa has the word community in its name. They are run by school boards that consist of elected community members and are accountable for every tax dollar that they spend. They do not deny any child an education. Will private and charter schools be held to the same standard? I am concerned that if this bill passes less money will be available for the programs my son needs in his public school.Please consider the impact these proposals would have on some of Iowa's most needy students. Students like my son, who will never have a "choice."
Jim Kotouc [Private Citizen/Constituent]
This is a dangerous and poorly conceived idea that is being ramrodded down our throats by out of State special interest groups. Do not be fooled. The only people who are for this are people and entities who will profit from it. This has nothing to do with "choice" despite what their well bankrolled propaganda machine commercials would lead you to believe. It's also not "for the children", in fact it will hurt many children like my grandson's who are Autistic and on the Autism spectrum. These proposed "charter schools", and "private schools" can exclude such students, wheras Public Schools by law have to serve them and provide needed accommodations. Taking or diverting Public monies from Public Schools will only hurt Iowa children and communities despite rhetoric to the contrary. If people want to send their children to a private or parochial school, then they can pay for it. Instead of diverting Public monies into private enterprise we should be FULLY FUNDING PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It's long past time to invest in our future by committing to fully funding Public Schools. Every one who's supporting this poorly conceived legislation needs to take a long look in the mirror, and remind themselves exactly who it is they're supposed to be serving. The vast majority of Iowans DO NOT WANT THIS, AND DO NOT SUPPORT IT. This is precisely why this needs to be struck down NOW. Shame on any "Education Committee" who allows this to move forward. The people of Iowa are watching. Public dollars belong in Public schools. Quit wasting time on yet another boondoggle. Iowans deserve better.
Anonymous []
I want public funds to go to public schools. Giving wealthy people our public school funds to send their kids to private school on our dime, when can already afford it, it horrible and unfair. I want my taxes to support public schools n Iowa, especially for rural districts. This bill is an attempt to do away with public schooling and further disadvantage our kids, further political dives, and monetize for the wealthy to get profits from our taxes that do not serve all Iowa! Public funds for public schools! Lets rather build up our public schools to be a beacon of high quality learning to attract residents to our state!
Tucker Cassidy [Upgrade Medicaid]
I am extremely worried that students with developmental and physical disabilities will be unable to have the same access to educational supports and services under this new proposed education structure. Further complicating things for these disabled students will be the school age individuals living in rural areas. Private schools will have to shell out even more money to transport these students who may have mobility and learning aids, as well as simply having access to private/ parochial schools in rural areas where they now do not exist.How do you propose safeguards for all children to have equal and equitable learning opportunities under this new system??
Anonymous []
Tax dollars should be be used for private education. They should be used to fund our underfunded public schools. Iowa used to be first in the nation with a robust school system that people wanted to send their kids. Lack of funding has lead to teachers leaving to neighboring states and less opportunities for Iowas students. Vote No and lets not take tax dollars towards private school vouchers.
David Jennings []
We have 498,629 students in public school and 45,813 in private school in Iowa. Let's invest where almost 92% the students already are getting an education. On top of that, a large portion of Iowans don't live anywhere near private schools. Public schools provide an equal opportunity for individuals to get an education no matter where they live in our state, private schools do not. Please consider not passing this bill so public money stays with public schools.
I want to express my disapproval of the school voucher program. I want public money for public schools only. If the legislatures feel the public school system needs improvements, then make them. You have been in charge of the public school system and the funding thereof so if there are the problems being discussed and shared by our Governor, then I say get them fixed. Throwing money elsewhere will not take care of the problems of the public school systemso get busy.
Sarah Gardner Bergan [Community Member and Business Owner ]
Hello Iowa Senate and fellow concerned Iowans.As a former private school student and daughter of a public school educator of 30+ years, I find the school voucher system being proposed inappropriate and not in the best interest of the majority of Iowans.Children in Iowa deserve to have access to an education that will produce the future leaders of Iowa. With the lack of regulation within private schools, we are not making sure the children of Iowa are getting access to a proper education. As a former private school student, I had received no sexual education and was learning religious worldviews over facts. There are so many things I could say about why this should not happen but here are just a few:1. Iowa public schools are already underfunded in many areas. As Iowa continues to grow, we desperately need that funding where it should be.2. Considering the teacher shortage in Iowa, our focus should be getting more teachers through livable wages. 3. Private schools are choosing who they want, not parents. Is it really a choice if we arent choosing where our kids are being educated at the end of the day? 4. Tax payer money is not for your religious educations. 5. Age appropriate and standardized sexual education is important and is not being presented in private education. Sexual education benefits all, prevents unwanted pregnancies, STDs, and statistically reduces the number of sexual assaults.At the end of the day, Iowa needs doing what is best for the largest number of students and that is through focusing only on funding our public schools.
Anonymous [None]
I do not wish for my taxpayer money to fund private institutions. Moreover, if public money is used to find private religious schools, how is that separation of church and State?
ellen hansen []
I strongly oppose the whole voucher idea because 1) our country separates church and state 2) public schools must serve all children while private schools can choose who to serve 3) politicians are using fear and racism to turn people against public schools 4) public education is grossly underfunded and this has been done with intention, to make schools worse 5) politicians are hiding their taxing mistakes ( cutting commercial property taxes ) behind the pretense of parental rights being threatened 6) special needs kids will ultimately pay the high price for this movement 7) a legislator needs to spend some serious time in public schools today before having opinions on public k12 education 8) covid and other illnesses require spending on ventilation in school buildings and this voucher movement is obscuring real issues like ventilation and cyber security 9) politicians are using fake issues like crt to stir things up and 10) realistic estimates concerning where and when voucher using schools are not available.
Jane Odland []
I have nothing against private schoolsexcept having my tax dollars taken to support them. We have a public school system that is able to serve all the children of Iowa. If our public schools have shortcomings, the prudent course is to spend money to improve them, not to abandon them. Realistically, even with $7600 per pupil, most parents in Iowa cannot afford private schools even if they had one nearby. Since half the counties in Iowa dont have a private school, this illconceived plan means only the wellconnected in metropolitan areas will have access. Those same parents can afford to choose private school without being subsidized by taxpayers. If my taxes go to private schools, I demand exactly the same oversight my local public school is subject to.
Jenn Turner [NA- parent]
As a single parent, paying for private education because of the Agenda pushed in public schools I strongly support school choice.
Jeremy Vos [My Household]
I strongly support HSB 1, and education choice in Iowa. This bill will give my family as well as my neighbors and friends access to education that fits each of their children's needs.
Marie Larchick [Retired lifelong Iowan]
Public tax dollars should NOT fund private schools. This proposal will do nothing to improve the quality or accessibility of education for the children in our state It will cause further degradation of rural school districts that rely on public funds. It will most likely result in further consolidation of school districts and more burden on families. There are over 517,000 public school students in Iowa in a total of 1310 schools. If you are truly interested in promoting Iowa as a place to grow your family, public schools need to be better funded and accessible for ALL Iowa children. No taxpayer dollars for private schools!
Anonymous [Catholic Tuition Organization]
I will make my remarks in person
Heather Wachendorf [New Beginnings Christian Church]
I am against vouchers. Those who wish to send their children to private schools must find their own resources. The purpose of public schools is to ensure that ALL children, regardless of where they live or how much money their family has, are able to have access to quality education. Education is the path to a better Iowa. Put more funding into public schools and prepare our children so they can achieve their full potential. Listen to the people of Iowa we don't want vouchers.
David Dubczak [12-year Public School Teacher]
Ive been an educator for 12 years. I appreciate the sentiment behind wanting to provide more choices and more opportunities. Education Savings Accounts (Vouchers) will certainly help a few, but it will harm far more. Schools cannot be scaled up and down linearly. A small loss of funding has a big impact, given how stretched schools are financially. Public schools are not just places of education, but have become fullscope social services providers. When Governor Reynolds says, We fund students, not systems, well schools are built on systems. Systems that track student progress, systems that help us design intervention plans for students that arent learning, systems that review if the curriculum is helpful and appropriate. Systems are important, and the systems must work!Aside from the moral implications of sending public taxpayer money to unaccountable private institutions, and the doublestandard of the Reynolds administration opposing student loan relief but advocating for Education Savings Accounts, ESAs will have immediate and drastic consequences on public schools. Class sizes will grow. Schools will inevitably need to cut teachers even though the number of students has not been reduced by a full classroom. Everyone left will be hurt.We will struggle to pay the support staff that help design, implement, and monitor our earlywarning and intervention systems. Everyone who needs these systems will be hurt. Experienced, professional teachers, faced with the emotional strain of having to pick up all the slack and already at the end of their rope postpandemic, will leave the profession. The students they could have helped will be hurt. Faced with teacher shortages, schools will be forced to hire less qualified teachers even simply babysitters to monitor classrooms. The students will be hurt. Moreover, private schools are under no obligation to accept students with learning disabilities or behavior disorders or simply students they dont like. Those students will be left in public schools rendered far less able to help them, and they will be hurt. I have spoken to students and teachers in states that have implemented similar programs. These stories are not conjecture nor figments of my imagination. They have happened, and continue to hurt students.Yes, Education Savings Accounts will help a few. But the job of this state is to help EVERYONE as best they can. Instead of turning to Education Savings Accounts to help a few, turn to your public schools and ask them what they need. In fact, they already know! Pour your efforts back into public schools. Education Savings Accounts are not the solution that helps everyone. Fully funding public schools is the solution.
Mike tickal [My family]
Support public schools. Fund public schools. Do not fund anything that is not held to the high Iowa school standards.
Chad Webb [Parent ]
I just want to address legislators about my expieriences with the public school system.
Frances Mierzwa [Citizen]
I am opposed to funding allocations for nonpublic schools. The burden of accommodating for all students falls to public schools. My children are under a temporary 504 plan following surgery for a common birth defect. The public school moved seamlessly to support their return to school, while a nonprivate school could have legally excluded them for a variety of opaque reasons. Public money belongs in public schools. Thank you.
Sheila Rouse []
This bill will, totally, undermine public education. Public education is one of the cornerstones of our society. This is just so very disappointing that it is even being considered. Please vote NO.
Laura Mesz []
I am against vouchers, by any name, that take taxpayer money away from public schools. I am against vouchers, by any name, that are given to a private school without the same requirements as public schools.
Mike [None ]
Stop defunding public schools.
Anonymous [Iowa City Community School District ]
Please vote NO to private schools vouchers. If past this bill will be detrimental to public schools.
Joyce [Baker]
As a social worker committed to equity I must voice my opposition to this bill.
Craig Hobart []
This is a blatant scheme to destroy our public school system, and will dramatically exacerbate inequality in our state. In Davenport we were just forced to CLOSE THREE SCHOOLS because our district doesn't have enough funding. This will starve our cash strapped district even more, meaning the education of students will suffer, meaning they will struggle harder in life. This entrenches generational poverty. This is disgusting and the cynical politicians who introduced this bill, and the governor herself, should be ashamed of themselves. This is class warfare against the working class by the ruling elite. Shameful.
Dana Sanders [Parent and educator ]
Public dollars belong in public schools. It is simply discriminatory to pull those dollars and give more to the private schools that the rich can already afford. This will create less resources for the already struggling rural districts a.k.a. the poor kids I understand that Republicans only like the rich, but this is idiotic. There would also be no transparency and mostly no oversight on these private institutions. Private schools can discriminate, and they can say no, so further discrimination would happen against poor families and special needs children. If you are for this, you should be ashamed of yourself. If you want private school, pay for it yourself. No to this bill!
Anonymous [self]
Please do not create vouchers for schools. We need to keep public dollars in public schools to keep our schools strong.
Anonymous [R]
No to this bill. Public money goes to public schools where there is actual oversight and qualified instruction. Special needs students will be left out because private schools would take the money and still can say no to their admission. Think people. This is simply to help the rich and to try to gut education rather than help it. No!!
Anonymous []
This is the third year this administration has tried to push the school choice legislation. Iowans have resoundingly said No! to using public money for private schools, from urban to rural and across party lines. Its time the state legislature listen to Iowans instead of special interests.
Gene Burson [Independent]
The use of my taxpayer dollars is intended for funding public school districts that are available to all students in the district. If a parent wants to remove their children from their publically funded school district, then they can do so but then they should take on the extra expense for such a education on their own. Using public funds to support a private forprofit institution that is not open to all students is not a fair equitable use of tax proceeds
Anonymous []
When I was in school in the 90s Iowa public schools were among the best in the nation. The goal should be to support public schools and get back to that distinction, not take more money away from them.
Stephen Mineck [Mr. and Mrs.]
I oppose giving public monies to be used for private education, for all of the reasons stated by all opposednot needing to list again.
Denise Perez [Parent]
After the Senate call of 1/12 left me with a lot of questions. What choice will rural communities have that do not have private schools? How will busing/transportation be handled? What are we doing to address the staffing shortages we have in education right now? There are definitely things public ed could be doing better, but vouchers are throwing out the baby with the bath water.Please do not pass this legislation without addressing the very obvious gaps we currently have.
Anonymous []
Public money should go to public schools. These types of vouchers will kill rural school districts.
Rachel Bruns [n/a - parent]
Keep public money in public schools.Parents already have choice. Private schools have scholarships for lowincome families already. We have open enrollment. We have charter schools. Research shows public schools outperform private schools academically. "Studying the National Assessment of Educational Progress and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, they have found that, when controlling for demographic factors, public schools are doing a better job academically than private schools. It seems that private school students have higher scores because they come from more affluent backgrounds, not because the schools they attend are better educational institutions." husband and I could afford to send our children to private school but we choose to send them to our neighborhood public school. I don't want my taxpayer money going to other people like me that can already afford to send their kids to private school. Part of the reason my husband and I (both educated by K12 public schools in Iowa) decided to move back to Iowa was because of the quality of K12 public education. We didn't want to have to deal with the struggles we heard from friends with kids in Milwaukee, DC, Kansas City, where "school choice" meant parents had to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy to find a school that had adequate resources to educate their child, instead of being able to rely on their neighborhood school where funding had been stripped away.Please vote NO to any bill that would take public money out of public schools. Vote NO to school vouchers or scholarships which would destroy the quality of public schools in Iowa.
Diane Howland [Lifetime Iowan]
Enough with the school vouchers! Give it up Governor. I want my tax dollars to go to funding public education. Lets keep our small rural schools open and start properly funding all public education. Sending a child to a private school is an individual choice and with that choice comes the responsibility of privately paying for it too.
Aaron Grandon [Private citizen]
Im asking you to say no to private school vouchers. I believe that a well funded public education system is the best way to ensure our state will be a better place to live for the next generation.I dont support private school vouchers because directing education funding from the public school system to private schools will not benefit our state. It will only benefit those who already have chosen to send their kids to private school or those who can afford to.It will directly lower the educational quality of our public education system and in doing so indirectly increase inequality between people of different socioeconomic statuses. There are many downsides to private school vouchers, and very few upsides. This type of system has been tried in several states and failed. Please say no to private school vouchers
Brenda Smith []
I strongly support HSB1. As a taxpayer who has sent and is sending my child to a private school I would like the money I give in taxes to follow my child where we as parents decide to send them not by boundries the government or unions think. The fact that this money goes to a district rather than the child puts district above children. There are many states who already have this or something simular and their schools are thriving but more importantly the children are thriving.
Laura Riordan Berardi [none -- parent of special needs kids]
School vouchers leave behind atrisk and special needs kids.Our family was built through adoption. We adopted our kids when they were a bit older 7 and 9 and each one is challenged by a learning disability and/or developmental disability. We found ourselves scrambling at the beginning to get caught up on the ins and outs of their IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) and how best to help them be as successful as possible in school. One thing we did was to call a private school in our district that has a great reputation and small class sizes. The fact that my kids had (and still have) IEPs was a nonstarter for them. They did not accept any student with an IEP in place.We have been able to work with our public schools to get the supports in place our kids needed. I'm glad we stuck with them, but also? We didn't have a choice. Don't fool yourselves into thinking this bill gives all parents, or all students, more choice. It will just leave the most vulnerable learners behind.
Jordan Bruns []
Keep public money in public schools.Parents already have choice. Private schools have scholarships for lowincome families already. We have open enrollment. We have charter schools. Research shows public schools outperform private schools academically. "Studying the National Assessment of Educational Progress and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, they have found that, when controlling for demographic factors, public schools are doing a better job academically than private schools. It seems that private school students have higher scores because they come from more affluent backgrounds, not because the schools they attend are better educational institutions." wife and I could afford to send our children to private school but we choose to send them to our neighborhood public school. I don't want my taxpayer money going to other people like me that can already afford to send their kids to private school. Part of the reason my wife and I (both educated by K12 public schools in Iowa) decided to move back to Iowa was because of the quality of K12 public education. We didn't want to have to deal with the struggles we heard from friends with kids in Milwaukee, DC, Kansas City, where "school choice" meant parents had to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy to find a school that had adequate resources to educate their child, instead of being able to rely on their neighborhood school where funding had been stripped away.Please vote NO to any bill that would take public money out of public schools. Vote NO to school vouchers or scholarships which would destroy the quality of public schools in Iowa.
Rose Rennekamp []
Public money should support public schools!
Anonymous []
Fully fund PUBLIC schools. No vouchers!
Anonymous [None]
The answers to Iowas dropping standing in education rankings are social support programs and fully funding public schools. This program will not solve anything and is a waste of taxpayer funding.
Anonymous [Republicans Against Subsidies ]
I am a republican and I find it sickening that instead of focusing on ways to better public schools we are choosing the cowards way out and running away from them. We are masking this attack on lower economic families as parental choice when in reality we are subsidizing the wealthy. The only way this makes sense is to put an income cap on it and also allow for stricter regulation on how the money is spent.
Miriam Timmer-Hackert []
Public money should stay in public schools that take all students, even the challenging students who are blind or have difficulties learning. Many private schools are religious so are inherently exclusive of minority religions and by extension minority races.Private schools are not transparent in their spending and are not equally held accountable in legislation. Private schools already get millions in state funding 73 million in 2020 via textbooks, busing, tax credits etc. Public schools are so important to have an educated public that understands how government and economies work. We should raise our funding for public schools instead of giving some families even more tax dollars to send their kids to private schools. Again, public schools accept all students and must be supported more by our state government financially.
Anonymous []
Allowing vouchers to funnel public tax dollars into private schools will decimate public education in Iowa. We used to be known for excellence in public schools, but the continued disinvestment in public education over the past few years has caused Iowa's public education to stagnant and drop. No one is served when public schools lack excellence and rigor.Please do not put the last nail in the coffin of Iowa's once proudly excellent public education system we all will pay the price.
Keith Stein [PV Live Free]
Father of three coming to speak in favor.
Patricia Kell []
As a former rural student, I know how those schools struggle already and how much more harm will be done to our rural students if we move public money to private (often for profit) entities. I'm also a parent of a special needs student who has benefited greatly from the support and inclusion that is required by our public school system. My son struggled in his early years but because of the additional support and help he received through his DMPS he's flourished. He's an 8th grader who also takes classes at Central Academy, placed 1st in Math and Literature for 2022 State Pentathlon, and scores in the top 3% nationally for math. More importantly than academics, his school made sure his soft skills (another struggle) were addressed and he has an active social life, enjoys soccer and track, helping fellow students in class, and volunteering in the community. We had to make financial sacrifices to make sure we could afford the help he needed in those early years it would not have been doable without the programs and support he got through his public school that we didn't have to pay for additionally. And without the solid foundation and support provided by DMPS he wouldn't be the thriving teen who loves learning he is now
Anonymous [100 Grannies]
There should be no programs to promote public money for private education. Our family chose private high school education for our 3 children. That is a personal, family decision. Government is to provide the most assistance to the PUBLIC including those with special mental, physical and emotional needs. Nothing should interfere with that pledge.
Mike McCarthy [Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans]
When I go online and buy a blue sweater, I expect a blue sweater to arrive at my door.If I instead get a package with white shirts, I know something is wrong.This is how I interpret Iowa School Vouchers. My taxes are paid to support PUBLIC goods and services. When my tax dollars are diverted to another purpose that I did not intend or support, I know something is wrong.School vouchers should be declared illegal because they use funds meant for something else. That also makes them immoral, as in stealing.
Shelley B Pimlott [BCDCC]
As a public school employee and a public school graduate I believe it is time to fully fond our public schools. To make Iowa #1 in education like when I grew up. Living in rural there are not private school options for our community. Instead, of taking money away from our rural schools, invest in them!
Anonymous [Bettendorf Community School DIstrict]
Funding private and/or religious schools should not be considered. The "leveling the playing field" argument is totally absurd. Truly "Leveling the playing field" would be to REQUIRE any private/religious school who accepts state funds to also be held accountable to ALL of the same standards that public schools are held with no excuses or exceptions.
Jan Grenko Lehman [Teacher]
I am strongly opposed to this bill. Public funds need to go to public schools. Public schools have been under funded for years, no allowable growth in funding. This bill does not benefit ALL students, just a select few. Private schools do not have to accept students with disabilities while public schools accept ALL students and teach ALL students. Private schools have no accountability as far as Iowa Standards or Iowa Core Curriculum. NO vouchers!
Sister Mary Rehmann [Congregation of the Humility of Mary]
I believe these vouchers violate the 1st amendment of the US Constitution in that they are a form of public $$ being used for private purposes. This year's effort is worse than ever in that there is no limit to household income for eligibility.
Anonymous [VMCSD Board of Education]
Public school funding needs to remain PUBLIC school funding. Reallocating resources from public schools to a voucher program or to private schools is detrimental to the ongoing improvement and success of the Iowa Public School System. The negative impact this will have on students, staff and administrators will place undue burdens on the State of Iowa for years to come. Please do not sabotage Public Education.
Anonymous []
Please vote NO VOUCHERS. Our tax dollars should only be spent on public schools and education! Also, the procedures used to implement this Ill advised voucher plan are extremely susceptible to fraud. And, a lot of extra tax dollars would need to be spent to monitor the money that would be dispersed. Please keep education tax dollars ONLY for public schools! Thank you.
Matt McKee []
Education Savings accounts are wrong for our students, and wrong for our state. Vote no on this bill.
Patricia Hanick [Iowa resident and taxpayer]
As a taxpayer in Iowa, I am opposed to Gov. Reynolds diverting my tax dollars from funding free and public education to increasing school choice options. I strongly believe that public money must only be used to fund public services. To funnel public dollars into private schools is a betrayal of the basic agreement between the state and its taxpayers. I implore you to reject this plan to further diminish Iowa's public schools.
Sebastien Porsenna []
It shouldn't matter where children go to school if parent's pay taxes in Iowa, and they want their children to be educated in private schools in Iowa, it's the moral thing to do for their representatives to approve giving them back some of their tax dollars to use towards their children's private school education, if the goal is the child being educated it shouldn't matter what the name on the building is or what the entity doing the educating is, it's the result of that child being educated that should matter.I support choice education and school vouchers for parent's because there's nothing more important than the influence parent's are going to have on their own kids, and the entity's they want educating them.
Anonymous []
Please vote NO VOUCHERS. Our tax dollars should only be spent on public schools and education! Also, the procedures used to implement this Ill advised voucher plan are extremely susceptible to fraud. And, a lot of extra tax dollars would need to be spent to monitor the money that would be dispersed. Please keep education tax dollars ONLY for public schools! Thank you.
Anonymous [None]
Any school recieving public funds should accept all students. If the school is accepting public dollars they should be required to follow the Iowa standards indicated in statute. Instructors need to be qualified in the area of instruction and the institution should be required to teach the required amount of classes to be certified as the public schools. These schools should also be required to employ the required staff to be a certified school as a public school so the students do not get short changed. The private school should also be under the same obligation as public schools are in the obligation of student evaluation and in the same time allocation. Special Education services, Title I, Physical ed., and all other special classes taught in public schools need to be taught in private school and taught by those personnel who hold correct certification.
Whitney Free [n/a]
Public dollars need to go to public education. Unlike private schools, public schools are required to admit and serve all students. This legislation would divert taxpayer dollars to nonpublic schools, which are not required to adhere to this principle of equity.Available resources should go to support the most students. The 2023 voucher proposal would cost more than $100 million the first year, leaving out large portions of our student population. At a time when our public schools are facing unprecedented challenges, available resources should go to support the more than 485,000 public school students in all 99 counties.Taxpayer dollars should require accountability and transparency. Nonpublic schools are not held to the same standard as public schools. The absence of public accountability for taxpayer dollars could contribute to waste and fraud of taxpayer dollars.Vouchers dont offer parents a real choice. Private schools pick and choose who they admit. Public schools accept ALL students.Almost 75% of public schools are in rural areas with little to no access to private schools. Most families will be excluded from participating in a voucher program.Rural Iowans without a private school option will pay for urban students to go to private school.Locally elected citizen volunteers oversee our public schools and represent the communitys voice. Private schools are governed by selfappointed boards of trustees with no public oversight over how public money would be spent.Vouchers pull critical resources from public schools, which educate more than 90% of students and put money into private schools which can pick and choose who they want to admit.Public schools are accountable and transparent to the parents and community they serve. Private schools do not have the same state mandated requirements for accountability and transparency.Students in public schools are achieving more than ever with competitive course offerings, earning college credits, and gaining valuable work experience and technical training . Iowa is home to some of the best public schools in the country.
Anonymous []
I am helping fund my nephew's education in Catholic schools and do not trust the department of education or government to allow Catholic education to stay focused on the childrens spiritual growth and belief in Jesus Chist as our Savior. I'm worried the State will start dictating what is taught and will want to take God out of the Catholic schools, just like what has happened in public schools. I'd love more funding for Catholic/ private education but I will never trust the Government to handle this properly. So I do not support this. If is does pass the Catholic faith will become beholden too and have to answer to "Ceasar" instead of the Lord. This will give even more control to the department of education and the govenrment. Just Say NO.
Anonymous []
Hello! I'm lucky enough to have grown up in Iowa Public School System. We were the best in the country, and when I entered college, I was ahead of many of my peers. I never take that for granted. I'm concerned about the voucher system, and what that means for already limited funding to our amazing public schools. Specifically, I feel like the system leaves out many Iowans, including those in the 42 counties that don't have private schools, as well as children with learning disabilities who can be denied access to private schools. We owe it to ALL children in Iowa that they get the education they deserve. Iowa has a proud history of public education, and we should be working hard to maintain that, and not strip it away. My tax dollars should go to public spaces, not private ones that can turn down those with disabilities. That doesn't seem right.
Mary Corsair [Warren County Democrats]
I am very concerned that the money given to these private school vouchers will be taking from the poor and giving to the rich. I would prefer the amount be less and based on need, rather than given to all, equally. I would like to see a level of accou tability to make sure the education is adequate, whether private or public. I want to be assured that there won't be resulting cuts to public school districts especially in smaller rural districts where they don't have the same tax base that wealthiersuburban districts do, and that we are not advantage those students who have access to private school choice OVER those in rural areas who have no choice.
Ron Nelson [self]
This bill would discriminate against low income, minority, and rural children. Private schools would not accept children who cannot fully pay for their education and private schools are not an option for many rural Iowans. Any tuition assistance for private schools should come from private sources and we should use public tax dollars to support public schools. We should be putting more state funding into public schools, not taking money away from them.
Phyllis Black [Progress owa]
NO NO NO!!!! No tax dollars to support private schools. Use tax dollars to improve public schools. Iowa needs to spend more on public schools to gain back what we have lost in the last 4 years. Iowa previously was in the top 10 of rating of schools, now 24th. Why no concern about the drop in rating???
Lisa Martincik [Citizen]
This choice requires all to pay but does not include all students, and private schools are NOT available or accessible in nearly half of Iowa counties. Rural areas especially will suffer. Let the public pay for public good.
Barbara Fuller [Self]
Parents ALREADY have a choice as to where their children go to school. Its either public schools OR private schools. If they choose not to send their children to a public school, THEY need to pay the tuition. Some private schools have scholarships, take advantage of that if its not affordable for them. Our daughter had a choice of attending a state or a private university that specialized in her major. She chose the private university that cost much more, but we didnt complain and expect tax dollars to make up the difference. The same goes for k12!Public schools accept everyone. Private schools can pick and choose who they enroll. Some counties have no private school to send their children yet their tax dollars would be used counties away from them to the detriment of their school district.Vouchers will be the nail in the coffin of public schools in Iowa. Unfortunately, a goal of Gov Reynolds and her party!
George Randolph []
100% OPPOSED to a school voucher program!!
Anonymous []
Please do not pass HSB1 for funding vouchers for private schools. Iowa public schools have suffered for years due to funding issues. There are many inequities in funding for public schools now that have never been resolved, Davenport Community Schools receive $7,048 per student and Pleasant Valley Schools, a town just 20 minutes away from Davenport receives $7,161 per student. Education funding is complicated, give the inequity situation and this bill the time and research needed to make a fact and need based decision. You are discriminating against schools in lowincome areas with the funding you have now, this will only get worse if you fund voucher programs. In the 1990s Iowa was ranked in the top five in reading and math scores on the National Assessment of Educations Progress Test, by 2019 Iowa has fallen to the middle of these rankings. Funding has a direct impact on success of our schools, if you move funding to support vouchers you will take away from the already underfunded schools. Use the voucher money to help public schools instead. Public schools will never reject a student's application for enrollment, like a private school will. Public schools offer diverse and inclusive learning opportunities for all. Public schools do the best they can with their limited resources, even with limited funding, they are still able to offer far more programs and extracurricular opportunities than private schools can. Iowa is falling behind when it comes to how much the state spends to educate each student. According to the National Center for Education statistics, Iowa spent more per pupil than the national average in the 1970s and 1980s. But by 2018 2019 Iowa was $1,254 per student below the national average for funding per pupil. How can you even consider spending money on vouchers when you cannot support your public school appropriately? Many rural areas do not have private school options, how will you support that and not discriminate against them? There are wonderful public school options to all families everywhere in Iowa. If a family chooses to attend private schools, so be it, but they should pay for this choice. If I choose to attend Notre Dame versus the University of Iowa that is my choice, and I should support that decision financially. Please do not use taxpayer dollars to fund vouchers, use that money for public schools. Please listen to your constituents. Please take the time to research the impacts to this bill. The students and staff of the public schools in Iowa deserve better, please support them, listen to their concerns and consider the very negative impacts this bill will have. My tax dollars should not support private schools. Please vote NO to HSB1.
Dr. Fred Maharry [None]
I am a retired school superintendent and strongly oppose vouchers because they will harm many more students than they will help. I look forward to explaining my concerns on Tuesday. Thank you!
Donna Paup [Citizen]
I am against vouchers for private schools. Public dollars need to go for public educationperiod. At a time our public schools are struggling, it seems unthinkable to take any tax dollars from them and give them to private schools. Non public schools are not mandated with the same standards as public schools. There is no monetary accountability, they are free to turn down any student who does meet their standard.
Anonymous []
If we are able to use taxes to fund for profit private schools (many of which are Christian) that can teach what they want, with no oversight, makes no sense at all. We should keep the schools the way they are and FULLY FUND them. We need to stop hoarding the taxes and use them for what they were intended. We voted for a lottery with the understanding that the FUNDS WOULD BE USED FOR OUR SCHOOLS and now it goes in the general fund. We should have the best schools in the nation and yet the state holds up fully funding them for what reason? We have neglected to fully fund our schools so we would have a surplus in front of the election and then use those surplus funds to fund private schools. If Christian schools receive funds from the state, then they should start paying taxes as a for profit company.
Nancy Attey [Iowa Resident - No organization affiliation ]
I am an Iowa resident with a long history of parent/grandparent involvement and supporter of public education. My comments will be directed to potential harm to Iowa public education and other data gathered from personal research into credible public information sources.Contact Information:PH 5159912211Email
Nikolas Nartowicz [Americans United for Separation of Church and State]
On behalf of the Iowa members and supporters of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, I urge you to oppose HSB 1, which would create an education savings account (ESA) programalso known as a private school voucherthat would fund private school education. This bill should be rejected because vouchers dont work, lack important accountability measures, fail to serve rural students, fund discrimination, and violate religious freedom. Public dollars should fund public schools, which serve nearly 90% of Americas schoolchildren.
Deborah K Miller []
Our public schools need to be fully funding, which includes funding for inflation. Shifting funds from public schools to private schools will only hurt our public schools. If private schools do receive vouchers, they should be subject to oversight by the state and held accountable as our public schools are. Private schools should be required to accept any and all students, even those with disabilities or other disadvantages, if they are willing to accept vouchers from the state of Iowa. Giving money to private schools without oversight and letting them pick and choose which students to accept provides the private schools with too much of an advantage over public schools.
Anonymous []
I am a proud alumna of private schooling here in Iowa. My parents sacrificed to send me to K12 private school, a choice they made. I acknowledge the sacrifice of similar families out there making the same choice for their children. But as a mother of a special needs child, I implore the Iowa Legislature to recognize that many families do not have the benefit of choice. My child has benefited from public education and services through his IEP that he would not receive through a private education. This bill will ultimately reduce funding and support for special education services such as specialized transportation, classroom associates, and post graduation programs that help these children and young adults be successful. Some families arent given a choice and so we rely on publicly funded education. Please, dont make a hard journey for vulnerable children and families harder. Dont put politics over people.
Linda McGuire [none]
Public money for public schools! Public schools are a building block of democracy!
Dr. Kent Boyer []
Public money belongs in public schools. If I choose to send my child to a private school, I should pay out of my pocket for that. In many Iowa communities, the public schools are the center of the community and we should be strengthening that rather than taking money from them.
Jamie Kreuger [Retired NEA]
As a former teacher American democracy has always depended on a strong public education. It was so important that during colonial days states like Massachusetts funded public education. When I moved to Iowa as a teen the Iowa public education system was touted as pne of the finest on the nation. Would that still be the same today? Iowa students need a strong public education system to meet the challenges of the 22st century.
Angela Ward []
All students should have the same opportunities to learn and this includes LGBTQ students, but they often struggle with bullying, harassment, and being told they dont belong. These bills will only add to their fear and isolation. Suicides and mental health problems can be prevented if we treat all of our children as human beings which these bills do not propose we do. Can you imagine your child being treated this way?Please vote "no" on HF8 and HF9.
Carlee Smith []
will comment in person
Dee Bosold []
Children need to be treated as the person they really are. When a child tells you their gender, the child is correct by definition. When any human expresses their gender, it is because that human needs to express their gender. Telling someone that their needs are not real, or that those needs are only a problem, is a completely unnecessary form of abuse. I use she/her pronouns, and I expect everyone to use the pronouns I give. It is abusive for educators to tell any child what gender or orientation the child should have.
Kathleen Janz []
I am opposed to vouchers for private schools. It will hurt funding to are already underfunded rural schools.
Kylie Sampson Schipper [Ballard Community Schools]
Vote no for this voucher bill. It will negatively impact our public schools. Our public schools need your support, not for you to widen the gap between the richest students and the poorest students. You are setting up our public schools to fail by taking money that is meant for PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!! Do better!!
Anonymous []
Iowa used to have some of the best public education in the country and nils like this will only further the decline of Iowa public schools that have occurred in the last several years. We need to support our public schools so young Iowans want to continue to live here once they grow up and start to raise families. Without continuing strong public education Iowa will only continue to have brain drain and declining population as those who value good public education will continue to leave the state.
Anonymous []
Public money should go to public schools. It's as simple as that. Parents can already choose other options for their children's education if they wish, but we as taxpayers are not obligated to financially support that. This looks like a way to throw money at private religious education to win political points and give breaks to many parents who are already financially able to cover their fees. And that's not even addressing how much it will cost every year! Public money should go to public schools.
Mary R Rittgers []
As mother of three and grandmother of five, I am AGAINST VOUCHERS. Adamantly.I attended Catholic schools here in Des Moines. By babysitting then working at Hy Vee, I paid my tuition.Vouchers are a Horrible Idea.Sincerely,Mary R Rittgers
Sheila Rusk []
Let's support our public schools and make Iowa, once again a leader in education. This voucher system is not a good idea for the children in Iowa. Let's make our public schools stronger, not weaker.
Deborah Johnson []
I am strongly opposed to HSB1 and wish to go on record to that effect. The vast majority of the children in Iowa live in rural areas where there is no access to private schools. Iowa taxpayer dollars are intended for public education and that's how it should be. Anyone who wishes to send their child to a private school can find a way to do so through any number of avenues. I want my grandchildren to receive the great Iowa public school education that I received which is not as likely to happen when you siphon away money for private schools. I know this is high priority for Governor Reynolds and the Republican dominated statehouse wants to follow her but this idea is simply not in the best interest of the majority of Iowa children.
Jon Ryk [Mr.]
Vouchers are just a way to backdoor privatization of our school system by siphoning money away from the already underfunded public schools. Furthermore, it endangers students as the private schools are not covered by the same regulations as public schools.
Rhonda Berhow []
This is an obvious attempt to put money in Governor Reynolds' pockets and the pockets of her friends who own or want to build Private Schools. There is no sane reason to take money away from Public Education for already wealthy Private schools. What Iowa needs is to put funds into our Public Schools, so that they are all excellent schools, by anyone's opinion, even Governor Reynolds, who apparently despises Public School. We need to FUND our Public Schools with our PUBLIC tax dollars. Anyone who votes for this is a 1 term legislator.
Anonymous []
No Vouchers. NONE. Fund public schools adequately and no one will worry about sending their kids to private schools unless they have a special religious reason to do so. And then, paying for private school should be on them.
Elizabeth Harris []
As an employee in a rural Iowa School District, I plead with you to vote against vouchers. You are not helping students with these savings accounts and you will cripple rural communities. Please consider this when youre voting for or against this sham. Most Iowans are against this. I personally vote in elections with my job at the forefront and my disabled husband a close second.
Anonymous [Retired]
If this bill does not unilaterally and equally support all students, I do not want my tax dollars used.Do not lie to me, talk the truth.
Julienne Friday [None]
I am unalterably opposed to diverting funds designated for public schools to private entities. It depletes resources from rural communities which are already insufficiently funded. I am an educator and our best and brightest students are leaving Iowa for neighboring states because of salary considerations. This is a brain drain we can't afford to lose. This is also violating a basic constitutional tenet of the separation of church and state.
Sheryl Jensen []
92% of our school children attend public schools. Lawmakers must provide adequate public funds to meet the needs of students in public schools rural and urban and not divert limited public taxpayer dollars to private schools.Public schools are a key part of our communities. Taking away public funds from public schools will place communities especially rural and smaller districts in harms way.
Barbara Rhame []
I am a retired elementary school teacher. I taught for many years in buildings where children came to school hungry. You all are going to try to tell me that taking away money from schools like the one in which I taught is a good thing? You are trying to do a very bad thing,rewarding wealthy white Iowans and narrow minded Christians who home school and are under not subjected to the strict oversight and control that covers all public schools. This lack of oversight is increased under your bill and will be magnified under your plan. You will see Iowa drop even further in national rankings. No One will want to move to Iowa.
Dee Vandeventer []
The Governors voucher program is fundamentally unfair to most Iowa kids, especially in rural areas. Heres why:75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private schools, leaving those kids with no choice at all.134 schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures in rural areas. Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want.Millionaires in Des Moines would get $100,000 of our tax dollars to send their kids to private school.62% of Iowan are opposed to vouchers. The governor need not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars funded by billionaires in NY and FL to convince us otherwise. Parents already have choices. Public dollars should only be used for public, not private, schools.
Marlys Jones []
Tax dollars must stay in public schools. Great need to improve them vs degrading
Roger Moore []
No vouchers or no public money for private schools in any way
Robert Baudino [Citizen]
I oppose passage of the school voucher bill. Iowa tax payers fund Iowa public schools not private citizens wanting funding for private school enrollment. Iowa public schools need all available State support. The voucher bill will divert critical funding for public schools and harm our public schools.
Laurie Siddall []
I want to express opposition to the proposed school voucher bill. Public funds do not not belong in private schools. Iowa public schools need and deserve all the public funding our state can provide. Private schools are not held to the same standards public schools are, and are not required to serve EVERY STUDENT. Private school is just that private, and must be paid for with private funds.
Anonymous []
If people want to send their child to private school, then they need to pay the additional money for making that CHOICE! Do NOT use MY public funds for PRIVATE schools. I strongly disagree with the Governor on this topic, and I want her to stop being an activist governor with her pet projects. That's not what most Iowans want. Just ask us!!Disgusting...
Jill Sudak-Allison []
Vouchers are a terrible idea. A meta analysis conducted on voucher programs in Louisiana, Indiana, Ohio and DC found the use of school vouchersis equivalent to missing out on more than onethird of a year of classroom learning or missing 68 days of learning. Students attending participating voucher schools performed significantly worse than their peers in public schoolsespecially in math. The authors point to one of the reasons private voucher schools students perform so poorly even with the billions of dollars spent on them is due to these schools offering 65.5 minutes less per week in reading instruction and 48.3 minutes less per week in math. With each additional year students are enrolled in private voucher schools, they lose more instruction time.
Florence S. Boos [not speaking on behalf of an organization]
I strongly oppose this shortsighted bill. We need all the money for public schools we can get. Even more important, we need to make public schools a place for all children to receive an excellent education, encouraging democratic and egalitarian rather than divisive principles. Many areas, especially less populated ones, would suffer economically from this bill. Worse, the private schools would siphon off children without problems, leaving the public schools to cope with a higher proportion of children with disabilities. And finally, there doesn't seem a sufficient mechanism to prevent these alternate schools from providing a less than adequate education, and from siphoning off money.
Edward Allen McAtee [None]
This is a terrible idea and only serves to hurt public education in Iowa. Its also a way to circumvent freedom of religion by funneling tax dollars to religious organizations. Private schools should not exist and we should be putting more money into our public schools, not creating windfalls for churches. If rich people want to send their kids to their own school then they should do so at their own expense. My tax dollars are for the public interest, not private and certainly not to supplement religious organizations. Please vote against this terrible initiative.
Anonymous [None]
I was educated in private schools and my children attended private schools but I am opposed to spending tax money on private school tuition. Public schools offer the best path for a successful life and have provided really good educational and whole child wellbeing services for decades. We had a difficult choice leaving my youngest in private school when service for learning disabled children were not as robust as our local public school.
Justin Goarcke []
Iowa has long been noted for its strong, comprehensive public schools. Jeopardizing this system of education system is not only shortsighted but damaging.
Teresa Kitchen []
Public money belongs in public schools!
Julia Rotach [Private citizen]
Public tax money should only go to public schools.Only 42 of Iowas 99 counties have a private school. 2% of students would cash in while 485,000 students in public schools will lose resources.The real state budget numbers are astounding, with the year one total impact being around $150 million and the year three and beyond impact being over $300 million per year. Where will that money come from?
Cindy Smith []
No to school vouchers! Dangerous and bad idea. Keep public monies in public schools only. We went out children to parochial schools and am glad to fully support public schools. Another disastrous idea from Kim. She needs to go.
Mary Briles [Retired Office Manager for DMPS]
I worked for DMPS for 22 years. I saw many children thrive in the public school setting. To send their children to private schools is a parents choice. Property tax supports public schools and should not be available for private schools. Public schools have to accept everyone. Private schools can be choosy. They dont have to accept learning disabilities or minority children. DMPS has many cultures and foreign born children who dont speak English. Private schools dont have to accept these children. Private schools and home schooled dont have the same restrictions that public schools have. All of our legislators know this and yet they are leaning towards vouchers. How unfair to the rural schools. I am 85 years old and I think it should be put to a vote to the people. I dont know anyone who is for this except the people that send their children to private schools or home school their children. I am very much against vouchers in fairness to ALL!
Anonymous [Retired]
If this bill does not unilaterally and equally support all students, I do not want my tax dollars used.Do not lie to me, talk the truth.
kerry loge []
I am a retired school teacher. I have been so proud of my profession my entitre life. We ranked in the top 5 nation wide until about 10 years ago and have slid to being average at 25th. These voucher's go through it will slid farther. Please do jot vote to give my public dollars to schools that do not have to educate everyone or to parents that say they are home schooling.
Kim Stewart [None]
This voucher program is only going to make the Dsm public worse than are. It wont benefit every student in Iowa . What about the students that have learning disabilities or the LGBTQ Students.
Dr. Darlene Fett [Retired educator]
I have taught 46 years at every grade level from K through graduate university education courses. I have taught teacher prep courses and observed student teachers/mentored for 21 of those 46 years. I have taught in rural and urban Iowa schools, and also have administration experience. I grew up in rural Iowa and attended both private and public Iowa universities. I have seen firsthand the great teaching in Iowa public school classrooms. We have outstanding teachers in our Iowa public schools. They simply need more positive support for the work they do. Public money must be spent on public schools. Parents already have school choice. Teachers welcome parents and legislators to observe their classrooms I wonder how many have actually sat in the classrooms while teaching is occurring (not just touring the school) and/or talked to the teachers if they have concerns!! In my professional opinion, vouchers for private schools attendance is not the solution to Iowa's education issues. Positively supporting public school teachers and schools with public dollars will better serve the majority of ALL our Iowa students!
Darlene M Schaaf []
What ever happened with separation of church and state?? If this goes into effect, I would think Reynolds could be sued. If public money can be used to fund regions schools that is not separation of church and state. As a tax payer I really don't want to fund Wahlert High School, Columbus, High Schhol because I am not Catholic, I am Evangelical.Funding private schools will destroy public education. Rural schools will be hurt the mostWhy does Governor Reynolds want to do this? Are outside interest motivating her? In other words does she have a particular political group that donates large sums of money to her campaign? This needs to be looked into.
Patricia Godwin []
I am unalterably opposed to vouchers where public money is diverted to private schools.
Ric Jones []
I vehemently oppose any public money being spent on church sponsored schools. We HAD a great public education system in Iowa and can have again with investment to keep up to the times.I will happily pay more to achieve that, but don't expect me to pay for religious education for other people's kids.
Beth Lauterbach []
Public Taxes should go to Public Schools. Private schools are private because they are more selective about who they serve. You already have a right to make that choice, and to seek private funding for that option. Public Schools have standards established to meet the needs of anyone and everyone who comes to their door. Standards are established for certification of those providing the education, for the curriculum, for the rigorous, effective means to deliver to students with a wide range of needs physically, academically, and emotionally. If you choose to support a private school, you have that right, in addition to paying your fair share of taxes. It is a choice. Taking funding from Public Schools to support private schools should not even be a thought, especially in Iowa, a place that people from all over the world used to look at us as the gold standard. Support Public Taxes used for Public Schools; support Iowa citizens.
Nancy L Hoelzen [Burlington Comm. School Board of Educacation]
Public funds should only be used for Public Schools.There is less than 25% of students who have the choice of private schools in Iowa. Taking money from public education creates a system that is not equitable.
Elaine Winchell [self]
I'd like to know how this will benefit EVERY school aged child, at all times, in the State of Iowa. I would also like to know how students are going to be selected to attend a private school with a voucher. Who oversees the curriculum of private schools? Those are just a few questions I have regarding the school vouchers. Public tax money belongs in Public schools. This public money is absolutely needed in all public schools to allow them to strengthen their curriculum and student school organizations in order for the total education experience to get back into the top 10 of the nation. Singling out a small portion of children isn't going to help in the long term. Our public schools will die out without needed funding. That is not acceptable. If anyone really wants to know the will of the people of the State of Iowa I would suggest there be a vote on this topic.
Steven D. Hayward [none]
I am absolutely opposed to this misguided bill. It is categorically unfair, especially to rural areas. It will be a means to create a twoclass system. The public school system currently in place is designed to provide education to all children, roughly equally. This proposal will provide a good education to the wealthy urban children; and leave the crumbs for the rest. I do not want my tax money to go to private schools, or the fraudulent charter schools. I want it to support public education and nothing else.
walter d hilpipre jr [Personal ]
I do not want taxpayer money used to fund private schools
William Brown []
I oppose this bill. This bill does nothing for public education. Public money should not be used for private or religious schools. This bill only hurts education when public schools are struggling to make ends meet.
Anonymous [None]
Not in favor of the 'education savings account' that will take money away from the public school systems.
Rev Rich Hendricks [MCC of the Quad Cities]
Our public schools in Iowa are dying. They are inadequately funded and we face a teacher shortage. All of this and more will be exacerbated by this bill. People can send their kids to private schools if they wish and if they can pay for it. Seems to me this is like a cherished ideal of conservatives free markets and all. And you have the gall to propose allowing funding these private schools with our public money?Are the private schools in trouble? If so, why are they a better candidate for public school funds? If private schools are not in trouble, then there is no need for this bill either.The truth is that the proponents are not looking to help disadvantaged students, but looking to further weaken public schools. I am adamantly and forever opposed to my public tax dollars being used for private schools that promote theology and teaching that says I really don't exist because "there's no such thing as gay."People have a right to believe as they choose but they should never have the right to fund their particular religious beliefs with public tax dollars.Lovingly,Rev. Rich Hendricks gay and proud and tired of hypocrisy.
Anonymous []
I live on the west bank of the Shell Rock River. The nearest public bridge is several miles up stream quite the inconvenience. I'm asking for Iowa taxpayers to build me a new private bridge from my driveway to the town on the other side. Oh, and only I can determine who gets to use it.
Anonymous []
Good evening, members of the Education Legislative Committe Members,We recently saw a commercial in which our governor pushed the voucher program. As someone who has public school teachers in her family and someone who graduated from public school, I strongly oppose this program. Overwhelmingly, Iowans oppose this program. Rather than funnel money into religious education, which often indoctrinates children into dangerous belief systems, public money belongs in public school. As an atheist, I refuse to let my tax dollars pay for children to be taught in a religious setting.My husband is a teacher in Fort Dodge. He increasingly has to purchase his own supplies for his classroom because our schools are so grossly underfunded. Iowa now ranks dangerously low in public education. Our schools are not being funded as they should, all do to this misguided voucher program. If parents value a religious education, they can apply for scholarships or other assistance to pay for it. But as a taxpayer and someone who has public school teachers and students in her family, I refuse to let my tax dollars go to this dangerous program. It is misguided and wrong and I will not support it.I know that we differ greatly in our beliefs. I do not support the most recent Republican agenda to endanger our public schools, our LGBTQ+ students, or any other programs. But on this, I hope we see eyetoeye. Vouchers will harm our public schools and eventually, we will not have a public school system left. And again, as an atheist, I will not pay for students' indoctrination into religious education. I hope you can assure me that you will oppose the voucher program. The public school system is depending on increased funding, not this dangerous, misguided program. Our governor has already gutted our publicschool funding and this program will further that agenda. I hope I can count on you to oppose this program. Public money is for public schools. I will not pay for students to attend expensive religious schools. I will not do it. My money belongs in secular public schools.Overall, the Republican agenda this year is dangerous and repugnant. I hope things change in the House and Senate but have little hope for that. Public schools should be places where real history is taught, parents can teach, funding is provided, and LGBTQ+ students can safely come out to their teachers without be outed to their parents.Again, please assure me you will oppose vouchers and the majority of the Republican agenda. After all, you are there to represent Webster County, and there are more public schools than private schools in our county. Those public schools should be funded at 100% and that money should never be diverted to religious and private education.Thank you for opposing vouchers.
Anonymous []
Keep our money in the public schools. There are already tax breaks for people who can afford to use private schools. Whether democrat or republican, I dont know a single parent, teacher, or therapist in Iowa interested in supporting vouchers. You are trying to force your beliefs on constituents who do not agree. Listen to our voices!
Anonymous []
This voucher program is not good for Iowa and our public schools. This is a way for special interest groups to steal school funds without accountability.We need to focus on strengthening our public schools.
Anonymous []
Worst idea I've ever heard of. Our public schools have to accept all students, including those with disablilities, have to provide transportation, use licensed teachers and background checks for all employees, administer standardized tests, are governed by publicly elected school board members with all meetings open to the public. Private schools do not have to do any of these things. They can pick and choose who they admit, and God only knows what they may or may not teach, as there is no oversight. We need more money for our public schools, and certainly don't need to be giving money to schools where there is no accountablility.
Keeley Carter []
Do not give our tax dollars to private schools!
Mary Benton [None]
Vouchers do not benefit every student in Iowa. Private schools do not offer classes for special needs students. Nor does Iowa have private schools in rural districts. Does this mean that the State is promoting religious schools over public schools?Good, strong and progressive public schools attract and retain families.They are a financial benefit to the State's future.They attract big businesses and great jobs.Maybe, Republican majority and the governor want Iowa to become a stagnate State. Where young people leave Iowa to raise their families. I don't.Years ago, when I mentioned I grew up in Iowa, public school system was praised as the best in the United States. If you love Iowa and want the State to thrive, invest in public school system.
Jaclyn Epperson []
Public money belongs in public school! Stop destroying our education system!
George A Herman []
The intent and the consequences of enacting such legislation would be devastating to our already underfunded public schools. How and where would the vast majority of students in rural Iowa use those vouchers? They couldnt, because there are no private schools in most of Iowas rural areas. So Idaho taxpayers would find themselves subsidizing private schools in urban areas of the state, further diminishing the already limited education dollars the state allocates to its mostly rural public schools. Furthermore, any private school that uses public funds needs to be held to the same standards and accountability as public schools. That includes student acceptance, special needs student accommodations, and transparency of curriculum and use of funds.
Anonymous []
This will destroy our public school system.
Emily Bush []
I do NOT want my money going to private schools. Public schools admit all students. Private schools do not. Kids with special education needs will be left behind. Private schools do not have to follow the same standards as private schools. There should be accountability and transparency for my tax dollars. I 100% oppose even 1 cent of my money going to private schools.
Anonymous []
I do not believe my tax payer money should be used/given to private individuals to use for school vouchers or supplies or any other purpose other than a public school. Public schools should also be funded at 2% above the average annual cost of living as this is the future for Iowa. The Republican controlled legislature/governor have not fully funded public education regardless of how you word it for many years.
Karen Hanson []
Parents have always had the choice to utilize public, private or home school. Most Iowans choose public schools and many times private/parochial and home schools collaborate with public svhools to better serve all students. We must fund our public schools. We need to get Iowa back to #1 in education. More money to public schools means better pay for teachers, more teachers, smaller classes, updated technology and classrooms, more experiences available for students, expanded curriculum and more. Our world is changing. Our schools must adapt to meet those changes. The dollars belong where all students can get the education they are entitled to, and that means making our public schools the best they can be.
Anonymous [None]
I believe that private vouchers are a joke. Taking money away from the public school system is stupid. Pretending that you are giving a person a choice is not trueful you are giving the rich another tax break at my expense and I absolutely do not want my taxes to go to supporting vouchers for non=public schools. If a person does not like the public school, they are assigned to they can transfer to another school they do it all of the time in Waterloo/Cedar Falls. I also do not believe that we should be supporting church schools which are the number one nonpublic school system in Iowa. My taxes have been increasing for years to build new public schools in Cedar Falls and I will not be happy that you are using my tax dollars to pay for private school vouchers with all of the publicschool systems we have in Cedar Falls.
Hannah McMains []
Public dollars belong in public schools
Anonymous [None]
I DO NOT support this bill! NO VOUCHERS!!
Jean Schilling [Central Springs Community School District]
As a rural school district school board director, I can tell you we are already stretched thin to provide our basic services for students. Budget cuts have happened during the past two school years already due to inflation. By diverting funds out of public schools, more budget cuts will follow. Those cuts will soon be deep enough to directly decrease student services and students will suffer.One family with 4 students could divert out enough funds greater than the annual wage of a para educator.I am also tasked with oversight of the taxpayer funds that are entrusted to our public school. We already disburse funds for documented mileage for private school families. What documentation will there be for the oversight of how are public taxpayer dollars are being spent? How can I perform due diligence on expenses at private schools?I am a fifth generation Iowan. My great grandfather was an Iowa Public school board member also. We have always paid our taxes knowing it was an investment in building a better Iowa. Iowans need to invest in our PUBLIC schools to build a better Iowa for all of us.Educational savings accounts or vouchers that divert money away from public schools will erode our public schools ability to serve all Iowans.
Elizabeth Brennan []
ALL schools receiving public money must have the same rules. I do not want my tax dollars paying for a private education that is not following the same guidelines as our great public schools.
Candy Anderson []
I feel this is a violation of separation of church and state. I do not feel that my tax dollars should go to teach religion. Since most private schools are religious based any funds received from vouchers used to pay tuition would be used to pay teachers at the school some of which would be teaching religion classes ( not talking about the types of religions around the world but the religion the school is associated with) Also would certain parts of science that did not agree with the religions teachings be deleted from the curriculum? These are just some of my concerns. I feel we have a good public school system in Iowa why change it? Why take funds away from our schools? Many of our parents do not wish to have their kids taught religion, or feel they should leave religion to the churches. Many kids do not live in an area where they could send a kid to private school if they wanted to. Please vote no to school vouchers
Anonymous []
This bill is a disaster for public education, and will shift dollars from accountable schools open to all children to religious organizations who can discriminate, often have poor worker protection & pay, and no real accountability to the people of Iowa.Iowa already has one of the more robust systems of school choice in the ability to switch school district.Please do not give public funds to support any school that can doscriminate, refuse special needs children, and that engages in religious indoctrination.Thank you for your concern nsideration. I will be following this issue closely.
John Kirby []
Wish the rhetoric of this was more transparent as to whom this is really benefiting. It is somewhat obvious who will be harmed by this. Seem that those with the least to lose end up losing the most. As a property tax payer I don't see spending my contributions to the states welfare on tuitions to private schools anyway a fair result as I have no say on what is done with the money. Private is just that and puts them at arms length of any oversight by the public. This state was built on good education established by the property owners in all the townships in all the counties in Iowa. Public schools are why our state has excelled. This will jeopardize rural public schools by the siphoning of funds to private schools.
Deanna Warren []
I can't think of one good thing about this idea. I think we need to do what we can to lift public schools, not take money away from them. Every school should be deserving if being a "best" choice.People that think they're "above" public schools can pay for private on their own. If they think they will shield their children from different races, LGBTQ community,they are just setting them up for a tough awakening in college or the workplace.
Kolleen K Samek []
The entire premise of this bill is counterintuitive. IF public schools cannot in fact meet the nonreligious needs of students won't taking money from the schools exacerbate the alleged failure? But wait, this isn't about meeting the educational needs of students is it? This bill is nothing more than a ploy to further the agenda of christians, and to do so on the backs of taxpayers. Do the area private schools even want an influx of students? Are they equipped to deal with them? Are you planning to force a private school to accept your voucher? Please someone start a PRIVATE wicca school so I can watch Kim and company twist themselves up contriving ways to disallow public school voucher utilization at wicca high school, home of the blue devils.....
Ann Blumberg []
I want you to know that using taxpayer money for private education is wrong. Children in the rural areas of our state do not have private education available. Please consider funding public schools to make Iowa first in the nation for education once more. Our public schools need to be strong to interest young people to move to our state or keep young families in our state. This bill will take away public dollars that are to educate all. I feel this is totally unfair and should be scrapped. I hope you will listen to your constituents and please do not vote for this. I am sorry I cant attend.
Anonymous [NA]
My tax money should not go to private schools because private schools do not have to accept students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Public funds should help ALL students. So don't help the students who need it most.
Evalee Mickey [PEACE Iowa]
I am adamantly opposed to school vouchers. Iowa has already lost their very good ranking because of the loss of money and support from the Republicans and our childrens education are the worse for it. I want my 28 great grandchildren educated with good public education and well paid and very competent teachers.
Anonymous []
A free public education is something everyone deserves to have a right too. Please don't make an already struggling system worse.
Mary Steuben []
I strongly OPPOSE sending public tax money to private schools. This bill unequally favors parochial and urban citizens who can select which students they want to serve without having to follow the same regulations that public schools are required to follow. This proposed bill is opposed by the majority of Iowa citizens. Draining funds from public schools will further weaken them. Lets bring back the state of Iowas public schools status as a national leader in the education of our students.
Ron Bevard []
Tot voucher system. I have two relatives that are teachers and have to spend their own money on school supplies for their classrooms. Spend the money on public schools where it was meant to go.
Carol Spaulding-Kruse []
I am profoundly opposed to using taxpayer dollars to fund private school vouchers, especially it is extended to kids already private school and the income limits are removed.Are you KIDDING ME that my taxes would support the kid of some millionaire in Des Moines when this administration and the Republicans that preceded have done everything in their power to starve the public schools of the funding they need to do their job? You can't starve the public schools year after year and then turn around and say that public schools aren't doing their job.If this voucher bill succeeds, Iowans will pay for this huge mistake in the form of more crime, more addiction, more public misery and a less secure future for the elderly, while the rich build bigger walls around their gated communities. Wake up. We once had strong schools to be proud of, strong schools for all. Rural voters who vote Republican should know better than to fall for this.
Anonymous [Eastman]
I have no children or grandchildren living in IA. When my daughters were in school here, IA was a leader in education and now we are not even close. Budget cuts to public education is contributing to the problem. The vouchers would take more money from public schools. We want children to have good educations. But this is not the way. I am opposed to the voucher system as a means to that end.
Tamara Beh []
I am against private school vouchers. Since 75% of public schools are rural and there are no rural private schools this makes absolutely no sense to do unless your trying to destroy the public school system.
Meaghan Harding [n/a]
Keep public money with public schools. Highquality public education is one of the few things Iowa used to have going for it. Siphoning public funds away from the public system will weaken the public system, hurting Iowan students and Iowas reputation. We are already seen nationally as a horrible, backward state. Please lets not make it worse.
Carol Zuniga [Columbus community School Board]
Public funds should stay with public schools. The private schools dont have to follow any of the same rules as the public schools do. It is a decision to go to a private school when there are good public schools. This is going to make the gap between have and the have nots even wider. Private school facilities mostly better, they recruit for specific sports while offering scholarships. Just not equal. I am vehemently opposed to this. Our local rural schools are slowly being penny pinched into oblivion. The rural schools that have always been the backbone to this state.
Eileen Fisher []
I am opposed to giving tax payer dollars to private schools who can discriminate against anyone. This will gut Iowa's public schools and then everyone will have to pay what amounts to college tuition just to get through highschool. Who wants to live in a state were the public schools are so poorly funded. If your child becomes a teacher, will they stay in Iowa or go to a state that respects and rewards teachers.
Anonymous []
I do NOT support school vouchers. This would gut our public schools of funding. Iowa public schools of Iowa used to be #1 in the nation in test scores. Vouchers would hurt our public schools and the education provided to our children. Put a substantial amount of monies into public school, pay teachers more and youll find smaller classes with added teacher and higher scores. Those private school can continue to fund raise. Separation of Church and State!
Mickey Myhre []
This is a horrible proposal! My concern is not only about what this will do to destroy education in Iowa which is already known as a backward state. But just what is in this proposal for the governor personally and who is actually behind pushing this outrageous idea?
Anonymous [Mackey]
What is the real reason that Governor Reynolds is pushing this bill? No doubt it has to do with big money and big donors. Word for word the same bill is being or has been filed in Arizona and Florida. Its been passed and implemented in other states. Results show no improvement or worsening of academics in those states.We have over half million students in grades K12 in Iowa. 92% attend public school Public schools have been underfunded for the last 6 years to the tune of $1Byes, one BILLION dollars. Tax dollars currently cover books and transportation for Iowa private schools..$110M..yes, one hundred and ten MILLION dollars annually. Private schools can pick and choose their students. Public schools accept everyone. Public schools must be transparent in their record keeping and maintain high academic standards in order to receive public funding. Private schools have no such regulations. There are only 3 non religious private schools in Iowa. The rest are affiliated with religion. What happened to separation of church and state? 42 counties in Iowa have no private schools. But their public schools will receive less funding nonetheless.Its the Governors resposibility to see to it that public education is available to every child in Iowa. This Governor is much more interested in making things better economically for private schools, 8% of Iowa s student population.She should be focused on the 92% of students in public schools that she has underfunded in each of the 5 years she has been Governor. She does not seem to be interested at all in making Iowa Public Education the gold standard for the country.Ask yourself, what is driving her push for public taxes to go to private schools while public schools struggle with being underfunded.
Loween Getter [Former public school teacher]
Who is pushing the Governor to shove this down the collective throats of Iowans? It is so wrong for the students, so wrong for Iowa's future. We have to defeat this again.
Janet Fredin []
I oppose the vouchers for private schools. Public schools should be fully supported by tax dollars
Anonymous []
I believe that my tax dollars should only go to public schools.
Anonymous []
I am adamantly opposed to the proposed voucher program!!
Mary Hayward []
Iowa cannot financially afford this bill. Sending public taxes to private schools which historically have discriminated against some children is not fair. Supporters of these vouchers are driving wedges of distrust between Iowans. There is no overwhelming need for this bill, it is a shiny ball which has caught some attention. The idea of this bill does not have the depth of sustainability which Iowans crave. We want great public schools in every corner of the state, in small towns and large. If you need to make private schools follow the same rules of accountability as public schools just to make the vouchers palatable, then what is the value of having two separate systems. Have great public schools first! Previously we had great public schools and we didnt support them, lets support public schools again.Thank you.
Tom Chartier [Moville Ambulance service , retired educator WCCSD]
It will reduce education achievement for any student in public school system. If they have to meet same standards, follow all same rules, accept all students, provide all same services, not choose to accept only certain students, separate church from state, comparison may be closer to same with public. This is a sneaky, back door attempt to promote congressional support of a personal connection / agenda by calling it a voucher. It is nothing more than taxing property owners, all taxpayers to support a select minority probably less than 5% of students. Open enrollment plus now allowing busses to cross into other district is more than enough for school choice. Fact is, private schools recruit already by giving scholarships or locating jobs for parents , for higher grades, athletics especially. Of course they deny it directly, but I have travel team athletes approached by parents and booster clubs to come and play for their private school, with "scholarship". The worst personal agenda is the one our governor has through her governing. She cares nothing about the general population, and yes, I am a registered Republican, retired public school teacher with a daughter and 3 grandchildren teaching in public schools, 3 of the 4 are looking for jobs in other states or leaving the teaching career altogether. 5 generations of my family has been in education in Iowa public schools. I taught when Iowa led the Nation in grad rates, standardized test scores, ACT SAT scores, and most all measurement tools. We are not 29th in nation in latest ranking, thanks to our tunnel vision ed legislature and last 2 governors who think they know more about education than professionals local boards and community members.thank you for offering this opportunity to provide a position based on 49 years of working in public education in Iowa. Please reject the attempt to take over education by Feenstra ( Wahl, Grassley ( agenda of replacing grandfather in Washington) and other supporters of vouchers as puppets to a governor that has only her personal agenda to achieve, no matter who gets hurt in the process. Let the prponents go into schools and teach for a couple months, and see the reality of the classroom environment before trying to run the system.
Judi Rumple []
No vouchers for private school. Public taxpayers money should stay with public schools !
Anonymous []
"No" to tax dollars for private schools aka vouchers. The bill was already voted down, so Iowa citizens have already made clear that we don't want them. This is NOT going to help people on this state!75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private school. Those kids/families do NOT benefit from "choice" at all.134 schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures in rural areas.Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want.
Dr. Lindsay Laurich [Siouxland Christian School]
Iowa students benefit when their parents have the ability to choose the right education for them. HSB 1 recognizes that kids and families have different needs. This isn't about public vs. private. It's about what can we do best for Iowa kids.
Jennifer Dougherty [Citizen ]
Please keep public dollars for our public schools. None for private schools.Thank you.
Matt Christofferson []
The state of Iowas public schools were once the envy of the nation. Insufficient funding and lack of support from our state government has resulted in a. constant state of decline. Vouchers will only accelerate this decline. Instead of vouchers, I feel the state government should fully fund and Support our public schools.
Marcia Benjamin [Tax Payer & Citizen]
This bill will destroy small schools and small communities in Iowa. It is simply WRONG! The devastation caused will be far reaching. There are many forms of discrimination, this is no less insidious. I seriously question the motivation of those lawmakers who promote and support this bill.
Anonymous []
I oppose this.
Margaret Flint Suter []
I want my tax dollars to support public education, not private business entities no matter the level. Public dollars for PUBLIC schools.
Carolyn Goodwin []
As a retired PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATOR, I oppose private school vouchers!!! I was proud to move to Iowa in 1981, knowing our public education system was a leader in the U.S. I strongly believe in the separation of church and state and DO NOT SUPPORT PRIVATE SCHOOL VOUCHERS being proposed by the Governor!!! Public schools have suffered from insufficient funding for too many years and this is just another blow.
Anonymous []
Teachers in public schools are already using some of their own money to buy some supplies because state can't give public schools enough money from taxes. This bill will make tax money less available to public schools.
Paul Jones []
No State money for Private schools. Fix our Public schools.
Lindsay A Park []
Vouchers allow capitalist exploitation of public funds. Our tax dollars should not be funneled away from public schools and used to fund schools that discriminate against some students and unfairly prioritize others, especially if the others come from wealthy families. Vouchers will force the closing of more rural schools and further erode the access Iowans have to functioning public schools. Iowa's public schools need to be fully funded and upgraded yearly to keep up with inflation.
Linda Jones [Iowa resident ]
Unfair use of Iowa taxpayers dollars. Vouchers for private schools benefit only a minority of students in Iowa, most of whom can already afford to attend private schools & pay the associated tuition. Iowa tax dollars should be appropriated ONLY for Iowa public education. If this passes it will likely be challenged in the courts costing Iowa taxpayers additional money. The idea of this is an example of minority rule!
Timothy-Allen Albertson []
I wholeheartedly support this legislation. Parents have a fundamental right to control the education of their children. This is a right that, as President Kennedy said in his inaugural address, is not a gift of the state but comes form the right hand of God. It is one which the Supreme Court has, for almost a century, held to be protected as a liberty interest under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Meyer v Nebraska (1923) 262 U.S. 390, 43 S. Ct. 625, 67 L. Ed. 1042, 1923 U.S. LEXIS 2655, 29 A.L.R. 1446.It has been my opinion for almost 40 years that the public education system needs to broken into a million pieces and rebuilt. This legislation is a first step towards building an equitable and productive education system.It weakens the hands of Teachers Union whose interest seems to be not wages and working conditions but political indoctrination. These entities are devoted to a woke world view not held by all, if even very many, parents.I notice that many of its other opponents, such as particularly the LGBTQIA+ Community, have an interest in using the public education system to indoctrinate children to their world view. Their claims that this legislation discriminates against LGBTQIA+ children are pretextual.There is nothing which prevents members or supporters of the LGBTIA+ Community from forming their own schools. This is a process which this legislation would facilitate. Rather, this interest group seeks to indoctrinate children to their world view. My only suggestion is that legislation be amended to assist parents who seek to home school. There is no reason that these parents should be paying taxes for a service which they do not use. And home schooling involves costs for books and other educational materials.Thank you for consideration of my views.
Lisa Wittman [Dubuque community School Board ]
I am against using Iowa tax dollars for private education institutions. Public education is available and affordable to everyone. If this voucher passes and public funds are directed to private institutions leaving the public schools with less funding, many cutbacks will need to be made to continue with the programs and staff we have in our public schools.I am not against private education but maybe there can be a better way to help those families that choose a private school.
Anonymous []
We are against school vouchers. It would take away money for public schools and negatively impact them. If lawmakers are truly in favor of a robust education for Iowa children, they need to provide additional funding to improve public education. DO NOT PASS the school vouchers bill. Mike and Alice Swisher, IA
Anonymous []
I do not wish my taxes to go to pay for vouchers for private/parochial schools. My taxes are for PUBLIC schools. We already have a choice for schools, it is called Open Enrollment. Legislators and the Governor need to list to the CITIZENS of Iowa. We do not want vouchers.
Denise Chittick []
The voucher proposal would destroy rural school districts. Please vote NO!
Tracy Jacobsma [MOC-FV ]
This funding will destroy public schools. I live and teach in an area with multiple private schools within twenty miles. This bill WILL take students and funding away from our public school system. While this may seem beneficial to a handful of students, it will negatively impact the majority of our district's students who remain true to their home district. Taking a large about like $7600 per student but gifting $1200 back to the home districts is a slap in the face of every student who remains and every education professional who serves them. Tracy JacobsmaMiddle School Language ArtsMOCFloyd Valley SchoolsMOCFV Education Association President
Cynthia Keithley [Iowa taxpayer]
My husband and I are adamantly opposed to this proposal. We firmly believe that public money, paid by Iowa taxpayers, should ONLY go to public schools. We are very concerned that this proposal may encourage private, profitseeking private schools to further get their preferred candidates through political contributions. We are fine with parents choosing to send their child to private school as long as they use their own money to pay the tuition. In addition, many private schools are religiously affiliated which raises questions about why public money should support religion. Please DO NOT pass this proposal. Out the money this would need into our public schools!
Anonymous [None ]
I sent my four children to private elementary school. I did this on one income with the already established scholarship fund and a lot of creative financial sacrifices. This WAS my choice. This sacrifice also taught my children about financial priorities. If one of my children had had special needs, I still would not have had a choice. I would have had to send them to public school. Likewise, if I lived in the rural Iowa town I grew up in, I still would not have had a choice. My parents certainly would not have been able to drive an hour to Des Moines twice a day every day to take me to school. This continues to be true for the majority of Iowans. You have neglected to properly fund education for years causing many rural schools to consolidate. Forcing many students to ride a bus for an hour twice a day. If you want to do anything for our parents choice, properly fund our public schools so that parents can feel good about choosing to send their children to the local public school.
Dennis Feltz []
I oppose educational segregation, whether it be of groups of people, or of ideas taught in the classroom. Public education is the great leveler, the common ground we all need in this increasingly polarized society. As a lifelong beneficiary of Iowa's public schools and university system, I am opposed to school vouchers and my taxes being used for private schools.
Glenn Baughman [Personal ]
I oppose using tax funds for private schools because this is an issue created By Partisan interests to divide the public. It is created to entitle parents to a new fiction that they arent getting what they are entitled to, and that they have been missing something available to everyone else.Secondly it is a violation of church state separation. Blending church and state interest makes it easyfor the state to speak for religious groups when it becomes handy. I dont agree with doing this. It violates what I was taught in country school civics class.Third dont take away money from rural schools and stop defunding special ed for metro schools. Rural schools population base is shrinking due to mobility to metropolitan regions where jobs are. You will see rural districts close. Also private schools dont serve special ed students like public schools are required to. This saddles public schools with federal and state requirements to serve vast ranges of functioning students private schools leave behind.
Anonymous []
Passage of this bill will further segregate our public schools. If a private school doesn't have scholarships then the school is probably not very financially stable. Let's make our public schools stronger not take away from them.
Dave V Jacobson [Retired educator of 32 years; teacherr, coach & administrator.]
You have all the facts that say NO to this bill. Keep shining a light on the lunacy of this bill, Reynolds & the GOP over reach as they like to call it by government.
John Dahl []
I strongly oppose taking money out of public schools to finance privet schools.
Rev. Dr. Robert A. Butterfield [NA]
Vouchers would undermine public education in Iowa, and public schools here are already underfunded.
Mary R Rittgers []
As mother of three and grandmother of five, I am AGAINST VOUCHERS. Adamantly.I attended Catholic schools here in Des Moines. By babysitting then working at Hy Vee, I paid my tuition.Vouchers are a Horrible Idea.Sincerely,Mary R Rittgers
Tom Pekarek []
The so called Scholarship proposal is nothing but a money grab by Kim Reynolds and her rich donors to take our tax dollars that should go to public schools that need the money badly and send those dollars to private schools that dont need them. We need to stand up as tax payers and say NO to this travesty. If you live in rural Iowa you are especially affected by this money grab! Save our rural schools by telling you representatives NO to vouchers!
Anonymous [Reired]
This legislation is wrong in so many ways. Tax dollars for Education has always been intended for Public Education.
James De Vos []
This is a bad bill. As a public school teacher, why would we remove money from public education? It's the lifeblood of this great state! Private schools don't follow the same guidelines as public schools, and clearly shouldn't receive state aid. This is why they are private schools! It's pretty self explanatory. I'm a Bible believing Christian who understands why some parents want their child to receive a Christian education. But does the state plan on giving aid to churches? I don't think so. Our education funding in Iowa is the only thing that keeps us from being number 1 in the nation. PLEASE don't ruin it more by taking the hard earned tax dollars of Iowans and stripping Iowa's kids of a good education. Sincerely, Science Teacher in Cherokee, IA James De Vos
David Miller [Retired Engineer]
My daughter is a high school teacher in a small town in eastern Iowa. She frequently has to use her own money to purchase materials to supply her FCS classes. Using public funds for private schooling would only put more pressure on the funding for the public school systems. This is a bad concept.
Anonymous [Retired]
Public schools are open to every student with no exception or requirement where private schools can choose their students. Public schools need more money and it shouldn't be given to private schools where parents with plenty of money can choose to send their children to private schools. I went to a public school and I have taught in a public school and in our rural areas there aren't private schools.In addition to the cost of private schools there is also the cost of transportation as most are a distance from the child which parents choose if they want their child to attend. Many parents cannot make such a choice.
Paula McManus [None]
I am adamantly opposed to school vouchers. We need to adequately fund public schools. Tax dollars need to support public schools; not private schools.
Anonymous []
LGBTQ students should have the same opportunities to learn as any other student, but they often struggle with bullying, harassment, and being told they dont belong. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community and University of Iowa alum, I know what this experience is like. To do this, we need to support public education that doesn't discriminate. Please do not give taxpayer dollars to private schools that discriminate.
William W. Highland [Retired]
Taxpayers' money should not be used for private schools! Public schools are shortchanged now and the governor wants to shove private schools down our throats? IT IS WRONG! TAXPAYER MONEY SHOULD BE USED FOR OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. Increase teacher pay and maybe Iowa would get more teachers.
Anonymous []
Public schools are in enough of a bind with the financial situation as it is. They don't need more money taken away. This would be unfair to the majority of Iowa's children.
Anonymous [Eastman]
I have no children or grandchildren living in IA. When my daughters were in school here, IA was a leader in education and now we are not even close. Budget cuts to public education is contributing to the problem. The vouchers would take more money from public schools. We want children to have good educations. But this is not the way. I am opposed to the voucher system as a means to that end.
Kathryne Marek []
What has happened to the division of church and state?Most private schools at faith based!Even with your voucher surplus, tuition cannot be made by many.You are using my tax dollars ear marked for education and giving it to a private entity.This is not the solution we need for our children who have drastically lost out during the past two years due to covid.I vote No to vouchers!
Mickey Myhre []
This is a horrible proposal! My concern is not only about what this will do to destroy education in Iowa which is already known as a backward state. But just what is in this proposal for the governor personally and who is actually behind pushing this outrageous idea?
Sarah J. Dougherty []
I strongly disapprove of public funds being used to benefit private schools to the detriment of public schools and I particularly object to the use of public funds to benefit wealthy families that can afford private schools. This is outrageous!
Judith A Gustafson []
I am totally against the idea of vouchers for education.Governor Reynolds has made it crystal clear she is against public school education and public school teachers. I believe she is kowtowing to the ultra conservative religious right so they will support her ambition to rise to national importance.Iowa used to be tied for first place in public education with Minnesota in our country.She and Republicans want this so they can control what students learn and don't learn. In public schools students have legal rights private schools have more control over student's rights. For the last several years Kim Reynolds has verbally assassinated our teacher,supported banning books,and this voucher proposal. NO! NO! NO!
Anonymous []
The taxpayer should not be forced to pay for private education. I still believe in the separation of church and state, and I believe that this would be a blatant violation. Our public schools have served our country and state well for many, many years. It seems to me that the voucher system would really hurt our public schools, and it would certainly not help them.
Marvin Heidman []
I dont want my tax dollars used to support citizens who can easily afford to pay tuition to private schools. Especially when the private schools can pick and choose whom they will admit as students. Also, the huge amounts which will be expended on this program will undoubtedly severely affect the continued existence of many smaller schools in rural areas where no private schools exist now or will in the foreseeable future.
Roger Brinkert [Brinkert Farms]
I am opposed to HSB 1 as it is unfair to rural school districts and according to the Govenor's own figures will cost the state almost $1 Billion in the first 4 years of plan. A recent poll shows only 41% of Iowans favor the voucher bill.
Marvin Heidman []
I dont want my tax dollars used to support citizens who can easily afford to pay tuition to private schools. Especially when the private schools can pick and choose whom they will admit as students. Also, the huge amounts which will be expended on this program will undoubtedly severely affect the continued existence of many smaller schools in rural areas where no private schools exist now or will in the foreseeable future.
Anonymous [NA - private citizen]
Good morning,I am strongly against HSB 1. Using public dollars to fund attendance at nonpublic schools is a strategy that has not worked in other states and will not work to increase academic/educational options for Iowa's students. It will decimate Iowas strong public school system. A system that is both a great source of pride for Iowans and serves as a strong economic development strategy for our state. It is in the best interest of Iowas citizens to have our elected officials slow down the timeline for voting on this bill. Please take time to read the literature on the impact of private school vouchers on student achievement, on securing equitable learning experiences for all students, and on the economic growth of communities where this strategy has been implemented. In addition, please take time to identify the longterm consequences of this bill; consequences on rural communities, consequences for students who need additional support, consequences on the academic and nonacademic programming that our public schools will be able to provide to all students, and the consequences on recruiting and retaining highly qualified educational faculty. After careful study of the evidencebased literature on this topic, I am confident that our learned elected officials will vote against HSB 1.The current bill, as written, will erode Iowa's commitment to providing excellent, equitable, and safe learning environments for all students. Thus, reducing the quality of life for all Iowans.Respectfully submitted,Kris Donnelly
Greg Mazunik []
This bill is extremely harmful to Iowans, as it furthers the goal of weakening public schools so privatization of education can then line the pockets of the rich. Consider the following facts: 75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private schools, leaving those kids with no choice at all. 134 schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures in rural areas. Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want. Millionaires in Des Moines would get $100,000 of our tax dollars to send their kids to private school. While were still waiting for the final estimates from our nonpartisan fiscal agency, the price tag for the first fiveyears of the voucher program is likely to be around $1 billion. Thats a pretty hefty price tag considering the state general fund budget this year was about $9.8 billion.This bill is unfair to regular folks in Iowa, and I hope it fails miserably for the sake of the children of Iowa.
Karin Lawton-Dunn [Parent]
Iowa does NOT need vouchers. Schools are PUBLIC education for all. Low income, diverse, and students with disabilities. My child with a disability would not be accepted at a private schools. Public education should not be supporting ANY religious sponsored K12 education. This country was founded on separation of church and state. This is unconstitutional. Another play for the rich to have more access.
Steve Brannan [none]
I choose to speak on hsb#1
Pam Gronau []
I support this bill. We should be funding the student and not the system. Parents should not feel trapped in failing school districts just because they may not have the means to choose another option. Our schools are not lacking in fundingits all about how they are choosing to use those funds with absorbent administrative positions. My hopes is that healthy competition will cause school districts to start listening to parents concerns more.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Frank Gersh []
My two sons received worldclass educations in the Iowa City schools. I would hate to see tax dollars funneled away from the public schools and weaken their curricula. I oppose Gov. Reynolds' school choice bill and urge all legislators to vote against it.
Mary M Maher [self]
I am opposed to taking more public money away to fund private schools by way of a voucher. There are already mechanisms in place to pay for a child to go to a private school if the parents choose to send them there. Iowa used to be the gold standard when it came to education. We used to be number one and now we rank in 18th place. This can be attributed to not properly funding our public schools over the last decade. Legislators have not funded our public schools at a rate to keep up with inflation. If you do not adequately fund a program over a period of time, eventually it will not work. This proposed voucher program is fundamentally unfair to most Iowa kids especially kids in rural areas. 75% of our students live in rural areas with no access to private schools. This will leave these students and families with no choice at all. And if some of these students go to a charter school these rural schools will be forced to close because of declining enrollment and the rural students will need to be bused long ways. Having no school in a town has a ripple effect. Shops will close, banks will close and the small towns will die. The lack of adequate funding has already had a detrimental effect on our public schools. Many school districts have had to close schools. I know. The Davenport school system in which I live in just had to make the hard decision to close schools in order to stay fiscally viable to serve its students. This is because students are transferring out of the Davenport school district because it is not adequately funded. It cannot offer cutting edge courses or small class sizes like other school districts that are in the area. If the voucher program takes away more students and more funds from my district or any district it will further cripple our public schools from providing a quality education to all of its students. I have a son and daughter in law who live in the Illinois quad cities who are teachers and I had been trying to get them to move to Iowa and teach in our schools. I am now telling them to not move here to a state that does not value all of its students and teachers by not adequately funding the public schools for all of its students and teachers. Lastly private schools will not have to accept all students even if a parent chooses to send their child to a private school. This is not the parental choice that is talked about in this voucher bill. This bill would only benefit a minority of our youth and give them the chance to thrive when our publicschool funds should be used to give all of our youth a chance to thrive. An educated populace is how Iowa grows and makes us the state that people want to come to. To live, work, play and raise a family. This proposed voucher bill will further defund our public schools and is a very bad idea.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Anonymous []
I feel my tax dollars should only go to supporting public schools. The public schools need these dollars for schools supplies and teachers.So NO to handing funding to private school
Kathryn Frale []
Vouchers increase in inequity in the education system for our states children.
Joe Stutler [Little Devils Academy ]
If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. I want in on this grift, too, so we're starting a school Little Devils Academy and look forward to gathering tax dollars to use towards a curriculum based on the tenants of The Satanic Temple.
Susie Hines []
Iowa already supports school choice through its existing programs. This is not a fiscally responsible program and there are no oversights and accountability preestablished. Vouchers do not offer choice as private entities pick and choose who they want to attend their school. Public education is for ALL children. Public education should be supported with these public dollars.
Susan Shullaw []
I strongly oppose the school voucher bill. Public money my taxes included should to go public schools and NOT to exclusionary private schools. This bill not only harms our schools, our kids, our democracy, and our future, but disproportionately affects rural schools and schools in economically disadvantaged urban districts, where there is no "school choice" except to BETTER FUND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS that are already there and are struggling for resources. This bill is a bad idea for Iowa and should be defeated.
Anonymous []
Public schools deserve our best support.Taxes should support public education NOT private schools. Most private schools are religious and I support separation of church and state. Our smaller rural areas are in danger of losing their public schools forcing people to pay for private school or endure long bus trips for their children's education.
Karen Heidman []
I grew up in Monona County, one of 41 Iowa counties without a private school and where 4465% of public school students receive free or reduced price lunch. Woodbury County, where I now live, has 12 private schools and all but one are faithbased.Please do not hobble the education of children throughout Iowa whose families cannot afford the extra costs of a private education over and above tuitionlike books, field trips, sports equipment and clothing, computer and internet access, andof coursefood and transportation.
Amy Mellies [Episcopal Diocese of Iowa]
I have lived all my life in Iowa. I am a mother with children I. Public school. I am the daughter of a teacher, the sister of one and cousin to many. Many of our family friends growing up were teachers and I continue to have friends to this day who give their time, energy, spirit, care, compassion, empathy and strength of character to our students in public schools. For years we Iowans have known that our teachers do not have enough. Not enough resources, too many students in classrooms, or and a lack of funding. They are spending out of their own pockets to provide for students, spending extra time in the classroom to provide the necessaries that their students need. And now the Governor wants to take even more money away from our public schools? That wont help Iowans get better education. That wont help our teachers or students. What happens to our small schools that are already struggling? Communities who have banded together and combined school districts with 4, 5, 6 or more towns? Or our schools with high populations of students of color? Private school vouchers will not benefit every student equally. Private schools can pick and choose who they accept and how much of a scholarship one may or may not get. How does that benefit our education system in this state? We can do better! Private vouchers are not the answer. Lets pay our teachers more! Lets give our schools more money and resources! Lets hold our teachers up and praise them for all they do for our children instead of tearing them down and diminishing the wonderful work they do for our children, families and communities.
Anonymous []
As a voter and taxpayer with two grandchildren in Iowa public schools, I strongly believe that public money should stay in public schools. The public school system is the basic building block of a healthy democracy and an egalitarian society. Far from creating equal opportunity, a voucher system would simply weaken public schools and create inequality.
Jan Nierling []
The public's dollars should not be used to fund private schools. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund schools that do not have to provide the same accountability as public schools.
Sharon Carpenter [Tax Payer]
We need to be providing our public schools with the resources they need to be top notch educators with our tax dollars not shuffling children around. We have open enrollment for those wanting private education of which we as tax payers have no say in what they teach or how. In the plan the Governor has presented this only helps low income for one year and then it is open to all. I do not wish to provide my tax dollars to those. I want our public schools to be the best they used to be.
Rev. Danielle Musselman [United Methodist Church of Iowa]
Iowans prize our deep history of strong public schools and believe every kid in Iowa deserves a worldclass education. We see the Governors voucher program as fundamentally unfair to most Iowa kids, especially in rural areas. Heres why:75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private schools, leaving those kids with no choice at all.134 schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures in rural areas.Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want.Millionaires in Des Moines would get $100,000 of our tax dollars to send their kids to private school.All while were still waiting for the final estimates from our nonpartisan fiscal agency, the price tag for the first fiveyears of the voucher program is likely to be around $1 billion. Thats a hefty price tag considering the state general fund budget this year was about $9.8 billion.Please do not spend tax dollars supporting private education who already receive thousands of dollars each year from the tuition they receive. Because many of our private schools in Iowa are religiously affiliated, I as a religious leader serving in Marshalltown find it wrong for the government to meddle in religious programs. Please reconsider this regrettable bill.
susan burgess []
I am writing to express my opposition to the public funding for private education that Governor Reynolds has proposed. I believe our public schools are vastly underfunded now and that Iowa has lost the high national regard we used to have for our public education. The Republican led effort to curtail public education funding is to blame. I also resent my tax dollars going to fund private schools. The many small towns in Iowa that already have limited education options, and few if any private schools in them, will not benefit from this proposed change. Would such a law fund Madrassas? Would such a law fund Orthodox Jewish education? Such entities are considered "schools" are they not? Please do not consider this proposal by Governor Reynolds any further.
Kathy Kessler [None]
I am a retired educator who has taught in both public and private schools. Public tax money should not be spent in private schools. It is obvious that Reynolds and Republicans are trying to get around this by giving the money to parents but still those dollars will be given to private schools that are not regulated by the state and are not required to maintain the standards that are required of public schools. Private schools are not able to work with children with learning disabilities or handicaps. Therefore they discriminate in which students they will allow to attend their school. Republicans made it clear that they disdain public school teachers by calling them groomers, pedophiles and suggesting that cameras need to be installed in classrooms so teachers can be monitored 24/7. Educators are professionals and should be treated and paid as such. VOTE NO ON VOUCHERS!
Aidan Yoder []
Public schools are the foundation for the future of Iowa. This bill will lower the quality of education in Iowa and take away public funds to go to the small percentage of students who attend private schools. Reject this bill.
Anonymous []
People in Iowa pay taxes for public schools, not to line the pockets of the wealthy by subsidizing private schools.
Anonymous [Restoring Student Wellness: Investigations & Interventions; LLC]
I believe that parents who pay taxes should have the right to send their children to a private school for religious liberty and for safety purposes. I previously worked for the Iowa Department of Education as an Educational Consultant (Bullying). I left the Department to support our public schools in the prevention, intervention and investigations of bullying/harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct and Title IX. There are significant cases of bullying/harassment for students and even teachers in our public schools. Parents and students deserve the option to choose the best way to serve and educate their children. Having said that, I am a school administrator ane will soon be a superintendent. The public school system needs more money, training and support for our children. I believe vouchers will benefit the entire system. Thank you for the opportunity Governor Reynolds and the Republican Committee.
Isaac Rodenberg []
The Iowa Legislators have not kept up with the price of inflation over the past decade in regards to allowable growth for school budgets. Although the Governor will claim they continue to spend more and more money on education, that is a falsity when translated into real, inflation adjusted dollars. $20 in 2010 is not the same as $20 is 2023. This would exacerbate the financial challenges that schools are having, forcing even higher teacher:student ratios and making it more challenging to provide resources to students in dire need of them.On a second point, these laws will negatively impact public school teachers financial stability. This will force school boards to make difficult decisions around what benefits to slowly remove from educators. School boards have by in large been able to maintain some sense of support and benefits to our teachers, but given tough financial scenarios that this bill will create will lead to less benefits and less payment for teachers. Teachers have lost most of their collective bargaining abilities and wellmeaning school boards have an easier pathway to make decisions to strip benefits from teachers. Teachers are losing their buying power in the local economy due to these policies. I personally have had to cut back, we rarely spend money at restaurants, we've cut back donating to our charities and visits to hospitals and doctors offices cost more. We decided not to take a mini weekend trip to another Iowa town because we didn't have the funds to do so, that is money that at one time was put into our local economy which is no longer happening, I know I am not alone in this as a teacher.This bill claims to increase access to private schools and choice, but in reality, within 3 years time, it will write a 7,600 a year check to those who are already financially stable enough to send their students to private school. Please invest, not divest, in public schools.
Gilbert Wildin [None ]
I am completely opposed to the use of public funds for private schools. It would decimate the rural schools. There are many other problems with this bill.
Anonymous [Self]
ALL children deserve a quality education. Quality education should not be out of reach for children who dont have parents that are system savvy. School vouchers will only widen the gap for children living in poverty, foster care, and with parents who might not understand the system. No public dollars for schools who could deny my deaf child admission because of her disability or refuse to meet her IEP needs!
Anonymous []
As a substitute teacher, I am already seeing the effects of underfunding public schools. Programs are cut and class sizes are bulging. If public funds (256 million when fully funded) leave public schools that will have a devastating effect on our schools, particularly in rural areas. Our rural school districts are already extremely large and this bill will cause more rural schools to close or they will be forced to combine. Many rural families do not have access to private schools, so how long should a 5 year old spend on the bus every day?
Scott Fedler [None]
I'm not in favor of school vouchers or, indeed, the whole Republican plan to deinvest in public schools through vouchers or forcing schools to out LGBTQ kids. "Parental choice" is just the facade to funnel money to those that can already afford private schools. Plus, the availability of private schools is so low that sometimes a child would have to go 3 counties over to find one. It's not a realistic option, and just takes money away from public schools and teachers. Properly fund public schools instead of throwing money into private charter schools, with even less oversight and that are free to discriminate against who they admit. It's extremely disappointing that this is the direction Iowa is going, and this will only exacerbate the mass exodus of young people from the State.
Lynn Patterson []
Terry Monson [N/A Personal]
This bill is a bad idea for a host of reasons, among them the following:Rural Iowans (75% of us and heavily Republican) will pay the bill for this program and see no benefit, just further degradation of their public schools.Democracy depends upon a well educated populace. Most Iowans will still attend public schools and our already deteriorating public educational system will be starved into further deterioration by loss of tax dollars eventually threatening the quality of education and our democracy itself.The logic of the idea of funding "choice" in schools is flawed. The bill allows the use of tax dollars to choose a private educational service over a state provided service. If this "choice" logic is consistent and valid, people employing a private security service should be able to choose to have it funded by tax dollars otherwise provided to police; people in developments with private roads should be able to choose to have those roads maintained by the state; people who prefer a private ambulance service should be able to direct EMS tax funds to pay for their private service, etc.To level the playing field, if this bill is passed, at a minimum amend it to provide that as a prerequisite to eligibility to receive funds from an educational savings account, the private school receiving the funds MUST agree to accept, and meet state standards to provide an education for, all students eligible for the public schoolsthis includes special education and other special needs students including behaviorlly difficult students. If these schools accept the benefits of taxpayer funding, they should at a minimum be required to accept the burdens that come with it; anything else is grossly unfair.
Anonymous []
Vouchers are not a bad idea, but defunding public schools to pay for them is a betrayal of Iowa families and taxpayers. The 90%plus Iowa children and teens who attend public schools will suffer for the sake of a small percentage of private school students, many from families that are financially able to afford private school tuition. A better idea would be to strengthen the current Student Tuition Organization program which gives tax credits to Iowans who wish to voluntarily provide support to Iowa private school students. The voucher program as currently proposed will create a great burden on Iowa taxpayers.
Julie Fischer []
I strongly oppose public monies being used for parochial school vouchers. In Iowa such vouchers would drain funds much needed for our public schools which are accessible to all.Vouchers would disadvantage rural schools, 75% of our Iowa system.
Karen Pratte [Allamakee County Democrats]
My rural county of Allamakee has lost 3 rural schools and is on the verge of losing another. Part of the reason is lack of adequate school funding. Public schools are the hub of the wheel in our communities. When a public school closes, jobs are lost, kids are bused long distances, young families leave, small business struggle, and the town loses its identity. With rural schools struggling, why are the Republicans and Gov. Reynolds advocating taking my taxpayer money and giving it to private schools? My taxpayer money should be used to support public schools, not private schools. Giving my money to families who are already wealthy, cloaking the theft in "scholarships, savings accounts" is deceptive. We in rural counties need adequate school funding and support for the vast majority of children in public schools opportunity to succeed.
Anonymous []
Please don't pass this bill. It is extremely partisan, benefiting a limited number of families since only about 30% of Iowa families even live near private schools.It is also very unfair to special needs children who private schools seldom serve.Thank you!
Matthew Dencklau []
I oppose the voucher proposal. Private, mostly religious, schools should not receive tax funding. If they do then tax them. The church in Fort Dodge belonging to Saint Edmondson Catholic School was built with a large percentage of public funding. Tax them. Secondly, its not an equal opportunity for ALL children. It hurts public schools that do provide equal opportunity and acceptance of ALL children. Huting the lesser privileged and putting more tax dollars in the already privileged hands paying their tuitions to private institutions.
Anonymous []
I am against this
Anonymous []
Unfair to too many school districts. Their choice. The parents should pay for their kids school bill. I am paying taxes for public schools. Leave it for public schools.
Jeffrey Hayes []
1:I dont want my tax dollars spent further enriching the wealthy. Lack of income restrictions, while perhaps making voucher processes easier paperworkwise, is just like poor me handing my money over to a south of grand millionaire while my kids schools get shafted. 2: This bill only pays lip service to public school solvency. Instead, put your legislative efforts behind public school funding and teacher development and retention. Iowans deserve well supported public schools. 3:The advantaged wealthy students will be selected at a higher number for admission to these private schools while the poor will not an inequity in this plan. The advantaged wealthy can move school districts or use their funds to buy whatever comfort they find from private schooling. 4:Unfair to rural communities with no access to private schools. Find public schools.
Anonymous []
I do not support school vouchersSylvia Lilly
Anonymous []
I am not in favor of issuing vouchers for private education institutions. We need to financially support our private education sector to make our public school successful again. Issuing vouchers would only widen the gap between public education and private education ability to function properly.
Janalee M Kosowski [--None--]
Public funds for public schools, period.
Thomas J Scherer []
Please substantially increase the funding for our Iowa Public Schools. Children in every county in Iowa will benefit. Public Schools are here for all Iowa students. It is logistically, economically. and socially not possible for all Iowa students to attend private schools. Increase Public School funding. Keep that money where it belongs. Figure out a different method to help fund children whose parents prefer a private school education.
Jennifer B Gavin [Maquoketa Community Schools - Maquoketa Education Association]
I have been a public school teacher for over 28 years. I have several family members that also teach in public schools and we all believe in public education. Private education is a CHOICE that families make. We all know that private schools have the ability to pick and choose who they accept to attend their schools. Don't act like this is happening so "poor" kids have the ability to attend a better school. My biggest question is why do we have failing schools in Iowa? Shouldn't we be giving these schools all of the resources they need to become successful? Why are we not using Iowa's $2 billion dollar surplus to fund schools? Money should not be taken away from the thousands of kids that are enrolled in public schools and given to families that CHOOSE to enroll their children in private schools. It makes zero sense. What will this do to public education in Iowa?
Susie Petra BS, MA Cirrucula, Iowa State University [Retired Educator]
I assume you and I share the value of education. And, that as elected officials Governor and Legislators you believe in our countrys democratic republic form of government, as do I. Keeping informed about education systems: what works, what doesnt and why is important and necessary. It appears that due diligence has not been done concerning prioritizing education; Let me help you do the homework: In the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and into the 80s our public schools were the envy of the world . Countries tried to emulate ours. Sweden developed their public educational institution to also be a source of national pride. Andreas Schleicher, head of the directorate for education and skills at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, stated that Europe looked to Sweden as the gold standard for Education. But, in late 19992000, lobbyists for the privatization of schools, convinced Sweden that radical reform was necessary, that privatizing was the answer, and that the Voucher system, using public funds, would be giving parents freedom of choice.Well, Swedens voucher system turned 30 in 2022. And, it is an abject failure! Iowa should take note and not make the same mistake! Lisa Pelling*, political scientist and head of the Stockholm thinktank Arena Ide, says it has wrought a vicious circle of inequality and underperformance. At the same time Many investors in privatization have made a fortune running these publiclyfunded schools in Sweden. The owners of private schools treat them as profitable businesses at the expense of the public schools. The hedgefund owners running many publiclyfunded private schools have found that private schools are highly profitable, many making a fortune. One owner sold her shares in her school empire to American investors a few years ago, earning 30 Million Euros. * Lisa Pelling,Swedens schools: Milton Friedmans wet dream, May 16, 2022Nearly 20 years of data finds this: Sending students to a charter/privatelyfunded school has a serious downsideThe schools do not stay open for very long. According to Jeff Bryant, writing in August 2020 for the Independent Media Institute: More than 1 in 4 closed after just five years; after 10 years, 40% of charter schools were shuttered; after 15 years that rate rose to about 50%. And, the number of students impacted by these closingsis considerable. His report analyzed data from 1995 to 2019: the figure is close to 1 Million students affected! So what happens to students when theyre booted from a failed charter school? he asksAnd answers: Studies show that students whose education is disrupted are more likely to experience lower engagement, poorer grades, higher dropout rates. Learning outcomes for younger students, in particular, are often deeply affected Bryant quotes the Network For Public Education which states these closures are especially disruptive when they occur midyear. The Report also reveals that the newer the charter school, the riskier it can be, with 36% of the charter/private school closuresoccurring within the first two years after opening, and 23% occurred during the third & fourth years.To learn more about the concerns of privatizing our education before voting, I encourage you to go to John Oliver Breaks Down the Shocking Mismanagement of Americas Charter Schools on YouTube. It is shocking and enlightening. Having this information, one has to ask: Why is our governor & some legislators so insistent on using public education money to fund her Voucher/Scholarship/private education system? Follow The Money, of course! There will be people who will make millions in private profit. Privateforprofit schools are a systematic way to transfer billions of our tax dollars into the coffers of these educational entrepreneurs. These profits can, in turn, be used to fund people to run for office, who support further gutting of our public schools, transferring even more of our tax dollars to private schools AND their shareholders! The goal of privatizing education isnt to improve student achievement; it is to siphon taxpayer money out of public schools, and into the hands of wealthy donors. Reminder: These schools are unaccountable to the public. Shrinking dollars for public education does NOT prepare our children for the future. By choosing to use the word choice, the Governor willfully ignores the truth, misleading us.Public schools are our democratic experiment of Inclusion, integrating our community, our society. The private/charter is about Exclusion and the transfer of public wealth for private profit. Any diversion strategy undermines our communities, rural and urban, and our students.I expect you, our elected representatives, to listen to the voice of Iowans: support PUBLIC education dollars remaining in PUBLIC schools.
Judy Kading [none]
I am against either vouchers or educational savings accounts as proposed by Governor Reynolds. I think that public money should be used to strengthen public schools so that they can provide a world class education for Iowa children. Parents in Iowa already have adequate options for educating their children. Iowa provides many choices for parents to accomplish the education of their children: any school district to which they want to apply, charter schools, homeschooling, online schools, and private schools. There is no need for more educational choices.Those who choose private schooling can apply for scholarships from the private school. It should also be recognized that private schools receive $83 million dollars in tax dollars through a variety of benefits already given by the legislature. There is no need to give any more money. Finally, the governor's proposals on transferring funds from public to private schools is discriminating against the many rural school districts and small and medium sized communities that do not have the advantages of private schools. The proposal of educational savings accounts is simply a transfer of dollars to urban schools to the detriment of rural schools. This is not the direction we want to go. A note here is that educational savings account as provided in the third year of the governor's proposal seem to be a way that parents who can afford to pay the private school tuition can be saved by parents from year to year. Thus, the state of Iowa taxpayers will be providing a savings account for parents to use for postsecondary education for their children. This is wrong. The governor's proposal to increase public school budgets by 2.5% is inadequate and this is where the increase in tax funds should goto public school budgets in order to increase teacher salaries.
Alene Rickels []
I am against my tax money going to private education. I want my tax payer money going to public education.
Roger Leahy []
I am very much in favor of this bill. I believe in maximum school choice. Establishing an education savings program that can be used at any school is a great idea. Thanks for supporting this bill.
Anonymous [self]
Our property taxes are WAY TOO HIGH now. As a retiree I cannot afford to send kids to private schools.
Karen Bueltel []
Please do not make the educational playing field any more uneven than it already is for the students of Iowa. Our students in public education need all public funds available for education. Diverting funds for private choice will not make educational opportunities equal for all. Rural areas may not have access to private education and giving those Iowans with upper income help to pay for their child's education unnecessary advantages. We must stand with public educators, students, and families.
Diane Eberhart [None]
My husband and I are totally against the voucher bill. Our public schools struggle bad enough without you taking more away from them. Every little town and rural area is happy to have the public school. This will do nothing to make the field more fair to poor kids or their parents. From our little public school here we have Drs., engineers, architects,artist,etc. This won't stop bullying, it won't produce more brainy young people it will just hurt the middle class and the poor( the poor the most). Why the change no matter your income you will get the money. Sorry if you are rich and don't want your kids in public then pay for the private school. Stop running our great state with your uppity, old out of date ideas.
Susan Mims []
I am against school vouchers. Public money should support public schools. This diversion of funds will hurt public schools, who must except every student regardless of needs. Most Iowans in rural communities have no choices for private schools. Their schools are already being closed and consolidated. The fact that there is no income limit after 2 years is ridiculous.Iowa public schools are already underfunded, and should not lose dollars to private schools, who can chose who they accept, or dont, and have far fewer regulations. Please, for the sake of our students, and the future of our society, vote NO.
Nicole N Nayima [Private citizen]
This bill is harmful to many many kids in the state. Instead of passing along public funds to private schools, let's fund the public schools adequately.
Anonymous [Citizen]
I strongly oppose public money being used for tuition or funding of private schools.
Deborah Eittreim []
I do not agree with this legislation what so ever .This is against Separation of Church and State .This is her agenda and the majority of people DO NOT AGREE with this legislation . Its is not right ,It will deplete the city schools of much needed money . Plus the rural schools won't benefit at all And after the first two years you can be their is no income requirements on the rich . I can't stand the way the republicans are ruining our state . We are not Iowa nice anymore feels like we live in Russia .It's her way or no way .
Mary E Lovstad [970222]
I would like to express my disapproval of school vouchers in Iowa and I did send my children to a private school in Iowa. Here are a few of my thoughts Using public money for private use is a fundamentally wrong use of taxpayer moneyIt shifts money away from public schools towards private schools when public schools are already underfundedNegative impact on rural public schools. Compromises the future of rural schools.Lack of accountability for public money. No elected school board and no state oversight.Private schools can refuse to educate some students there is no parental choice for these studentsThere are few private schools in rural areas the Governor's plan doesn't benefit rural studentsI hope you take the time to consider the danger it puts our Iowa educational system into by pulling money and students from a system meant to educate every student well and make them a contributing member of society. Sincerely, Mary Lovstad, Forest City, Iowa
Madelynn Krall []
Iowa MUST do better for our schools, for our future. Public education is a critical need for our communities, and this bill puts them in an even more precarious position. Equitable access to a quality education cannot be sacrificed, especially not for the sake of funneling public dollars to exclusive, unregulated, elitist faithbased schools. I urge our legislators to listen to Iowans, not the deplorable rhetoric of our governor. Keep what little funding we have left for education in our public schools. Reject this senseless, shameless, politicallymotivated bill.
Chris Rolwes []
I am against this proposed legislation. The Governor's staff believes that this will cose $900 million over four years, all without any significant transparency and oversight that we typically see in our public schools with locally elected school boards. We are already spending over 100 million dollars on private education in Iowa. With decrease tax revenue due to state tax cuts, declining population, and a stagnant economy, I see this bill being unsustainable in the long term. I also think exempting this bill from having to go through the House Ways and Means and Appropriation Committees is wrong. Millions of taxpayer dollars are at stake and not having proper oversight in the legislative process will lead to fraud and abuse once this is implemented. This bill should have to go through those committees like any other taxing and spending bill. Another provision in this bill that raises a red flag for me is when a student leaves the private school after October 1st of the school year, the approximately $6300.00 that the school received stays with that school. This then leaves the public school where the student enrolls with the expense of educating that student. In addition, having unspent funds in the ESA's being returned to the State General Fund is wrong. Those dollars should be returned to the school district that the student resides in. It would also make sense to do a study as to how expensive it will be to implement this bill. Will a third party vendor need to be hired to administer this program? The potential for waste, fraud, and grift are endless with enactment of this bill. I have a hard time seeing how this is good for kids.
Constance [Gause]
I am against using tax payer funds for private schools. Public funds should be used for public schools only. We need to spend more money on public schools. If someone chooses to send their child/ren to private school, thats their choice and they should pay for it. School vouchers are not an equitable solution to our states failure to support public education. Over 80% of the private schools in Iowa have a religious affiliation and I believe in separation of church and state. Another reason vouchers are not an equitable solution to better education in Iowa. If we claim to value education, we need to put our money where our mouth is and improve the public school system in our state so young people will stay here to raise their families.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Jeanne Clark []
I have always been opposed to providing public tax funds to pay for private schooling. If parents feel that public schools are failing, taking more money from them certainly won't help. It is a parent's right to send their child to private school, but they should expect to pay for that education with their own money. If they cannot afford it, they should work within the system to improve the public education system.
Jennifer Tyner []
I oppose the attempt to utilize public taxes, for use in a voucher system towards private use, and not remain directed to public education.
Anonymous []
Public tax dollars belong in public schools. Given the amount of the voucher vs the average cost of private education this appears to be beneficial for the wealthy who get the vouchers then can afford to pay the additional money for the variance whereas the poor people cannot afford to pay the variance so I fail to understand how this can be touted as fair and equitable. In addition, rural areas do not have access to such elite private schools. Public schools are equal opportunity period.
Julie M Berens [Retired from Northwest Area Education Agency]
I am a retired Speech/Language Pathologist and worked in Public Schools for 40 years thru contracts with Northwest Area Education Agency. I am adamantly opposed to vouchers for private schools. Our Iowa taxpayer's money is needed, more than ever, in the Public Schools!! Private school attendance is a personal choice and that includes the cost of such an education. Please vote against vouchers and to keep money in Iowa's Public Schools!
Martha Finn []
I am 100% in favor if reform in our public education as it stands today and also in establishing funding for nonpublic schools.
Sandra L NORFOLK []
Vouchers smack of racism and elitism. Private schools will not be required to take EVERY student, as public schools do. Don't like the color of their skin? Don't let them enroll. They have learning disabilities? Don't let them enroll. They live in rural areas where there are no private schools? Too bad. It seems to me that this bill is designed to force smaller school districts to consolidate even more than they already have, which is a death blow to many small communities across the state. It also seems to me like the state really doesn't want to have educated voters. My tax dollars are not to be spent on private schools, many of which are connected to a certain religion. What happened to separation of church and state? Many Iowa parents already have a choice of where their student goes to school through open enrollment agreements. The money spent on commercials advocating for this bill and the proposed funding for this plan should be put into public education which has been suffering from the lack of sufficient funding for many years. I urge you to dismiss this bill as a bad plan and bad for the majority of Iowa's students!
Dana Foster []
I oppose the Education Savings Account Program because I believe it would do more harm than good for Iowa's schoolchildren. I teach at a private school myself and am passionate about quality alternative education. Even so, I oppose this program. Public money should stay in the public schools, to support them in their mission of serving all Iowa children.
Beth Buelow []
I am very concerned about using public funds to fund private education. the state does not require that private schools take every child ( special needs, anger management, socially challenged, PTSD, etc), but public schools are required to educate all children regardless of educational, behavioral or medical challenges. Our public schools require the resources to effectively educate all of Iowas children, especially the children that require additional support and educational resources.
Patricia Dornacker []
Public Schools are one key to a successful democracy. Taking money from our public schools and giving it to private schools is wrong. I strongly believe that we need to fully fund our current public schools. As an alternative to vouchers we need to provide more effective training for teachers, more mental health services to students and work with social service agencies to make sure that students are healthy and have adequate nutrition.
Anonymous []
I am strongly opposed to giving taxpayers money to private schools or to parents to use for private education. Iowa used to have one of the best education system. This will erode away if money that should be supporting our public schools is given to private schools or to parents to use at private schools. . I am greatly concerned that there would be no accountability for either educational outcomes nor what our taxpayers money is being spent for. I am also greatly concerned that private schools can pick and choose which students they want or dont want. I urge you to vote no on giving public school money to pprivate schools or parents to use for private schools.
Anonymous []
I urge the legislature to make plans that support all Iowans not a privileged few. Expensive plans benefit everyone. Public schools serve the public good.
Kathie Danielson [Kathie Danielson]
I worked as a teacher and principal in Des Moines Public Schools for 42 yrs. Our 3 children attended Moore Elementary, Meredith M.S. and Hoover High School.I am heartbroken that the Voucher bill is even being considered. Private education has and should always be a choice. The years I was a Director at Heartland AEA and a Principal in DMPS, I received numerous phone calls and held many meetings with parents who had made the choice of private schools. They were distraught that their child with special needs or struggling with identified disabilities were struggling at the private school. Parents were told that some services were just not available, so they urged families to transfer students to their neighborhood public school. If a student had repeated behavior issues at the private school, they would request transfer to the public school. There were years when the IA legislature supported public education by increasing funding. That was a long time ago. In my final years, our public schools had to trim, cut, remove programs, pink slip staff, decrease critical professional development and ask teachers to do more with less, because even though there were surplus funds, the legislature and leaders believed that public schools were not serving all students, and the answer was to give money to parents so their children could attend nonpublic schools. Support public schools, and you support all schools and all families.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Laura Bergus []
Please vote against this bill. My child has attended public and private schools, but I do not support public funds going to private schools. This legislation is especially bad for small school districts throughout Iowa. Public schools provide quality education, places to gather, and good jobs in our communities. Increase support for the institutions that serve over 90% of Iowas children, and ensure that children with special needs will have access to educationregardless of where they live. I implore you to vote no.
Gaylen [Ms.]
Free public education is the basis of our democracy. It is how most of us became educated and achieved what we have today. This voucher program is detrimental to our state and society in multiple ways, the most important being the gradual dismantling of our public schools. There is no public oversight when private schools spend public money, our tax dollars. This is plainly wrong and against everything our state government stands for. Our rural schools, which compose 75% of the public schools in Iowa, will be especially harmed as those families do not have a private school option. Iowa spent 73 million dollars in 2020 on private schools, an increase from 34 million in 2008.
Judah Richardson []
Unlike Iowa public schools, Iowa private schools don't have a free bus pickup system. This means relatively few families would be able to transport their children to private schools anyway. These very few are the same families who can afford to send their kids to private school without HSB1 1.Vanishingly few Iowans would benefit from HSB 1, while many, many more would suffer from declining public school quality and education.
Floriana M Hayes [None]
Do not use taxpayer money to fund private education. It is morally wrong.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Anonymous [Individual ]
Public education is a right that makes us a stronger state & country. Private education is already a choice that parents can make. That choice should NOT be paid for with taxpayer money. Lets build up our public schools to be the best in the nation again. Tuition vouchers are not equitable. The majority of families dont even have a private school in driving distance therefore the voucher system favors cities & takes money from our rural schools. Lets do what benefits the majority of students in Iowa and not just a select few.
Anonymous []
Iowa's public schools used to be some of the best in the country but the last few years we no longer hold our place. Iowa needs to put more toward a public education NOT take money away from it. If the money goes to these private schools there will be no audit done to see that the money is spent on education. The state controls how the public school district spends the money the state will have no control with private. Also, I believe it's just another way to segregate people from different classes. Isn't this country divided enough.
Amy Myers []
I graduated from a private school system and do not support using public funds to help parents pay for their children to attend private schools. Doing so will only dilute the quality of public education, and also is a comingling of public and private interests.As a taxpayer, I support public funds being used to address the inequities and issues facing public schools, not simply directing the funds to another program without really getting to the heart of public education performance issues.Thank you for your attention.
Anonymous []
I look forward to speaking in support of this important legislation
Ellie Hill [Myself]
As a teacher, I feel it is my responsibility to voice my opinion that it is irresponsible to allow discrimination against students in the realm of education where they should be allowed to be in a safe space safe from any form of hate or discrimination and this bill targets students, specifically queer ones who are already vulnerable. I advocate for discriminationfree and safe space education.
Dustin Rush []
ESAs will put PARENTS and STUDENTS in the drivers seat in education by allowing the funds to follow the student. I want my lawmakers to not only pass the bill, but actively support it and encourage other lawmakers to do the same. Its time to remove ISEA from the drivers seat and dismiss their political agenda from being an obstacle to our students education.
Mary Kay Kay Johnson []
I used to be proud of my states education system because I knew it would provide all the necessary resources for every child to get a good education. Now underfunded and undermined by the elected officials, who should speak out against inequity, this bill caters to private for profit interests. It will only create less for those who need it most.
Anonymous [Self]
ALL children deserve a quality education. Quality education should not be out of reach for children who dont have parents that are system savvy. School vouchers will only widen the gap for children living in poverty, foster care, and with parents who might not understand the system. No public dollars for schools who could deny my deaf child admission because of her disability or refuse to meet her IEP needs!
Maribeth Bousman []
I am writing to express my opposition to this bill. My parents chose to send my siblings and me to private schools. They understood that choice came with the obligation of paying tuition. According to The Art of Citizenship, The Role of Education ( Thomas Jefferson believed that educated citizens could make the American experiment in selfgovernment succeed. He proposed a system of broad, free, public education. The impact of these endeavors and the legacy of Jeffersons ideas about accessible education can still be seen today. If private schools utilize public funding, they should pay taxes and accommodate the needs of all students. Parents have a choice for their childrens education and Iif private schools are their choice, they should recognize the obligation to pay tuition and leave public funds to public education for the good of our nation.
Gerald Kapanka []
I urge support for the Governor's ESA Plan. Public schools receive $14000 per student in federal and state monies for every student that lives in their district whether they attend the school or not. They will continue to receive nearly half of that amount even if students chose to attend a private school. The ESA plan gives parents the option to choose the school the best fits the needs of their children. The often quoted mantra "public money for public schools" is a misnomer. There is no such thing a public money. The money that the state receives comes from private individuals earned through their hard work. The State taxes these hard workers and then refuses to let the ones who actually earned the money have a say in how the money is used. Let the parents have a choice, it's their tax dollars.
Susan Jellinger []
Dear Honorable Legislators:I write against this bill. Public education has a long and strong history in our state. There are changes in our state's education standing over the last couple decades which just funding has not adequately addressed. A voucher system is basically giving up on the majority of students in our state.My sisterinlaw favors this type of system and advocates for it up in MN. As we talked over our views, she reiterated that she wants parents to be able to take their child out of any school and place in a private, more selective school which does not have to follow all the public school guidelines and union rules. She also likes that a "higher class" of minority students would attend this type of school.I agree that public education systems are legally mandated to provide education for a much wider range of students with varying learning abilities and challenges. This voucher program is yet another method to dismantle our previously robust public education system. The attacks on the teaching profession is also driving many to leave or stay away from teaching. Please oppose the passage of HSB !. Thank you.
Anonymous []
This education savings account will take away tax payer money from public school and other valuable public services. I want Iowa policy makers to take the interests of Iowas children and rural communities to heart, and vote no on this bill.
Robert Hannah [Private Citizen]
I do not support vouchers for private school, because the private schools are not regulated as to what and how they teach. They leave out a lot things.
Jan Doellinger [Iowa District East - Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod]
I am writing this email message as a supporter of HSB1. I fully agree with Governor Reynolds and this bill that creates a universal Education Saving Account (not a voucher) over the next 3 years. I believe it is the parents who should have the right to choose where to educate their child, not the system. Both public and private schools have their place in Iowa, and both work hard at providing a quality education. This is not a "us" vs "them" debate. It is putting choice in the hands of the parents where it belongs.I base my opinion on nearly 50 years in education, both as a teacher and an administrator. I've worked along side wonderful public school teachers, and have appreciated the excellent working relationship we have had.One of the arguments our opponents use is that private schools are not accountable. That is not true. Every Lutheran School in Iowa is accredited by National Lutheran School Accreditation which is recognized by the Iowa Department of Education. This is a rigorous instrument for ensuring that our Lutheran Schools are meeting high quality standards while also meeting or exceeding the standards set by the Iowa Department of Education. Please support this bill so that all of Iowa's children can have access to the school that best supports their needs.Thank you.
Anonymous []
I am totally opposed to school vouchers. I believe it will put more strain on public schools, which are already underfunded already. While Governor Reynolds talks about school funding has increased, she does not talk about the increases in fixed costs that have gone up more than any additional assistance given by the legislature. Funding private schools, especially those run by religious institutions, goes against the division of church and state. I firmly believe that more school vouchers will be a burden on all schools in Iowa and result in a decline of excellent education for the public schools. It will be another example of those t the economic top getting a better opportunity than those on the middle and bottom of the economic scale.
Joyce Chaopman [N/a]
I vehemently opposed the voucher system for funding private school tuition. Approve adequate funding for public schools so we can again provide great public education to children of our state. All one needs to research is how unsuccessful the private school tuition has been in Ohio. The profiteers are the out of state school owners.
Phil Buelow []
I am very concerned about using public tax money to fund private schools. Private schools are not required to take all students. They can decide who they allow to enroll in their school. Children with behavioral challenges, social concerns, PTSD etc are often not accepted in private schools. Public schools are required to educate all children, and they need to have the resources to educate all of Iowa's children no matter what their educational, behavioral or medical challenges might be. It seems like a very uneven/unfair playing field when private schools can hand pick their students and get the same reimbursement per student from the State as public schools who spend many more funds and resources educating children with greater challenges. If we want ALL of the adults in our society to be educated and productive, then we need to focus our State's educational funds on students in need and fund our public schools so that they can adequately meet the needs of all Iowa's children. We do NOT want to create a two tier system where the best education for the average child is a private school education and "everyone else" who has any challenges goes to the underserved and underfunded public school. This would unfairly target the very children who need Iowa's educational funds the most.
Gina Hanna []
Vouchers will only increase the gap between the haves and have nots. This body needs to work to close that gap so all of Iowas kids can have a fair chance. Those who want their children to attend a private school already have that option. Scholarships are often available at these institutions for families who cant afford the tuition. IF it is legislated that private schools are to be held to the same standards in teacher certification, acceptance of ALL students, provide special services for students with IEPs, have open board meetings, have transparency in finances, (to name just a few) in short all the rules a public school has to follow, then and only then this discussion might have some merit. Since that wont happen, please vote NO on vouchers as they will be a killing blow to an already struggling system that was once a source of pride to this state. Recent legislation has gutted funding, support, and weakened what we should be working to strengthen. The majority of Iowans are against this, who are you there to represent? PUBLIC DOLLARS BELONG IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Mary Kay Kay Johnson []
I used to be proud of my states education system because I knew it would provide all the necessary resources for every child to get a good education. Now underfunded and undermined by the elected officials, who should speak out against inequity, this bill caters to private for profit interests. It will only create less for those who need it most.
Mindy Wells [Parent]
When declaring your rights, dont forget your responsibilities. Quote by H Jackson Brown Jr.Private schools may want the right to public education funding yet they are not responsible in the sane ways as public schools for example, transparency, nondiscrimination, equal access, etc.Until the sane responsibilities are required by law, I am against our public dollars being given as a right for private education.
Jennifer De Kock [Parent, WDCSD]
I am a public school parent of a child with an IEP. I was entirely educated in private schools due to the challenges faced by the Chicago Public School district. I am proud that my 2 sons have attended schools in both DMPS and WDMCS and are receiving solid, compassionate, and diverse educations. As an attorney, I remind legislators that school vouchers are constitutionally problematic in several respects.
Anonymous [Parent]
When declaring your rights, dont forget your responsibilities. Quote by H Jackson Brown JrAs a parent of 2 that go to public school and a former child educated in private schools, I am against public funding to private schools.Until private schools are required to have the same responsibilities bilitites mandated by law as public schools, they do not deserve the rights of public finding. Plain and simple.
Anonymous []
The Montezuma schools have almost nothing already. The students arent encouraged to aim for college and certainly arent prepared for it. And now you want to take more away from them? What is the goal here? To drive humans out of rural Iowa so it can be just a commercial agricultural area, wind turbines, and pipelines? Do you even care about the children of Iowa?
Anonymous []
I oppose the proposed voucher program. It is spending money that could be going to schools that need the money. It does not serve every student, nor does it serve every student equally. If parents can afford to send their children to a private school they will do that.
Christine Kapp [Johnson County Democratrs]
Public dollars for public schools
Linda hansen [None]
The ramifications of this action will deepen socioeconomic divides in our state.
Amanda Remington (Mandi) []
I urge you to vote no on HSB1. Supporting forprofit institutions that are not required to accept all students, provide disability accommodations, follow basis equity principles, or recognize religious freedoms would be a gross misuse of public tax dollars. Additionally, it would harm public schools and increase disparities, as overhead operating costs do not drastically differ based on the number of students in the building. Only those students whose parents have the time and money to transport them to and from private schools would be able to utilize vouchers. Those whose parents cannot, or who are not accepted by the private schools, would be left with no choice but to attend defunded public schools with dwindling programming. Iowa's children deserve better.
Brenda Davis []
No to vouchers!
Karen Goedeken []
I believe that public dollars need to go to public education. Unlike private schools, public schools are required to admit and serve all students. this legislation would divert taxpayer dollars to nonpublic schools which are not required to this principle of equity. Available resources should go to support the most students. The 2023 voucher proposal would cost more than $100 million the first year, leaving out large portions of our student population. At a time when our public schools are facing unprecedented challenges, available resources should go to support the more than 485,000 public school students in all 99 counties.Taxpayer dollars should requite accountability and transparency. Nonpublic schools are not held to the same standard as public schools. The absence of public accountability for taxpayer dollars could contribute to waste and fraud of taxpayer dollars.
Antonio Banuelos [Diocese of Des Moines ]
La want to speak on behalf of the benefits private education in n the improvement and education of children especially those in risk
Anonymous []
Please vote NO VOUCHERS. Our tax dollars should only be spent on public schools and education! Also, the procedures used to implement this Ill advised voucher plan are extremely susceptible to fraud. And, a lot of extra tax dollars would need to be spent to monitor the money that would be dispersed. Please keep education tax dollars ONLY for public schools! Thank you.
Anonymous []
Please vote No Vouchers. Iowans tax dollars should NOT be used to fund a private school voucher program. Public school education is the backbone of America. Fully fund our public schools so Iowas public education system can be as good and as highly regarded as it was when I attended Public schools in Iowa. Please vote against the use of vouchers for private schools. Thank you.
Vicki Rowland [FCCF]
NO public tax dollars for private educationever.Keep the public school financially strong. Tighten the laws regarding home and private schooling to require certification, mandatory progress testing, attendance monitoring, approved lesson plans, unannounced inspections.The Voucher Plan is a form of segregationprivate schools can pick and choose. Public schools are required to accept everyone.
Anonymous []
Please vote against vouchers. Private schools already recruit students that are better academically and athletic. It's not fair to the public schools they are recruited from. Plus you will kill small communities that are struggling to keep their schools to keep their towns. Public schools have been underfunded for the past 20 years and this would be one more nail in the coffin. You mandate what these schools are supposed to teach but don't fund the program. This is one reason we can't keep young people in our state.
Diane M. Duncan-Goldsmith [N/A]
Governor Reynolds is adamant about passing her school voucher program. However during her recent address she failed to mention the plan had drastically changed. Instead of 10,000 students she will now offer the program to every family in the state, phased in over three years. The first years price tag is $106.9 million: future cost projections are not available. The plan also increases the amount of money families receive. There are many questions which absolutely need to be answered before Republican legislators rush this very costly legislation through this years legislative session. Will her change impact public schools, depleting critical resources, especially for the 75% of public schools which are in rural areas with little to no access to private schools? a voucher program lead to an exodus of rural families to larger communities, depopulating more parts of the state, leading to rural school closures and declining town populations and services? Nonpublic schools do not have the same state mandated requirements for accountability and transparency as public schools. There must be public accountability for taxpayer dollars to prevent waste and fraud. How will private schools be held accountable for these millions of dollars? Locally elected school boards oversee public schools representing the communitys voice. Private schools have selfappointed boards of trustees without public oversight over how this public money would be spent. Where is the oversight?By 2020 Iowa already spent $73 million on private schools including busing, textbooks, special education, scholarship support, and tax credit for parents paying private tuition. Why does the Governor and GOP legislature want to pour millions more into private schools? Since 2014 Iowas public school funding has only grown 11.6% compared nationally to an average of nearly 20%. Reynolds 2.5% increase to public schools simply continues to underfund public education in Iowa. In fact, Iowas public school funding at ready ranks near the bottom at 31 out of 51.Private school vouchers are simply a very bad idea for Iowas children and K12 public education.
Bruce and Carol Gordon [Retired school teachers]
We were distressed, but not surprised to hear that the Governor had put school vouchers as her top priority. If she has truly studied this issue she has to know what a bad idea it is for education in the state of Iowa. In many areas of the state there would be no access for students to use these vouchers because of their proximity to private schools. Site maps of districts prove this to be true. As former teachers (with 62 years of experience collectively)in public schools we know how strapped districts have been over those decades to financially keep their budgets solvent. Teacher pay was always in the lower quadrant of states in the U.S. To take money from the public schools and to give a large stipend to some "special interest student groups" is to devalue students in the public schools. It is very evident that the starting voucher spending would only grow over the years further depleting public school funding. What will happen to the rural schools and their communities where great educational programs are the norm? The writing is on the wall and any representative or senator who thinks this is a good idea needs to connect with their communities to hear the outcry from their constituents. We ask, who really wants this besides our Governor. The answer, as we see it, are the wealthy people from the largest cities in Iowa who support the private school idea but do not want that choice to come out of their pocket. We also do not want to be forced to pay extra state tax so some wealthy people can send their children to a school they perceive as better than the public school. The standards of many of the private school do not have to comply with the standards of the public schools. What credible educational studies have you done to show that those graduating non public schools are academically superior? Another big issue is the separation of church and state!! How does that fit with beliefs of Iowans. This whole issue is a slippery slope that will only bring about division in the people of our state and will set the Republican party in a bad light as it promotes the division of the haves and the havenots. The last thing we want to bring up briefly is the suggestion that there would be a raise in teacher pay in connection with this bill. All retired teachers know about that one!! For those 62 years we talked about in the teaching field, there was NEVER a year when we didn't have to fight for a hundred dollar or two hundred dollar raisethere were years when there was no raise, cost of living or otherwise, but a "good faith promise" to make it up the next yearit never happened!!! Why did we stay? Because we loved what we were doing, we loved the kids and we were dedicated to the profession. We are not convinced that the best and brightest are being attracted to the profession. Pay and benefits in the private sector are far superior. The voucher plan will only exacerbate the problem as the public schools fall lower and lower on the states priority list and the state of Iowa will have been hookwinked by a Governor who is bent on getting this done but really for whose benefit!? The RED FLAGS are flying high over this bill!!! DEFEAT IT AND ALLOW PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND THEIR COMMUNITIES TO THRIVE!! If communities lose their schools brought about by the wrecking ball action this proposal would have, then those communities stand to lose their thriving communities and after that we know what happensfamilies who love the serenity of rural life will be looking across the border for jobs and good public schools.
Diane Storey []
Public money is for public education. We have open enrollment. Private schools choose their students. Are ELL students or students with physical disabilities, behavioral issues, family issues, learning issues served in private schools? Public money belongs to public schools to keep preparing all Iowans for the wonderful place we have grown. Iowa has a surplus. Use that for fully funding public education. Our tax money should not be given blindly for personal agendas with no oversight.
Anonymous [Family ]
Public money should be used for public schools to support a system that has long proven to meet the needs of all children not just the "easy" ones. Public schools in Iowa offer so much more than just an education. They offer a safe place, food, counseling, support to gain education for those who struggle with disabilities. Private schools can refuse to meet the needs of any student they don't want to put the effort or time into. I want my money to continue to support public schools and all they do.
Elizabeth Kapp []
Please account for the basic needs of all Iowa students, purchase books and other badly needed materials, increase para and teacher wages, and bolster schoolbased mental health care for our youth in crisis before creating an entitlement for the wealthy.
Anonymous [Carr]
Extra education money should be used to improve our public schools to alleviate some of the problems parents facing. Make it equal.
Lori Mullin [Public School Parent]
Say NO to vouchers and YES to more funding for public schools. Take that money planned for vouchers and make Iowa's public school system number 1 again. Vouchers will hurt our smaller communities and their schools.
Anonymous [Taxpayers Against Vouchers]
NO taxpayer funds for private schools ever!!! Anyone wanting to send their children to private school can pay for it themselves. DO NOT use my hard earned tax dollarsyeah, I pay my income taxesto allow this! It flies in the face of separation of church and state for every private school that is religiously centered. Government DOES NOT get to pick a religionany religionas the officially endorsed one for the state. Stop trying to break the U.S. and Iowa Constitutions.
Linda hansen [None]
The ramifications of this action will deepen socioeconomic divides in our state.
Julie Michalicek []
I am against the voucher system. Our public schools do a great job teaching the youth of Iowa.
John Terry Seliga [Seliga]
I share the sentiments of others that vouchers are not in the best interest of Iowa students Funding is diverted from public schoolswhich serve 90 percent of studentsand give it to private schoolsinstitutions that are not accountable to taxpayers. Vouchers also puts rural schools particularly at risk. Unlike the typical suburban middle class or urban family, rural families have few access points to schools other than their indistrict local public schools.If people are not satisfied with the funding in public school the legislature needs to improve the funding to public education.
Elizabeth Kapp []
Please account for the basic needs of all Iowa students, purchase books and other badly needed materials, increase para and teacher wages, and bolster schoolbased mental health care for our youth in crisis before creating an entitlement for the wealthy.
Yvonne Taes []
Ive heard that this bill will create competition, thereby raising the quality of education in Iowa. How can it be competitive when private schools are not required to follow the same rules as public? Why can we not fund public schools at the levels they need? Why should my tax dollars go towards a private religious school? Please vote against this bill.
Anonymous [NA]
Please vote no on HSB1. Public dollars have to remain in public schools. This newest version has increased the cost to taxpayers by 45 million dollars with no end in sight. Public schools have operating costs that do not coincide with the number of children attending. Funneling public taxpayer money to private schools will further weaken Iowas public education. Public education used to be a draw for families to move to Iowa, but our governor has presided over a decline in our education system, and this would be detrimental to what remains.In the end, this is just a transfer of wealth to the already rich and frankly, a scam as lower income families would not have the resources or time to drive their children to the few private schools available. I urge you to vote no on this bill and work to rebuild Iowas reputation in public education rather than defunding public education.
Daryl Erickson []
Separation of church and state PERIOD.
Sharon DeGraw []
HSB1, The Students First Act, is a radical reworking and dismantling of the public education system. Law makers supporting this bill may envision parents having the option to send children to private Catholic or other relatively mainstream religious schools. However, it cannot prevent the collection of public money to fund dubious organizations. With HSB1, how would Iowa avoid attracting insular groups such as the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas from establishing themselves in rural Iowa to fund a school and support a community considered extreme by the federal government?
Ronald Clayton [None]
Dontt take money away from public schools so some parents and some kids can go to private schools. Once you start gutting public funding then schools will end up with fewer teachers, fewer music programs, fewer art, theater, foreign language programs. You are going to do far more damage to a broader group of students. It also seems you are willing to give these private schools money with none of the accountability that comes with public schools. And that doesnt make a bit of sense if you are trying to improve education.
Barbara Erickson []
Iowa's legislature has not been adequately funding public schools and it is wrong to take away some of public school funding to support religious and private schools. Our country was founded on the principle of separation of church and state. Our governor and the republican legislature is trying to misappropriate public funds.
Stacy Streit [none]
Private schools do not have to accept children with disabilities or special education needs. Unless private schools can accept all children, including children with disabilities, then no public dollars should go to them.
Anna Holstine []
Public money is for public schools. I would support private Educational Savings Accounts that parents could have for their children and be allowed to exempt a portion of their contributions from income taxessimilar to Health Savings Accounts. But I should not be funding those accounts for them.
Colleen Armstrong []
As a tax payer I am frustrated and angry that the Republican leadership and the majority in the legislature continue to weaken our education system in this state by underfunding public schools, threatening teachers, professing to know more than our educators and diverting funding away from public education.Vouchers have been documented to have a very negative impact on our children's future and out state's future. Why it continues to be supported and forced upon the citizens of this state is a clear insult and attempt to marginalize whole groups that do not conform to the legislature's ideas and will. The legislature is elected to protect and lift up all its citizensnot just the privileged few.Please stop the madness and vote NO on any form of legislation that diverts public funding to private use.
Cindy Garlock [Cedar Rapids Community School District Board of Education]
The Cedar Rapids Community School District Board of Directors stands firmly opposed to the voucher plan before this committee. It is estimated that this plan will cost nearly 1 billion dollars over the next 4 years. At the same time, the implementation of the flat tax will be decreasing revenues by nearly 1.8 billion dollars. It seems obvious that budgets will need to be cut. We are concerned that public school budgets will bear the brunt of these costs in the future. Our schools have been underfunded for the last 10 years and this voucher plan will cause devastation to programs and staffing. Voucher programs are often touted as a way to give parents choice. A more accurate statement would be that vouchers give private schools a choice in who they enroll. Private schools can pick and choose which students they accept while public schools accept ALL students. Private schools are not required to accept students with disabilities, students with language barriers or students with Individualized Education Plans. Private schools are not required to be open to all students regardless of race, religion, gender, and socioeconomic status. Private schools would be allowed to use your public tax dollars while also discriminating against some Iowa children. This is not fair to our children.Private schools also operate without the oversight found in our public schools. There is no publicly elected board. There is no accountability in finances or in curriculum. There is no required transparency and accountability, either locally or by state mandate. This creates an uneven playing field and is not fair to Iowans.Private schools in Iowa can be founded by individuals or entities from outside our state. Therefore, these unregulated, for profit schools may be sending your tax dollars out of state, supporting economies in other states. Iowa public schools have a long tradition of excellence. In fact, at one time, they were held in such high regard that they were celebrated on our state quarter with the inscription Foundation in Education. The Governors voucher plan will most certainly shake the foundation of our public schools, which were once a source of great pride for all Iowans. Please oppose this voucher plan.
Amy Price [Timothy Christian School]
My name is Amy Price, and I am writing to express my support of Iowa legislation to create educational savings accounts for Iowa students. Our family has chosen all three forms of education in some capacity over the years. I have homeschooled, had our kids in private Christian school at Timothy Christian in Wellsburg, and currently have a daughter at AplingtonParkersburg Highschool. I am aware of the benefits and issues surrounding each of these educational experiences and feel very strongly that the power for educational choice needs to be put in the hands of parents first. My choices have never been guided by our wallet, but by what the Lord has called us to, even if it meant major sacrifice for our family. However, with rising costs, influences of damaging policies from the left and unhinged teachers unions, and a culture that possesses a very different worldview than our own, having more control over who our kids are taught by and influenced by has become of the utmost importance to us. And I strongly believe every parent should have that choice regardless of their financial status. I believe that all students in the great state of Iowa, regardless of economic standing or current school placement, should have the opportunity and the means to access the schooling option of their choice. Whether that choice is public, private, charter, or homeschooling, the decision of how a child is educated should be decided by a students parents or guardians, and that choice should be supported by laws that create and protect those opportunities, while also removing obstacles that would limit those options.The strength of Iowa has always resided in its people. Iowans can, and should, be entrusted with the decision of how to educate their children, building a future for Iowa that will surpass the accomplishments of the past. For these reasons, I am writing to ask for your support in the creation of educational savings accounts for all Iowa children. Thank you for your consideration. Amy PriceParkersburg, IA
Allison J Castle []
I am an Iowa citizen against school vouchers. Public schools provide an education for all students no matter their socioeconomic status, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/mental/emotional conditions/abilities, religious beliefs, etc. I am concerned about the damage that will be done to Iowa's public school if funding is diverted to institutions that are allowed to pick and choose which students they want to serve and do not have the same accountability and transparency as public schools. I am concerned about my tax dollars being used for private schools that are allowed to discriminate. I am concerned about my tax dollars being used for religious based institutions. I am concerned that "school choice" will not make the playing field more equitable for student and their families but will in fact widen the spread of the "haves" and "have nots". I believe that public funds should be used for public schools. I oppose school voucher.
Kathy Graeve []
Vote No on the Voucher Scheme. The latest voucher scheme proposed is opposed by the majority of Iowans who support their local public schools. The costs of this latest voucher scheme are more than $370,000.000 per year of public taxpayer money, and this does not include administrative costs to outside of Iowa private companies. The impetus for vouchers is coming from out of state and outside sources. There is no oversight of these funds or these schools. Why? What motive do outside companies have for Iowa citizens other than to profit off of them? There would be almost no public oversight of these tax dollars. In other states where vouchers have been used, fraud has been rampant. Florida's voucher program was audited and over a billion dollars in fraudulent spending was uncovered. Even in Michigan, the home to Betsy DeVos, the voucher scheme has been withdrawn due to public outrage and the knowledge of how damaging voucher schemes are to communities and children.Vouchers end up in the hands of schools and for profit entities who are able to discriminate and choose who they wish to educate. Public Schools welcome ALL students. Vouchers benefit wealthy families and 90% of vouchers are used by parents with children ALREADY enrolled in private schools so no opportunities are created. There is NO proof that private schools are more successful than public schools. Finally, the vast majority of Iowa students do not live within driving distance of a private school. Vouchers will take money from struggling rural schools and overcrowded suburban schools and hand it to private schools. Another point to remember is that the growth of communities is in large part due to the excellent reputation of the public schools. Many young Iowans, who we desperately need in our state, have returned to the state to educate their own children because they remember the excellent public education they received here. Public Schools are an economic engine and rural areas are even more dependent upon their rural schools which are the center of the community. Once the rural school is gone, the community often follows. Talk to anyone who has experienced the closing of their rural school. Lets fund and take care of the roughly 485,000 students in public schools in Iowa. Again, Vote NO to Vouchers
Gina Hausknecht []
The answer to public schools that aren't meeting the needs of all their children is not using taxpayer money to fund private schools, it's strengthening, expanding, and improving public schools and public school districts. The language of "parental choice" is misleading. Diverting funding away from public education strips schools, teachers, parents, and children of choices of all kinds, especially for Iowans in rural areas. Public education is the bedrock of American democracy. In practice, this bill reduces funding to our public schools. The effect will be to diminish the life prospects of children in Iowa, especially those in working class and poor families.
Robert Gertsen [None]
No taxation without representation is one of the major principles that our country was founded on. Public schools are taxation with representation. Private school funding of any kind with public money is taxation without representation. This unAmerican scholarship program should be shelved never to be seen again.
Kay Marcel [private citizen]
I am the parent of an adult with intellectual developmental disabilities. My son and family have experienced unintended and harmful consequences of policies enacted by wellintentioned elected officials. In its current form the Governors ESA proposal will have unintentional consequences that will have a negative impact on educational programming for students with disabilities who will be left behind in underfunded public schools.Educational Savings Accounts (vouchers) do NOT ensure parental choice and promoting them as doing so is insincere. Unless nonpublic schools are required to accept and serve ALL students, regardless of disability or support needed, choice remains with nonpublic school whether or not to accept a voucher and student. Most private schools currently decline to serve students with particular challenges (intellectual, behavioral) and the Governors proposed ESA bill will not change this. Students with disabilities will be left behind in underfunded public schoolsPublic schools must (and do) serve ALL students, regardless of the resources they are provided. While there has been increased funding provided to public schools, the amount has not kept pace with inflation. The Governors proposal continues the practice of underfunding public schools while providing public dollars to nonpublic schools Public schools are required by Federal and State laws to provide adaptations and accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities for ALL students; nonpublic schools are NOT, and the ESA program does not require that accountability. To address this inequity, Im asking you to consider offering amendments to the ESA bill requiring nonpublic schools to accept a voucher (honoring parental choice), regardless of a students disability, and to provide the services that student need to maximize their education and learning. Absent such amendments, I urge you to vote against the Governors proposal.This is fundamentally an issue of fairness and equality for students. Promoting the Governor ESA proposal as providing choice for ALL parents is dishonest. Finally, Ive heard proponents compare the ESA program proposed by the Governor to providing public tax dollars to those who receive Medicaid services and Food Stamps. This is a false comparison, which demonstrates the ignorance or insincerity of proponents. Unlike the Governor's ESA proposal, the Medicaid and Food Stamp programs have strict eligibility criteria and accountability for how funds are spent. Unlike the Governors proposal both programs have income eligibility criteria and oversight of how funds are spent. Medicaid recipients do not have direct access to the funds. Medicaid funds are NOT given directly to recipients and are NOT in personal accounts that recipients can access directly. The state approves what specific services Medicaid recipients are eligible for and funds paying for those services are distributed by the state, or its contractors, reimbursing providers for services delivered. Food Stamp recipients receive vouchers and can shop where they choose. However, there are program rules that restrict what items they can purchase. In the interest of accuracy and transparency I urge you to inform your colleagues and proponents for the Governors ESA proposal about this false comparison.I also urge you to vote against the Governor's ESP proposal and any proposal that does not hold nonpublic schools accountable to the same standards as public schools for serving ALL students, regardless of disability, and providing needed supports.
Mark A. Reed, Sr. []
I am support the HSB1 which would create ESA's in Iowa.
Anonymous [St. Theresa's parishioner]
If there were no private schools the public schools would be overflowing and still have all the current issues. I believe a voucher system is needed. My parish pays half the cost of total education costs. I think the money should go directly to the private school not to the parents or a college savings fund. Maybe only $5000 dollars as I believe it is very important for the family to provide a portion of the support as well.
Anonymous []
Public money should be for public schools. My child goes to a private school and I adamantly disagree with vouchers.
Carol Erban [Iowa taxpayer]
As a single no children Iowa tax payer, I am happy my tax dollars support Iowa public K12 schools. Public colleges and universities too. An educated population is an employable and productive, and happy population. Using Iowa tax dollars for private education subsidies those who have enough. Parents already have choice and if they dont like public education, that is their choice and they should spend their dollars, not mine, on private education.Using public dollars for non public education has been proven by other states to be detrimental to the majority of students. It is shown to be rife for fraud and waste. Iowas rural communities are already struggling and this bill will make it worse.
Anonymous [Na]
Please vote no on this bill. Public dollars belong in public schools.
Anonymous [51579]
Please do not take public tax dollars from our public schools to fund private education. I live in a small town (around 1400 population) in a very rural county. Woodbine consists of one public school K12th grade. Our county needs public schools and dollars for the kids in our desolate communities. Without these public schools and funding, our kids will not get the education they deserve. My grandchildren's parents could never afford private schooling, which i don't believe that it exists in our county. Why should my intelligent grandkids be treated differently because of their household income level? Where would they go to get a decent education? I have always been proud of the kids that grow up and graduate from our great public schools. I VOTE NO to take money away from our public schools to fund private schooling.
Collette Saylor [Retired Community College Employee]
Iowa's public schools exist to educate our people to be good citizens creating a government that works for the good of all our citizens. I don't understand the attacks on public schools. What are they scared of? Our democracy depends on an educated citizenry.
Lisa Mellecker []
I would like to speak against the proposed voucher bill as a lifelong Iowan, public school graduate, public school teacher, and soontobe parent.
Anonymous [n/a]
Iowans prize our deep history of strong public schools and believe every kid in Iowa deserves a worldclass education. They see the Governors voucher program as fundamentally unfair to most Iowa kids, especially in rural areas. Heres why:75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private schools, leaving those kids with no choice at all.134 schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures in rural areas.Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want.Millionaires in Des Moines would get $100,000 of our tax dollars to send their kids to private school.While were still waiting for the final estimates from our nonpartisan fiscal agency, the price tag for the first fiveyears of the voucher program is likely to be around $1 billion. Thats a pretty hefty price tag considering the state general fund budget this year was about $9.8 billion.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Tamara Lorenz [Individual property tax payer for 42 years]
My ancestors moved to Iowa to farm in 1862. Iowas public education system has benefitted my family in many forms from the one room school house through public universities. Ive had no children to send to Iowa public schools, but have readily paid my property taxes to support schools, because we all need Iowas children to have unfettered access to free public education. The proposed bill will reduce public funding to rural schools where access to private education is not a realistic option. The legislation will also provide tax payer dollars for scholarship money to families without any income restrictions. As a tax payer, I have no interest in funding a reduction in a wealthy familys private education cost. If passed, this legislation will cost ordinary Iowans in dollars and in loss of access to affordable quality education.
Shannon Starks [- Select -]
Iowas public schools have an obligation to serve children and parents so they can thrive now and in the future. This proposal to destroy Iowas public schools serves the interests of a system of wealthy elites with enormous political power who are hungry for power over all of us. It is about choice for those wealthy elites, not for the people of Iowa. Power over our government and the governance of our schools rightly belongs to the people of Iowa, not to wealthy elites with no concern for our thriving or our future.
Mandy Gilbert []
Please support the Governors proposal for education savings accounts for Iowa students. Public schools offer a limited model that can meet some students but is not effectively meeting the needs of all Iowa students. Statistics/surveys show each year that Iowa wants ESAs and choice in education. Many new legislators were voted by Iowans this last election on school choice alone. There is a reason the Iowa House education chair last year, is not even apart of the house legislature this year. This was a referendum on parents wanting to finally see school choice ESAs passing. The first experts in a childrens education is the parents and are the best at deciding if public, private, charter or homeschooling is the best choice. Please support this bill that will help Iowa students to be directed on the best path for success. Thank you for all those standing up for all students to be successful in Iowa. Iowa is a leader in understanding the needs of the students.
Anonymous []
This will destroy our public school system.
Kathleen Stangeland [Retired public school teacher]
Private schools dont have to accept all students. Can reject students with disabilities, behavior problems, etc.Majority of Iowans oppose the bill!Will be devastating to rural communities.Tax dollars going to people who can already afford to send their children to private schoolsThis type of program has already failed miserably in several states.Accountability of performance results not public.
Andrea Severson []
Public funds belong in public schools.
Ron Danielson [None]
This system is not a fair and equal system in that the majority of Iowa students are in rural areas with no accessibility to private schools. Most private schools do not have staff or facilities to deal with students with learning disabilities.Public schools must and do take all students private schools can pick and choose as meets their desires.Iowa has lost its reputation as a state with and outstanding education history. This is due to a lack of funding by our legislatures over the past few years. It is time we look to building our school system back to where they should be by giving them the funding they need and deserve. Public money is meant for public education that will improve education for everyone. Please do the right thing and vote no on this very important issue.
Eric Rucker []
This is Rev. Eric Rucker. I am a pastor in Des Moines and campus chaplain at Simpson College, and a biologial and foster parent. I strongly oppose Governor Reynold's new voucher proposal. 75% of public schools in Iowa are in rural areas with no access to private schools, so most Iowa youth could not even utilize these hypothetical vouchers. 134 public schools in Iowa have already closed, and I have several friends who have left their teaching careers in Iowa public schools because of low pay and burn out. Iowa public schools are already struggling how much worse will the problem become if more money is siphoned off from public schools to pay for vouchers? Lastly, as a taxpayer I want my money to go to supporting only schools who welcome EVERY student. While public schools must welcome all youth, private schools can turn students away, leaving the most needy students at a disadvantage. Additionally, private schools are not subjected to the same oversight as public schools. I cannot tolerate my money being used as a a scholarship for a student to atttend a school that, for example, teaches relgious lessons I disagree with. All families have the RIGHT to choose private schools. But that choice should NOT be subsidized by my tax money, at the cost of public schools.
Anonymous [Student]
Every child is different and requires different needs. Therefore, as a child in Iowa, they deserve the choice of an education that fits them. Every child should have the right of a quality education regardless of their financial situation. Their guardians income should have no say in the wellbeing of their childrens ability to learn. As Iowans we should stand for the choice of the student to positively benefit their future. I have the luxury of attending a private school and believe everyone else should have the option of deciding. After going to 8 different schools in 3 states ranging from public to private I can confirm that having the option of private is the right way for me and every kid should also have that opportunity. It
Sarah Schaefet []
I stand against HSB1 as it is not what is good for Iowans. This bill would take money from public schools. It would also support private schools who do have the same standards as public schools. It is also a clear example of the legislature not paying attention to the needs and wants of Iowans, as a majority of Iowans do not support let the use of public funds for private schools.
Ann Burns []
I am against diverting tax dollars from public schools to private schools. Private schools can be selective about which students they allow to enroll, leaving students with special needs in public schools that will have funds taken from their budgets. Losing per pupil funding is not a dollar lost for dollar needed for remaining students. If a small public preK6 school loses an average of 2 students per grade, the school will lose $121,568 in public school funds. That is the equivalent of three starting teachers' salaries. But the school cannot reduce their teaching staff by 3 teachers. They have to keep every teacher at every grade level. You are creating an impossible situation for local school boards. The proposal to allow the dollars to follow students, regardless of income level, turns private schools into publicly funded schools, without requiring the same accountability as is required of public schools.Private schools that have religious affiliation receive support from their affiliate church. Priorities Iowa is ready to launch a sixfigure ad campaign to promote the voucher program. If private schools are so important to this organization, let them spend that money to support the private schools that are not affiliated with churches instead of an expensive ad campaign.
Cindy []
Don't use our taxes for vouchers for private schools for a bunch of rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools. That is NOT an Iowan value. Iowa used to be ranked high in education. Now because of lack of funding for our public schools our ranking has dropped considerably.
Ben Docker []
Public dollars are for public schools
Yvonne Taes []
Ive heard that this bill will create competition, thereby raising the quality of education in Iowa. How can it be competitive when private schools are not required to follow the same rules as public? Why can we not fund public schools at the levels they need? Why should my tax dollars go towards a private religious school? Please vote against this bill.
Anonymous [Self]
I do not support public funds going to or supplementing private schools. Please put more money and resources into public education. My entire family and my children all went to public schools and greatly benefited from Iowas public education. Do not gut our public schools or in any way take resources from the public schools. I live in Clive, but I know many in Clive also value the public schools.
Edie Freise [Voter, taxpayer, constituent, mom, grandmother, great grandmother and former school board member]
Legislators jobrepresent your constituents NOT ram through the partisan party agenda by intimidation from leadership. Over 90% of Iowans use and benefit from public education. Its the BEST use of tax dollars and return on investment for ALL people of Iowa. Based on the current count of comments here95% are CON and small 5% are in favor. LISTEN TO YOUR CONSTITUENTS! This bill will institutionalize and codify bias, discrimination and exclusionary practices. If a private school is approved to receive ESA dollars, it should meet the same requirements of taking all kids, providing for all needs, fully reviewed and accreditation with fiscal oversight and transparency as public schools. How can you possibly divert tax dollars to schools that dont meet the same criteria? Public Education has its challenges but all the more reason to invest more efforts and funding to enhance and solve problems because more than 90% of Iowans rely on this! People over partydo your job and represent Iowans not be a party puppet. I cant help but wonder due to income tax cuts and revenue loss, what services are you going to cut to offset the added cost of this bill that applies to a VERY small percentage of Iowans. Vote against this bill and stop the strategic chiseling assault on public education. Do whats right for 95% of Iowans!
Anonymous []
Against school voucher program! Against any programming that is discriminatory towards LGBTQ students!!!
Ann Hart [Retired educator ]
Public money should be for public schools. This bill will hurt small school districts like mine. Vote no!
Anonymous []
We are against school vouchers. It would take away money for public schools and negatively impact them. If lawmakers are truly in favor of a robust education for Iowa children, they need to provide additional funding to improve public education. DO NOT PASS the school vouchers bill. Mike and Alice Swisher, IA
Rebecca Johnson [Timothy Christian School and Inspired Life]
My name is Rebecca Johnson, and I am from rural Iowa. I have been married to farmer and business owner, Eric, for 20 years. We have two kids, Hannah and Alan, and enjoy spending time together as a family, traveling, and doing mission work. I graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 2002 with a degree in Mathematics Education. After teaching high school mathematics in public education for several years, I continued to teach while pursuing my love of learning by obtaining a Master's of Arts Degree in Mathematics Education from Western Governors University and a Master's of Arts Degree in School Leadership from Dordt University.As a public school educator, I assumed public education was the only way to educate our children. However, the Lord changed my husbands and my hearts when our children asked why they didnt learn about God and Jesus in school. As a Christian, I knew it was our responsibility to train our children to know and love God. We were able to move our children to a local Christian school, and we could financially afford it. I also changed jobs and became the curriculum director and administrator at Timothy Christian School in Wellsburg, Iowa. The Lord gave me a heart and passion for Christian education and children, and I felt called by God to seek a higher purpose in my professional life. This higher purpose includes working with Inspired Life to expand educational opportunities for parents and children throughout Iowa. My husband and I were blessed with the accessibility and financial means to have different options for our childrens education. At Inspired Life, we want to inspire and educate parents on school choice options, and we want to help remove barriers so all parents can make the best choice for their childrens education. Whether public, private, online, hybrid, home school, etc., we want parents to be able to make the best choice for their childrens education. At Timothy Christian School, in history class, students learn about the American Core Values of freedom, equality, individualism, and growth. I believe the proposed School Choice bill from Governor Reynolds would allow more freedom for parents to choose the school that is best for their children. It provides equality by removing some or all of the financial burden for those who desire a nonpublic school option for their children. It provides individualism by allowing parents to seek out the best educational option for each of their individual children. And, it promotes growth in opportunity when children can get the best education for their needs. I would ask that all legislators vote in favor of this bill, HSB 1. I would also ask that more educational options be included, such as homeschooling, microschool, and hybrid options so that parents can truly choose what form of education is best for their children. I am excited about the future of our State. In a recent article from The Lion, a publication from the Herzog Foundation, a recent study shows that school choice is a rising tide that raises all boats, including in rural areas. ESAs and school choice make schools accountable to the parents and not systems, and competition can bring creativity and innovation to Iowa. Please vote in favor of this bill, and lets be encouraged by what this can do for our future generations. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Lisa Frantz [Individual]
I am a mother of two boys attending public school. I want my tax money to go towards public schools. As Iowans, we already have choices for our childrens education. Our public schools can be strengthened by fully supporting teachers and funding public schools.Please say no to vouchers. This is not the answer.
Terese Grant []
I am a retired teacher and spent over 30 years teaching in schools in Iowa. I witnessed first hand the reduction of funds for teachers and schools over the years. And yet, Iowa's schools do their best to educate our young people and prepare them for the future. In my opinion, public money should not be used to support scholarships for individual students to attend a private school. This is a misuse of public funds. Parents have plenty of choice to educate their children in Iowa. The private schools choose who they will admit, while public schools are devoted to teaching all kids in Iowa. Taking money away from public schools is a huge mistake. Funding for public education has not kept up with inflation for many years which has now caused a teacher shortage across the state as well as many other problems due to insufficient funds. This new bill, HSB 1, will do dramatic harm to public education in Iowa and I encourage you to vote NO.
Jane Meggers [none]
These "scholarships" (not based on scholarship) are terrible for Iowa. Public schools are underfunded (1,310 schools with less than the rate of inflation appropriated). Reynolds is not being honest about how much schools have received from the state. The amount she states, divided by 10 years times 1310 schools, is 13,100 school budgets over that time span. If public schools were properly funded they would be able to provide the services she wants to pay outofstate private school corporations for. This is money not only leaving public schools, but money and jobs leaving the state to profit those corporations. Even more egregious is the amount provided to families with enough money to pay for private school tuition.
Anonymous [Irrelevant]
I am completely and utterly opposed to this plan. Government funding belongs in the government public school system where we need to be investing for inclusive equity for all of our students no matter whether they live in the cities or rural areas, and no matter their health or academic ability. Funding private schools with public money is funding schools that can reject special education students, which is a fundamental rejection of the rights of our students to access free, fair, and equitable schools. It will also continue to divide our rural and urban schools. Public money is for public schools only. If the public schools aren't good enough so that some are looking elsewhere fund them more. Private schools are not the answer to the state's failure to fund public schools well. Look more closely and you will note the ableism (and racism) at the root of the socalled "choice" to separate. Do not jeopardize the future of Iowa's children with this plan.
Lori Konrardy [None ]
Jooan Stearns []
Public education deserves to be more invested with state money. If a private education is chosen that is a personal choice. It should not be funded with public money. There needs to be a separation of church and state. Rural communities suffer when private schools are funded with public funds.
Steve Weiss [retired]
Our children were educated in Iowa public schools for junior and senior high. They were well prepared for college, did well in college, and have successful careers. The foundation provided by the public education system was solid. My late mother was a longtime public school teacher. We continue to know public school teachers. This bill is not good for the future of public teachers and hence not good for Iowa students. Iowa has a legacy of strong public schools. We wouldn't have moved to Iowa without a strong public education system. Even in retirement I value Iowa's public education. Risking screwing up our system, is a risk for the future of our childrem, jobs and the desirability of living in Iowa.
Dave Schroeder [NA]
This voucher plan without oversight is farcical, leaving majority of Iowas 99 counties out of luck. Refusing to strengthen Iowa by supporting public schools especially in rural communities is disrespectful and irresponsible.
Anonymous []
I live in northwest Iowa where there are many private schools and small rural school districts. With the new open enrollment rules parents do have a choice where to send their child. If a family chooses a private school option and needs financial assistance the private schools are often able to help cover some of the cost. But being able to use taxpayer money to pay for a private school education is wrong. Public dollars are to support public programs and schools, not private groups or organizations. Furthermore, giving public funds to private schools and releasing them from accountability or transparency on how the money is being spent is unacceptable. Private schools who participate in the educational savings account program should have to adhere to the open meetings laws and be just as transparent as the public schools in how they spend state tax dollars. If both are being funded with state dollars, the expectations should be the same. Please vote "NO" on bill HSB 1.
Kristen Mead [--None--]
No public money for private schools. We already have school choice so this bill is false and misleading. Public schools need support, not private schools!
Jennifer Render []
Me as a parent and my husband we both agree that we want a private education for my kids me and my husband both work 40 plus hours a week to pay bills get groceries and make sure our kids can attend a private school for various reasons as a parent I would like my money to go with my kids to support the school that they attend and that we support .Thanks for reading this and hearing us out Jennifer Render
Gail Kenkel [Retired teacher]
NO to HSB 1.Invest in public education, which accepts ALL KIDS.Public tax dollars for public schools.NO to vouchers.
Anonymous []
A voucher system to allow school choice is an underhanded way to disenfranchise the majority of students in the State of Iowa for the benefit of the few. Saying this allows lower income families opportunity for school choice is no more than a carrotonastick. This would be State Sponsored inequity in standards, program availability in numerous areas as well as for students with special needs, to name just a few categories. Rural Iowans will also have a false choice as many only have Public Education in their communities. Why not come up with REAL solutions to the issues our public education systems face?
Bernice Couch []
I am opposed to this bill. I am a retired educator but also a parent who sent my child to a private school. It was my choice to send my child to where he obtained his education. This bill takes away money from the majority of students in this state. Private schools do not always have the same educational standards as public schools. The rural school districts will be greatly affected if this bill is passed. Please think about how this is going to impact each and every student in this state not just the wealthy.
Anonymous [Citizen]
I strongly oppose public money being used for tuition or funding of private schools.
maribeth newman []
What happens to thousands of ELL and special students left behind? Or students from poverty whose families cannot afford transportation or all the extra fees, the difference in tuition after the vouchers? They will be left in public schools defunded by the voucher economics of Iowa education. Then, where will the dollars come for all the kids who try to transfer but find their special needs are not met in the private schools. Their dollars will not follow them back to their home school.
Candella Foley- Finchem [Citizen]
Investing in our children is one of the most important things we do as citizens of this great state. Why would our legislators defund our public schools to support private schools? Most of our towns and communities don't even have a private school within a 30 minute drive, meaning children don't really have access to those private schools. Thus, there is not a "choice. " they simply lose funding for the schools in the community. And as schools, already on tight budgets, lose funding, more school closings and consolidations are inevitable. Invest in Iowa's future. Fully fold our PUBLIC schools, and vote no on vouchers that take funding away from public schools
Anonymous []
I am AGAINST this bill. I believe in Iowa public schools and their teachers. PUBLIC tax dollars are for PUBLIC schools NOT private schools! I DO NOT want my tax money to go to private schools PUBLIC schools for Iowa!! Parents who want their kids to go to private schools can pay for it themselves! Public school teachers in Iowa need higher salaries money should be paid to them, NOT private schools!
Harold O.Postma []
The equal protection clauses of the Iowa and United States Constitutions REQUIRE that equal amounts of funding be provided to.each student. Just because some (Dan Barkel) labels this as unfair competition speaks volumes that those of his persuasion seek to have no competition to their activities. That is the essence of state totalitarianism and very unAmerican. Does voting against this violate your oath of office to uphold the laws the constitutions? I submit that it does. Thank you for reflecting on this.
Amanda Jensen [Lifelong Iowa and mother of 2]
My two young boys deserve to experience the excellent Iowa Public Schools that their parents did. No more of our tax dollars should be given to private schools, who educate such a small portion of the state. If parents CHOOSE to send their child to a private school, they need to fund this on their own. If I did not agree with that was (or wasnt) being taught, I would CHOOSE to enroll my child elsewhere and pay the tuition that accompanies that choice.
Anonymous []
Public tax money should only be used for public schools. Vouchers should not be given for private schools. Parents and students already have school choices; public, private, K12 online, or home school. If a parent chooses to send their child to a private school that is their choice and the tuition should be their responsibility. Vote no on school vouchers!
Jeff Herzberg [Retired Educator ]
I am 100% opposed to the bill! Diverting public funds to private institutions is wrong and will have many negative affects. Lets concentrate on improving public schools that serve every child who walks thru the doors. No private selection of students with no accountability whatsoever. Thank you for your time.
Anonymous [Citizen]
I am against all diversions of locally collected taxpayer revenue from public schools. We already have school choice. Money for private schools must remain the responsibility of individual private citizens. Public money must remain with public schools that benefit all without discrimination.
Alicia Emanuel []
Public funds should be for public schools. Iowas future depends on the health of our PUBLIC schools.I do not support allowing school districts to use Talented and Gifted categorical funding for general expenses.
Anonymous [Hospice of Jackson County]
I strongly oppose the voucher program.
Susan Manuel []
As a Catholic school alumni, St. Pius and Dowling, I am opposed to giving public funding to private schools. My parents were not rich, but they sacrificed to pay my tuition. But it was our choice to attend these schools, and the burden should not fall back on the public schools that need this money. I used to be proud of Iowas education rankings. Now they are embarrassing. We have lost respect and turned our backs on our teachers. They have the hardest yet most important job in the world. I am a nurse, and I know I couldnt do what they do. We depend on them to educate ALL future medical personnel, lawyers, computer whizzes, auto mechanics, the list goes on. A poorly funded public school means poorly educated students. And we need educated people in our society to make all the services we depend on to work. Increased funding for education in public schools means less drop outs, less crime, more dependable people in the work force. Dont tell me that low income districts and rural schools wont be affected. It will be devastating. We should be giving MORE money to all our public schools. Its a scary time to be a teacher. They need the tools to get the job done. Then, parents will not be looking to escape the school they are stuck with and try a private school. I oppose the school voucher bill.
Barb Yankey [West Des Moines Democrats]
Public schools are the foundation of our country. If Iowans value their local public schools and want them to succeed, funding is necessary to hire competent administrators, teachers, and ancillary staff such as bus drivers, custodians, coaches, counselors, librarians, and school nurses. Incentives must be provided for administrators to remain in Iowa. It is imperative that Public Vouchers remain with public schools. A primary concern of mine is lost because of the attention on vouchers. This concern is the negative target on LGBTQ students. Governor Reynolds supports House File 8 which prohibits instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation before fourth grade. As a retired hospice social worker, I find it beyond belief and extremely cruel to deny any child their identity. Vote no for Public Vouchers for private schools and remain vigilant to what legislation will be coming from the Education Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Mark Newcom [Citizens]
Access to a well funded public education is the backbone of a health society. I am against all diversions of locally collected taxpayer revenue from public schools. We already have school choice. Money for private schools must remain the responsibility of individual private citizens. Public money must remain with public schools that benefit all without discrimination.
Jeff Westhoff [Citizen]
Strong support this legislation to give each and every family a choice in choosing what is best for their child.
Anonymous []
support vouchers for parents to choose education for their children. My tax dollars should follow where my child goes.
Roberta Rosheim [retired teacher]
I oppose HSB 1 because public schools have not been funded adequately for a long time and taking all this money to give to private schools will diminish the funding for public schools even more. Private Schools do not have to follow the same regulations as Public Schools. Therefore the students that are more costly to educate will all go to Public Schools since Private Schools do not have to accept every student. 92% of students in Iowa go to Public Schools and some counties do not even have any private schools. The choice is for private schools, not for parents.
Barb Pestka []
Public tax money should not be taken from public schools for private purposes.
Anonymous [n/a]
If a school is fully accredited academically, I see no reason why my tax dollars should NOT go to fund that school as well as nonprivate schools, especially at the K12 level.
Lesanne Fliehler []
I am against school vouchers. My tax dollars should go toward public school education.
Anonymous [St. Thomas Aquinas School ]
Giving parents the opportunity to select what's best for their children without having to consider ability to pay is a fair and equitable way to enhance our ENTIRE education system in the state of Iowa! Our state needs to support all modes of education for the future of our society and the good of our population!
Anonymous []
I am very support of this legislation to give our students and parents a choice. It is not fair that students and parents just have to accept the poor performing and / or violent school environments because of where they live. Public school leaders and boards need to be held accountable for their decisions to take out resource officers, implement woke ideology and items forced upon them by the teachers' unions. Education is so important to every child's life why can't a very small portion of the state's spending be controlled by parents to find the best solution for their children.
In reading the comments this morning for the public hearing for HSB1 I see the CON's most definitely outweighs the PRO's. In the list of speakers it is a close mix, however most of the PRO folks already appear to have a personal preference because they are already choosing Christian schools or the speakers are representing Christian based organizations.I am an alumna of private schooling here in Iowa. My parents sacrificed to send me to K12 private school, a choice they made. I, too, sent my children to a private school, at my choice. However I am opposed to HSB1 because tax dollars are public money and should not be allocated to private interests. Lets talk about private v public. My neighbor belongs to a private golf course/country club with their own facilities, pools, gyms etc. Should we pay for that because he doesnt choose to go to the public golf course or public swimming pool, NO! This bill will not give rural families the same choice as urban families. Nearly half of Iowa counties (42 mostly rural) do not even have a private school in their area, how is this equitable? Private schools can determine which students to accept and which students they wont admit. The publics investment should be to support the entire public community (schools) which are open to all students regardless of race, religion, gender, disability or socioeconomic status. There is no accountability, if public money is given to a private school there is no oversight. This bill will ultimately reduce funding and support for the entire public school system but especially special education services such as specialized transportation, classroom associates, and post graduation programs that help these children and young adults be successful for the future of this state. I am opposed to HSB1. To the elected reading this: Supposedly you work for the people of Iowa not the governor or any outside influence. Choose people over politics.
Rev. Lee Roorda Schott [Valley United Methodist Church]
I strongly oppose the diversion of public money away from public schools, under the current voucher bill. Public schools are already underfunded, with appropriations lagging behind inflation. Private school vouchers don't support all students equally, because of uneven distribution of those schools and their ability to pick and choose whom they admit. Our culture benefits from strong public schools that benefit ALL students and place us next to one another, with varying opinions, characteristics, and backgrounds. PLEASE say NO to vouchers for Iowa.
Paul Deaton [None]
I oppose HSB1, The Students First Act, as written. I was educated first through twelfth grades in a private school without direct public funding. Our church paid the entire cost of physical plant and operating costs, including teachers. If the current Republican majority campaigned on change as outlined in HSB1, and were elected because of it, some form of the legislation may pass despite protests. The bill's language was filed just last week. I encourage Republicans to work with Democrats to make the final product much better than it is today. Consider and accept amendments now, and during debate. If Iowa will go down this path and give more public funds to private schools, inclusion of the broadest possible input is needed. There is no hurry to get this done. Take your time. Do what's right for Iowa. For me, that means rejecting the bill as written.
Anonymous [None]
Choice is an important part of freedom, and the choice of how to educate your child is of high importance. Parents should not be financially penalized by paying into a system that they have no choice in. This bill would be a step toward fixing that.
Clarence DeBoef []
The problem with funding private schools is that it opens the door for any Tom, Dick or Harry to promulgate their ignorant biases, widening the chasm of division in the state. We should rather trust our education system and support them to improve the system.
Carol Steffensmeier []
The voucher program will destroy public schools in Iowa. As a lifelong resident, I know that Iowas public schools used to be the best in the nation. It can be soagain, with the proper leadership. Please DO NOT go down this dangerous path!
Anonymous [Private citizen]
I strongly oppose this ridiculously costly bill that will largely benefit wealthy families sending their kids to private schools.
James Hayward []
Any form of voucher/public taxpayer funding for those that want to attend a private school is a ridiculous idea and should never seriously be considered by any form of government that actually cares about the education received by the vast majority of students in Iowa. Iowa used to be known for its stellar public school systems and that standard has disintegrated over the last couple decades since I graduated. The small, rural public school district that my kids attend is already suffering financial hardships that will only get worse if any bill passes that further reduces the amount of state support that is required to run a successful district.
Christie VanWey [Marion Independent School District]
As a School Business Official, the establishment of the education savings accounts is the scariest legislation to hit the Iowa floor. My job is to manage the budget for my school district and ensure our students get the best education possible. Approving vouchers will take funding from public schools which are already underfunded and overregulated. Please do what is right for Iowa's future, do not approve HSB 1.
Lanny Lammers []
Do it, quite simply, it is the right thing to do, and the fairest thing to do.
Don and Jean Richardson []
Strong public schools are the bulwark of our democracy. The most significant instrument that has made our country a leader in our world has been its free educational system for all children. Yes, every child deserves a good education, and every parent deserves that for all of their children.In the last half of the 20th century Iowa schools were at the top of the nations schools. As the legislative support in Iowa has decreased, so has the rankings of Iowa schools. Giving our tax monies to families to send their children to private school, which decreases monies for the public schools and the poorer population that they serve, will not serve our children adequately. As we educate fewer and fewer of our children competently, our economy will suffer, our quality of life will suffer. Giving tax monies to people who decide to send their children to private school will not serve the people of the state of Iowa well.Taking money away from public schools to support private schools is a horrible idea.Don and Jean Richardson Cedar Falls
Elizabeth J Lawrence [none]
Vouchers take money from local schools and give it to private entities. There is no public oversight of their budget, no requirement that private schools educate students with disabilities and no required standards for curriculum or instructors.
Derek Buckaloo []
I am completely opposed to this bill, as it will weaken and undercut Iowa's public education system, a longtime source of pride in the state, all while transferring huge sums of tax money to wealthier Iowans and underfunding (and likely closing) rural and smalltown schools. Surveys show that a clear majority of Iowans do not want to do this, and we should listen to them. Most Iowa counties have NO private schools at all. Most of the tax money taken out of our public schools would go to families who are already choosing, as they have the right to do, to educate their kids via private schools. Parents already have choices, when it comes to educating their children, but public funds do not and should not fund them. A robust public education system is good for the state and its citizens, regardless of whether or not one has children in attendance. This is particularly true in smaller communities, where the local school is a center of intellectual, artistic, and athletic activity, as well as a source of pride. I urge our representatives from less populous places in the state to do what is right and oppose this bill, on behalf of these smalltown communities.Please vote no on this bill. Public education is an important and valuable contributor to the quality of life in Iowa, as it has been for generations. Public education funds should stay in public education, and we should rededicate ourselves to making our enviable public schools the best they can be.
Carole Schlapkohl [Former Iowa Educator]
Vote NO!
Mary McGee Light [NA]
No vouchers for private schools. No education savings accounts. Public money must go to public schools, which have been underfunded for years.
Robin Madison []
I have no children, yet I am happy to support public schools in Iowa with my tax dollars. The availability of free public education has been a cornerstone in the development of this state and the nation. I vote in local school board elections, my opportunity to have a say in how my tax dollars are spent. I strongly object to my tax dollars being spent on schools that can pick and choose which students they will educate and where taxpayers have no opportunity to have a say in how our money is being spent.
Anonymous []
Public money is for public schools. Iowa was #1 in the nation for public education when I was young. We have lost that position due to inadequate funding of public eduction K12 and inadequatel funding for our public universities. As a taxpayer I want my money to fund public schools not parents choice to send their children to private schools.
Patricia Becker []
My youngest child is a senior in high school and will graduate in a few months. So why should I even care about this issue? Because I care about community. I have been lucky to live less than 1 1/2 miles from the public elementary, middle and high school my children attended. My childrens classmates have been my neighbors. Funneling money to private institutions who arent held accountable and may even be an out of state online company does not support community building. Those who are able to take advantage of the voucher program are those who are able to get their child to and from school outside of their community and have the time or support from nearby family to help transport their kids too bad for the poorest, the parents working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Vouchers are not what is best for Iowas children. Community building is, and it starts in our neighborhood and local public school districts.
James McNutt [McNutt Equine PC]
This bill would do great damage to one of our longest held and most basic rights to a free public education. It also is against the constitution as it violates the basic principle of separation of church and state.
David Rust []
I am opposed to this bill. My tax dollars, which I am happy to pay, should not be used to support private schools.I attended the first semester of First Grade in a Lutheran Elementary School in Milwaukee, WI. My parents paid the tuition. My second semester was in Estherville, IA, at Lincoln Elementary School. My parents were active in supporting the local public schools and believed strongly that public tax dollars should go to good public schools. I second their thinking and ask that this proposition be turned down. Iowa parents have school choice. Iowa parents who choose private schools should not expect other Iowans to help pay tuition.
Anonymous []
We who send or did send our children to a private school have been paying taxes to support our public schools as well as paying tuition to send our children to a private school. I know that was our choice but it would have been nice to have some help!
Laurie Dougherty [Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools]
Please support the ESA funds! Let's do what's best for students! Farmers in Iowa invest in corn, beans, hay, and other crops. Whay do we have a one size fits all school system? Let's invest in the school which is best for each child. It will make all our schools better! It's not about the adults it should be what works for kids. Parents are trapped by their income and zip code. Let the state funding follow the student!
Anonymous []
In absolutely no way should taxpayer dollars be used for private schools. This money should go towards improving school education and facilities. Our rural school still doesn't have air conditioning throughout the whole school. These poor elementary kids are having to deal with heat while trying to learn. There are even days the school needs to let out early because it is too hot in the school for students to be there.
Joy Smith []
I know Iowa schools and the professionalism and commitment of IA educators I attended IA schools K12 in four school districts; I taught in one IA school district for seven years and worked in five other school districts as an AEA consultant for 18 years.Since retirement, I have volunteered for ten years, 4 hrs/week in an elementary school.I OPPOSE HSB1. AS many have said, this bill is not about giving parents choice about where their children attend school. Parents are already free to choose public, private, or home schooling. This bill is about shifting millions of dollars previously committed to public education to individual parents to spend as they choose on their childrens' education with almost no oversight of how the dollars are used and with no additional oversight of private schools or homeschooling both of which already operate with much less scrutiny than our public system. Please note: THERE IS NO PUBLICLY ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD OVERSEEING PRIVATE SCHOOLS.The legislative commitment to IA public schools as measured by the annual inflationadjusted allowable growth has decreased steadily since 1990 at the same time that many legislators have increasingly demeaned and disregarded professional educators. This bill is another major step toward dismantling public education in Iowa. THE RESULT WILL INEVITABLY BE A LESS EDUCATED PUBLIC MORE SUSCPTIBLE TO MANIPULATION AND MISINFORMATION.This bill is BAD NEWS for rural communities, many of which do not have a private school. These communities will be most negatively affected by the loss in public school dollars. The quality and very survival of their public schools is at risk. As we have seen in one community after another, the closing of a school is a death knell for a community.The push for this bill does not come from large numbers of IA parents. Rather it is part of a nationwide push from a few powerful special interest groups, along with some of the governor's wealthiest contributors. HSB1 IS A BLATANT AND TRAGIC SPECIAL INTEREST TRANSFER OF FUNDS INTENDED FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD INTO THE HANDS OF A SMALL MINORITY OF PARENTS (MANY OF WHOM ARE WEALTHY) AGAINST THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY OF IOWA TAXPAYERS AND CITIZENS. VOTE NO ON HSB1.
Brett Vander Veen []
Competition and school choices are good. Grooming kids for evil isBAD! Please support Hsb 1. Thank you
Joy Smith []
I know Iowa schools and the professionalism and commitment of IA educators I attended IA schools K12 in four school districts; I taught in one IA school district for seven years and worked in five other school districts as an AEA consultant for 18 years.Since retirement, I have volunteered for ten years, 4 hrs/week in an elementary school.I OPPOSE HSB1. AS many have said, this bill is not about giving parents choice about where their children attend school. Parents are already free to choose public, private, or home schooling. This bill is about shifting millions of dollars previously committed to public education to individual parents to spend as they choose on their childrens' education with almost no oversight of how the dollars are used and with no additional oversight of private schools or homeschooling both of which already operate with much less scrutiny than our public system. Please note: THERE IS NO PUBLICLY ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD OVERSEEING PRIVATE SCHOOLS.The legislative commitment to IA public schools as measured by the annual inflationadjusted allowable growth has decreased steadily since 1990 at the same time that many legislators have increasingly demeaned and disregarded professional educators. This bill is another major step toward dismantling public education in Iowa. THE RESULT WILL INEVITABLY BE A LESS EDUCATED PUBLIC MORE SUSCPTIBLE TO MANIPULATION AND MISINFORMATION.This bill is BAD NEWS for rural communities, many of which do not have a private school. These communities will be most negatively affected by the loss in public school dollars. The quality and very survival of their public schools is at risk. As we have seen in one community after another, the closing of a school is a death knell for a community.The push for this bill does not come from large numbers of IA parents. Rather it is part of a nationwide push from a few powerful special interest groups, along with some of the governor's wealthiest contributors. HSB1 IS A BLATANT AND TRAGIC SPECIAL INTEREST TRANSFER OF FUNDS INTENDED FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD INTO THE HANDS OF A SMALL MINORITY OF PARENTS (MANY OF WHOM ARE WEALTHY) AGAINST THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY OF IOWA TAXPAYERS AND CITIZENS. VOTE NO ON HSB1.
Barb Pestka []
Public tax money should not be taken from public schools for private purposes.
Janet Flanagan [Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools]
Greetings I comment as a strong supporter of this Legislation. I work in our school system admin offices in Sioux City and see parents come in nearly daily to pay a little on their childs tuition account. Some 75% of our students receive tuition assistance to attend our schools. Even then it is a hardship and many fall behind or pay just a little every week. I see them personally. We are a diverse school system with 30% of our students at 13 times poverty level. We offer special resource teachers to support their educational needs. Our school counselors support emotional and mental health needs. We enroll handicapped students in wheelchairs at Bishop Heelan High School. I see dedicated teachers who make a difference in student lives. I see committed parents who believe in the discipline and accountability that help guide students. I also see that whole families benefit from our school system and enrich our Sioux City community. Families deserve the choice of where their students are educated. While public schools are a great fit for many, private schools offer parents another option that best fits their childs needs. Supporting both will strengthen education throughout Iowa. It will help Iowa elevate its place in education in our country.
Juliet a Bell [public and private school teacher and parent ]
As a public school teacher and a single parent of 3 private school children, the voucher would have been extremely beneficial to me and my children. We had to move several times during their childhood in search of lower and more affordable housing/rent. I had to work several jobs in addition to my public school teaching position in order to keep my own children in the same k8, 912 private school.By enrolling in a private school, they were not forced to move into a new school every time we moved. I would do it all over again for the quality and consistency of their education....but the working 60+ hours, multiple jobs, and several moves were unbelievably difficult for us all. A voucher that financially helped me would have been priceless.
William Russell []
Using public tax dollars to support private schools when public education is available is wrong.
Gail Bonath []
I oppose this bill. Public funds should be for public schools. We need more funding for public schools rather than taking funds away from them.
Anonymous [n/a]
Is the option to Homeschool being considered as part of this plan? If yes, how is it considered? If no, why is it not being considered?
Pete Malmberg []
This bill is a recipe for fraud, waste and abuse and is a disaster in the making!
Anthony Digmann []
It is time to put students first and make school choice a real option for all Iowan students and families, regardless of income or zip code. Please support the governor's educational savings account plan.
Robin Cushman [Citizen]
I am against public moneys being used for private schools. This is nothing short of the rape of the public school system. If they are going to use my tax dollars to go to a religious school, then I will stop paying my school portion of the tax statement I gat yearly. What happened to the separation of church and state? I feel that if people want private schools, that is OK, but they should pay for them. Shame on the Governor for bowing to her rich supporters!
Mary Jane Woodman-Brazle []
I am strongly opposed to the School Voucher program that the Governor is so strongly pushing. This program would take public funds and fund private schools. It is extremely disrespectful of our public schools and their employees. It literally defunds the public school system when we should be supporting the public school system as much as possible. We need our public school system to have the highly regarded public school system that WAS our reputation.I also feel that the private schools will be inclined to raise their tuition in order to obtain the highest costs possible.I also am very suspicious of our Governor, The Republican legislature and Republicans in general for disreputable regard for the common good of the population that you are supposed to be representing. Possible big money donations from those very private institutions.
Anonymous [Cedar Rapids Xavier Catholic Schools]
As a working family who chooses Catholic values for our children its hard to afford schooling. We could go to public but I worry about the values my children would be missing out. We also enjoy celebrating Christian holidays that the public schools dont allow anymore. We love our small catholic community schools so we chose to spend our hard earned money there. Some weeks are harder especially when we have to choose paying for school vs buying a surplus of groceries. I would love to see my taxes being used at private schools as well. I work hard for a living why not use my tax dollars to private schools that my children attend as well? Thank you for reading my comments.
Anonymous []
I would like to say I support this bill wholeheartedly. My wife and I currently send our daughter to a wonderful Catholic preschool here in Ames and plan on enrolling her here in kindergarten for next year that said there is a cost and it would be helpful to get some of our tax dollars back to send our daughter to a great school that not only provides a wonderful education in a loving enviornment but that also aligns with our values. I grew up in rural Iowa and attended a small class A school West Bend Mallard, my wife did the same attending AckleyGeneva. I loved my schooling. I do not think this bill threatens rural Iowa schools as most in rural Iowa love their schools. However those of us in larger parts of the state find that the large school districts don't reflect our values and do not educate our children as well.
Anonymous [n/a]
I am happy for my taxes to support public schools and only public schools.
Einar John Olsen []
Although I agree that this bill has a significant downside, in requiring IA citizens to fund private schools which may be directly or indirectly associated with cultural, religious, and political values they oppose, we are in a situation in which the public school system is so politicized itself that we must do what we can to allow children to attend other schools. In other words, too many Iowans are now being required to support a school system that promotes and teaches values with which they do not agree. In addition, as Kim Reynolds said in her Condition of the State address, many children do better, sometimes far better in private schools, and this opportunity should not be limited to the wealthy.
Margaret Brumm []
It would be a huge mistake to take away major funds from public schools, they need your help not defunding. It is not rightand against the constitution to use public money to support private religiously affiliated schools. It is not right to use public money for private businesses that do not benefit a large segment of Iowa's population.
Judith F. Corcoran [Warren County]
This bill will go serious harm to the outstanding reputation of Iowa education, a key driver of growth and leadership in our state. I do not understand the Republican Party's antipathy to public schools. This proposal bodes immense damage to public education and to our kids for generations to come.
Dale Akkerman [Timothy Christian School]
Children learn differently and having a choice in how they are educated can make a big difference in who they will be as loving and productive adults. Parents know their children and want the best for them. This bill is a positive step for our state to make a positive difference in all of the children that are educated. When children are educated with the same principals that this GREAT country was founded on it will be positive for everyone.
Anonymous [Parent ]
I feel every child should have the opportunity to go to the school that they feel will give them the best education. I went to catholic schools and I want my children to do the same
Mickey A Carlson [Member of NAACP, Plymouth UCC church, AMOS]
Please do not destroy public education by allowing a misguided voucher system drain public schools of needed funding. In particular, rural schools will suffer loss of much needed funding. Thank you, Mickey Carlson
Jeff Rains []
In support of the ESA bill I would like to remind everyone that there is not one type of education that fits best for every child of every socioeconomic condition. Some thrive in public schools and some do not. My children attend a public high school but attended private school in elementary and middle school because they did better in a smaller class setting. By implementing an ESA program, you will give more children and families the same choice. Many students that don't fit into their public school will be able to find a program that does fit them. Where those students are unhappy or unsuccessful, it can alleviate pressure on a public school and its staff and allow them to better serve the children who are happy and successful in public school. Also, to me this does not seem any different than a child who open enrolls from one public school district to another where the state money follows them to the school they are attending. I encourage you to do what is best for all Iowa children and pass this bill.
Anonymous [N/A]
I was a beneficiary of the Iowa tax credit scholarship. I hope other students can gain access to the same opportunities that I was lucky enough to receive.
Marion Van Soelen [Retired educator in public and nonpublic schools. ]
I thank the governor and legislators for seeking this justice in educational funding. Nonpublic schools provide for the general welfare of society just like the public schools. Parents of nonpublic students and supporters of nonpublic schools pay taxes into the "public" state coffers like all loyal citizens. That should eliminate the argument that "public money should only go to public statecontrolled schools".
Anonymous []
This bill is being misrepresented as something good for Iowa students. However, Its only good for the few. While I certainly believe parents have a choice to send students to a private school, that attendance should not be funded with taxpayer money. Our public schools & our students deserve better. Rural schools will suffer. Very strongly oppose.
Claryce Welch []
Public dollars should not be used for private schools. The private schools are already "cherry picking" students and only choose those who make them look good. Take a look at the athletic programs. Why are so many private schools,in many cases, doing better than the public schools? Because they "recruit and award scholarships. The public schools are already underfunded, and this will only make it worse.
Anonymous [N/a]
What yall SHOULD be doing is giving more money to public schools. Keep public dollars in public education!
Zita Cashin []
I oppose HSB 1 which will have a negative effect on the future of public school education in Iowa. Decades ago, funding (by percentage) for Iowa schools was decreased dramatically. Teachers then and now, do the best they can to provide personal funds to help with classroom needs. Yet funding is still not to the level as in the years when Iowa was a leader in the nation with Education. And still teachers are asked to work with less funding and DO MORE, while also being concerned for their students AND their own safety while going to work each day with the reality of a shooting in their school. Students with special needs such as physical, behavioral, or emotional challenges are protected by the federal ADA guidelines. Private schools will not be held to the same level of standards as public schools. Rural communities have faced declining numbers in recent decades and have adjusted to this change by consolidating. Many private schools are located in higher population areas of Iowa. Rural schools and their communities will face a greater challenges and a realistic outcome of using public funds for private schools will be increased closures of public schools. I oppose HS 1.
Nickelle Stevens [local resident / tax payer]
Iowa's public schools were once the GOLD standard across the U.S. Employers LOVED to hear you attended school in Iowa but within the last 810 years our rankings have dropped, student achievements are down and it all comes down to the fact that our Gov. and Legislative leaders NO longer support the common good for quality education for all. This voucher bill is a scam, funded by outofstate dark money and is NOT in the best interest of our communities, our students, our teachers, our businesses!
Lisa Sue Welsh []
I am writing to you to oppose school vouchers. I live in Allamakee county, and this voucher system will be very detrimental to our small rural school. The idea to help people who aren't getting what they need at public schools is an understandable concern, but taking money from schools is not the answer. Private schools can deny students and don't have to take in students with disabilities. Public schools will get the burden of educating students that private schools don't want to accept, and with less money. Low income students who are struggling will not have access to transportation to get to any private schools in our area, and having the income limit gone after 4 years is only helping the urban wealthy. This is not what is right for rural Iowa. As a 27 year veteran teacher, I am in the thick of education and work with fantastic people who love and care for the children in our community. We are already struggle with larger classrooms and less funding and now this will be even more harmful to our children. Our staff are dedicate teachers, as we have been a Blue Ribbon School twice, have overall test scores in the the top 30% of Iowa, and is in the top 10% of schools in Iowa. If money is going to be continually taken away from our school, it will force us to consolidate with bigger schools. What makes me the most proud of our school is the connection that we have with students because of our size. We have students from the neighboring school open enrolling in our school because they feel lost in the large school. Please vote no for school vouchers and yes for small rural schools. Thank you,Lisa Welsh
Dawn Dewitt []
Iowa already has open enrollment for their public schools systems. Private school vouchers will ruin Iowa's public schools especially in rural area's. This is a VERY BAD IDEA.Please DO NOT pass this legislation
Dan Block [NA]
Education reform in Iowa is long overdue, each year more money is requested by the public schools and typically awarded. The return on this expenditure is not in line with the positive results of other states who spend less per student and achieve better results. Giving parents a choice on where their child will perform best is a very simple decision. I fully support this bill and what it stands for and hope you will also see the value in it and support it as well.
Anonymous []
The voucher/savings accounts for private schools will reduce funding for public schools. Private schools can discriminate, suspend, or eject students w/o a public meeting. Rural areas will be chronically underfunded and underrepresented in Iowa. This bill is not good for all of Iowa, just the rich and privileged. Other states have tried the same scheme and its failed terribly. The research has proven that this plan will hurt our children.
Stephanie Digmann []
Please support educational savings account to provide real school choice and put students in Iowa truly first, regardless of their families income status or zip code.
John & Kathy Steffes []
Education Savings Accounts will help ALL students in Iowa by helping improve all schools. Nonpublic schools have many success stories and strategies to share with all schools why not learn from them to help more kids? Nonpublic schools would be glad to educate more special needs students provided there is equitable funding similar to what public schools spend there. Let's have some change in PK12 education in Iowa and try something new. Pass ESAs. Improve education for all kids.
Laura Thompson [Grace United Methodist Church; Des Moines]
I am against using our tax dollars to pay for private school vouchers. Our public schools are already underfundedthe vouchers will weaken the public schools more. It is unfair to rural schools who most likely would not have private schools. Yet their tax dollars would be helping fund the vouchers. Private schools don't have to take just any studentthey can discriminate.
Johnny Jump [Boss Frog for Clean Iowa Water]
IF all you haters would read the document at the following web address then you would shut up your dissent. Page nine shows the truth about whether this would impact rural schools or not.It is obvious that the money follows the child, or should. (my body,my choice, right?) Why are Iowa's public schools causing so many Iowans to seek other alternatives for their children's education?
Anonymous [private citizen]
I oppose the voucher program for public education. It is not fair to rural areas that do not have enough students for private schools. It takes money from school districts that are already struggling to fund the students that are enrolled. My parents managed to send six children to Catholic schools for grades 1 12. They found a way to pay the tuition and never complained about the expense. We led a Spartan lifestyle that taught us to respect education and hard work.Reynolds plan is another way to destroy what is left of a formerly fine Des Moines Public School system. Public schools are for the public, not for special interests. Special interests have no right to public school funds.
Dr. John Flanery [Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools]
I strongly support this bill on School Choice. A single parent of 3 kids working 2 jobs currently doesn't have options for their kids to attend a different school. We need options for parents for what they feel is best for their children. Public schools should not have a monopoly on all the funding as we all pay taxes. We already give money to the private colleges in this state through the Iowa Tuition Grant and the University of Iowa, Iowa State and UNI have not folded because of it. Please support school choice for the betterment of all students and families who want options.
Linda Stickle []
I am in favor of the Bill to help parents get the education that works best for their children. Taxpayer money for education should never be to improve an institution, but to educate the future of America. Both parents and children are unique and seldom does a cookie cutter approach work. I raised 3 children, and they were educated in a mix of public and private settings. The parents should be the arbiters of their child's education, and if the State is paying for that with taxpayer dollars, it should go where each parent chooses. The end goal is to have an educated future population, independent, and strong citizens. Our public schools have not done a good job of that in the last several decades. Let the parent choose!
Anonymous [Bishop Heelan]
I am in support of ESA'S and school choice.
Marcy Russell [Private citizen ]
Support for this bill is a death knell for small towns across this state. Its a death knell for public education. Its a death knell for what surplus weve been told this state possesses. And its a tacit acknowledgment that this governor and her supporters of this bill are happy being used by and benefitting from out of state influences that want to profit from private schools at the expense of our children and future of our state. Vote NO on HSB 1!
Mary McGee Light [NA]
No vouchers for private schools. No education savings accounts. Public money must go to public schools, which have been underfunded for years.
Anonymous []
Please pass HSB 1 allowing Iowa parents and students to select the school that best suits their children and therefore allowing funding to be paid to the appropriate school of choice.THANK YOU!
Anonymous [Self]
I am strongly in favor of education choice, education competition and education ESA's.
Anonymous []
Parents should be allowed to pick what school and type school their children attend. If it is home school, private, religious or public should not matter as the child is being educated.
Karl Stieglitz [Self]
I am completely in favor of this bill. As far as I'm concerned state educational dollars should be allowed to follow the student to the school of mom & dad's choice. This would be a great incentive for public schools to improve their program delivery and it would be a huge benefit to those private schools seeking to provide for quality education, often with very limited resources, not to mention the fact that it's often very difficult for families to afford private education, when it would be in the student's best interest to pursue choice. Please pass this, sooner rather than later.
Maureen White []
I bake pies. If you end up with more people than usual who want a piece of the pie, you can make all the pieces smaller or give some a bigger slice and others a much smaller one.Most Iowa taxpayers dont know that we currently provide well over $50 million annually in direct payments, reimbursements, services or tax credits for nonpublic educations share of the pie. All but a handful of the 188 nonpublic schools identify as Catholic or Christian. Iowans choose whether or not to follow a religion. But aid for religious schools forces all taxpayers to support religious indoctrination in those schools. Education Savings Account proponents protest that growing the private school piece of the pie by at least an additional $300 million or more annually wont take anything away from the public school share. Nonsense.Polls consistently show the majority of Iowans do not support using taxpayer dollars for selective private schools. This scheme gives away massive amounts of money and fails to require transparency or accountability. Vote NO.
Anonymous [000000052567]
Dear Iowa Legislators,Please do NOT waste my money nearly a $1 billion over four years! to support private K12 schools. I have no idea why the governor is bent on destroying Iowa's public school system and hand over hundreds of millions of dollars or our tax dollars to unaccountable private schools (and wait for the shady forprofit private schools to set up shop).This will ruin the state's greatest resource it's public education system (which is already in decline under this governor).No one elected legislators to do this, and the majority of Iowans are against this. Please come to your senses. This is no political victory when it undercuts the vast majority of Iowans.
Ken ritz []
giving everyone an opportunity for the school of their choice, public or private, should be supported at the state level
Anonymous [Private Citizen]
Growing up in the public school system, a child of a public school teacher, I am concerned about this trend to privatize education. I do not support HSB1 and ask our legislators to reject this bill.
Kelli Zimmerman [Bosco Catholic School System]
I believe school choice is something everyone child in Iowa should have. I teach at a Catholic school and send my own children to a Catholic school. I see the many benefits it provides.
Anonymous [My children ]
Please support lower income families having the choice of schooling.
Anonymous [St. Mary Grade School]
As a taxpaying resident of Iowa, I feel that I should have the choice of where my tax dollars are spent. We have excellent private schools in the state that are not fully utilized. Meanwhile, we have average public schools that are too crowded. Let's make the most of our education resources, and give parents the choice of where to spend their tax dollars while educating their children.
Anonymous []
This bill would be a godsend for the students and families that desire Catholic education and who otherwise cant afford it. Passing this bill would actually save the state money as it costs upwards of 14k per public student vs less than 8k for a privately educated student. To say otherwise is disingenuous. Any shift of public students to private would actually save the state money and decrease class sizes which is a major conern for the cons.
Rosalynd J Koob []
Please support this very important parental choice. I was educated through the public school and my children now attend private school. I personally know the benefits of having options as a parent. Choices encourage all schools to be the best they can be. Passage will not harm the public schools, it will help them and the students they serve. Thank you!
Mike Maas [Parent]
We support school choice and the opportunities it would bring to other children in the state of Iowa!
Anonymous [N/A]
If this voucher assistance program goes through who is monitoring the private school system so they don't up their prices for each student. The state has no say in how much they charge per student. If the voucher system is approved the private schools will up their prices and the people who can affrod it will just begin paying it and before you know it all the private schools in Iowa will have twice as much money as public. The public schools will lose teachers and students. Who will force some public schools to close because even if they have students they won't have enough.How does the state start separating church and state if they are helping pay for the church schools. What if a private school starts and it focuses on teaching satan material. Since you support 1 private school the state will be forced to support that too. There just seems to be so much wrong with this, especially from the public school stand point.Please vote "NO" to school vouchers!!!You will destroy the Pride of Iowa Public Schools!!!
Dawn & Jess Aesoph []
Fully supporting ESAs and school choice!
Stephanie L Reynolds []
I am opposed to HSB 1. As a lifelong Iowan and a product of the Des Moines Public School System, I am against any use of public funds for the use of private education. While I believe families have the right to choose where their children go to school, they have the responsibility to pay for the decision to educate their children in a private school. As a taxpayer and homeowner without children, I gladly pay for the public education system in this state and my city because it creates a better community for all of us. Public schools provide quality, balanced, wellrounded education to ALL students, not just the students they choose to accept. Private schools arent held to the same standards as public schools and are able to exclude students with disabilities, special needs, or other backgrounds that do not fit their vision or mission. Taxpayer dollars are not to be used to fund private entities that discriminate against children because of their sexual orientation, religion, or disabilities. HSB 1 only serves to subsidize those families who already have chosen to send their children to private schools. It will not create more opportunity for lower income or rural families as many will continue to be unable to afford the tuition, even if they are accepted. In addition, most counties within Iowa dont have private schools within their borders. How is this a benefit to families regardless of income or zip code?Iowas public education ranking has plummeted throughout the years because of poor decisions by elected officials. Young people are leaving the state never to return. This bill ensures both of these negatives will continue. I urge you to vote no on HSB 1 and focus on funding and improving the quality public schools in this state.
Anonymous []
I oppose giving public dollars to private schools.
Paul Appel [Prince of Peace Catholic Church]
Poor kids should have the same freedom to choose their school as rich kids.School choice is about letting hardworking families decide what happens with their tax dollars.Thank you for proposing this legislation.
Dan Pottebaum [Boyden-Hull JH/HS]
More questions than comments:Being a man of faith, I have always seen my position as a public educator as a mission field. When I began in public education 24 years ago, I wanted to be a Christian educator in the public schools. I honor our Bill of Rights with the understanding that church and state should remain separate. I am curious how creating a voucher system will continue to honor our Bill of Rights in the separation of church and state in funding private education?As a state, we also allow for students to attend the school of their choice through Open Enrollment options as well as private education. If a student is not able to attend what Governor Reynolds deems as a quality public school, why are we not looking into why that public school is under performing and provide corrective measures to improve that school for the students that attend? If that student does not want to attend that underperforming school, do they currently not have that opportunity to attend a different school through Open Enrollment?Why are we not investing the approximate $7,600 outlined in the voucher for an Education Savings Account into our public schools? During the 2022 legislative session, the legislation approved 2.50% increase in Supplemental State Aid for the Fiscal Year 2023. Depending on your source, most Iowans experienced inflation rates between 712% from March of 2021March of 2022. As a school district, we have been able to weather the storm with forward thinking while our enrollment numbers decrease. When will the State of Iowa invest in public education in relation to the increase of operation cost? Across the State of Iowa, we are suffering from a shortage of teachers and administrators. Have you examined this shortage as the Education Appropriations Subcommittee? Why are we not recruiting and retaining young educators? Are we searching for a solution to our teacher and administrator shortage problem?
Brittany Dodds [N/a]
Give parents freedom of choice as to where to send their children for K12 education.
Luke Roder [Luke Roder]
Faith based education is being wiped out due to the inability for families to afford it. Iowa values are built on faith. Iowa families should be able to choose, and afford, a faith based education for their children. I truly feel if this passes, Iowa will have a much brighter future.
Anonymous []
As an Iowa taxpayer, I am voicing my opposition to the use of vouchers in the state of Iowa. This program will drain much needed public money, my taxes, from public schools. I am also opposed to this program as there has been no discussion or thought put into special needs students. Finally, it sounds like a program cooked up by outside interests as a way to get out of state corporations into our education system. For these reasons, I am opposed to this plan.
Anonymous []
I think parents should be provided the means to send their children to the school of their choice. I sent my 7 kids to Catholic school and it was a sacrifice. Not only did we pay tuition but we paid taxes to the public school. This bill would make that much fairer.
Deborah Garrett []
I am vehemently opposed to using tax dollars for private education. The damage inflicted on public schools will be irreparable. Additionally, it's a scam to steal from ordinary taxpayers to supplement the wealthy's education costs. Why should I have to subsidize their children's education at the detriment of my own? SAVE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS!
Anonymous [No organization, just a parent]
I am against school vouchers. Public schools, and more specifically rural public schools are already struggling. Resources are thin and districts have had to get creative. If you can already afford to send your child to private schools, you do not need government assistance in doing so. As a taxpayer, I would rather have my money spent towards universal free school meals. It doesn't matter where children attend school, if they are hungry they will not learn. There are children going hungry every single day and I can't even believe that instead of prioritizing access to free school meals for all children, our governor and legislation are more concerned about deepening the pockets of the wealthy families and private schools. It makes sense that most of the comments in favor of the vouchers are from members of these private schools that would benefit from them. These people sitting in Des Moines have no idea what these rural public schools are doing to make ends meet. You were elected to be a voice for all citizens. Stop pushing through your own beliefs and listen to the people against this. It's obvious that it is not in the best interest of Iowa children.
Anonymous [Boyden Hull CSD]
Working at a public school it truly saddens me to see we seem to be an after thought! We need help and dont receive nearly enough. Its hard to put into words how much I truly hope this does not pass and public school funding could be increased.
Andrew Pantke [Family]
My Family is pro school choice
Rick Roder [Mater Dei Parish]
This is the right thing to do for Iowa. Our nation has proven one way after another that competition builds excellence. We know this so well in athletics; maybe not so well in governance. Thank you.
Anonymous []
This is a wildly socially and financially irresponsible bill and it has no place in Iowa.I come from a middle class family and I attended a private school. Do I think that my parents should have received government subsidies for my schooling? I do not. They chose to send me to a private school knowing they would be footing the bill. They also could have chosen to send me to public school for free.As a queer Iowan, this bill is particularly insidious in my view, as private schools should not be receiving public funding if they do not accept all students. Ironically, a child of mine today would not be welcome at my own alma mater, because I am a queer woman.This bill is also extremely harmful to public school funding. I can't understand how in a time when teachers are quitting at an alarming rate, taking public money out of public schools will help the situation.This bill would harm all Iowans. Please vote no on HSB 1.
Amy L Stickrod []
I am extremely opposed to HSB1 regarding the "modification" of school funding, vouchers, educational "choice" or any other fancy terms the governor wants to come up with, in order to fool the unsuspecting Iowa voters. And, I am opposed to any other bill like it she may try to fast track. The Governors voucher program is fundamentally unfair to most Iowa kids, especially in rural areas. Heres why:75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private schools, leaving those kids with no choice at all.134 schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures in rural areas. Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want.Millionaires in Des Moines would get $100,000 of our tax dollars to send their kids to private schoolI've collected scores of signatures on a petition intended to defeat this bill, and I personally have not talked to a single person who thinks this is a good idea. The alreadysigned petitions are attached, and I am continuing to collect more. Amy Stickrod236 W Florence AveGlenwood, IA. 51534
Anonymous []
Help all students have access to funds to help their education instead of given public schools funds for students they don't even have.
Anonymous []
Please consider passing this for our family
Anonymous [Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools]
Please give Iowa parents the right to choose how to spend their tax dollars to educate their children. Thank you
Anonymous []
I think this is a good thing.Thanks. Lee
Jada Kurth []
Please consider and vote in the affirmative to allow all children to choose where they attend school. This not only benefits the child but it expands the community and diversity at all schools which leads to more compassion and growth for all children.
Ellen S Mann []
Public money should go to public schools.
Jada Kurth []
Please consider and vote in the affirmative to allow all children to choose where they attend school. This not only benefits the child but it expands the community and diversity at all schools which leads to more compassion and growth for all children.
Emily Cleveringa [Parent of Mater Dei School Students]
ESAs would help our family afford the best education for our children. Please help all families be able to choose the best education for their families without the financial burden. Thank you!
Angela Wenell []
I am pro public school and all three of my children attended public school. Every child deserves a good education, but the current trajectory the education system has chosen to follow is failing many students.Opponents say that public funds shouldnt go to private schools because they are not accountable. I would say the accountability in place for public schools is woefully inadequate. Its a system that over the last 20 years has failed with every new program. First it was No Child Left Behind, which left even more children behind. Then it was Common Core, which only rotted the core. With Every Student Succeeds, it was only administrative budgets and the pockets of creators of indoctrination programs like Social Emotional Learning which succeeded. No government program has benefited the two most important entities in education, students and teachers, and none of this so called accountability has led to a better education for our kids.Opponents say schools are already underfunded, but noone can say how much is enough. I suspect thats because it will never be enough. We spend over half our entire state budget on education. According to the Iowa Association of School Boards, $19,000 per student is allocated to public schools, which is nearly twice that of private schools. They will still receive the majority of funds over the $7500 allocation toward ESAs. The problems with education are not a funding issue, and school choice will not drain their bank accounts. School choice establishes the principles of the free market that is the bedrock of American exceptionalism and ingenuity into the education system. The same market pressures that prop up private schools will work to lift public schools. The status quo is not working, and its the underprivileged who are suffering the most. An important issue that seems to get lost in the conversation is that schools exist for the benefit of students, and not the other way around. Our children do not belong to the government, and the ultimate authority of a childs education should rest with parents. When a school is not meeting the needs of an individual student, parents should have the freedom to use their tax dollars to find an alternative that best fits their child. This is a right that should be available to all students, and not just families that can afford it. It is pro student, pro parent, and pro public schools. With this bill, everyone wins.
Vicki Heeren [Remsen St. Mary's School]
As an Iowa landowner, private school teacher, and dedicated American I believe that the money that I pay in taxes should be available to the students' parents to put toward the education of the parents' choice.
Anonymous [N/A]
I am against vouchers. If you make the choice to attend private school, than you make the financial choices it takes to make that happen. I make the choice to send my children to an outstanding childcare facility. There are less expensive options out there, but this center provides what I want for my children and therefore, I pay for my choice. I don't expect financial help to pay for my decision. Rural schools are already struggling and I want my tax money to go towards facility upgrades and teacher and staff hiring/retention.
Anonymous []
I am for an educations savings account
Joyce Dogotch Russell [private citizen]
I am a product of an quality Iowa public education (K12 and Iowa State University),and it has served me well. Iowa tax dollars should be used to support our Iowa public education, not private education. Those who support and utilize private education should support those institutions and provide scholarships, if they desire, but they should not expect me to support those private institutions with my tax dollars.I graduated from high school in 1973 and in 1977 from Iowa State University. Then Iowa's public education was ranked 1 or 2 in the nation, much higher than today's 18th. Say no to the education savings account program. Increase support to our public education to make it great again.
Anonymous []
We need to put more control in the hands of parents as far as who has control over their childrens education. This will give parents options for school theyve never had before.
Mary Mason [General Public]
I received a (once available) excellent publicschool education which allowed me to go on to college and have a successful life working in Des Moines. Iowa families already have "School Choice" where it's available. Is this bill saying that our public schools are currently so badly underfunded that no one should have to attend them? Many school children live where there are no private schools. What happens to them when tax money is taken away from their school to pay for private schools, and in some cases for parents who can already afford to send their kids there without my tax dollars? Is this bill overly popular with those who will profit monetarily? Be cautious and be curious when hearing this bill is a plan which is good for all of Iowa's school children.
Lisa Lima [Pottawattamie County Democratic Party Chairperson]
Iowa has a longstanding honor of being ranked as one of the best in the nation for education. We have lost that edge and we are losing population due to it. Let's turn that around and keep money where it should be, in public schools. Our public schools' students and educators are our families, our neighbors and citizens that contribute to our society. We cannot take money away from that system. We need it to maintain our ability to have children grow up to be citizens of Iowa.
Anonymous []
We are forced to pay taxes to a public school that our kids will never attend, familys that chose Christian education for their children pay for their own children and others children to attend school whether they can afford it or not. It is essential we are allowing families that want a Christian education to be able to do so without getting penalized for it.
Anonymous [Self ]
The state already provides funds per pupil. When a student is not enrolled in a public school, where do those funds go? My family pays our property taxes and federal taxes and state taxes to support education. I am requesting that the funds allocated for my children can be used where my family has decided to send our children to school...a private school. We have chosen private school due the curriculum and our faith. We make this sacrifice knowing how important education is foe lifetime achievement. Give parents the choice to send our children where they will do best. The state already allows alternative public schools through charter and online. Why is private education different? Private schools are accredited. Level the playing field of Education and be accountable. ESA is the first step!
Angie Fischer [St. Patrickâ??s Catholic School ]
This bill would have a great impact for our school families. We are a lower income school and our families struggle to afford sending their children to our school. It is important for everyone to have the choice of where to send their children to s hool and especially important that they can give their children to a faith based education without the struggle that may go along with it .
Sara J Bormann [Saint Mary School]
I am writing in support of the funding of educational savings accounts in the state of Iowa. I firmly believe that it is the right of a parent to choose the best possible education for their child. In all honesty, most times that education will be provided by the public school system. But, for some families, a private or faith based education will prove to be a more appropriate and educationally sound choice. Parents who lack the resources should not be withheld from choosing a private, stateaccredited school for their child. ESAs will help to level the playing field and provide parents and students with a real choice in where they receive their education. In a world where students are encouraged to take an active role in their education and fully participate in the educational process, shouldn't they have a choice where to spend their educational dollars? It is our duty as parents, educators, and lawmakers to put aside whatever predispositions we have and make a choice to do what is best for all students. Funding ESAs will open doors and allow students an opportunity to receive the education of their choice. When students succeed academically, we all win!
Stacy []
Vouchers will decimate public schools and leave the poorest students with the fewest options. $7,500 does not fully cover private tuition in any of Iowa's largest cities. Private schools are not required to take ELL, SpED, or anyone who learns differently. What options will these students have? Diverting $ away from public schools will force them to limit AP classes, foreign language and electives that enrich education. What oversite will private schools have to ensure teachers are certified and the money is used appropriately toward education? Similar programs in OK and AZ have had poor results. This is simply "socialism for the wealthy and capitalism for the poor" MLK
Anonymous []
I am in favor of the governor's proposal of Educational Savings Accounts. The ESAs would do great things for schools, families and staff alike.
Ronald Sarp [None]
What happened to the separation of Church and StateIt is against the constitution of Iowa & United States. My tax money cannot go to a religious schoolor Im not obligated to pay Iowa taxes anymore
Anonymous []
I firmly believe that parents should have a choice in education of their children with their and my tax dollars supporting their choice. It is healthy for any size community to have a little competition with business and education. It requires such entities to work a little harder, to be diligent in upholding their standards and the integrity. It seems as though those that might have a monopoly in the offers of education are in fear of loosing that.
Seeta Mangra-Stubbs []
I cannot imagine spending taxpayer money on such discriminatory legislation. We could be fixing our infrastructure rather than bullying children and trying to control education. Please reject this bill.
Margaret Whiting []
Iowa Public schools in rural areas already are struggling financially. Most of Iowa's public schools are in rural areas. Our public schools need more funding, not less funding!If this bill is passed, there will be larger class sizes in our public schools, programs will have to be cut, and it will be hard to keep good teachers. This bill will really be harmful to our eduction system in Iowa.
Anonymous []
Please help middle class working families like mine chose the education experience that is best for our children. I am not antipublic education I just feel like families should have options that are not just based on our income. I have children in both public and private schools because I pick the school that best fits their needs and goals. It is a huge financial burden on our family. If this passes it could alleviate a lot of the stress we face.
Anonymous []
As a taxpayer and parent, I should be able to decide where my children attend school and the funding should follow my child. The funding is for the children and not for school or school districts to take from my child if I send my child to a private school.And for decades the public schools have been getting the funding from taxpayers that children attend private schools that inturn have very little funding. And still the private school children out perform the public school child even though they are educated using fractions of the dollars involved the public school child.
Jason Alons []
This bill will benefit so many families who feel they don't have choices for their child's education. Education cannot be one size fits all. This is a great step forward to give parents the help they need to meet their child's needs.
Garrett Aesoph []
pro school choice
Anonymous []
Public funds are for every kid .. the state is responsible for all kids. Your local property tax dollars go to your local school district, which is fine. Since when do public funds only go to public schools? If you received any form of Medicare / Medicaid, do you have to go to a staterun physician? No. If you are on food stamps, do you have to go to a staterun grocery store? No. The state is giving everyone a chance to succeed where the parents see best. The state gives public funding / tax breaks to businesses, why not parents. Plus, you are only talking about 5% of the education budget. When you look at the surplus, the state can afford to help both.
Bobbi Borich []
As a 68 year old lifetime resident of Ames, Iowa, I STRONGLY oppose this proposed legislation from entering into our educational system. When I was in school, Ames was considered one to the top schools in the state of Iowa, with Iowa ranking extremely high amongst other state in the country.This is CLEARLY not the case at the present time.This intrusion to our public education funding would be the worst thing we could do at this time.We want progress in the country, not regression. As we celebrate Martin Luther King today, please do not push our state backwards! We have come to far.Our taxpayers money is for public schools and should always remain that way. We should be trying to improve our education system and restore it to the way it was 50 years ago!!Thank you,Bobbi Borich
Anonymous []
I am in favor of passing this bill.
Courtney Collier []
Neither school choice bill is for vouchers. That word cannot be found in either bill. House bill : bill: matters that people have facts rather than just opinions when it comes to these discussions. Facts about the bills and the concept of allowing tax funded programs to be utilized by recipients as they choose. 1) As Iowa law stands today, when a student unenrolls from public school to go to a private school, the SSA for that student $7598 is no longer received by the public school. This bill says the same thing. The SSA is still no longer received by the public school. 2) These bills will allow each child in Iowa to attend an accredited school of any kind and for their parents to access the SSA benefit for that child, to do so. 3) This is the same way the annual $50 million Iowa Tuition Grant works. This can be used for public or private college. do we allow public schools to monopolize k12 dollars?4) The proposed school choice student first education savings account bill works similar to the concept of Medicaid and Food stamps. Both Medicaid and Food Stamps recipients have the ability to choose where to redeem their benefits. This school choice bill will do the same thing. Are you against Medicaid and Food Stamps too?
Anonymous [N/A]
I would like to voice my support for HSB 1. Making education savings accounts available to Iowa Tax Payers is an important step in providing parents with the choice to enroll their children into a school system that they feel best meets their goals. Tax payers should have the opportunity to use their tax dollars to send their children to the school of their choice and not be limited based on income or address.
Dave Bruner [citizen ]
Educational choice is good for every parent in Iowa.Also, Competition makes for better educational systems throughout the State.Please give ESAs your serious consideration and vote yes.Thank you.
Anonymous []
Please support school choice!
Cory Emily [Mount Olive Lutheran School]
School choice is essential in creating strong public and private schools. Lets let parents be the decision makers are what school is best for their family.
Eric Saylor []
HS1 represents an inappropriate allocation of public monies for private education. The "choice" that sponsors of this bill tout as its advantage is a chimera: parents already have the choice to send their students to private school; the public is under no obligation to fund those schools with their taxes. Fortyone Iowa counties have no private schools, and another twentythree have only one, meaning almost 2/3 of all counties in the state would not be able to take advantage of this bill's alleged benefits.Unlike public schools, charter and private schools are allowed to discriminate against students, accepting or rejecting them for whatever reason they want, and devising curricula that may or may not actually be appropriate, accurate, or equitable, with no meaningful oversight.I urge the committee to reject this bill. I would also like to note the utter shamelessness of HF 39, currently under consideration by the Education Committee, and tangentially related to this bill. The summary describes it as "an act authorizing students enrolled in charter schools to participate in extracurricular athletic activities provided by the students school district of residence." The gall it takes to propose letting students take public money to attend private school, but then to participate in athletics *at the very same public school they are no longer funding* is absolutely breathtaking.
Julie Persons []
My tax money is for public schools. Public schools accept all children, no matter what. Private schools can pick and choose who they accept. Instead of taking funding away from our children, lawmakers should work on reducing size of classrooms and actively recruit more great teachers for our public classrooms.
Anonymous []
This should be allowed to pass. Many families do not have the means to attend a private school and disagree with the agenda of the public schools driven by outside public unions. If not, where is the outrage for state grants for Iowa students to attend private colleges in Iowa?
konrad schulze []
all 4 of my children went to the public schools of Iowa City (Horn, North West Junior High, West High School, and good an excellent education; many of the nurses, secretaries and doctors joined UI Health Care, come from Iowa farms or small rural towns and still were well prepared for the demands of their jobs;
Nancy Eldridge []
Lack of accredited schools particularly bother me. I still tutor kids and see the damage home schooling and online and private schools have done.
Neil Barrick []
In the 60s and 70s we had public schools ranked top 5 in the country. The continual starving of school funding has reduced us to the 40s in ranking. Taking money from public schools and channeling it to private schools will NOT make it better! Why are we so pleased to be dumbing down our state?!
dennis brockhaus []
please approve this bill. it not only addresses classroom crowding in our public schools but also is fair. if i send my child to another school district, i have that right, the school district of my address sends funds to the other school district. why would a private school not be able to benefit from that as well.
Kris Collison [Kuemper Catholic School System]
ESA support is a benefit to not only our children but also the State of Iowa. We need to look ahead at our demographics. Nonpublic schools are a means to continue to attract and maintain our general population while continuing to support public schools.
Reginald Arens [ARENS LAWN CARE]
I believe this bill is truly going to help the students and their education.
Curtis Collison [Kuemper Catholic School System]
Support of ESAs is vital to the success of all students in Iowa.
Anonymous []
The result of this bill would be segregation for students that aren't fitting the requirements for the private schools. Private schools aren't required by law to accept all students. They can turn away students that aren't the right academic or social standards. Where do those children go? Back to the public schools. Uninvolved parents won't support their child's education, therefore they will be in public schools. This bill is creating public schools for the students that private schools won't take. It isn't improving the problem of public schools that are struggling, guns in schools, disrespect of teachers, the number of students that are needing special services, and the increasing shortage of teachers due to their working conditions and value by state and federal leaders. Keep the right to an education integrated. Private schools will lead to segregation again.
Jane Robinette []
The majority of Iowans oppose taking away their money meant for public schools to fund private schools. Parents have many educational choices in Iowa already. This new bill will not only harm public schools and public school students across the state (especially in small districts and rural communities), but takes taxpayer money to fund even wealthy families' private school tuition at a projected cost to Iowa taxpayers of hundreds of millions of dollars. Private schools do not have to accept every student that "chooses" to attend them. Taxpayer money should not be used for schools that discriminate. Transparency and accountability are required for public schools; under this scheme taxpayer money will boost schools that require neither. Over 90% of Iowa students attend public school. Iowa should instead fully fund (to keep up with inflation and new costs) schools that are the heart of our communities. This kind of legislation will only continue to degrade our public school system and harm public school students who don't have a "choice." Please vote no on HSB 1.
Anonymous [Kuemper Catholic School System]
The word "education" comes from two Latin roots which mean "to mold" and "to lead out". Leading educators in both our private and public school spheres believe in this balance of "molding" and "leading" our youth to reach their potential and become the best citizens they can be.Every parent should have a choice of sending their child to school in the place this molding and leading can best occur. That choice shouldnt be limited to families who can afford it. This is about giving every child an education that fits their needs.
Stacy Claeys [None]
Public money should support public schools! Vouchers are nothing but a giveaway to rich families and will destroy our public schools
Anita Christensen []
Please say no to vouchers. They are not good for Iowa. All of our students deserve the best quality education we can give them regardless of income or zip code. Vouchers cant do that but public education can.
Jill Jacobsma [Orange City Christian School]
Please vote YES!
jacqueline C otting [Iowa City Community School District]
Vouchers are a way for the state government to starve public schools of funding and then label these schools as "failing." This is a deliberate, longterm move by the Iowa Republicans to use public money to fund religious education. This is against Iowa law and the Iowa constitution. This legislation only benefits wealthy, religious students and families in cities in Iowa. Over 75% of Iowa students live in counties with NO private schools. If this legislation is passed, I will personally work to help open the Iowa Satanic school under the idea of freedom of religion. If my religion is Satan, than you must provide state monies to fund Satanic ideals.
Brian Thilges [ ]
Please support this to help all students have the opportunity to attend the school they choose as well as to give the private/parochial schools needed funds.
Maria Jacobus [Individual teacher]
As a public school teacher in Southwest Iowa, this bill will do irreversible harm to my rural district and those around us. We are already woofuly underfunded and this bill will exacerbate that condition leading to larger class sizes, fewer academic and extracurricular opportunities, and a decrease in student achievement. I encourage all Iowa legislators to vote against this bill.
Anonymous [Citizen]
Please act in support of the ESA legislation. Thank you!
Anonymous [ ]
Please support this bill.
Russell Husted []
public money should be spent only on public education; an increase of funding that meets or exceeds inflation should be provided to all levels of public education
Anonymous [Orange City Christian School]
We all want what is best for Iowa children. Many families, when it comes to their child's education, feel limited by their income as they consider where their student is going to attend school. I believe the state, as it compels education for all Iowans, should empower those same Iowans with every opportunity to succeed. As a constituent in your district, I'm asking you to please support the Governor's ESA plan (currently a part of HSB1 and SSB1022). Thank you for your service!
Laura JT Zieglowsky []
Gov. Reynolds knows nothing about education. This bill will syphon tax payers money from public education to private, religious schools. Clearly, this is not what our founders wanted since they established a clear separation of church and state. People in Iowa better stand up and say "no" to Reynolds and the GOP or else we will lose public schools in our towns and cities.
Anonymous []
I would like to take a moment and first say thanks for taking the time to address this issue. I think this is a great opportunity to help all schools stay competitive, and give parents the choice of where they want to send their kids to be educated. I am a father of 5 kids 1st through 8th grade, and have chosen to send my kids to a Christian school. We have had to sacrifice growth on the farm to make this decision. I also serve on the board at Orange City Christian School. I have seen much greater sacrifice from other families to make this choice, sometimes racking up credit card debt for family needs so they can make tuition payments. This bill would make great leaps to help those families. I understand that these are our choices, but when all schools get stronger our communities and state will benefit as well. thanks again for taking the time to address this issueSteve Vis
Henry Kramer [Unity Christian High School]
This is a wonderful piece of legislation. It is great for children in Iowa. It will strengthen education in Iowa.
Matt Van Schepen [Orange City Christian School]
I am in support of this bill to provide educational savings accounts to help parents of Iowa students meet the needs of their children. This shouldn't be an us vs. them debate. All taxpaying parents in Iowa should be given the opportunity to have their children educated by a school that best meets their needs. If we're serious about providing the best education we can in our state, then we need to make sure that cost for families is not a burden.
Anonymous []
This is a great bill. Please pass this for the sake of our childern
Anonymous []
Hello, my children go to Catholic school but I am very opposed to this as it will take away from public schools. Good public schools make ALL schools better. Not everyone wants a Catholic or Christian or private education, so please don't make it such that public school choice is the "lesser" choice that is not good for ANY child. Thank you.
Maggie McQuown []
I support public funds only being spent on public education. I oppose funds being reallocated to a education savings account which parents can use to pay for private school or home schooling costs.Additionally, I support funding for smaller schools to share services, which will help rural schools to be able to provide the needed services for a quality education in their local communities and for smaller school districts to remain open. Our children do not benefit by being bused long distances to a centralized school because their local school district didn't receive sufficient funding from the state of Iowa.Iowa has a long reputation of providing ALL of its children both urban and rural a highquality, public education and preparing them to find meaningful employment and make a living wage. We need to fund our public schools sufficiently to retain this educational focus and reputation!
Heather Youngquist []
Public funds should be spent on public schools. The most equitable option for all children in Iowa is to adequately fund our public schools, not to funnel money away from them. Iowa is losing young families and further efforts to defund our public school system will only drive more away.
Philip W. Klein []
No vouchers! Fully fund public education at all levels, including school lunches, nurses, extracurriculars, special needs. Fair, progressive taxes easily pays for it.
Dave Spencer [veterans advocate]
This planned program simply ignores and bastardizes the line of distinction that has always existed between public and private schools. It won't actually equalize opportunity for the right kind of choice in far too many cases; many private schools exist not so much to educate children about general truths in our history or how to live in and promote anything listed by the Founders in the Constitution's Preamble, but to indoctrinate children with what the organization wants everyone to believe and act toward. Taking money away from public education to assure the promotion of questionable ideology is both stupid and inexcusable. If there are real problems within the public education system, which there certainly are, a focus on making the public education system better in various ways is a much smarter and more considerate path toward a better, smarter, and safer education experience.
Kevin S Wymore [Private citizen]
Peter Fisher []
Please don't weaken rural Iowa public schools. This bill would take taxpayer money out of rural areas and use it to subsidize the private religious education of welltodo Iowans already sending their children to private schools, most of which are in urban areas. Most of us in rural Iowa have no private school option, and where we do, we can't afford to lose students in districts that are already shrinking, with long bus rides.
William Sitas []
Dear Sirs and Madams,I want to express my support for HSB1. I support school choice for all Iowa families. I am not anti public schools but I do believe that public schools are not always the preferred choice of parents. Too many families are unable to choose a nonpublic school for their child because they lack the means.There is so much misinformation being published by those who are against this bill. If the teachers union truly believed in the best education for every child, they would realize that some need a nonpublic option. This bill will provide an choice for those looking for a nonpublic option or those who are in failing districts. For both of these reasons, I ask you to support this bill and pass it quickly.Thank you for all of the work you do for Iowans!Respectfully,William Sitas
Brittany Mogensen [MercyOne]
An ESA would greatly benefit my ability to continue sending my current and future children to my preferred school choice. Catholic education is an imperative piece of celebrating and raising my children within my faith.
Anonymous []
I am very in favor of the ESA. Having sent 3 children to a private school, this would have been a great asset. Many people do not have all the necessary funds to send their child(ren) to private schools so an ESA would help them greatly. I would appreciate you voting in favor of this important bill. Thank you.
Anonymous [n/a]
allowing public taxes to support private schools will negatively affect Iowa Public schools and the education of the vast majority of children in this state. It is a very bad idea put forth by ignorant and/or meanspirited people who care more about a minority of these students rather than public education as a whole. it will adversely affect students in rural areas as well as those in all cities large and small in this state.
Rosemary Korty []
There is NO reason to take more money away from our public schools they have little enough as is. We have private schools for those who wish to avoid the public schools. Our public schools could be BETTER than private schools if we only provided more funding (taxes if required) to make good, safe schools a reality. When did we stop thinking about what's good for ALL children? We need to prepare for grownup kids who will not be living in a bubble free of "public school educated" people. The talk of "our children are our future" is bullshit in Iowa if this bill goes through. Iowa is better than this or so I thought.
Don Stevens [Retired professional]
Please consider voting pro on this important issue. It is good for the state of iowa. It is good for business as it offers new entities the opportunity for school choice. It is good for low income because it will give other choices for educationThank you
Anonymous []
This bill will destroy public schools in Iowa within 5 years. Reynolds example of Florida cherrypicked studies.
Anonymous [Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools]
Pro school choice for educational savings funds
Grant Monnig []
When Parents send their children to a school, they are entrusting them to that school to assist in their intellectual and moral education. The state funding to support that child should respect the parents' choice and allow that funding to go with that child to the school that they attend, whether it be private or public. Establishing ESA's in Iowa would help ensure that parents can seek the education they desire for their children regardless of income level, a dream we should all hope for in our state.
Jenny Richards [Self]
I urge all Iowa lawmakers to reject this voucher plan proposed by Governor Reynolds. It would weaken the funding stream to public schools and assist a very small percentage of Iowa families. This program would not only offer no options to rural Iowa families, it would also likely force schools to close.This is insane. Please oppose
Ellen R Fliehler []
We need a Governor and Legislatures that support Iowa's public schools. Not give money away to private entities. There is no evidence that private schools will improve education in Iowa. Most likely, the rural schools will be hit the hardest. My tax dollars go toward public education even though I no longer have children in school. I want my future caretakers, doctors, teachers, technicians, and tradesman to have a solid education. Strengthen our public schools, not weaken them. We need skilled workers to stay in Iowa and work where we already have a shortage.
Anonymous [None]
Public money for public schools. Not for special groups.
Robert Howe []
Public money should go to public schools only. Our public schools are underfunded as is. Please don't weaken them further with this voucher plan.
Renee Speh []
I deeply oppose this proposal. My son has disabilities that include challenging behaviors. He would not be accepted at private schools even though he has a federally mandated right to a "free and appropriate public education " (FAPE) in the "least restrictive environment" (LRE). He does not have school choice. Even if you proposed an additional bill to fund some special education services at private schools, these students require and deserve highly trained and experienced professionals. The number of children diagnosed with autism is increasing exponentially. CDC currently states the rate is around 50%. Private schools cannot adequately support this rapidly growing student population, and they deserve quality education in a supportive environment.
Joyce Lash [n/a]
I am opposed to the establishment of ESA's. For the following reasons:1) Nothing in the bills specifies that the accredited nonpublic schools must be accredited by the Iowa Department of Education. In fact the bills specifically prohibit the State and it's entities from imposing restrictions on the operations of the nonpublic school systems. This would mean there is a potential for Iowa tax dollars to be paid to out of state organizations.2) Funds in the ESA accounts can be managed by third party organizations. While funds in the accounts will be returned to the state at the completion of high school or age 20 there is no language indicating how earnings on the accounts are to be spent or a clear statement of what a third party management firm will cost in tax dollars. 3) State and Federal rules governing public schools reporting will make it unfair to compare achievement results to those accomplished by nonpublic schools who can be selective about their results. 4) Any taxes I pay for the support of public education are paid with the intent that they will be paid to and managed by an organization that is subject to oversight. I do not believe that the ESA structure is manageable from an audit point of view. I believe abuse of the system is far more likely than abuse by a public school organization.
Anonymous []
Please vote NO on this plan. Public money should be used for public schools. There are many reasons. More than 75% of public schools are in rural areas where there is no access to private schools. Taking money away from these schools will disadvantage the children living there. Schools are already facing financial hardships due to financial hardships. Iowa legislators should appropriate more money, not less for public schools.Public schools accept all children; private schools can pick and choose.When I moved to Iowa in the late 1980s, Iowa had one of the top public school systems in the nation. But in the past 510 years, appropriations have not kept up with costs. The legislature should be restoring funds to public schools, not siphoning them off for private schools.
Kate. Noteboom [Orange City Christian Schools]
I support the bill. Thanks for the work of all those promoting it. Good job, Governor!
KENT f OBERG [self]
I firmly believe that it is a splendid idea to let the Parents send their children to the school of their choice. This is at no cost to the public schools. This is what America is all about. Thank You. Kent Oberg Fort Dodge Iowa
Edward Cranston []
ConPlease vote no on school vouchers. Strong Iowa public schools are a critical way to attract young couples to stay in Iowa to provide a strong education for their children. Pulling funds from public education in the name of choice isnt fair to all Iowa families. Help is needed for all public school districts especially the ones in the small rural communities. Choice is already available with Iowas open enrollment options. Iowa already ranks 40th nationally in the per pupil expenditure increase from 20142019. Public schools can't afford a drain of students and resources. Please vote against this bill.
Allison Blocker [None]
Public money belongs with public schools. Those who wish to send their children to private schools should not be utilizing public money for that purpose. It is wrong to funnel money away from public schools to be used at a private institution.
Anonymous []
This bill is not in the public interest for the State of Iowa. There are no standards established to ensure our children are receiving a good education.The bill does not even require that the student be enrolled in a private school in order to have a savings account.It creates a wide open door for fraud. It does not authorize the Dept of Ed. to increase staff to administer the program. Does not even have a clause to exempt rulemaking for it from Reynolds order # 10. Bottom line, the solution to Iowa's problem of declining student achievemnt is fix our public schools instaed of diverting $$ to for profit schools.
Becky Svatos []
The percentage increase in funding for public schools under Republicans has been half of what it was under Democrats. Because most of the cost of education is salaries, this means we are not paying our teachers enough and now don't have enough teachers. Why would teachers choose Iowa when we pay less and don't support our public schools? If more students leave public schools and take money with them, it further reduces funding for public schools. Increased competition among public and private schools will not increase public education quality when the public schools will end up mostly with students that the private schools don't want. The students staying in public schools will need more services and resources, resulting in higher funding needs per student. If parents want to send their kids to private schools, they can do that now. Private schools offer tuition assistance. We need to adequately fund our public schools and support them rather than further weakening our public school system.
cynthia doyle []
I strongly oppose vouchers for private schools. I do not want my tax dollars used for this legislation.This legislation unfairly penalizes rural families who do not have access to private schools. I went to public school in a rural district and the nearest private school was over 30 miles away. There was no way my working parents could have driven 60 miles a day to take me to a private school. Furthermore, I received an excellent education in the public school system, as did my daughter and granddaughters. Our public school was the heart of our community. I have no problem with parent choice, however if parents chose to send their child to a private school they can fund it.We should be supporting our public schools, not gutting them for the governor's pet project.
Mary B. Oothout []
Please vote against the School Voucher proposal.Funds from my tax dollars are to go to the Public School System not a private company.If our school system is not adequate, supply it with management and funds to build it up to par. Gov. Reynolds' idea is just to pass the problem on instead of fixing it.I am a Republican, have paid taxes in Iowa for more than 50 years and I am appalled that there is consideration to put my hardearned taxdollars toward private institutions.
Anonymous []
If the state of Iowa will pay tuition of private educational facilities out of public taxes then very many children in areas without those possibilities will experience education that is less financially supported. Many of those children live in rural or less populated areas and that is not fair. It will reduce the support of Iowa Education again.
Kelsey Taylor [Cedar Valley Christian School]
I was a single mother for 10 years. My son attended public school in preschool/kindergarten. I quickly realized several things lacking in public schools including discipline, teacher/student ratio, and worldly conversions in which I completely disagreed with. My son was bored, distracted and not being challenged at his public school. That public school got $7,500 for my son each year he attended. I worked 3 jobs and lived frugally to provide $6,000/year for him to go to a private school, where he is now thriving and in 5th grade. While providing the $6,000 out of my own pocket, I still pay public school taxes towards a school my son does not attend. This is not about public vs private schools, its not about race or religion, its not about free handouts, its about opportunity. I did not want my situation when I was struggling to find a good school for my son. It put me in financial hardship, but I only get one shot at my sons educational and I pulled the resources together without government help to do it. Most people arent able to do this. I am a white female, single mother, who attended public school. My son is black. His private school is more diverse than his public one was. Ive been in both worldsbringing up diversity has nothing to do with this bill. In my opinion, its bringing attention to the lack of responsibility of public schools. For the past 6 years, the government could have given the public school $7,500 each year for my son. That money didnt exist because he wasnt enrolled in private school. Instead, I paid $6,000 of my own money to give to a responsible private school who is surpassing all expectations of mine as a parent. I am still waiting for the public school districts to take the free $7,500 and prove to me that they are the best option for my son. That money doesnt exist, nor will it ever if public schools cant provide what the private school has for my own $6,000. Public schools, what are you doing with the extra free $1,500 every year? Youre no different than mea taxpaying citizen. Why is a private school showing me that they are more responsible with the lesser money they are getting?I appreciate congress considering all aspects of this bill. I appreciate the focus on opportunity, rather than discrimination. If you take aside the distractions of opinion, do the math. I AM FOR the Students First Act. This bill is for students like my son, who is no different than public school children. If anything, it will break down the segregation public schools created in the first place.
Kathy Hay [none]
I do not want my public dollars to be spent on private education opportunities which the students in rural Iowa will not have an opportunity to use and which do not provide a better education than found in public schools. This money should be spent on public education which has standards and requirements that must met. Public schools teach all students and do not discriminate. Vouchers are a way to exclude students especially in poverty and create social castes. Please vote no on HS Bill 1.
Anonymous []
I do not want my property taxes or state taxes used for private schools. No regulations for private schools. The federal government protects us against discrimination.
Anonymous [ISEA-R]
I am opposed to HSB 1. Public funds should not be diverted to fund private schools. Public schools must accept all students wishing to attend, meet education standards set by locally elected school boards, report test scores to local school boards and the Department of Education, provide programs for students with IEPs or 504 plans, and employ teachers and paraeducators with valid Iowa licenses. Nonpublic schools do not require the same reporting and can exclude students based on multiple factors, they are governed by a board of trustees that do not answer to the public about programs, curriculum, or qualifications of teachers. HSB 1 requires no new accountability for nonpublic schools. HSB 1 is not good for education in Iowa. It diverts the state's resources away from the majority of Iowa's students and schools. It's a bad idea. The majority of Iowa's voters are opposed to it.
Anonymous []
I am for an educations savings account
Susan Corbin-Muir []
Public money is for public schools. Vote no on this bill. Iowas future depends on it.
Tracy Meginnis []
I am opposed to the proposed legislation HSB 1. The state should be seeking ways to support public schools, which are the only available option in so many rural communities across our state, rather than siphoning off funding that could go to improving education for ALL our kids. The priorities expressed in this bill are poorly tuned to the realities of education in our state.
Dorothy Whiston [none]
Please do not use public money to support private schools. Most private schools are unable to serve children with special needs and so the costs are even higher for public schools who must accommodate everyone. Public education is the foundation of democracy, as well as a key to reducing poverty and crime (and thus state expenditures). Our children went to a private school from K8 and it was a priority of the school to have a sliding tuition scale and raise scholarship funds so families of all incomes could send their kids to that school. I still contribute to the school's tuition fund and my last child graduated 25 years ago. It is up to the private schools, not the public, to raise their own funds! Please do not support private schools with public funds!
Cheryl Scherr [Myself]
Beyond crippling the rural schools, this proposed "school choice" plan would not require any oversight or common regulation. This is patently illthoughtout. Public schools are being ordered not to teach about race, Native Americans, and a variety of other topics and are rightfully or wrongly tested periodically. Further, there is intense scrutiny on where public schools spend their money.This new proposal will disproportionately benefit wealthy families and divert millions of our tax dollars away from our public schools which are woefully underfunded as it is.There are a couple of statistics that should be shocking to people. We went from number 1 in the nation for funding to 40th in funding.We need to think about the public good. In order to have good companies willing to stay and relocate here, we must have a welleducated populace. Without welleducated people, companies will take their business to other states.
Richard Trealoff []
This bill is NOT for the public good!!!!
Dave Stickrod [retired]
As a resident of Glenwood and retired educator, I am totally opposed to the upcoming voucher bill that the governor is trying to ramrod through the legislature before dumb Iowans get wind of it. I was an administrator for 29 years and I know firsthand that since Branstad's return to the governor's mansion our local districts and universities have never had the funding they've needed, often in spite of frequent budget surpluses. Here are a few reasons why I oppose this bill: 75% of public schools are in rural areas have little or no no access to private schools. If St. Albert, with the only parochial high school in Southwest Iowa, were a higher quality system than any other district, they wouldn't have dropped from 3A to IA in size over the past several years. Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids regardless of zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick only the kids they want. Also, private schools do not have to be held accountable through testing and reporting of test scores as public school districts do, nor do they have to hire qualified teachers. Parents already have a choice. In most districts they can request a teacher change. Also, they can take advantage of open enrollment, they can send their kids to parochial schools in any are nearby, or they can home school their kids. Taking money away from schools who must accept all hungry, dirty, and naughty kids won't make those schools better or cause alreadyoverwhelmed teachers to say, "Oh, looks like I just have to teach harder." Glenwood has good schools with traditionally good test scores, including a recentlynamed Blue Ribbon school, but we need more money, not less. The voucher bill needs to be voted down.
Anonymous [Iowa resident]
Please let us parents choose the best learning environment for our kids! Education is so important & every child learns differently. These kids will take care of all of us someday so lets make sure they are educated to do so!Its what is best for our kids!
Janet F Soboroff [Retired public employee and Retired educator]
Public funds belong in public schools. For far too long the legislature has underfunded and undermined public schools in the state of Iowa. This voucher bill will have a devastating effect on rural schools and on areas with low income and minority populations. In many rural areas, there are no viable private schools that will accept all students. Special education and special needs students will go without services. I think this bill violates many federal requirements to provide equal education for all students and will line the pockets of private education companies that are the field simply to line their pockets.
Stuart Davidson []
I do not support the use of public tax dollars to private school. This handout is bad legislation for many reasons. Private schools can determine if they will accept students, this does not allow parent's anymore choice than they currently have. Private schools are not required to accept IEP, special need students. These parents do not have additional choice with this legislation. The only benefactor of this legislation is the high dollar out of state funding that will feed into the Governor's campaign funds. Call this what it is, a plan to remove public education from state funding and then use the dollars for special interest of the Governor and party politics. Iowa schools are doing an excellent job educating the students of Iowa with one hand tied behind their back due to political efforts. Do not kill the rural school districts the bedrock of many small communities with this poor legislative agenda. I request that this bill not move forward. If you move forward, please be honest with the taxpayers of Iowa on the costs of the legislation. If it is so good for the state, why hide this information from view.
Katharine Nicholson []
Public money belongs only in public schools the foundation of democracy.
Anonymous [n/a]
Iowa schools used to be a source of pride, among the best in the nation. Like most things, though, if you don't fully attend to continue to fund your most valuable resources, even things with the most promise will flounder. Gutting our public school system in order to justify the offering of private schools or charters as an alternative is pure Machiavellian tactics at its best. People have the choice already of where to send their children, so let them use their own money. Taking money away from the public system to support more selective, narrowminded, and restrictive environments is wrong, to say nothing of leaving those "left behind" to do the best with the scraps they've been left. I am not in support of school vouchers at all and I resent Governor Reynolds and the Republican Party ignoring the majority of Iowan's opinions on this subject. They are not representing the truth or owning up to the fact they are responsible for the current state of our public school system. Please fully fund our public school system and allow it to realize its potential fairly and in extraordinary ways.
Tim Svatoš []
Public money belongs in public schools
Anonymous []
School vouchers are wrong for Iowa! They remove resources from public schools. They lack accountability for expenditures, requirements to educate ALL children or provide special education services, and school voucher monies are hidden from the public oversight that should come with tax dollars.My work career was spent in the Dubuque Community School District. I can see several areas where diverting funds from the public schools will affect all students negatively and several reasons school voucher should NOT be considered:Iowa already has a wide range of school choice options for parents and students, including: in district transfer, districttodistrict public school open enrollment, charter schools, strong nonpublic schools, home school options, publicly funded School Tuition Organization tax credits.Parents should have the choice to enroll their child in a private or religious school, but not with public taxpayer funds.Use public dollars for public schools, period. The publics investment should be used to support public community schools which are open to all students regardless of race, religion, gender, socioeconomic status and disability. These same expectations do not exist for private educational institutions in our state.This bill creates incentives for outside entities and private organizations to establish a private school in our district, without consent of our locally elected School Board. Private schools are then given freedom from regulations that our school district must follow. Why not instead give our public schools flexibility and funding to be innovative?Public funds require public accountability and transparency. Public schools are overseen by a publicly elected citizen governing board, are required to report academic results to the general public, have an annual public financial audit, and are transparent with all expenditures and decisionmaking. Private and religious schools are not held to that same public standard. Taxpayers have a right to know how their funds are being used, but are left in the dark about the use and impact of voucher funds.A slippery slope toward a costly and expansive voucher program: This voucher program may start small, but as weve seen in other states, once a program is established, it is easy to expand. This will pull more resources away from public schools.PLEASE STOP SCHOOL VOUCHERS OR LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD!!
Nicholas Timm []
This ESA bill would be a positive for our community and local schools. This would allow our community to truly have a choice and for the schools also to be able to invest back into their school and their students. We are fortunate to have great schools in our community to chose from.Tuition for our local nonpublic school is currently highly subsidized by (4) area churches. Approximately 50% of the students at the schools are not members at these local churches. This is a school for the community that community members chose to send their children to for both the education and values provided by the school. This would allow this to truly be a choice to the community and not have to turn away or be intimidated because of the tuition payment. Our local nonpublic school goes up until 8th grade, then those students go into the public school for high school. In my opinion students, parents, schools, and communities benefit from this bill.
Anonymous []
Please support ESA for our children. We want to have a choice on our kids education and how our tax dollars are spent. The money should follow the child. It is the fair way to spend our money on education.
Anonymous [St. Maryâ??s Catholic School]
Our son has an IEP and it would be easier to send him to a public school but we like the faith based education and smaller classrooms for him. He gets better attention from teachers and aids. Our other children also attend and graduated from St. Marys. They learned amazing study skills and have received wonderful opportunities at college based on their Catholic education. None of them would have been available if they attended a public school.
Laura Kelley []
As a single mom for much of my childrens school age years, it was important to me to have them in a smaller environment where they got more individualized attention. I wanted them in one school where they could help look after one another, not split among schools and districts. St Edmond Catholic school has truly offered that. The kids are not a number, they are known by each one of their teachers, unlike our larger public schools that are offered in the area.
Kris Vervaecke []
Vouchers for private schools would significantly hurt our public schools, just when we need considerably more money flowing to public schools. Iowas longheld reputation for upholding the quality of public education is fraying, and our state and our children are the worse for it.Public education is essential to a healthy society and to our democracy. Please vote against vouchers for private school and resist such poorly disguised tactics meant to enrich the affluent.
Orlan Huizenga [Parent]
We support this bill as written. Please vote yes to move it forward.
Julie Zaugg [Self]
I am writing to express concerns about HSF1. Last year the education committee took comments from the public on a similar bill, with postings running overwhelmingly against tax money for private schools. Recently, 60% of Iowans surveyed were against vouchers. Here we go again.Some legislators try to compare paying for religious education with Medicaid spending for hospitals affiliated with a church. That is apple to oranges and faulty logic. Think about it. Does anyone REALLY choose Iowa Methodist because they themselves are a Methodist? Is the staff Methodist? Do they go room to room giving special instruction on how to be Methodist? Of course not. Methodist, Lutheran, Mercy, are examples of hospitals founded a century ago with a religious affiliation that have evolved into general hospitals.I have been employed by Lutheran Services to provide respite care for parents. At no point in the training or paperwork did they instruct us nor require us to promote being Lutheran. They are a wonderful organization that gives assistance to parents of all beliefs.The number one reason parents choose a parochial school is for religious instruction. That PROMOTES religion. It is fine that parents choose that, but dont expect everyone else to pay for it.
Katie Sievers [Bishop Heelan Catholic School - Immaculate Conception]
Tax money should follow the child where where they go. That child needs the money for their education. It is up to them where it goes.
Dawn Aesoph [BHCS]
I support school choice and ESAs. Please support this for all the families who wish to make the decision on which school is right for their own children and allie their tax dollars to follow their student.
Vicki Rotert []
Please pass ESAs, all parents deserve to make the best choice for their children in regards to education, not just the rich.
Anonymous [Bishop Heelan Catholic School - Immaculate Conception]
Tax money should follow the child where where they go. That child needs the money for their education. It is up to them where it goes.
Gage West []
I support HSB 1, and education choice in Iowa. This bill will give families in Iowa a choice in education that fits each of their childs needs.
thomas hill []
Terrible public policy! Will destroy our rural schools.
Lisa Petrie []
I am OPPOSED to HSB 1. Private schools are not subject to financial and BOEE oversight, and are allowed to promote discrimination against LGBTQ+ students. Students do NOT have equal access to private schools, especially those students with IEPs and other special needs unlike public schools, private schools can choose not to accept these kids. Lastly, in addition to this being a violation of freedom from religion, students who are not members of a specific church or religion are often charged a higher rate of tuition than students who are members of a specific parish. NO public taxpayer vouchers for private schools.
Anonymous []
Keep public dollars in public schools. Vote no on school vouchers.
Anonymous [Voter]
Dear House Education Committee Members,I am writing to comment on HSB1.I have been involved with nonpublic schools in Iowa for 30+ years, acting as a parent, school board member, employee & now a volunteer. I would like to applaud the Iowa Legislature for increasing access to nonpublic schools during that time. In 2006 the Educational Opportunities Act was seen as a bold step, however, in 2023, school choice is on the minds of Americans from sea to shining sea. Several letters to newspaper editors across the state have been orchestrated to promote the argument that it is wrong to use public money for private schools. This is already done in many instances. Other letters promote the idea that this bill will be paying for "wealthy" Iowans to attend a nonpublic school. What defines a wealthy Iowan? Families with income above four times poverty cannot receive a grant from a student tuition organization. Let me assure you, the VAST majority of these nonqualifying families are not wealthy they are balancing tight budgets every day to provide the school setting they believe will best meet the needs of their children. Gross income of $148,761 would place a family of 6 above the 4X poverty income test. After this family pays federal & state income tax, along with county and city property tax, I assure you, they will be making extreme sacrifices to send their two high schoolers and two grade schoolers to a nonpublic school at an annual cost of $25K$30K. Alternately, these four students would cost the State of Iowa $68,124 in a public school.If the messages regarding this bill are more negative than positive, please consider the size of the competing respondent pools and consider a positive vote on HSB1. Linda DuffyScott County
Erin Chambers [Iowa resident ]
Please vote no.At a minimum place income limits on eligibility.
Donna Kann []
How will this help rural schools that are already struggling from cuts already made? This is more shortsightedness on the part of Iowas governor.
Lissa Holloway [general public]
This bill takes public money from many kids and gives to few kids in private schools. How is this to the betterment of majority of school students?There is no accountability or transparency for this money to private schools. Private schools don't have to meet same standards.Rural schools have almost no access to private schools.Public money should be spent on helping the greatest number of children, and that is in the public schools.
Barbara Kyles []
Tax dollars and public funds should be used to support public schools not private schools. Rural schools in Iowa are already at a disadvantage over large districts due to lack of funding. Funding private schools, of which most are religiously based instead of fully supporting public schools disadvantages all rural schools, their teachers and students.
Brenda Bormann [Rural Iowa resident/tax payer// former educator for 40 years in public schools]
I have a lot of fear for the future of Iowa's public schools if the vouchers go through. In fact, I don't understand Gov Reynolds vendetta against public schools. I attended public school and then taught in public schools for 40 years. We do a GREAT job!!!!!!!! And, we care about EVERY student!! The private schools do not welcome challenging students behaviors and learning disabilities. We do the best that we can for EVERY student!!A friend who endorses the local Catholic school has often stated that any student can attend there. There is always monetary help. Thus, vouchers are not needed!!
Larissa Van Dyke []
Please support this bill!! Most people who send their kids to a private school do so not because they can afford it, as most cannot but because it is a choice and sacrifice! Help everyone to be able to make this choice a little bit easier!
Anonymous [sioux center christian]
please pass the bills entitled hsb1 and ssb1022
Anonymous []
75% of public schools are in rural areas with no access to private schools, leaving out too many Iowa kids.Private school vouchers dont benefit every Iowa kid equally. Public schools accept all kids no matter their zip code, while private schools are allowed to pick and choose which kids they accept.126 rural schools have already closed in Iowa, and diverting money from public schools to private schools will only force more closures.Instead of siphoning off critical funding from our kids, lawmakers should be investing in our public schools and in all students by:Reducing class sizes and making preschool available for all families.Recruiting and keeping more great teachers in our classrooms by treating them with respect and paying them what theyre worth.Expanding STEM and technical education options that prepare students for immediate success in growing fields.
Anonymous [Waukee Community School District ]
The main disadvantage to the education savings plan is that private schools get to pick and choose who they allow to admit. By law, they don't have to accept special education students. Where would my daughter end up? We need public money to go to public schools. We need our special education programs fully funded. This will hurt our rural communities because most rural communities do not have private schools. I do not support the education savings plan.
Mio Santiago []
I do not think public money should be used to send kids to private schools. The cost of the plan is too great, and benefits only a few.
Anonymous []
Public funds should not be used to send students to private schools, especially religious schools since that is a violation of the First Amendment. Parents who want private education for their children should pay for it themselves and money should not be taken away from public schools as a result. Strong public education is a pillar of democracy.
Anonymous [Coalition 4 Freedom ]
CON but for a different reason than most previous comments. I will save my comments for the hearing.
Linda A. Johnson-Lundquist [IEA Wealth Management, LLC]
I have given the current recommendation regarding providing families with vouchers to attend private schools considerable thought. My first thought isWhy is this necessary? To take several million of our taxpayer's dollars to aid a few thousand Iowa studentswhile denying those funds to be allocated to improve our public education system for the remaining several hundred thousand Iowa studentsmakes no sense to me. Is the disparity between private and public schools that profound in Iowa? If it truly is, why don't we allocate our education funding towards improving our public education systemto bring it up to the level of excellence of private schools? I would think this would alleviate families wanting to switch their children to private schools over time. It seems we are looking at this backwards. I believe the proposal starts out by allowing the vouchers for lowincome familieswhich is a nice thought and seems harmless enough. But then the proposal transitions over a 3year period to having no income requirements for the vouchers. This appears to be very elitist, allowing very welltodo families to send their children to private schools using our State's education tax fund dollars. Private schools receive support from many private sources and also through tuition. Is it really necessary for the State of Iowa to fund them? Several million dollars funneled into our public schools would come a long way to improving the quality of education that our Iowa students receiveand deserve. I hope you will consider voting against this upcoming legislation, and instead, redirect those funds to our public education system, which will benefit the majority of Iowa students and their familiesnot just benefiting a few. I believe this will help Iowa's stature as whole. Increasing our 'educational ranking' is a huge draw for attracting new citizens to our State, as well providing an incentive for our current students to remain in Iowa. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Raynettte Lewis []
To the members of the Education Reform Committee:Please vote No on funding private school tuitions with public school funding, or giving public school money to parents so they can send their children to private schools.Public schools have to accept every c hild in t heir district boundaries. Private schools can select the students who meet their vision and have the academic and athletic prowess they seek. Private schools should have to test their children and be accountable for the public funds just as the publlic schools are accountable for their funding. While public schools are teaching not to bully, it happens in ways and areas not observed by staff. Private schools are not immune to the problems of bullying. Even with uniforms, students know who is rich or not by the shoes and coats they wear and the cars they drive. Bullying happens! With as much as competition is prized in our country it is not hard to see why students try to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down. Going to a private school will not stop children from being bullied. Even so we should continue to teach students more positive ways to treat others than bullying. Private schools will not solve the problems in education. Students who fell behind during Covid are acting out their anxiety as seen in the discipline issues rampant now. Smaller class size and more studednt support would greatly help. Granting schools a three percent increase in funding when inflation is at seven percent decreased school funding. Don't think we didn't notice. Teachers are leaving at a record rate with replacements not to be found. Taking more money from public schools to fund private tuition only compounds the problem. Please vote No on this bill. Raynette LewisAn educator for 36 years.
Anonymous []
Public schools are the cornerstone of American democracy and I am happy to support them with my tax dollars. Through them, ALL children are given the opportunity to become literate participants in our democratic process. I expect transparency and accountability for any entity receiving my tax dollars, and this would not happen if private schools received my tax dollars. Furthermore, I believe that church and state should be separate, and I strongly oppose having my tax dollars used to support religion. Please vote NO on HSB 1.
Susan Enzle [League of Women Voters Johnson County- Iowa]
I am adamantly opposed to using public dollars to pay for tuition and other expenses at private schools. Doing so will take away vital funding from our public schools and put at risk the very survival of some of our rural schools. The proposed legislation is sorely lacking critical specifics that are the foundation of our public schools such as: 1. requiring close, public scrutiny over how money is spent; 2. clear standards for accreditation of schools; 3. background screening of school personnel to ensure their safety; and more.Please put your time and our tax dollars to a far better use by improving our existing public education system.
Rev. Dr. James D.Lewis []
First, I believe that funds for public schools are supposed to provide the same basic education to all students in those schools. To set aside the balance that is supposed to be for all students by giving some students funding and not others is a violation of that principle. This could and should be brought as a legal challenge by the Iowa Attorney General against Gov. Reynolds and the State Legislature if it is approved by them. Second, I believe the Legislature has not adequately funded public education for a long time! Additional funds are needed for public schools and the teachers who work so hard with low wages. If you want to raise taxes for education, it should be for public education in public schools.Third, since most of the private schools are conservative Christian schools, what happens to those of other faiths who would be excluded from their participation? As an educated and more liberal person of faith, I would not want conservative Christian schools to teach their values to a large number of our children and youth. Fourth, I would want to know the value system of the person or persons who would make the selection of the students. What would be their political party? Are they all Republicans, Democrats, or Independents? Would money only go as political favors to Republican children and youth. What about racial balance? Is this money just to go to people that are white or would other races be included. Who would see that a balance is kept and not be another form of racism as is prevalent in the Southern states. Fifth, since the private schools can select whom they want, what happens if they reject a person who has been given a voucher for their school? Would students who have disabilities and also are sometimes needing additional resources going to be disqualified by private schools.Sixth, since private schools now do not provide information to the State Education Department, if private schools get State money for their students then they should be required to provide the same information as public schools already do today.Seventh, there are not enough private schools in many areas of the state. If many students from rural areas would try to attend, who is responsible for transportation costs?Eighth, the placement of students often impacts sports. Private schools already can recruit students they want, while public schools can not legally do so. What impact would this have on sports and other special programs in the public schools?Rev. James Lewis, WDM, IA
Leslie Beck [individual]
I am in favor of this bill provided that privacy issues are addressed and ESA students are afforded the same optout provisions that public school students are given. The money used for ESAs is the taxpayer's money. Calling it public money is just a way of saying that it must go to public schools. Maybe we just start calling it government money that goes to government schools. That doesn't sound as palatable though. But they are funded and run by the government.We seem to have forgotten that families with children pay much of the the taxes which go to educate students in Iowa. If those families have determined that their children can receive a better education given the unique needs of those children, families should have the freedom to have that money go to an educational option of their choosing, often at a much lower cost per student than the dollars going to government schools.As for the concern that this law would hurt students in government schools, competition raises the bar for everyone which will benefit students in government schools as well as private schools.
Mary Masche5 []
I oppose the voucher plan because of the devastating impact it will have on our public schools. Private Schools are not held to the same scrutiny and standards required in our public schools. Public dollars should be used for our public schools.
Jill Bomgaars [Individual]
Our priority should be on strengthening education as a public endeavor and a common good. Public schools serve all students. Vouchers are not right for Iowa.
Gov. Reynolds is proposing $83 million in K12 funding for public school students, but the voucher program for private school students will get almost $107 million in the first year, if it passes. Iowa already provides $100 million to private and homeschooled students.Keep in mind that Iowa public schools have 90% of Iowa students (500,000) vs. 10% private school students (almost 33,000).Iowa public school students will lose $24 million in the first year alone, and it will only get worse from there, based on these numbers.Please vote NO. This will especially devastate our rural public schools. Thank you for your consideration.
Anonymous []
This bill encompasses the unethical behavior by Republicans and a Governor clearly bought by big money, including interests outside of Iowa. The scam to push this through without checks and balances on the cost to Iowans is deceptive and shady behavior. Iowa deserves much better!
Joe Stanek [Bishop heelan]
Good evening, i send my kids to Bishop Heelan. I know most think everyone who goes to private school is well to do. We are definition of middle class with 4 kids and this bill will help us immensely. Think what it would do for other families who feel they have no choice in public schools. Thanks
Elizabeth Luttrell [Public School Parent]
No to school choice for numerous reasons most of which this plan does not help all Iowa students. Our schools need support and funding, public money for public schools!! This is prolife to me!
Anonymous [â??â??-]
HSB 1 is a horrid blow below the belt for Iowas public schools and the communities they serve. It will mean losses of local public schools whose funding is already inadequate and the resulting loss of places for small towns to gather for all sorts of community activities. The bill would cause Iowas public education status in the national rankings to continue to fall: people already no longer come to Iowa expecting their children to be able to attend good local public schools, and some will leave in hopes of finding better public education for their children in other states.
Jason Lee Reinke [OCCS]
My wife and I support this new bill. We send our three children to Orange City Christian School, this bill would definitely help us to continue sending our children to a private school.
Anonymous []
All parents and children should have the right to decide which school to attend.The govt. makes a choice to provide funding for children to go to school, but govt. should not have the right to decide where that child goes to school. The people living in the communities know what is best for their children. They deserve the right to choose.
Elizabeth Luttrell [Public School Parent]
I am against this. Please visit your local public schools and see what "agenda" they are pushing or what "indoctrination" you find. You won't find it. I've been in public schools every day for the last 9 years, and it's not happening. We are BEGGING for parent involvement in our schools. Not only do I work in public schools, I'm part of my public school's PTO board. We're desperate for more volunteers and involvement. That's what makes a school great! Stop exaggerating to push this bill through. Thank you.
Jamie Koob []
I support HSB 1 to help families choose the educational environment that is best for their children regardless of their economic situation.
Susan Corbin-Muir []
Public money is for public schools. Vote no on this bill. Iowas future depends on it.
Marisa Keeney []
I am writing in opposition of school vouchers/educational savings accounts. Public funds should be for public schools not private schools. It is not in the best interest of our state or our children to divert funds from public schools & spend taxpayer dollars on an educational system that has no public oversight. This proposal will only benefit families that have the means to already afford a private education since the cost of private school tuition far exceeds the proposed voucher value. This proposal will only benefit families who are fortunate enough to have children with no learning, behavioral or physical disabilities since private school almost exclusively decline to accept students with these challenges. This bill would be devastating to rural Iowa as these school districts are already struggling due to the historic underfunding of public education in the recent padt. The vast majority of rural Iowans have no private school options available & this bill will undermine the ability of the public school system to meet the needs of all Iowans, but will impact rural Iowa in an even more devastating manner. Please, DO NOT move forward with this effort and work to restore Iowa to its previous status as a leader in education rather than make moves that stand to destroy the opportunities available to have a high quality educational experience.
Bruce Brainard [none]
This is incredibly wrong forthe vast majority of Iowans If a family wants to send their children to a non public school let them. But this must Not affect our states public school funding in any way.
Moria Brown [Retired public school teacher]
I believe in separation of church and state. Our tax dollars should not support parochial schools. If you pass this voucher program, you should require all private schools to meet all requirements you have set upon public schools, like enrolling and supporting LBGTQ youth, children with learning disabilities, and kids with behavior issues. But, Id rather you drop this completely and put money back into our public schools, to put Iowa back on top again.
Tracy Creason []
HSB1 EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNT PROGRAM also known as Students First Act is not putting Iowa students first. This bill is pushing Governor Reynolds agenda of taking money from public education and putting millions of dollars towards private schools. Public education should be an uplifting experience and can be when funded properly. Tax payer dollars should be used to pay for public education not private, mostly religious based schools. Rural Iowa will lose out as they have very few, if any, private schools available to them. Funding a very limited amount of schools with millions of tax payer dollars ($900 million in the first four years) is a massive waste of tax payer money when that money should be funding public education and enhancing the education for all Iowa children. In addition, private schools do not have the accountability that public schools have. If parents want to know what is going on in the schools, get involved. Volunteer at the schools, attend school events, talk to your childs teacher, talk to your child and pay attention. Students should come first, all of them. All Iowa children deserve the BEST PUBLIC EDUCATION we can give them. VOTE NO ON HSB1.
Anonymous [n/a]
Sen. Ken Rozenboom has stated There is no diversion of money from public schools to private schools. That is not true, no matter how many times its said. Its not true. This is not a zero sum game, It that statement is true....that money will not be diverted from public schools, are you also saying that public schools will not lose funding if their number of students decrease because of this?Also, it seems Gov Reynolds is saying that people can not get as good of education as they do at a private school. If that is the case, then what steps are being taken to fix that?
Carolyn Howe []
Public funds should go to public schools only!!Please do not weaken public schools!Do not pass this!Carolyn Howe
Anonymous []
I oppose my taxes being used for funding private education.
Mark Grewe [Lutheran Interparish School]
I am a full support of Governor Reynolds plan to offer Educational Savings Accounts to parents so that they can attend the school of their choice. I have been an educator in the Lutheran School system for 42 years both as a teacher and an administrator. I have had great relationships with my counterparts, both in public and private schools who hold to the belief that educators are in the business to educate children to meet their full potential. Although Lutheran Schools include religious instruction for our students, I strongly believe that our academics and our high standards for educating the whole child: academically, emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually should be shown more respect as we look at school choice. My ministry has touched schools in Indiana, Illinois, California, and Iowa. I know firsthand the standards the our schools that are accredited by the National Lutheran School Association (NLSA) and am proud to be an active consultant for the program. Although there a those who want to fear school choice, many other Lutheran Schools in other states have successfully worked in school choice. Those state programs helped to form partnerships between public and private schools which were positive for the students served. Change is often scary and hard, however, my experience is that such a change in Iowa will be a positive for all students and their families.
Joe Roman [Retired]
I am STRONGLY AGAINST using public funds for private schools. I am against subsidizing schooling for the rich. If they feel they need to GROOM their kids then let them pay for it. The last few years of this republican administration has proven to show Iowa education has been sliding downward. Its time to fully FUND our kids public education.
Anonymous [Parent]
I support this. It will allow educational choice that way families can seek the best education. It will help with not being able to afford other options.
Fr. Ron Hodges [Immaculate Conception]
I am speaking against HSB1. I am against the move to use state money to pay for the education of students wishing to attend a private school, parochial or otherwise. Money used to fund the suggested tuition funding accounts must come from somewhere and since the state has only one pool of money (that's my assumption) then the funding money must be coming from funding that would go to public schools...which are already underfunded. Those in favor of funding private schools make the argument that the level of education is better there. Well, since the schools have been underfunded recently due to misguided interests and punishment (for not heeding the governor's wishes) it stands to reason the quality will go down. Teachers aren't paid well. Teachers spend outrageous amounts of money each year so their classrooms will have the supplies they need. Textbooks are outdated and in poor repair. Classrooms are overcrowded because there aren't an adequate number of teachers. Taking money out of the public schools and giving it to private schools will only exacerbate these problems, thus forcing the quality of the education provided to diminish. This action will serve to further increase the gap between those who have and those who have not. I might also mention that this will not benefit equally all families in the state. Private and parochial schools are not equally available throughout the state. AND, private and parochial schools are hot required to enroll all students who approach them as public schools are. So, the money goes with the already rich and what's left goes to those who don't have. This bill will only further the distance between the socioeconomic groups in Iowa; one might be moved to say the socioeconomicpolitical groups in Iowa. Failure to reject this bill will be further evidence that the Republican majority and the Governor of the State of Iowa no longer listen to the citizens of this state and are operating on their own party led agenda. Once again, I stand in opposition to HSB1.
Anonymous []
We are strongly against school vouchers. Private schools already have an avenue for providing school scholarships through STOs. Public taxpayer funds should be for public schools. We sent our children to private schools and received reduced tuition through student STO funds.
Leslie Julich [none]
I am against public tax dollars going to private schools. This plan will defund public schools and further erode the quality of an Iowa PS education. Also, giving access to parents of any income is ridiculous. Families not in need of assistance will gladly take it. $340M a year would be a boon to the public schools. Lets just do that and keep it simple.
Dave [Gibbs]
I am strongly opposed to spending public tax money on private schools!
Jolene Blanchard []
This is a violation of separation of church and state. I am a retired teacher, grandmother, assistant city librarian, wife, taxpayer. It is NOT right to take taxpayer money to fund a private education. Are you trying to destroy public education in Iowa? Most children who attend private schools are already receiving assistance from churches or in the form of scholarships. Tuition at our nearest parochial school is considerably less than $7500. This proposal is totally wrong!
Anonymous []
One of our representatives said it best Steve Holt:Truths about School Choice:1. A one size fits all system does not fit every family.2. Families want more opportunities for their children.3. Families do not want their values attacked at school, and unfortunately some of our public schools are doing just that.4. The Student First Act is not a voucher, it is an ESA (Educational Savings Account).5. Public dollars are used for private purposes in many of our government programs, i.e. Iowa Tuition Grant, Pell Grants, GI Bill, Medicaid, SNAP, Voluntary preschool.6. Education dollars are not intended to sustain a system; they are intended to educate children. 7. For years, private school families have been saving the state millions of tax dollars.8. School choice will not decimate public schools, because most families will stay in the traditional public school. In states with aggressive, decades old school choice programs, only about 5% of children attend private school. 9. Families with the power to take their children somewhere else are the best accountability measure for any school.
Anonymous []
The use of public tax dollars for forprofit private schools and religious schools is not in the best interest of the majority of tax payers. Our tax dollars going to such schools would not be monitored by the State like the dollars going to public schools. The separation of church and state should preclude payments to religious schools and the payment to for profit schools would give the owners of such schools unlimited power to endoctrinate students to whatever political or other leanings they deem appropriate. Making these vouchers available to the detriment of the majority of Iowa students is just plain wrong and unjust. School choice would not be available to the majority of families so this program is unjustified.
Anonymous []
I am against the bill because I believe taking money away from public schools will cause larger classroom sizes due to downsizing teachers, and less para educator support for the students who need them in our public schools. Public schools will not have the money they use to have.Another reason I am against the bill is because private schools can kick out students who act out. I know this because a private school near me, kicked out a student for having ADHD and the boy was not being medicated. They told the parents that he will fit better in a public school. I think if private schools get publicly funded, then they have to be able to handle all the needs of their students.Thank you.
Annette M Goede []
My child started his education at a private religious school. We were forced to leave the private school because they could not and were not required to provide my child the special education he requires. Public school has been the best thing for him. These vouchers will take much needed funding from our public schools and give it to private schools. Our public schools are already underfunded. Why would you even consider taking more money from them?? Additionally, private schools are private for a reason. They are for profit. They are a business (company) that provides educational services. It is unacceptable to give our tax dollars to a company and still allow them to be a forprofit business. Instead of funding private for profit schools we should allow open enrollment among public schools and keep our taxes where they belong.
Richard Sisneros [Citizen ]
I am a proud registered democratic and I am for this voucher program all my kids and Grandkids have all went to a private school and its about Time we get some help!!!!!!! 13 kids in all
Bob Christenson []
There is a lot to say against this. Primarily the data show that charter and private schools perform no better and in many cases worse than public schools yet we seem hell bent to provide them with money and not provide the additional resources need to our public schools.Private and charter, if they receive public money, should not be able to turn anyone away and should be held to the same standards and accountability that public schools have to comply with.The issue with rural Iowa is something that can not be addressed with vouchers. There are 40 counties with no alternative school. If this passes, there will be an increase of rural school closings that will cause more kids to spend more time on buses each day to travel farther to attend school. A 6 year old child should not have to spend 2 hours on a bus to get an education in Iowa.Heres a novel idea. Invest the almost 1 billion dollars this half baked idea will cost Iowans into the public school system.
Anonymous []
This bill does not provide a choice to most students in the state of Iowa. Only those in larger cities with an alternative to public schools. Kim says this isnt private vs public but it most certainly is. Our public schools and teachers are and have been under funded for years. Teachers are burnt out, too many students are put in each classroom and most dont have the resources(materials, personnel, etc..) to teach to their full potential. My sister is a teacher and the last 3 years have really been hard on her. Shes required to do more with less. This plan is going to cause our already strained public schools to lose vital funding, lose current teachers and potential teachers. I am so thankful my kids are grown but I do feel for the parents with young kids in this state.
Robert Howell []
Public monies should not be used to allow for nonpublic and private educational system. Tax dollars fund the education of our state's greatest asset. Claims that a child and parents should have school choice to select that child's path for education between public funded schools and allowing state vouchers to pay for a child to attend a non public entity must be disallowed. Iowa's Constitution prohibits such use. Further, Iowa Code stipulates public funds may only be provided if there is a "public purpose served". The "public purpose" in this case are the state's local independent school districts and irreparable harm would be done to reduce current and future funding support by subsidizing private education entities. Do not allow public monies to be siphoned off! I am a product of education in the Iowa City Community School District. My niece and nephew were educated right here in Williamsburg, a growing vibrant community with excellent schools. Although I cannot quote the exact source, it has been researched and reported more students have graduated here in Williamsburg and gone on to become Actuaries, than any other school district in the nation.
Randy Mescher []
I voice my opposition to this voucher bill as my tax dollars should be used by a school district that I can have a say in how they are spent and I know that the state is auditing the results. Private schools will have no one auditing and checking the learning average of their students. Also most private schools do not accept special needs students, which public schools open their arms to help.Randy Mescher
Anonymous []
Vote NO on vouchers!Please vote to keep the money for education in public schools. Poll after poll shows that this is what the people in Iowa want. Public schools serve ALL children, disabilities included. Private schools do not serve all children. Money for private schools would only further divide an already fractured society. Public schools help bring together children of various races, ethnicities, gender, socioeconomic backgrounds, etc. and that helps us better understand each other and get along in our society. Money to private schools would only further divide us by religion, race, political views, etc. Private schools do not have to meet the state standards of accreditation. Private schools already receive public school busing, money for textbooks, services from the Area Education Agencies such as for psychologists, hearing testing, etc. This proposal would hurt the rural school districts. Most counties dont even have private school options. The governor speaks of the total money spent on education in Iowa over past decades to make it sound like it is a lot. It has been shrinking in real terms. A 2.5% current increase when inflation is at least 8.5% is not even close to adequate. That doesnt even cover the increase in fuel prices for the buses.It is understandable that we have a teacher shortage when our teachers and public schools are not shown respect or support with the state funding needed. Please help our state restore our value placed on our publicschool systems. They have provided excellent education for myself, my children, and now my grandchildren.Stand up for the people of Iowa. Please vote NO on spending our public tax dollars for private education of the few.
Alex Carlson []
Parents in Iowa have always had a choice in their child's educationIn many of our counties, there aren't any private schools and the closest ones may be really far away so giving families vouchers may actually cause more problemsI don't have a problem with private schools but public money should only go to public schoolsI also know many people believe we are fully funding public schools but I'm not sure that the funding we are giving is really the amount we need to give.In fact, we may need to give more to public schools since the percentage increase in funding every year is not nearly enoughAlso this might make more sense if all schools had to follow the same guidelines but private schools often are more selective for the students they accept.Many don't accept students with disabilitiesI know some people want to foster competition to create a better education system but that only works if everybody follows the same rulesIn this case, that will not workIf private schools are going to be receiving public money, then they should follow the same guidelines as public schoolsI don't think this bill is going to solve the problems it is trying to solve and may end up hurting the public school system
Anonymous [Kuemper Catholic]
We need this to help our Iowa education system. It's has vastly gone down hill from previous years.
Catherine Tiffany [none]
My public dollars are to be directed to public schools. Not to schools that I may or may not agree with their teaching methods and content.Public schools need more funding not less to help them provide adequate training to meet the student future needs. Many rural areas will experience the backlash of providing funding to schools that are not even in their geographic areas. If the funds are to be used for tutoring and other expenses, why aren't those funds also available to public students? Many students in public schools require tutoring and parents have to pay for that out of their own pockets. How are these accounts to be monitored to make sure they are truly going to education needs?
Jane Knudsen [Grandparent]
Not for it!!!
Steve Watters []
This is a bad idea that cannot possibly benefit any student wishing to take part. There are roughly 500,000 students in Iowa and the dollars proposed to help students choose would cover a tiny fraction of these students, not to mention the unavailability of private schools in most counties. Bills should not be passed that benefit a minority of constituents. If this current bill is such a good idea why wasn't it explained prior to last fall's election, or any time before actually rolling it out, to allow for a significant period of questioning?
Julie Kennebeck [self]
Public tax dollars need to be used for PUBLIC schoolsPERIOD!!! Invest this $90 million in our public schools and our ranking nationally will skyrocket!!
Dennis Fouts []
How can Public Funds go towards Private schools, and how long until taxes will have to maintain the schools and teaching levels?
Terry Davis []
No to vouchers. This is purely a Kim Reynolds special interest political idea. 93% of Iowans go to public schools. Put all educators tax money to that. Pay our dam teachers more and the money ry they deserve. You set on a pile of money and refuse to help public schools they way it is. Why does my daughter have to work a 2nd job just to teach in Des Moines??? That is a shame and a shame on Iowa.
Matthew Weber []
Public money should be for public schools only. Everyone has the choice to send their child to a private school if they want but that decision should be paid for by them and them alone. Most private schools are religious, public money should never go to any religious institution.
Anonymous []
This is absolutely ridiculous that ALL tax payers should pay for those who choose to send their kids to private schools! This makes no sense whatsoever and couldn't be more unfair to tax payers. If parents want their kids attending private schools, that is their choice and they need to take on that monetary responsibility themselves!!
Anonymous []
We are strongly against school vouchers. Private schools already have an avenue for providing school scholarships through STOs. Public taxpayer funds should be for public schools. We sent our children to private schools and received reduced tuition through student STO funds.
Anonymous []
Please support this as we all pay taxes for education. Thank you for your work.
Elizabeth Harris [Marshalltown Christian School]
I have been an Iowa certified teacher for over 20 years. Currently, I have 13 first and second grade students. I believe that parents and students should all have a chance to decide what kind of education is best for them. The number of families who cannot financially send multiple children to private school saddens me. With the educational savings account program more people would have a real possibility to decide on a private education.
Anonymous []
Please vote for this bill
Anonymous []
I do not agree with HSB1, as it will debilitate our rural public schools, shifting funds away from a financially strapped system. Jones County has lost many educators to larger school districts who could pay $10,000 more per year salary. I have witnessed our schools struggling with one counselor per site, trying to maintain the mental health of our children. We will lose much more than we could ever possibly gain in this legislation.Why do our legislators feel they need to launch these bills behind closed doors, eliminating those of us on the bottom wrong to have a voice in our kids lives? You say you represent ALL OF US! Your actions do not support that promise. You will set us up to fail AGAIN.
Marlene De Weerd [Orange City Christian]
We have raised 3 children in the Christian school and now have 10 grandchildren that are currently or will be attending a Christian school. Our tax dollars have always gone to the local public school for their students and we have never understood why the money we pay in taxes can't be used for our children that attend a private school. We feel this is discriminating. We appreciate that Governor Reynolds and her team are finally seeing this and getting this changed.
Anonymous []
We are strongly against school vouchers. Private schools already have an avenue for providing school scholarships through STOs. Public taxpayer funds should be for public schools. We sent our children to private schools and received reduced tuition through student STO funds.
Kevin & Kathy Mensen [none]
We are for this bill!! Each child should be able to go where they want and have state money go with them. It is simple. It gets kids out of bad schools into good schools. If you are a good public school this should not affect you financially as your students should be wanting to stay. If the school is worried about children leaving, then don't do a terrible job teaching or have a terrible curriculum. It is that simple.
Anonymous [Parent, taxpayer, resident, Dallas County]
I am the mother of three school age children in Dallas County. And I am 100% against school vouchers as they take money away from public schools and negatively impact children with special needs. One of my children has autism and he has an IEP. There is absolutely no private school anywhere in the Des Moines metro area that could accommodate his disabilities. I have been told that he would not be welcome at any private school since he has a full time associate and gets many minutes per week of special education services. Public schools are the only schools than can meet his needs. Vouchers will take money away from public schools. Schools arent funded well enough now, and public school teachers arent sufficiently paid for the amazing job they do. Please keep public money for public schools and vote NO on vouchers.
Anonymous [Boyden-Hull CSD]
I am against this bill for several reasons:1. Private schools do not have the same standards as public schools do.2.Private schools can discriminate against who they enroll.3.Private schools don't have much oversight as far as what they're teaching students.4. Most private schools are religion based.5. It is the parents choice to send their child to private school, so they should pay for it.6. There is more diversity in public schools.7. Public schools need the funding, not private schools.
Anonymous []
I am writing in support of making Education Savings Accounts available to students throughout Iowa.Please allow parents the opportunity to choose the education that best meets their childs needs.
Sondra Cantrell [retired teacher with over 40 years in the field]
Our public schools are great and need all the support they can get. The majority of students should not be penalized for the few in private schools. Families already have the right to choose whatever school they want with open enrolment. Most children in Iowa would not even be able to attend a private school as almost all private schools are in urban areas so not available to rural children. Private schools choose which children to accept and do not have to follow the guidelines of the state in their curriculum. Our teachers are very professional, well trained and put their students' needs first. Our public schools are run by local leaders who know the needs of their communities. Private schools are religious schools or schools for profit and have different priorities. Our country was founded on separation of church and state. Our taxpayers should not be required to pay for religious entities. For some reason public schools have become the current political football. It is easier to expound on education than to solve the problems of water quality, agricultural runoff, our deteriorating roads and bridges, how to recycle our increasing mountains of garbage, etc. Politicians, get out of the schools and get to work on these serious public problems. Our teachers and administrators do a fine job and deserve our respect.
Anonymous [Private citizen]
I do not support vouchers for private parochial schools. I have problem with with tax money being allocated to private schools. If it's your choice to send your child to a private or home school so be it. They have the ablitity to hand select their students, remove them from the school due to disability related behaviors,or behavior unlike public school. doesn't have to apply 505 requirenents. It will work for the middle class but not the lower income individuals. Both due tto logistic and the strain of transportation.
Joan Vanden Berg []
We used to be first in the nation in education. This proposed legislation puts on the road to be dead last. Public dollars belong on public schools.
Shelly Silver [Shelly Silver]
Governor Reynolds wants every child in Iowa to have the opportunity to go to a private school? If a family wants to send their kids to private school, let them pay for it themselves. Where are kids in rural areas going to go to private school?Do not take public school tax dollars away from public schools! If a public school in rural Iowa closes, which sometimes is a main employer for the town and people leave the area because there's no school, what's the governor's plan for that?? In addition to tuition, there's room and board costs. Many families can't afford that. Private schools also do not have the scrutiny of the board of education and can refuse admission for any reason. Let's take this for what it really is, the new segregation of Iowa schools. The governor will deny this is a racist policy but her ads and what she says and doesn't say have racial overtones. Examples, using Cory Bush in her ad saying everyone else has lost their mind, while inoring the racial disparities in our criminal justice system here in Iowa that have led to violence and death of minorities by police across the US. DMPD has been sued for misconduct. She seems to think holding police accountantable for misconduct and supporting police are mutually exclusive ideas. They're not. Iowa's overall unemployment rate maybe 3.9% but for black people unemployed in Iowa it's over 14%! At the governor's condition of the state, she mentioned the white mother with her biracial children including the last one she did not abort. She took a backhanded dig at the absentee black father perpetuating that myth in front of his children! Has she done one thing to lift up minority communities?? This voucher thing is bad on many levels financially for families, economically for schools and the state and socially for the kids who inevitably will be left behind. The governor says public schools are failing. What she fails to say is this legislature and her administration continue to underfund them, setting them up to fail and leading to her "proof" her plan is needed. It's shady.On this MLK JR Day, he would not approve.
Sheryl Slegers []
t is with joy, that I hear about this bill being put forward in Iowa. So many parents have no actual choice when they wish to send their child to a school best fit to their child, and that supports the values that they hold dear. As a kindergarten teacher, and mother of now grown children, I realize how vulnerable our children are to the messages that they hear, how necessary it is to have quality academic and God centered compassionate education available to our children. I recall vividly how difficult it was for us financially, and see how difficult it is for many of the families of my dear kindergarteners today to afford an education which includes a Biblical perspective in all subjects and God honoring learning in all areas. I have also spoken with parents for whom the cost is prohibitive. l am a life long constituent and ask that you please support this very worthy bill that will give Iowa families true choice. School choice programs will keep those parents with low income or with multiple children from being limited to compulsory educational systems because they can not afford what is best for them.This bill will not hurt our public schools. We provide excellent education and truth to tell, help our public schools as they would not have the resources to educate all of the children of Iowa. Thank you so much for your service and support regarding the Governors's Student First Act bill HSB 1.
Anonymous [None]
I am opposed to HSB 1.
Joyce ad Harold Templeman []
We strongly urge you to vote NO on HSB 1. We don't believe in taxpayer money going to private schools. Private schools will be able to select who they admit, which means children with special needs can be rejected, people of color can be rejected, and LGBTQ students can be rejected. Private schools also are unavailable to rural families. Public schools have been the backbone of Iowa education for years, and now you want to take millions of dollars away from them and give it to private schools, which provide limited access to Iowa's children. Vote NO!
Ed Fischer []
I do not understand how defunding Iowa's Public Schools which in essence HSB 1 would do will help Iowans succeed in Iowa, in the country, and in the world. Where will Iowa's future leaders, businessmen and businesswomen, and farmers come from? Where will our doctors, nurses, engineers, fire fighters, police officers, state troopers, and many other professions come from? Where will our future legislators come from? It is our children who will take over from us. We want the best and the brightest to fill those roles.Our children, tomorrow's leaders and doers, need a solid education. This bill will undermine that. Please do not make this bill into law.
Jenny Richards [Self]
I urge all Iowa lawmakers to reject this voucher plan proposed by Governor Reynolds. It would weaken the funding stream to public schools and assist a very small percentage of Iowa families. This program would not only offer no options to rural Iowa families, it would also likely force schools to close.This is insane. Please oppose
Anonymous [Catholic farmer]
I think all tax dollars should follow the student. Public schools are wasting money year after year. Spending money so hey dont loose it. Witch is the government way and that needs changed to.
Matthew Alexander []
When our forefathers created universal public schools, they understood the role that robust public education plays in the maintenance of a free society. Public funds were then funneled into this endeavor for they understood that the future of our state and our nation rests with the education of all of our children. At the same time, they did not discriminate against private schools. Rather, they were allowed to coexist on the basis that public funds were to be used only for public schools. HSB1 threatens to undermine that almost 200 year Iowa tradition of democratic education by stripping away necessary funding from an already struggling public education system. This bill is not about parental choice. It is about using public dollars to fund private schools. Private schools do not have the infrastructure to enroll thousands of kids who are somehow left behind by public schools (a fallacy if there ever was one). Rather, all it will do is redistribute public funds away from a public good and into the pockets of those who are the most affluent in our state. Do not saddle this debt on the backs of our most vulnerable children. Do not erode the very foundation of democracy so that the wealthy can have tax dollars fund their valuesbased choice. Vote No on HSB1!
Anonymous [Retired Educator]
My name is Brent Winterhof and I am a retired educator from Center Point. There are many reasons that this bill should not pass and the idea of it should not even be discussed. I will share these in the many emails I will be sending.First and foremost public dollars should not be used for nonpublic schools. I know that all students that go to both private and public schools are Iowans, but they do have a choice. The choices at this time are to attend your district school, Open Enroll, home school, Dual Enroll, or attend and pay for private school.This bill does not provide more choices so the name being used is very misleading. It does give a few students the option to go to private school if they can't afford it. The bill pays for students to go to a private school. By 2025, it looks like all students currently attending private school will get the money to pay for it. This looks like the intent of the bill, The rich will get richer.Currently, the 33,000 students that attend private schools do not get the perstudent amount that public schools get for their students. This is new money for this program. We can't give more money to public schools but can do this? Please focus on our roads, bridges, clean water, mental health, bringing businesses to Iowa, and much more. I know that around 55% of the budget goes to education. We are losing teachers to other work opportunities and to higherpaying work opportunities. Work and get that figured out.I also believe that if every person 18 and older voted on this issue in Iowa, this would not pass by a large margin. Who are you representing? Talk to all, not just those that agree with you. Thank you for your time!
Anonymous []
Iowa already has a wide range of school choice options for parents and students, including: in district transfer, districttodistrict public school open enrollment, charter schools, strong nonpublic schools, home school options, publicly funded School Tuition Organization tax credits.Parents should have the choice to enroll their child in a private or religious school, but not with public taxpayer funds.Use public dollars for public schools, period. The publics investment should be used to support public community schools which are open to all students regardless of race, religion, gender, socioeconomic status and disability. These same expectations do not exist for private educational institutions in our state.This bill creates incentives for outside entities and private organizations to establish a private school in our district, without consent of our locally elected School Board. Private schools are then given freedom from regulations that our school district must follow. Why not instead give our public schools flexibility and funding to be innovative?Public funds require public accountability and transparency. Public schools are overseen by a publicly elected citizen governing board, are required to report academic results to the general public, have an annual public financial audit, and are transparent with all expenditures and decisionmaking. Private and religious schools are not held to that same public standard. Taxpayers have a right to know how their funds are being used, but are left in the dark about the use and impact of voucher funds.A slippery slope toward a costly and expansive voucher program: This voucher program may start small, but as weve seen in other states, once a program is established, it is easy to expand. This will pull more resources away from public schools.This is the 3rd year of this attempt. Please listen to Iowans and stop this.
Nancy Cadmus []
Please vote against this bill, because:It is against the interest of rural Iowans, most of whom have no private school options.Polls show that most Iowans actually oppose such vouchers. Iowa legislators are elected to represent Iowans.It will further weaken Iowa's public schools, which have been underfunded for years. This is true even after considering the reimbursement specified for public schools who lose students to private schools.It permits state funding of education that has no state oversight. The various restrictions the Legislature is considering imposing on public schools in the name of child protection and parental control do not apply to private schools.The state has no business funding religious education. That should remain in the hands of parents and churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.Please vote no on vouchers for public schools.
Matthew Mellema [Orange City Christian School]
I support this measure to establish an ESA in Iowa for K12 students to give parents, regardless of income level or means, the opportunity to choose the education institution they believe to be best for their children. Thank you for your consideration.
Ann F Christenson []
If Iowa wants to regain status as a well educated populace, then invest the proposed private school voucher fund in our public schools. Let's give our teachers good wages and our students the best possible facilities. Our schools are open to all, providing the diversity we need as a country to live peacefully and successfully together.
Sharon Leonard []
The governor has been chipping away at the public school system for years and anything else she wants to privatize (ie.The IA State Juvenile Home) buy cutting funding and allowing ridiculous rules about managing disruptive students. These first 3 years of vouchers supposedly meant for those families who earn less money will not be used because the logistical difficulties and expense of getting kids to school. In 3 years, any of Gov. Reynold's children will benefit financially for her 11 grandchildren to be funded to attend private schools! Also, private schools are not required to deal with Special Needs students, so they will just be expelled so rich people's kids don't have to have classes interrupted by bad behaviors! I am guessing the school gets to keep the tuition. Even if the private schools get federal funding, the rules for 504s are different than for public schools! I pray you vote against this attack on public schools that Gov. Reynolds has so "proudly touted" in news articles, saying all 11 of her grands attended at publication. Public education needs those monies; the cuts made through the years were calculated to destroy public education. The rules in place nit allowing teachers to touch students is just bizarre! As a substitute teacher at Cedar Rapids CSD and Community College Disrict, I can tell you the policies of Governor Reynolds has wreaked havoc. Entire classes of students must be removed when an unruly student won't exit the room. No violence, but disrupting learning of 20 other students willing and waiting to learn! Renegotiate those rules before parents bring on a class action suit for lack of educational opportunities due to unruly students!
Megan Timm []
By passing this bill, Iowa families will be given the freedom of choice to select the education that best suits their childrens needs. Many parents desire a private school education, but it can be cost prohibitive forcing them into their designated public school system. Please consider these families when voting on this issue. Iowas children deserve to be afforded options in their education, and cost shouldnt be the deciding factor.
Anonymous [Kuemper Catholic Schools]
In favor of ESAs!
Charles E Smith [Retired]
Taking tax dollars from public schools and give toprivate schools is robbing the poor and giving tothe rich.Public school teachers are already spending theirown money to buy supplies. Because the state is notspending enough on our schools.
Kathy Meyer [Retired teacher]
Iowa's students deserve the best public education in the country. That's why I believe that public money belongs in public schools.I believe our kids should have the same opportunities we had growing up in Iowa. With fully funded public schools & a bright future ahead. Why doesnt IAGovernor feel the same? Opportunities will be lost, schools will close, small rural communities will be devastated. What happens to small towns in Iowa when they lose their school? You cannot have free public education and free private education. IA already spends $1300 less per studentIf you want to know who these voucher programs are for & whose views are represented in the Iowa statehouse, look no further than the New York & Florida hedge fund billionaires who plan to use our tax dollars to remake the Iowa education system in their image & for their profit.Putting the money aside, none of these schools have to or will accept kids with special needs. They get to cherry pick the students they want. Leaving the kids with the highest needs high and dry.Iowas journey from being a national leader in public education to a spiraling shell of underfunded and closed schools is taking place in one generation.
Josh Kohlhaas [Self - Parent]
To whom in may concern,Were writing in support of HSB1 so that all students in Iowa are allowed to access all educational opportunities afforded them by public schools, private schools, home schools, charter schools, etc. as the student and their parents/guardians see fit with funding supporting the education of their choice.Thank you for your time.Sincerely,Josh & Margie Kohlhaas
Donald G Flory [Retired physician]
I grew up in Iowa and am retired from practicing Family Medicine in Iowa for 45 years. During my educational career the quality of education in Iowa was a beacon for the rest of the nation. Sadly, this is no longer the case.From 2001 to 2007 I served on the Clinton Community School District Board of Directors (School Board). At that time and ever since, there never was quite enough funding to meet the needs of the students in the district. Consistent funding and improved funding are the best ways to help provide quality education. Diverting any funds away from public education will only harm the quality of the education.
Kathy Meyer [Retired teacher]
Putting the money aside, none of these schools have to or will accept kids with special needs. They get to cherry pick the students they want. Leaving the kids with the highest needs high and dry.Iowas journey from being a national leader in public education to a spiraling shell of underfunded and closed schools is taking place in one generation.Public money needs to stay with public schools.If every student in The Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools (they claim 6,300largest private school enrollment in the state) received $7,500 vouchers, thats the equivalent of $47 million/year, or 883 teachers (average Iowa teacher salary is $53k)
Erek Sittig []
Please fully fund public schools before you start funding private schools.
Josh Kohlhaas [Self - Parent]
To whom in may concern,Were writing in support of HSB1 so that all students in Iowa are allowed to access all educational opportunities afforded them by public schools, private schools, home schools, charter schools, etc. as the student and their parents/guardians see fit with funding supporting the education of their choice.Thank you for your time.Sincerely,Josh & Margie Kohlhaas
Linda R. Jones [Iowa resident ]
Unethical use of Iowa tax dollars. If passed this is minority rule!!
Blake Hammond []
Tax dollars should not be diverted from public schools into education savings accounts/vouchers. Private schools do not have accountability anywhere near what is in place for public schools. This lack of sound accountability for ESA funds is not good government. This is not a "choice" issue. Iowa families have a great amount of choice in Iowa schoolsit just does not include funding private schools. This has worked for more than 150 years. I am shocked to hear about the support for ESAs given that they will lead to a dismantling of rural Iowa school districts. The heart and soul of so many Iowa communities is the local school district. The loss of even a few students will close the doors to districts before this bill is fully funded in 4 years. The price tag for this ESA approach is staggering. To spend an estimated 1 Billion, which is likely to run over 1 Billion, for a small percentage of Iowa's students is unbelievable. This kind of spending is not sustainable. The discussion should be about supporting public schools with funding to address inflation, funding to address staff shortages, funding to address ELL needs, and funding to increase programming for students. Instead we have this. I am against ESAs and I urge you to vote against this bill or any bill that uses public tax dollars for education savings accounts/vouchers.
Joseph Hayes []
This bill is a very poor Idea. It is clearly a money grab by private schools and backed by our governor. What's next private police force paid for by our state government and maybe your very own private fire dept. Money collected in taxes for schools should only be used for public schools.
David Tilly [Retired]
I am writing you to urge you to vote no on the Governors school voucher program. First and foremost, public money is for public schools. I do not want my tax dollar supporting private schools that can discriminate against applicants and support ideologies that I may not agree with. I do not want my tax dollars supporting schools with almost zero accountability. Also, the sales pitch trying to sell vouchers as a school choice solution is flawed and disingenuous. Iowa students and families already enjoy more school choice than almost any other state. Parents can choose their local school, another school in their district, to open enroll to another district (almost without restriction), to send their child to a private school, an online school, to a charter school, or to home school using one of the myriad options available in Iowa, or to engage in concurrent enrollment with a community college. To assert that we need more school choice is absurd. This proposal is about one thing: public money for private purpose. Data from other states who have done this type of thing prove that ultimately it subsidizes tuition for higher income families who already are paying private school tuition. It is wrong, it is an outrageous use of public money and it will weaken Iowas public schools (esp. rural schools). Please vote no on HSB1.Respectfully,David Tilly
Ann Heins []
I oppose school vouchers and tax dollars being shifted to private schools. Please dont destroy public schools in Iowa, we need to build them up not tear them down.
Kelly Otting []
Public Funds for Public Schools! in my community, the state reps send their kids to private schools. This bill punishes kids with disabilities so the reps and their friends can put money in their pockets and enhance their already privileged lives. If public money goes to private schools, they need to be held to the same high standards as public schools. Im embarrassed by this self serving legislation.
Leslie Schwalm [citizen]
Iowa'spublic schools are already underfunded, and this bill will further erode what was once the state's pride and joyexcellent schools and public universities.
Anonymous [Citizen]
I am opposed to the voucher plan suggested by Governor Reynolds. I do not believe this best serves the general public school students in Iowa. I went to Catholic schools K12 as did my children. It was our choice to do so but I do not feel you are taking into account the limitations of private schools. With this program there may be students that will not be served appropriately as at least in my experience private schools do not have qualified support for those with reading,math deficiencies. We had to send our children outside of the schools for private tutoring in these subjects. If this cannot be done in the school will those coming with vouchers be able to do this? We are by no means wealthy but knew these fundamental skills needed to be learned so we sacrificed to find the extra help for our children.The other issue is the amount of space available and if private schools will hav enough room for extra students. How will it be decided who gets in and who doesnt? Also are private school teachers trained to deal with those with many different challenges from my experience I would say not.Public schools when I grew up and my children were highly competitive with Catholic Schools and that made each better. Over the years there has not been a government commitment to keeping public schools in Iowa to the same standards that previously existed and we are now seeing the results of that. Public schools should be able to provide an excellent education for all but will not survive if money is siphoned off for private schools. And what will be the result for students which is truly the important part. We need strong students in all sectors to continue to try to get our economy back in order and not have families move away from the state where there is better education and job opportunities. I am very disappointed in what our state has come. Catering to big business and not the regular citizens has been a mistake.We need to strive to work together for the benefit of all our citizens,especially our children our future. Do not pass this short sighted voucher system that is being proposed.
Anonymous [NA]
I am a lifelong Catholic and a member of a parish with a Catholic elementary school. My husband and I sent all our children through Catholic schools PreK through high school. Despite this, I voice my opposition to Gov. Reynolds school voucher proposal. Why? Because I have the unique perspective to see another side, as our daughter is an assistant principal at a Des Moines public high school. Through her experience, I see, more than ever, the unique opportunities the public school system in the Des Moines metro area provides to the children of the district things that private schools are not equipped to offer, even with state funding. These include special education, behavioral assistance, ESL, transportation, etc. To take money from the public school system would be detrimental to the vast number of students who still would not be able to attend a private school for a variety of reasons.Catholic parents have always had a choice of where to send their children and still do. We made the choice to send our children to Catholic schools because their teachings aligned with our faith. The teachings included preparations for religious sacraments. We made financial sacrifices to educate our children in that system because we believed in it. Free funding for all who attend private Catholic schools would erode some of those foundations. Catholic parishes have always found ways to keep their schools operating, albeit with some limited state support. Currently, Catholic school parents enjoy a tuition and textbook credit on their Iowa state tax returns, busing subsidiaries from certain school districts to provide transportation for their students, and tax credits up to 75% of their state income tax bill for CTO donations. Fifty percent of the students who attend Des Moines Diocese Catholic schools receive some tuition assistance from CTO. In addition, the Des Moines Diocese recently launched a multimillion dollar campaign to regionalize its schools and establish a foundation that will support continued growth of the schools and equitable pay for its teachers. Catholic schools have always found a means to make things work while still adhering to its religious foundations.From my vantage point, Gov. Reynolds has used Catholic schools as a prop to push her school voucher agenda. Catholic schools have become incidental beneficiaries, perhaps. Yet we all know this isnt about support for Catholic or other religious schools, or even choice for the parents and students. Again, parents have always had a choice. This is about Gov. Reynolds agenda to privatize Iowa schools and allow charter, forprofit, schools to benefit. Catholic schools will survive, and even thrive, without this measure, just as they always have. Lets make sure our public schools are allotted the resources to continue to thrive as well. I urge our legislators to vote no on this bill.
Anonymous []
This bill would further hurt our public schools and rural communities. Many rural communities in Iowa don't have private schools, therefore many families in Iowa will never benefit from this bill. Parents already have the choice to send their children to private school. A lot of private schools already provide financial assistance for tuition. Why should tax payer money be used to send children to provide schools that are not required to follow state requirements. This bill is a slap in the face to public schools. Stand up for our state and public education and vote no for this bill.
Don Stulken []
The proponents of using public funding to support private schools want us to believe that it is all about giving families a choice. But those families already have numerous choices available, including open enrollment to attend a different public school, a broad array of parochial schools, private schools, and home schooling. So having or not having a choice in where to send your children to school, is not the issue. Its not the issue at all. The issue is money, and the expectation that someone else needs to pay for your life choices when there are public education options available to families at littletono cost. To clarify, this sentiment comes not so much from my being overly concerned that a few of my tax dollars are subsidizing private schools. The much larger issue is that this will take precious money away from the already underfunded public school system. In fact, profoundly underpaid teachers are having to buy their own supplies sometimes. This would be a NEW expenditure. Either taxes go up by the same amount, or funding gets reduced to public schools or some other worthwhile programs. Theres no such thing as a free lunch. Thank you for listening.
Judy Burr [N/A]
What the republicans dont tell the public, there wont be money for bussing the rural kids, there wont transportation for after school activities. Along with the schools that will have to close because Governor Reynolds does not care about low income families or teachers in Iowa. Iowa has some of the lowest paid teachers in the nation, yet they are required to have so much higher education which costs over 60K. If you care about education, then take care of all the schools and pay your teachers a better wage.
Mary Kenyon [self]
I am opposed to providing state money to people who wish to send their children to private school. The state already provides a school system and can not afford to fund a parallel system for those who choose religious education. Just as the state should not provide my portion of parks funding if I choose not to visit them, the state should not return funding to those who opt out of statefunded schools. In no other state revenue stream is the money given to individuals to decide how to spend it. We work collectively to provide benefits to our populationpublic roads, public safety, public schools.In addition, I am offended that this body would seek to bypass the standard financial review for a bill like this by exempting it from Ways & Means and Appropriations review. Be honest about the true cost of this legislation. Iowans are sensible enough to know we can not afford this.
Gerald [Magee]
I am opposed to this bill #1 on education. Taxes should be used for public schools. This bill will do permanent damage to our great public schools especially in rural areas. It will take resources from all public schools already struggling with limited resources. This billl should not be enacted.
Anonymous [Boyden-Hull CSD]
This will cause healthy rural public schools in Iowa serious financial harm. This bill is going to take money away from public schools, and it will decrease enrollment for public schools. This causes rural communities loss of pride, loss of identity, and it fills the pockets of the families who already do NOT need financial backing. You are also backing schools who employ unlicensed teachers, and you are ignoring the pleas for help from licensed educators. You are pulling funding away from licensed individuals and schools who have state standards and protocols to follow. Private schools turn away students with special needs and learning disabilities. We should not be funding schools who are not required to follow state guidelines. If these schools did, they would no longer be "private" schools.
Jeremy Van Genderen []
Please pass this important bill for our children's education. Thank you
Anonymous []
In favor. But why will it take 2 1/2 years for ESA to be created for a Catholic school student? Will ESA be made available sooner to those attending nonCatholic nonpublic schools? If so, why the difference?
Alison Wielenga [Orange City Christian school]
Please please please consider this bill passing. We will not be sending our children to any other school but the financial side of it is never easy. We are keeping our faith that good things will come out of this. We feel we shouldnt need to pay so much to send our children to a good school that will make them better people! Please support! Thank you!!
DJ Hassel []
This is a bad bill. We taxpayers already provide private schools with transportation and books. And parents of students in private schools can receive tax credits through the STO program. Private schools can deny admission to any applicant for any reason. If any student is asked to leave a private school, the $7,600 that was taken from the public school to pay for their admission to the private school, remains in the private school. It is not returned to the public school that the student would then return to.Schools have been underfunded for many years. Because funding has not met the level of cost of living increases, it is estimated that in the past ten years, Iowa schools have been shorted one billion dollars. As the $7,600 for each student that attends a private school starts to add up, one has to wonder how long our rural schools will be able to withstand the assault on their operating budgets. What will become of our small rural public schools in the next decade?
Anonymous [St. Rose of Lima School]
Parents deserve a choice!
Susan Meenan []
I am against this bill. Public money belongs in public schools. I do not want my tax dollars going to support private schools any more than they already are, ie: transportation, books, technology, etc. Parents who want to support private schools can also get tax credits through their donations.
Anonymous [retired]
One of the most important selling selling points of why one should live in Iowa has been the quality of our public schools. The proposed bill will further handicap existing schools in their ability to provide excellent educational experiences. This is especially true for schools in rural areas. There appears to be little accountability for the quality of education provided by private schools unlike public schools. Parents may be more comfortable when their children are in monocultural environments but their children will be hampered in their ability to function in a multi cultural world as they grow up.
Megan Alter []
I am appalled that this bill would take money from taxpayers without financial oversight and examination by finance committe. I am equally as appalled that in spite of the majority of Iowans disapproving of vouchers this legislatire is intent on ramming this through. Iowa used to be one of the strongest states in the nation in terms of quality public education. Its budget has steadily been gutted and Iowans have paid the price. Now the solution is to throw a match on public education? This is horrifying and ridiculous. This problem was intentionally created in order to get us here, to private vouchers that will not work. More rural schools will close and the ripple effect on workforce will also get worse. This decision will be exponentially bad for people and sectors of Iowan life, all in the name of. . .? I truly don't know.
William Schwabe []
Its time to hold the public school system accountable for their inefficient usage of our tax dollars, and a complete failure to educate their students at adequate levels. The public schools are the typical government bureaucracy, buried with useless regulations and overwhelming red tape. The cost to these schools to adhere to regulations only increases each year. But why would it change when there is an unending stream of tax dollars to support their inefficiencies? Why would the public school system employees care as long as the money keeps coming in? Create competition with the creation of the education savings accounts. Then listen to the teachers and administrators when they tell you how to get rid of all the waste!! Its the only way to force the government and the public school system to fix what they have broken.
Halane Cummings [Citizen]
Simply put, tax money should only be used for public schools. We have school choice it is called open enrollment. Private schools, especially those endorsing various religions, should not be given public funds.
Mary Helen [Stefaniak]
My three children got an excellent education in the Iowa City public schools in the 1980s and 1990sa time when Iowa students topped the nation in standardized test scores and public education in Iowa was a model for the rest of the country. What we need today is increased funding for public schools, not a siphoning off of public funds to support private schools. Please vote AGAINST vouchers that send taxpayers dollars to private schools.
Darin Johnston []
I will keep this brief:States with the most spent on education rise to the top. If you look at the 5 states in education, they rise to the top in educational spending as well.A budget shows where your priorities lie.It's hard to look at the last 11 years of budgeting and feel like education is important here in Iowa.And now, rather than fund our schools, we want to spend an estimated $900 million dollars on a voucher program. Imagine what that kind of money would do for an overwhelming majority of our students. So, I am against this boondoggle set forth by Governor Reynolds and the majority party.
Anonymous []
I am against using state/public funds for private schools. I want there to be strong, wellfunded public schools in Iowa as there have been in the past. Private schools do not use the same metrics to measure student outcomes as public schools and they do not have to meet the same standards. Using Iowa state funds to pay for private schools is irresponsible and reckless (which is exactly what proponents of this bill accuse the opposite party of) because the value or outcome for the students cannot be measured or compared in the same way to public schools. I do not agree with the state spending nearly $256 million to send students to private schools when many children live in counties that do not even have private schools, causing the families to spend more time and money commuting to private school. In addition, private schools may deny students' entry based on gender identity and special needs. They do not provide the same equitable services that public schools do. The answer is clear FULLY FUND PUBLIC SCHOOLS!
Anonymous []
Public schools are not getting better just because they get more funding. Give parents a choice on where to send their children. I support vouchers.
Linda Visser []
Please give all parents the chance to send their kids to whichever school they want, regardless of the ability to pay.
Anne Hanisch []
vote no
Anonymous []
No vouchers. Public money is for public schools. Not for schools that are allowed promote their own beliefs utilizing our public dollars without accountability and with the ability to discriminate and marginalize our at risk students
Anonymous []
If Gov. Reynolds is trying to destroy the small town public school with her bill for school vouchers and the Iowa legislature passes this bill , you will do exactly that. How many schools can afford to lose over $7000 for each student that chooses a private school. And why is a big PAC paying for these ads. What's in it for them and what's in it for Reynolds. I strongly oppose this bill for the great disservice it would do the the public school students in Iowa
Anonymous []
The governors plan is using catholic and religious schools to cover that she is wanting to privatize our public education system by slowly draining their resources while encouraging more private schools to come to Iowa. The plan also is going to be giving a yearly tax break to those families that can easily afford to send their children to private schools.
Anonymous [NA]
Please support this bill supporting educational choice.
Callie Reynolds [Myself ]
Please vote no to save our public school system in Iowa. Rural schools will not survive!
Olivia Clark [Parent]
Please consider how if implemented, this bill would be a powerful tool to each family in this state. My children currently go to private elementary school, but started out in public. I am certain my eldest would still not be able to read If we were not fortunate enough to apply for tuition grants and move her to her current school. She was in a classroom of 27, her teacher was overloaded with students to care for, and she was getting lost in the shuffle of trying to care for so many at one time. She now is in a smaller class being given the appropriate attention and help. I am one of the fortunate parents who with help of the local grants, I am able to afford my children's tuition. I know others are not as fortunate as I. We should be funding our children, not just a public building. If we invest in our students first, our families will thrive. To have a choice in where our children go to school will additionally help our communities and economy grow in the direction of our choosing. Choice is power, let us give this power back to the parents.
Anonymous [Lutheran Interparish School]
Everyone should have a choice on whether they want their tax money to go to public or private schools. School choice improves academic outcomes, and saves taxpayers money. School choice reduces racial segregation and benefits the poor. School choice increases the quality of public schools.
Sonia P Ettinger []
Public funding for education is decreasing noticeably. Teachers are leaving the profession. They do not feel respected. Iowa used to be proud of its system and the achievements of the K12 population. What gain will the IA GOP get from starving the public schools and pandering to those who choose private. The answer is apparently tax cuts. This is beyond shortsighted. Private schools are not required to give the services that any population requires eg English as a second languages other languages!!, Special Education, to name a few and transport.Revenues are to be used for the good of the residents. The state is already suffering from insufficient supports for educating the future workers of Iowa. Why choose to make this worse.Rural cities cannot attract businesses if the residents leave or are poorly educated and underpaid. This plan is selfish greed for the few.
Brenda Gannon []
I strongly oppose this bill. As a taxpayer, I want to know:Will forprofit schools be subject to oversight by the State Board of Education?Will forprofit schools require teachers to have the same certification as public school teachers?Will there be a public process for challenging books in forprofit and private school libraries?Will forprofit and private schools be required to have publicly elected school boards accountable to tax payers?How will education savings account expenditures be monitored to ensure tax payer dollars are being used for legitimate purposes?Will public funds be supporting unscientific curriculum? How will this bill satisfy the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment?Will public funds go to segregated schools? Will public money go to schools that promote an extremist, antiAmerican religious or terrorist group?If some parents want a school based on a political ideology, is that ok?If a private school discriminates by race, religion, orientation or ability, should it be funded?
Amy Alton-Stonebrook []
I am against the education savings account program. Public tax money for education should not be transferred to private schools.
Sean Schriver [None]
I firmly agree with school choice legislation.
Mark Kauk []
I want to speak in favor of the bills proposed for the House and Senate to provide Educational Savings Accounts according to the phase in program outlined. Parents of children should have the opportunity to make choices for the schools that they wish to have their children attend and have access to the money that is allocated for each child that is collected through taxes and distributed by the state. Parents should have the ultimate responsibility for their children's education. These bills will provide for a most just allocation of funds. Thank you. Mark Kauk
Anonymous [None]
I firmly agree with school choice legislation.
Colleen Skolrood []
I truly do not understand what you are trying to do with this bill other than giving a handout to your wealthy constituents. This is insane. It will not benefit low income families like you say nor will it give parents a choice. Parents already have choices in their childrens education. These are all just talking points so you can ram your unpopular bill through. You know it is unpopular and the majority of Iowans do not want it so you are rushing the process, hiding how much it will cost and even changing rules to keep that information from the people. Just because your party is in the clear majority, it doesnt give you a mandate to do whatever you want. Listen to the people and do whats right for Iowa and our children instead of lining your pockets.
Laura DeWall []
I don't care how you spin it; this will not strengthen education in Iowa.
Anonymous [Bishop Heelan Catholic School - Immaculate Conception]
Thr tax money should follow the child. They are being educated. They need to have a day in where their money goes.
Anonymous []
I am opposed to HSB1. We need to value a growth mindset and excellent education in Iowa. We are failing and continue pushing away young talent who would consider living in Iowa. NO TO HSB1.
Tisa Johnson []
I am a Catholic school parent who opposes use of public funds for private school choices.
Gail Dinger [Linn Mar Education Association]
Passing this bill will further deplete already shrinking funds that students attending public schools need. Private institutions that are not required to follow the same procedures and oversight of public institutions should not get extra funding.
Anonymous []
I oppose this bill.
Anonymous [Retired]
I believe taxes should be spent supporting public schools. I went to private school and paid for my children to go to private school. The STO is set up to assist people who cannot afford the tuition.
Jim Tripp []
The wrongness and elitism of this bill becomes clearer if you copy and paste the argument onto any other public good."I don't like the public roads with all the traffic, so I want tax dollars to help me pay to use private roads that can exclude other drivers" or "I would prefer the services of this private fire extinguishing firm so give me money that could otherwise fund my community's fire department to help me pay for it."You can disagree with some teachers and administrators and their decisions. You can dislike certain pedagogy and policy. And at the same time understand that defunding public schools and letting tax dollars go to private corporations via vouchers is a horrible, horrible idea.
Joe Burnett [Wilton Community Schools]
Please see attached letter
Rosanne Cook []
As an Iowa taxpayer, I strongly object to funding vouchers to pay for private school education. This funding will not provide any greater school choice to the majority of children in Iowa who do not have access to private education, and it will deplete funding for public education which is available to all kids. I want my taxpayer dollars to support public education for all kids!Rosanne Cook
Anonymous []
Removing resources from already under resourced schools hurts children. Full stop. Never mind the part where public dollars do not belong in private religious schools. Or that public dollars should not be used to fund private schools that arent beholden to state educational standards. The whole scheme is rotten.
Eliza Willis []
I am writing with a few questions for those Members of the House who support this bill to which taxpayers have a right to receive answers.1. According to what calculation do those who support this bill arrive at the conclusion that its passage will not result in less money going to Iowa's public schools? Please explain how giving away millions of dollars to support private education will not take money away from public education. 2. According to the data available to you, how many high income families will receive this substantial subsidy from the state in year three of the Governor's plan? Will it be 20%? 30%? 50%? 3. Advocates of this plan argue that parents who choose to educate their children in private schools are also taxpayers who should be able to channel the taxes they pay for public education into the private education of their children. What is the average dollar amount in taxes paid by Iowa taxpayers that is devoted to education? How much of a windfall will those who receive these vouchers enjoy? In other words, what is the difference between the amount they pay in taxes and the amount they will receive in the form of vouchers? Also, how many of these parents receive no benefit from publicly educated residents who provide them with services and products?As far as I have been able to learn, the answers to these questions provide strong reasons for rejecting this bill. There is no math that will show that public education will not be the big loser if this legislation passes. There is no math that will fail to show that this voucher program will entail a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to the wealthy. There is no math that will not confirm that most recipients of these vouchers will receive far more from the state than they pay into it for education. There is no Iowan who does not benefit every day from interactions with fellow Iowans educated in our public schools.
Gabbi DeWitt [None]
I do not support the school voucher bill.Taking money from our public schools will hurt our education system and families who WANT to live in communities with strong, diverse public schools. It will cripple rural areas that need schools to keep their towns alive. This bill is especially disturbing in the fact that the money is given to the family and they choose how to spend it, what checks will be in place on that? Also, the focus will start with lower incomes but then phase in those who are not low income? This in no way supports the idea that this is meant to help children who are currently in under performing schools but dont have other options, it is simply rewarding families, regardless of income, for choosing to leave public schools. Find ways to improve our public schools instead of pushing people away from them. Good public schools produce a well educated society, they draw families to live here, companies to operate here. As our schools decline, so will our state. For families like ours, this could be a reason to relocate elsewhere.Please do what is best for Iowa. Don't just vote along party lines. We need strong leadership in the state. Gabbi DeWitt5228 Ironwood Dr, Cedar Falls, IA 506133192314755
Mark [Dorhout]
This bill will take public money meant to educate everyone and funnel it to private schools who do not have to educate everyone. These private schools are not held to the same standards, most do not have specialeducation services, and they do not need to serve students who have disabilities or behavioral issues. In year three, the bill will extend benefits to even rich people who are already paying for private schools. Iowa is already experiencing a teacher shortage, and the chipping away of publicschool funding will exacerbate this shortage.The bill as proposed will cost more than $500 million in three years to serve about 7% of the states students. For all of these reasons, I am adamantly opposed to this bill. It is bad for kids and bad for education.
Julie Powell [Des Moines Intentional Eucharistic Community]
To Our LegislatorsI trust that you have a vision for Iowa that supports families and children, that supports the education of our children. And on the surface vouchers do give some families private school options. But the deeper result is to undermine the public school foundation of our state, a foundation that is committed to providing for all Iowas children, and its a lifegiving foundation for Iowa. What happens when we dont do that? What happens when we pull the foundation out from beneath our house? The private schools are already wellserved with public monies.But the most crucial piece of this is the impact on rural school districts. Closed schools and merged districts mean dying communities. I have seen it and I know many of you have seen it, too. Our kids know when we make them a priority in our public schools. They know what it feels like to be supported. Just go to the school concerts and plays and athletic events. Why do we do that? They know what it feels like when programs are cut.Who are the students most likely to move out of Iowa? We absolutely must invest in all our kids. We need them to stay. Right now we are experiencing a shortage of teachers and healthcare workersa shortage of workers. We must connect the dotsall of this is at stake when we dont invest in our most valuable resourcepublic education for all our kids.Private schools dont have the wellbeing of all Iowa in mindand the needs of all students who have desires to pursue opportunities in every imaginable field. What about students who want to learn about keeping the infrastructure of our state in good repair? Then there are students who want handson learning about trades and the needs of service industries. There is need for technical education and there are the needs that come with disabilities and poverty. We cannot afford a throwaway kind of thinking when it comes to our kids and educating them. We need all of themwe need all of them to be successful, contributing citizens of Iowa, and what better way to do that than to invest 100% in public education. Please be good stewards. Vote no on voucher education plans.Sincerely,Julie Powell
Anonymous []
I am strongly against the proposed educational savings accounts that will give public tax money to incentivize families with adequate means to enroll their students in private schools. The $7000+ per year does not cover the full cost of tuition at most private institutions, so this is not really helping those who cannot already afford to do so. With no funding cap and recent tax cuts that largely benefit the wealthy, I am concerned with how the states budget will be able to handle this in years to come. Supporters argue this will encourage additional private schools to open and increase competition. Education is a public good, not a business. We should not be using public resources to encourage the growth of unregulated, often for profit schools. That is not fair competition as public schools are required to accept and accommodate every student, provide transportation, and a host of other services that private schools do not. Public schools also cannot simply raise tuition. This proposal puts Iowas public schools at a severe disadvantage and will erode one of the primary things that attract people to move to or stay in Iowa to raise a family. This is bad for students and bad for Iowa.
Stephanie Trannel [Nine23 LLC]
I am against HSB1 because it's a bad idea with a bad track record in many other states. I cannot fathom that a governor would wish to divert hundreds of millions of dollars each year away from public education that serves the majority of Iowa students in favor of a minority of students that use private education. What's further baffling is that elected republicans are willing to put their political careers on the line to further the governor's political aspirations. If she succeeds, she'll be outta here and you'll all be left to fix the mess that HSB1 will make in our state. This bill is falsely positioned as creating school choice, which Iowans already have, when experience with similar bills nationwide shows that the vase majority of ESAs/vouchers go to those who are already in private school. Please vote with the majority of Iowans and against this harmful bill.
Anonymous [Retired]
Giving taxpayer's money to private schools is so wrong for many reasons! The public schools need better funding to help them be as good and safe as private schools seem to be. The tax dollars are taken from the PUBLIC for public services. Allocate the tax dollars for better teacher salaries, school materials, technology, meals, campus security etc. for Iowa public schools.Do the RIGHT THING.If Govenor Reynolds wants to help our Iowa children, she can redirect her own state tax paid salary toward helping lowincome children pay tuition for the schools of their choice.
MaraBeth Soneson []
HSB1 is fundamentally flawed: Public monies require accountability and transparencies. There is no mechanism to ensure that public monies are serving the public if there are no public meetings, no school boards, no open meetings, no curriculum review. Thirty years ago, we moved to Iowa, in large part, due to the education our kids would receive in an excellent public system; I'm not sure we would make the same decision today. Vote NO on HSB1
Tricia Thayer [Taxpayer]
We are fortunate for families to have choices in education thru open enrollment and STO tuition assistance. Vote no on vouchers.
Linda K Kerber []
I strongly oppose vouchers and this Education Savings Account Program. The "savings" actually transfer funds from our already underfunded public schools to private schools. The obvious result will be larger class sizes and worse facultyteacher ratios in the public schools We are already losing teachers to better paying public schools in other states! Private schools can exclude children with learning difficulties. And most important, rural districts that have few or no private schools will be even more underfunded than they already are, since so much public funding will be siphoned off to urban private schools!
Mike Sherman []
Any institution receiving public funds should also be required to teacher Iowa standards, test Iowa students with the same test, and accept all Iowa students.
Anonymous []
I am in favor of the bill to establish an educational savings account program. I have no doubts that this is the best for the children and families of the state of Iowa.
Amanda Petefish-Schrag []
When my husband and I made the choice to move to Iowa nearly ten years ago, a major contributing factor impacting our decision was the quality of public education available in Iowa. In the years since, however, we have seen public school funding fall short time and again, reducing the quality and effectiveness of education in the state. Removing any resources from public schools exacerbates this growing problem. This program will hurt significantly more students than it benefits, especially given how many Iowans do not live in counties with private schools. And even for those that do, private schools unlike public schools are not obligated to accept every student. This program will simply not benefit the majority of Iowans and will instead inflict harm.
Anonymous []
Public funds should only be used for public schools. Private schools do not have publicly elected school boards that represent their taxpayers. They are not required to test out, teach all students, and not discriminate. Taxpayer funded religious schools are a violation of our US Constitution which says church and state should be separate.Stop the attack on public schools and properly fund them and support them. The downfall of public schools will leave 90% of our Iowa children out in the cold for a high quality education.Iowa used to be first in the nation for education. The past ten years of underfunding and attacks have let down our kids and seen us slide to the middle of the pack. The attacks must stop. Our best and brightest young people are leaving the state and the teacher shortage is at a crisis point.Vote NO on unconstitutional vouchers!
Shannon Patrick []
As a parent of three, I want are good public schoolspreferably ones where the teachers get raises to at least match inflation. I do not want the choice that this bill would provide of unaccountable private schools or even more underfunded public schools.
David Gooblar []
We need more public funds for public schools!
Mercy D'silva Tate [Self]
I oppose the act and the idea that all of Iowas children will not have access to a public education.
Anonymous [--None--]
I am opposed to using public tax funds to pay for private schools. Taxes should only support public schools, because taxes are public money! Private schools must continue to be privately funded. I don't want my public taxes to support a private school. If this legislation is implemented it will harm public schools by diverting money from them.
Mary Jobst [Citizen, taxpayer, Grandmother, public school volunteer tutor ]
I think everyone can agree that every child is unique, and all children deserve access to a great education. I hope everyone can agree that parents know their children best and should be trusted to find schools and learning environments that best meet their childrens interests, talents, challenges, and needs. One common misconception is that school choice is only about two choices traditional public schools versus private (religious) schools. The truth is school choice is about promoting a variety of educational choices to meet the unique needs of children. These include including traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, homeschooling, and others.One common argument against school choice is that it will harm traditional public schools by taking money away from them. However, according to this report, the empirical evidence shows that choice improves academic outcomes for participants and for public schools, saves taxpayer money, moves students into more integrated classrooms, and strengthens the shared civic values and practices essential to American democracy. This bill puts the focus of consumers of k12 education where it should be: on our children and their parents.
Jerrid Kruse, PhD []
I am a product of Iowa public schools, I taught middle and high school in Iowa public schools, and I now educate teachers who will teach in Iowa public schools. My expertise and career are in education. I have observed and worked with hundreds of teachers and thousands of students. As an expert with a PhD in education, I do not support the creation of a voucher program in Iowa. The consequences of this decision will further erode the public school system, which is already hurting from several years of inadequate funding increases. A vote for vouchers is quite simply a vote against the future of our state. Too many states have demonstrated already that vouchers are simply a way to provide tax breaks for wealthy and bankrupt school funding. The evidence is in, and creating a voucher system is simply an irrational decision that will hurt rural students and students who are not already wealthy.
Jodie Stites-Huff [Public school employee]
I am 100% against nonpublic school funding. This bill undermines Iowa's rural public school districts. Many Iowans do not live in the state's largest school districts. We have little choice but to attend a public school. I could cite facts and figures but we all know numbers can be manipulated in any direction; either pro or con. We have school choice in Iowa. It's called open enrollment. My local district has lost students to open enrollment and we've gained some. This voucher plan sets the stage for charter schools with no accountability to move into our state and much like other states have learned....smuggled thousands of tax dollars into their fur lined pockets. Iowa was once considered a top school system in the nation. research today shows we are now ranked 38th according to several publications. Public schools have been funded at less than 3% for the past several years...nowhere near the cost of living increases we've all felt. The majority of Iowans oppose this voucher plan. A third attempt should prove that. Vote like you care about Iowa's children and their future. Deny Governor Reynolds plan to destroy public schools and further her own political ambitions.
Joe Caldwell []
A note to express my strong opposition to HSB1 bill proposing the Students First Act. Iowa public schools need to remain strong. Taking money from them to provide an easier financial path for those who choose not to use them will only dilute efforts to continually improve the public system. Use the money to improve the current system rather than providing financial incentives to avoid it. Financially incenting people to avoid public schools is a slippery slope that is wrong for Iowa.
Michael Jacobsen []
Reaching out to voice my opposition to the proposed school vouchers plan and to encourage all of our legislators to vote no on any bill that diverts more public dollars to private entities. As someone who changed careers to go into education, I am deeply concerned about this issue as well as what is best for our students especially in rural communities where resources are already stretched to the max. To name just a few examples, I previously taught in a school district that had no hot water in the upstairs boy's bathroom, no screens on the windows, and geography textbooks older than the students and this was in the 2010s not 1910s! Our public schools need more help, not less, and that's where our legislatures' focus should be. Funding has lagged below inflation for the last decade and we need to restore adequate resources to our public schools to recruit and retain the best educators, provide programming for the needs of students in the 21st century, and ensure the future prosperity of our state. I'll include some additional key points on the topic below. Vouchers dont offer parents a real choice. Private schools pick and choose who they accept. Public schools accept ALL students. Vouchers divert taxpayer dollars from public schools. Vouchers pull critical resources from public schools, which educate over 90% of students and put money into private schools. At a time when our public schools are facing unprecedented challenges, available resources should go to support the more than 484,000 public school students in all 99 counties. Vouchers harm rural Iowa. Almost 75% of Iowa public schools are in rural areas with little to no access to private schools. Most families will be excluded from participating in a voucher program. Rural Iowans without a private school option will pay for urban students to go to private school. Private schools have no oversight. Locally elected citizen volunteers oversee our public schools and represent the communitys voice. Private schools are governed by selfappointed boards of trustees with no public oversight over how public money would be spent. Public schools are accountable and transparent to the parents and community they serve. Private schools do not have the same state mandated requirements for accountability and transparency.Voucher programs do not improve student outcomes. In state after state where these programs have been tried there has been no improvement in students' outcomes. to outcomes? Revisiting the achievement v. attainment differences in school voucher studies brookings.eduI will also include my columns on the issue appearing in the Cedar Rapids Gazette and Des Moines Register. you for your consideration and attention to this matter.
Anonymous []
I am opposed to this bill because I believe there is value in every single student, and public dollars should support every student. Private schools can deny entry to students with learning or behavioral issues, this is not providing opportunity to every child. This is limiting many to benefit a few. Public education in Iowa is worth investing in.
Kelly McMahon []
I know that a large percentage of elected Iowa State Representatives and Iowa State Senators would like Iowans to believe that my experience teaching in a state with vouchers didn't happen or Iowa won't have the same fate. However, wishful thinking or denial isn't the truth, as in every state that has passed a form of a school voucher, such as Governor Reynold's Education Savings Account will result in drastic cuts in local public schools, including the closure of schools. I had a crash course in understanding how school vouchers work in the beginning weeks of my very first year teaching for Milwaukee Public Schools. My school didn't see a huge decrease in students from year to year, but my school district did. This resulted in drastic cuts across the district year after year, to the point where my elementary school no longer had Art, Music, Gym, a school library or school nurse. Elementary schools did close, but school did not. In fact, every year we say increase in enrollments after the official enrollment date, as the local private schools and charter schools would start kicking children out due to behavior, parents not making sure the child was turning in homework, or worse yet, the school unexpectedly had to close their doors. This happened every year.Taxpayer dollars were used to offer financial incentives or even iPads to help recruit children and families to a private school or charter school. My school district couldn't do that, as that wouldn't be an ethical use of taxpayer dollars. In every state that has a voucher program, the accountability system doesn't exist to prevent fraud. For example, in the first couple of years of the Arizona's Education Savings Account, over $700,000 was spent fraudulently by parents. The money was used to purchase clothes, food, toys and other items that were not school related. Investigation TV ran a segment on October 17, 2022 highlighting how parents were using their vouchers to purchase karate lessons, Netflix subscriptions and Christmas gifts, as this was an appropriate way to use taxpayer dollars.The majority of Iowans do not want Governor Reynolds' Education Saving Account voucher program. Time and time again, the polls in Iowa demonstrate that the majority of Iowans want their public dollars to go to public schools, not school vouchers for private schools. A price tag of a billion dollars for just three years is something that the state of Iowa can not afford. That billion dollars should be invested in our public schools so we can restore the programs that schools have already cut so all students have access to the programs they all deserve. Thank you,Kelly McMahon4144054785
Shauna Kane []
This bill is supposed to allow parents to have the choice. My youngest child has autism. I have no choice, he has no choice this bill is taking away from public education where ALL students will and can be served. No private organization has to accept my child, nor do they have the resources to do so. Private organizations do not have to follow the same rules and guidelines as public schools. This bill is disheartening and provides the stance at which our governor views our children. This does not level the playing field for all children it is making it more discrepant. My child has NO choice, I have no choice. Keep public funding in public schools where they should be to educate ALL students.
Kenton Wttt [Agri-King]
In favor of having help funding alternatives to the public school system. This will help improve education overall due to the competition. Public schools are no longer a neutral environment for teaching our children but instead have turned into a woke indoctrination center. Teacher Unions have too much control over the education and ideology presented. This is in direct conflict with what I believe is the majority of parent's wishes. Thanks
Gary Warner [None]
Yes, this IS a matter of public vs. private. The more money that is funneled to private schools, the less money that is available for public schools. Public money (taxes) should not ever be used for private purposes, which is exactly what this bill proposes. Just because someone chooses to put their child in a private school setting does not mean they should then be subsidized monetarily by the state for that decision. It is simply wrong.
Anonymous []
I strongly encourage our Iowa legislature to approve the establishment of education savings plans for non public school students. I am a mother of 4 and have taught for 27 years in both the public and non public education sector. It is not a surprise to many that the field of education looks different now than it did when I started teaching. We are losing much of what made Iowa schools stand out as producers of strong leaders who have the knowledge and work ethic to lead our state and country. We are not accomplishing this at the level we should be. These savings plans are not saying private schools are better than public schools, nor are they promoting private over public. They level the playing field so parents have the option to compare schools and choose one that offers the best experience for their child. This will in turn encourage schools to strive for excellence rather than settle for complacency. We cant keep going in the direction we are currently moving. Something has to change and this might be the catalyst to accomplish that.
Dallas Wessels [Timothy Christian School]
This provides the parents a great opportunity for them to choose what is best for each individual child. I think this is something where a rising tide lifts all boats.
Anonymous []
The diversion of tax dollars away from public schools to fund unregulated private schools in the form of ESAs will weaken our public education system and put our most vulnerable at risk. Turning our backs on Iowas strong tradition in public education, which once was the pride of our state, will weaken our communities, our economy and our growth as a state. Public money belongs in public schools. Please dont cheat the youth of our state out of the quality public education they deserve.
Carol Dettmer []
Please stop this bill. We cannot allow public funds to be allocated so grossly without the same standards in the private sectors. As a parent, teacher, and board member, I am deeply concerned for the education of ALL of the children of Iowa and for the workforce who serve our children. Also, I would like to say that Gov. Reynolds should be ashamed of the tactic to "pay off" districts with private schools initially. As a whole entity entrusted in long term leadership, we have to be better than that. Iowa is better than that. Please suggest that those "bribery dollars" be allocated to all districts to serve our students better. We need sufficient funds allocated to public schools that are serving ALL students with unified standards.
Jon Duder [Citizen / Parent / Taxpayer of Iowa]
Once upon a time, Iowa prided itself on its school system. The students, educators and the values of a quality education for ALL of our children. Knowing, hoping that, one day, they would be the path to the continued excellence that Iowa could achieve. Displacing already depleted funds from the schools is NOT a solution. This is an attempt by the Governor and the Iowa GOP to insert politics into our already stressed school funding and the health of it. Vote this down, Iowa's children and Iowa's future demand it.
Anonymous []
I am opposed to this bill. Most Iowans already have a choice in education through open enrollment, online schooling, homeschooling, and, where available, public charter and private schools. Research shows that vouchers and ESAs do not improve student outcomes. So, if this isnt really about choice or improving outcomes, then what is it about? Breaking the teacher unions? Funneling millions into special interests? Dismantling public education? This is not a bill pulled together in good faith to serve the best interests of Iowans who for two years have made it clear they dont want this. It appears to be a partisan bill to serve a hidden agenda.
Shari Weitzenkamp []
This proposed bill is a Republican led attack on on our public schools and teachers unions. Republicans ultimate goal is to dismantle both public schools and the unions. Reynolds lies about this being good for all students is a blatant lie. I was fortunate enough to receive a top notch education in high school back in the 1970s. More money needs to go back to public education. No money should go to religious education. Shame on Republicans for the lies being told so they can further their hidden agendas. Wake up Iowans, nothing Reynolds says will be good for all of our future children.
Anonymous []
I believe that all students in the great state of Iowa, regardless of economic standing or current school placement, should have the opportunity and the means to access the schooling option of their choice. Whether that choice is public, private, charter, or homeschooling, the decision of how a child is educated should be decided by a students parents or guardians, and that choice should be supported by laws that create and protect those opportunities, while also removing obstacles that would limit those options.For the seventh consecutive year, my husband and I are making sacrifices, working extra jobs in order to send our children to a private school. We would assert the sacrifice of time and finances is worth the investment of sending them to a highquality school in line with our convictions and what we believe is in the best interest of our children, but we would also contend it makes logical sense for the tax dollars of Iowa's hardworking parental citizens to follow them individually, benefiting their children and not just their local public schools.The strength of Iowa has always resided in its people. Iowans can, and should, be entrusted with the decision of how to educate their children, building a future for Iowa that will surpass the accomplishments of the past. For these reasons, I am asking for your support in the creation of educational savings accounts for all Iowa children. Thank you for your consideration and service.
Anonymous [Personal]
This will be detrimental to our public schools and more importantly, our students. Public schools are paid for with public dollars and private schools should be paid for with private dollars.Our expenses wont go down just because a student leaves to take advantage of a voucher. If 10 students leave the district under this plan, it is a loss of $7598 x 10 = $75,980. This equates to loss of staff, or providing for students with less available resources.The new Open Enrollment rules allow for the almost immediate ability for parents to choose to send their child to another Iowa public school, at little or no cost to the parent.Vouchers are, generally speaking, state funds that are routed to nonpublic schools. They are governmentfunded scholarships to attend a participating private school, rather than a public school.Education Savings Accounts allow parents to withdraw their student from public school and receive a deposit of public funds into governmentauthorized savings accounts, with somewhat restricted, but multiple uses.In no other taxfunded entity are citizens/taxpayers allowed to opt out and use their tax funds elsewhere. (Law enforcement, fire department, hospitals, public health, municipal golf courses, etc.)Vouchers/ESAs remove funds from public schools that educate 92% (+/) of Iowa students. For example, if a district lost one child per grade level to a nonpublic school their enrollment would decline by 13 students. 13 X $7,400(state aid)= $96,200 reduction in funding for the district, while not reducing expenditures at all. This creates a negative impact on the rest of the students in that district.ESAs, as proposed in the past, actually monetarily incentivize parents to remove their child from the public system. In other words, parents could see this as a way to actually collect money for taking their kids out of the local public school. (The state will pay me $7000 a year per child that I can save for my child's college fund!)Private schools have little to no public oversight for spending public funds. Private schools have no requirement to accept all students. Private schools are not held to the same accountability standards regarding course offerings, reporting for student assessments, budget transparency, open meetings and more.IFwe are only talking about accredited private schools, approximately 75% of schools in Iowa are rural with little to no access to private schools.
David Koopmans [Orange City Christian School]
Please get the Bill past to support privet schools because parents should get support and be able to send their kids to the school of their choice
Terry Stewart [Iowa resident and taxpayer]
Defunding public schools by diverting multimillions of taxpayer dollars to private schools is a formula for collapse of rural public schools and communities. And doing so without accountability of private schools, or acceptance of all levels of special needs students further compounds the injustice of the voucher plan. Harming public education and small communities to promote private schools is abandonment of responsibility and reason. Please do not support the governor's illconceived and illintentioned plan.
Coleen Chipman []
I am opposed to the bill to give vouchers to students going to a private school. Private schools are not required to educate ALL students regardless of any special needs they may have. This bill will further harm public schools in Iowa that are struggling financially and will impact rural schools the most or any school with declining enrollment. Do not forget our Iowa pride in providing a good education for All students.
Kristi Steil [None]
I oppose HSB 1, SSB 1022 and any other proposed legislation that promotes and supports diverting public moneys from public education and providing to individual students to attend a private educational institution. This proposed legislation will benefit a select few and cause great harm to the majority by draining muchneeded funds in our public school systems. If there is a problem with the quality of education today in Iowa, and I agree there is, quit proposing to cut taxes and instead give a substantial increase to our statewide education budget. We need to provide excellent salaries and benefits to attract gifted and passionate educators, as well as provide them with the technology needed to adequately educate our children. Doing this would benefit ALL of Iowa's students, rich or poor, rural or urban, not just a select few.I know my position reflects the majority of Iowans on this issue (even my 93yearold staunch Republican mother opposes this legislation). Please do what you were elected to do and represent your constituents, not Governor Reynol
Anonymous [Voter]
I live in a rural area, this bill will only remove funding from our schools. Children who live in my area do not have the ability to switch to a private school due to that there isn't one close which then leads to transportation issues and monetary issues for the parents. This will only disenfranchise poor and rural communities. Private schools do not accept every one, do not provide an education that is standardized across the state, don't provide lunch, and many require uniforms on top of school supplies. My taxes should be used for public purposes not private entities that are not regulated by the government that my money goes to.
Greg Hauenstein []
Let's put these newfound hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars towards our public schools so all children can benefit, not just the few who can travel to and be accepted by private schools.If Iowa schools are failing, you have failed. Since 2011 the Governor's office and House of Representatives have been controlled by one party, along with the Senate five years later. There's no one to stop you anymore.If you can't fix schools for everyone, quit your jobs because there's nothing more important and you're blowing it.
Annette Michaels []
To The Honorable State Representatives:Regarding HSB 1, I am opposed because public money should be for public schools. Public money should be used in schools that must follow the laws set by the state and federal government. Private schools are NOT subject to following the same laws and thus do NOT support ALL children in the same way as public schools.Why create another government program to monitor that the public money will be used ONLY for tuition and related expenses? How much will it cost to audit the use of public money? What are the consequences for misuse or fraud of public money?How will school districts be able to project their enrollment to prepare their budgets accurately? When will the deadline be for enrolling students in private schools instead of their local public school district?Finally, how many students are able to enroll in the private schools currently in Iowa? How many students will actually be able to have the option to switch to a private school?Public money should stay with public schools. It will remain accountable to the people and parents of ALL Iowa's children.
Anonymous []
I want to choose where my tax dollars are going. Shouldnt this be put to a vote so the people can choose. There are so many things needed in schools, mental health for the students, infrastructure challenges, teachers pay, educational materials! Whats not needed is the school vouchers for private schools that already have help available for those who cannot afford it.
Anonymous [Retired]
As parents of two children we made the decision to send our students to private education for their elementary and middle school years. This family decision came with financial planning and sacrifices. The state of Iowa already provides wonderful educational opportunities paid for by taxpayers and I dont feel that money should be allowed to leave the public sector. The harm that it will do to the educational opportunities of so many current and future students and school districts across the state with less and less funding and support is frightening. Please do not go down this path and jeopardize the future of all Iowans.
Tim Hitzler []
I am a public school teacher of 18 years. I support all families right to choose the best educational option for their children. Especially families without the means to pay for options outside of the public school system. I believe public schools should be concerned about why families are choosing nonpublic school options instead of trying to prevent them from having the right to choose. It seems to me that some opponents of ESA's are more concerned about the money leaving the school district than they are about the actual child leaving. This is troubling to me. Public and private charter schools should work together. I also believe that there are some great public school schools and teachers, but education is in need of fresh ideas and innovation. I believe providing choice to all families will help achieve this. Furthermore, I do not believe that more funding will help the public schools. They are top heavy. Public schools have more than doubled nonteaching staff, including administrators, at a very high financial cost with no improvement on academic performance. Here are some statistics supporting school choice:*71% of urban families in the U.S. support school choice*25% charter school students are black, 35% white, 35% Hispanic*the U.S. spends 300% more per student, adjusted for inflation, compared to 1970 with no increase in performance. *78% of black families and 79% of Hispanic families support ESA's nationwide*many charter school serve low income and at risk students. It is a myth they are only for wealthy white students. Lastly, barely any of the arguments against school choice argue that it does not work. The main arguments seem to be more about protecting teacher's jobs and the status quo. I blame the teachers union for, instead of fighting to improve education, fight to protects their members employment. Thank you.
Phyliss J Stoelk []
No vouchers in Iowa. We just need to fund public education the way it should be. Private schools don't have to allow special needs children in their schools. They pick and choose who they want. This does not promote diversity but rather segregation. Our children need a well rounded education based on all races in the school system so they can find out more about different cultures and have a variety of friends which in turn will help our future adults get along with ALL races, religions and people in general. Stop the hate and stop the vouchersw.
Anonymous []
Public money should be for public schools that are available to everyone, not private schools that can reject students and impose religious viewpoints. Education savings accounts and vouchers hurt public schools while doing little to increase the accessibility of private education.
Stephanie Ballard []
Parents sending children to private schools in Iowa already get tax breaks for doing so. Do public school children's parents get the same?Keep tax dollars in public schools. And pay public school teachers more in order to keep them teaching there.
Kevin Poss []
It is good for Iowans.
Cory Wittrock []
If public schools are so good, then why are people so worried about kids going to private schools??? If public schools are that good, the school choice bill will do nothing because all the parents and kids will choose the public school and get the same amount of funding. Also, the number of people who talk about separation of church and state shows how much our public schools have failed in teaching history.
Ryan Howell [Parent]
As a parent of 4 iowa schoolchildren, I am adamantly against this voucher bill and any efforts to redirect money from public education. Iowa parents dont want this. Families who already attend private schools will be the beneficiaries, not students in allegedly failing schools. Private schools do not have capacity for more students nor will they accept any of the most resource intensive students. Students with disabilities, English as a second language in their homes, and even high energy kids are not accepted at private schools. Most counties and rural Iowans will have no private options. This whole discussion has caused an attack on our great schools and teachers who have been doing more with less for years. Fund our public schools, not voucher consultants and religious education. Please respect the will of the majority of Iowans who are against this bill.
Nancy E Lathrop [Retired]
Vote no on private schools vouchers! This is a bad idea from the start. It is bad for public schools already struggling with sparse budgets, taking away money needed to hire and retain good teachers. It is especially bad for RURAL schools. There are few private schools in these areas anyway, why further dilute their resources? Rural schools are the heartbeat of our rural economy. Communities in Iowa rally around their small towns and keep them vital.Gov. Reynolds, our schools were strong before Republicans started strangling their budgets. We'll have strong schools again when $$ is sent their way. I implore legislators to vote their conscience, not the party in this matter.
Jeff Andersen []
I will personally benefit from the vouchers but they are bad for education and the state of Iowa. It is a windfall for the well off and will erode education and retention of young people in Iowa.
Felicia Coe [Resident & Business Owner]
As someone who grew up in poverty on the East side of Des Moines Im able to recognize the variety of obstacles that would have made a private school education impossible even if tuition were free. Private school vouchers will not benefit the people who are in financial need.Beyond just education, public schools serve as a hub for our communities and a safe haven for a children by providing food, community, and a variety of resources to all Iowans. The obstacles that rural and lowincome children face to get an education are far more complex than this bill addresses.This bill would take resources from our already struggling and underfunded public school to give a kickback to uppermiddle class and wealthy Iowas. Education is vital for a thriving community. Taking away resources and funding for public education has been and will continue to be detrimental for Iowa as a whole.
Tony Amsler [Jones County]
I oppose this bill because it does little to support the 484,000 public school students across all 99 counties. This plan pull critical resources from public schools, which educate over 90% of Iowa's students and put pubic tax dollars into private schools will little to none accountability.
Audrey Kimball [Retired teacher]
My husband of 50 years and I are products of public schools. We have raised five children and they all went to public schools in spite of a private school less than a mile away from us. We are proud of our kids accomplishments and the level of diversity they encountered during their years of school. That diversity has allowed them to become contributing members of society. There is little to no diversity in private schools. Public tax money should stay in public schools!
Joe Stutting [North Scott Public School District]
I have multiple concerns with HSB 1. How can Iowa afford them at the time we are reducing income for the state? There is no transparency that comes with the money for private schools. There are no requirements for private schools to ensure all students have access. We already have the flexibility for all these accounts except TAG. We would never use this type of flexibility to pay ongoing salaries. This would not be fiscally sound.
Nelson A Galdamez [Bishop Heelan Schools]
Hello I support this reform it would be great to keep sending my kids to bishop heelan it will do them good in the long run its not easy but its whats best for my kids if this passes this will help alot for us.i work full time and part time this will help in letting me quit my part time and spend more time with my kids.
Doug Barry [NA ]
This is not about choice for students and families who really don't have a choice even if this passes. I am a proponent of looking for ways to support our struggling students/families who NEED choice...but that choice should be whether they can attend the school that provides them free and appropriate education with access to lunch, social worker, counselor, reading/math intervention, etc. Public tax dollars are for education that has oversight, is open to any/all children and has regular testing/regulation would you be in favor of mandating oversight, inclusion and regulation on any private school taking the voucher funding? Would those schools and teachers be subjected to the same demands, regulations and legislation?Transparency? Proposed change in HSB 31 seems to be a way to fast track a bill that is going to cost ALL tax payers a lot of money over the years. Can anyone name another bill costing over $500 million (next 3 yrs) that has skipped this step?
Shannon [Harper]
Vouches provide a choice for few that hurts the majority. Pushing for continuous quality improvement in Public schools improves education for all. If you dont like something in public schools, be a part of the change. Vouchers feel like a child picking up all their toys and going home. All the choices fornparents are there... this bill truly likits them and the ability for school systems to govern effectively. School systems built by public taxes were built to serve the majority... rural schools can not survive without funding they can depend on. Where would that leave the students that cant travel long distance for school or afford private school? Please consider injecting new energy and ideas into public schools. Thank you!
Anonymous [Parent]
Please do not pass this bill. It will defund public education and create further inequalities.
K. Jesse Singerman [IQETVV]
This bill is a disaster for Iowa public schools. We need more investment in public schools not less. This bill will drain resources needed from the 485,000 Iowa kids in public schools for the benefit of a few families who live near private schools, which many of us don't. Public money should go to public schools! If some families want to send their kids to private or religious instruction that is their right, but it is an inappropriate use of Iowa tax dollars. The way this bill is written Iowa tax dollars can be used by welloff people who already have the discretionary income to send their kids to private school. That is terrible public policy. Iowa needs strong public schools in rural areas this bill will undermine them. Vote NO
Anonymous [Ankeny Community School District]
As a public educator, I strongly oppose this new bill. Public money should be for public schools. Coming from a rural school prior to Ankeny, I know how much this would negatively impact public schools. I am in favor of parent choice, but at the expense of parents, not public tax dollars.
Lois DeWaard []
I am against this bill for several reasons. First, the bill as written does not require private schools to accept every student like public schools. Private schools could discriminate against students while receiving public dollars. Second, public schools are required to follow many rules that private schools are exempt from. Private schools that receive tax dollars need to be held to the same standards and requirements that public schools must follow. Private schools receiving tax dollars need to be accountable and transparent to Iowa taxpayers. Third, private schools have little transparency to the general public. This would need to change if they receive public tax dollars. Fourth, many counties in Iowa do not have even one private school. Sending their child to a private school is not an option for parents in those counties.
Marjorie Wonderlich []
I am a life long Republican but I do not want my tax money to used to give to families with children attending private schools. I support giving more money to our public schools.
Anonymous [Norwalk Community School District]
Vouchers are the worst educational idea ever and are just a result for Gov. Reynolds political agenda.
Anonymous [Parent of Iowa elementary student]
Hello I am a parent of a 1st grader here in Iowa. I am opposed to the voucher program. The voucher program will take funds away from public schools who are trying to do their best for ALL students in our communities. It is not a well thought out idea giving private schools state taxpayer dollars to organizations that are not held to the same standards as our public schools. The "school choice" is an illusion. Private schools can pick and choose who goes to their school so even if parents do have a voucher, the school does not have to let your student in. You need to hold the private schools to the EXACT SAME state mandated requirements that public schools do if they receive state funding. There is no transparency in how private schools work and this can easily lead to wasted dollars and potential fraud.
James Hunter []
Using public tax dollars to fund private school education is wrong. Especially when those schools are not subject to the same oversight as the public schools. Iowa has been woefully adequate in funding primary and secondary education, claiming to increase the budget while not giving the schools enough to cover cost of living increases. Educators are tired of being treated as a burden on the state, when they should be our primary investment. It fuels the economy, retention of residents, and brings new business into the state.A school voucher system only benefits a select few families, not the majority of Iowa.
J. Matt Dillon [St. Edmond Catholic School]
I am all in favor of this bill. I think it is critical for the people of Iowa that parents have the ability to choose the education they want for their children. The funding should travel with the child. If they decide to stay in public school, then that school should receive the child's funding. If they choose to attend a Private or Parochial school, again, the funding should go where the child goes!
Anonymous []
Taking money away from an already strapped public school budget is a mistake. Consider the rural areas in Iowa where this will have a greater impact than metro areasbut also keep in mind that it is not good for any public school community. Private/religious institutions have scholarships (or at least did when I was a student in Iowa) and have no business taking away from public schools.
Anonymous []
Im a lifelong Republican but Im opposed to giving private schools public school money. We need to give more money to our public schools and raise our teacher wages.
Matt Meendering [Dowling Catholic High School]
All families deserve the ability to choose the type of education they want for their family regardless of socioeconomic status.
Luke Perry [Orange City Christian School]
I grew up going to a public school in the Des Moines area. I then attended college in Northwest Iowa and never left the area. We have great a public school system here and I work with them everyday in my career. We decided to send our children, all three of them, to a Christian school. I felt like they were given a more well rounded education and were provided opportunities that the public school system was not going to offer them. The teachers and staff are also able to openly talk about their faith with the kids and pray with them when they are struggling with anything. I understand everyone doesn't see the value in that but for us that was a big factor. This ESA would allow families to make the same decision we made if they choose to and if they choose not to then there is no harm no foul but at least they are given the option.
Linda R. Jones [Iowa resident ]
Unethical use of Iowa tax dollars. If passed this is minority rule!!
Anonymous []
Public money for public schools!
Anonymous []
I am fully in support of this bill
Christie Sundrup [Kuemper Catholic School System]
This will only help our education of all students in all schools. Choice for all students can only make our education system even better for all involved.
Cindy Duhrkopf []
Vote no on HSB 1. Public Money should be spent on public schools.
Joseph E. Brown, Sr. []
Anonymous []
One of my grandsons has a medically diagnosed learning disability and has an IEP that calls for a paraeducator for a certain number of hours per week. His parents tried enrolling him in a private school and they were told the school did not have the resources to help him. He was enrolled in the public school but the district does not have the funds to provide the paraeducator for the number of hours needed. I have read this bill twice and I dont see how this bill will help my grandson and the hundreds of other children like him. In fact, I believe it will make things worse as private schools will be able to decline to accept children like him and the public schools will loose funding when they are already short. This is a bad bill and should not be passed.
Cecilia Norris []
I strongly oppose vouchers, "scholarships," savings accounts, etc that put taxpayer funding into private schools. I attended Iowa public schools and U of Iowa, returning as a physician to provide health care in this state. If I was making that decision for my family currently, there is NO way I would return to Iowa. My public education taught me how to think critically, look at the facts, examples of other similar programs successes and failures and the motivation of people putting forward these proposals. The facts and examples of how bad HSB 1 would be for public schools are so overwhelming, I continue to be shocked that these proposals are put forward year after year. So that leaves looking at the motivation for that it's all about outofstate control of our governor and legislature to benefit a few wealthy companies. I hope that the elected officials who read this will look into their hearts, minds, and souls, remember that they were elected to represent the people of Iowa (even those children who cannot vote for them) and vote NO on this bill.
Susan Helling [NA]
This proposal will benefit a very small percentage of Iowan school children. It will underfund public education for all, while bolstering private groups that routinely deny services to students with special needs. Private schools are not required to have the same transparency practices as public schools. This proposal is bad for Iowa. Please vote to not advance this bill.
Kristi Kerkenbush [parent]
We need to keep public money with public schools, especially when we will have no public oversight into what these private schools are doing. The money for this legislation should be used to help our public schools with the much needed resources they need and support and recruit educational staff.
Anonymous []
I support the governors educational reform. We believe in having the opportunity to do what is best for our children. We have been entrusted to care for them as parents and we take this seriously, wanting what is best for them in all aspects of life, including education.
Anonymous [Individual ]
I believe that an Iowa education should be available to all students. This voucher bill will hurt rural schools and the Iowa public school system. Please consider the impact this will have on small school districts, students with IEP's and disabilities, and families who depend on public education for their children. We must provide an education for all Iowa's children, let's make sure it remains accessible by supporting public schools. Please vote NO on this bill.
Fred Karpuk [Holy Cross Parish]
Please pass this bill, as it is so needed in our school system. Thank you.Deacon Fred KarpukDiocese of Sioux City
Anonymous [None]
This is important for the future of our education system in Iowa.
Bob Hulstein [None]
A definite vote FORThank You
Christine Galle []
First, let me state that I support school choice. I know, as an educator with nearly 30 years of experience that each student has different needs and not all school settings are a good fit. Iowa has had school choice in many forms for decades. Parents can choose homeschooling, private schools, both parochial and nonparochial. Iowans also have a choice in public schools via open enrollment. Iowa was once a leader and innovator in education. I remember being part of my master's degree program and bragging about Iowa's Open Enrollment innovation where parents get to choose a public school that best fits their children. People in my class from other states were envious. Now, since 2011, our schools have been overmandated and underfunded and we are now #24 in the nation when we used to be in the top 3 or 5 in the nation.Public dollars need to go to public education. Public schools are required to admit and serve all students. Private schools are not. This legislation will take money from public schools and give it to private schools which do not have to educate students equitably or inclusively. How can public dollars go to private entities? I don't use statefunded outdoor resources like parks. Can I get that money that comes out of my taxes to subsidize a private golf course membership? Can I get tax money that goes to libraries to buy my own books because I don't live in a town so I don't have easy access to a library? Furthermore, the ESA money cannot be used for transportation. Our county does not have a public transportation system. How are some of our low SES students, which this bill purports to help, supposed to get to school?Available resources should go to support the most students. The 2023 voucher proposal would cost more than $100 million in the first year, leaving out large portions of our student population. At a time when our public schools are facing unprecedented challenges, available resources should go to support the more than 485,000 public school students in all 99 counties. The governor's proposal is estimated, by her office, to cost nearly $1,000,000,000 in the next four years. How is diverting that much money away from public schools helping them? Where is that money coming from? In year three and beyond of her plan any current private school student will get money for an Educational Savings Account. Those parents have already proved they don't need that money. Their students are already enrolled in a private school. I know many people who send their students to a private school in Lee County. They have voiced they don't need the money and more importantly they don't feel that public money should be spent on private education. They have told me personally that it was their choice to send their kids to private school so it is their responsibility to pay for it. In a time when the costs of postsecondary education, both college, and trade school, are out of control, the state thinks the best use of its money is to subsidize parents who can already afford private school versus helping students with student loans. We are in a crisis for a lack of teachers, nurses, and doctors in this state and across the country. Those professions require further education which many cannot afford, yet those people who will keep our communities functioning, safe and healthy get no financial help.We are already underfunded to serve the needs of our students and state mandates handed down from the legislature. As funding drops for our public schools, hard choices will have to be made about programming. Lee County Economic Development has been working with local schools to develop the Career Advantage Center and programming which target jobs and careers needed in Lee County. Many of these jobs are in trades and manufacturing. Unfortunately, those programs would more than likely be some of the first cut from schools. Isn't that counterproductive to what the county is striving to accomplish? Taxpayer dollars should require accountability and transparency. Private schools are not held to the same standard as public schools. Public schools are accountable and transparent to the parents and the community they serve. Private schools do not have the same statemandated requirements for accountability and transparency. In fact, the bill states that no new accountability measures can be added to private schools as a result of ESA money being used by their students. The parent transparency bill that was proposed and defeated last year called for complete transparency, which already exists by the way, to parents about what is being taught in schools. As a taxpayer, where is my transparency for what is being taught in private schools? I may not have children attending a private school, but if this bill passes my taxes will be going to fund private education. I am a practicing Catholic, but I believe everyone has a right to practice any religion or none at all. Public money should not be used for religious education. That is a violation of the sacred"Separation of Church and State" in the Bill of Rights. Republicans are known for their passionate defense of certain parts of the Constitution. Why not that one? Everyone in our society and around the world has been through a lot in the last few years. Although people do not agree on almost any aspect of the COVID pandemic, one thing I think we can agree on is that it changed the world, our country, and our state forever. Central Lee and all of its employees from bus drivers to teachers to custodians fought hard to have as normal a year as possible. For the most part, we kept kids in school and in person even to the detriment of our personal mental and physical health as others in other industries did as well. At the beginning of the pandemic, teachers were championed and respected. In a few short years, we have been vilified. Many times at the hands of politicians and extremists based on rumors of things happening in our schools that are simply not true. As an educator, this is heartbreaking. Teachers go into teaching because we care about kids. My job is not to judge, indoctrinate, or "groom" students, which many of your colleagues have insinuated teachers do. My job as an educator is to help a student grow academically and personally. To be functioning and productive citizens. To be critical thinkers and problem solvers. To be caring and compassionate and tolerant of others. I never would have guessed the changes I have seen these past 30 years. Not only have the needs of students academically changed but so have their mental health and basic life needs have changed. I know of teachers that pay for student lunches, extracurricular activities, food, and clothing. As a staff in the past, we have helped families pay for utilities and rent. This is all coming out of teachers' pockets on top of the hundreds of dollars that every teacher spends in their classroom each year. I didn't need to write this letter. I am close to retirement, but I will always advocate for public schools and public school children.As your constituent, a taxpayer, and Iowan who cares about our public schools, I am writing to express my concern with the governors Education Savings Account legislation. This will be devastating to public education.Elected officials are elected by their constituents to be their voices. A great majority of Iowans do NOT want public money being used for private tuition. Please do the job you were elected to do and be the voice of the majority.
Anonymous []
I have experienced public education in Iowa as both a teacher and a parent. Needing to follow my heart and God, I now work in a private, Catholic school. I cannot tell you the difference in experiences and sincerely regret not having my child attend school here. My daughter graduated from a small, rural, public school in Iowa. Her school did not prepare her for life after high school, nor did it give her the tools/skills needed to become a productive member of society. Parents can only do so much. We put all of our stock in the education Iowa is supposed to give them. Even as a teacher myself, I struggled daily with what I saw in the public school I worked in. Public schools, irregardless of funding, are failing Iowa's children. Long gone are the days of pride in Iowa's schools. What I have witnessed in the private school I work in are highly trained teachers, education that allows a student to grow as a person and as a learner, and a way for students to not forget that God has a part in their lives. I see students caring for others instead of worrying about having to protect themselves from bullies. Students notice when another student is feeling down and they offer each other hope, encouragement, and even hugs. I see these young men and women hug each other genuinely. There is no fear or hesitation about gender identity. We don't have the latest political agenda stuffed down our throats or that of our children. I witness the old fashioned Iowa values that I experienced attending public school in the 1980's. Teachers do not share their political views here, but we allow students to see both sides and have honest discussions about them. The quality education our students receive here in our private school cannot be matched in a public school. PLEASE allow parents to make the best choice for their children. I am a single parent who did the best I could for her child, but if I had had the option with financial assistance you bet I would have chosen a private school for my daughter. Don't make other parents live with the regret I do. Let parents have a choice.
Anonymous [Citizen]
All Iowa children deserve to have access to the State and Local funds collected for educational purposes. I also support the direct funding of students and enabling the school districts to have greater control of how allocated funds are used.Education should be outcome based and families should be able to choose the best options to educate their children with minimal interference by the state except to set minimum standards for graduation.The ESA contributions should also be allowed to be rolled over into a 529 account for funding college if they are not used to encourage families to efficiently use this spending and not treat these funds as a use it or lose it. If the funds are 'use it or lose it' then it will incentivize inflation of existing nonpublic school options that are currently below the ESA contribution.This committee should also consider enacting property tax credit in addition to ESA funding similar to the Iowa Family Farm Tax Credit that would cap property tax for nonpublic school enrollments at the $5.4 per $1000 minimum level.Finally Public school districts should be consolidated to County Board administration. Consolidating administration to a county level will reduce friction with enrollments and allow for greater control and allocation of State resources in the county to ensure educational outcomes are being met for all students in the county and discourage unbalanced development where residents relocate to higher performing schools reducing the tax base and enrollments for lower performing schools. By doing this it will allow for greater flexibility to allocate resources and also integrate the nonpublic school options into funding considerations.
Patricia [Benson ]
Public money should support public schools which are held to a set of mandated, accountable standards whereas private schools by their very nature are not. Private schools will still choose who to accept, vouchers or not, and can deny admission to anyone they choose. We have sent children to both private and public schools and found public schools to offer greater varieties of opportunities and broader, more diverse academic options. For children who require special education services, many private schools simply do not provide these. The voucher program does not offer full funding for a child to attend private school, only a set amount, and many families lack the funds to cover the additional costs, including transportation (which public schools provide free of charge).We currently have parental choice in where to send our children to school, so vouchers are unnecessary and take away money that public schools need to meet their ability to provide a free appropriate education for all types of learners. The state of Iowa used to be among the nation's best in the area of education. We have fallen further and further behind as state funding for public schools has decreased and not kept up with current costs. Iowa has not adequately funded public education for years. The symbol Iowa chose as representative of itself for the state quarter program years ago was a rural public schoolhouse. Let's get back to supporting our great public schools & teachers & collegiate teacher education programs and forget this detrimental voucher concept.
Steven Kraus [Biokinemetrics - a manufacturer in Carroll]
I and my extended family are in support of the ESA's. Please pass this important initiative to give those families who need the assistance to have options. Iowa is a progressive state and we need to take positive action on this measure. I have 3 grandchildren who need this help. Please don't alienate Iowans who need this program for nonpublic schools. It feels like we are being discriminated against and being penalized for paying taxes and having no choice. I encourage you to vote PRO ESA.
Amanda McClanahan []
I am writing to ask you to support SSB 1022.As much as equity is spoken of in our modern society, the Education Savings Accounts are actually a step in the right direction to lessen the financial burden for parents who dont have a choice in where they can send their students. Parents who cannot afford private schools are not being given a choice in this matter.No public funds are being removed from public schools. No vouchers are being used. What this is doing is providing immediate relief for parents who want to send their children to private school but, cannot afford to do so. This is taxpayer money being used to give every student a choice regardless of income status.Proponents of this bill are also largely unaware of how the removal of certain restrictions in the public school system will make 100 million dollars available for districts to use towards giving their teachers a raise.I am in favor of this bill because even though I will be in the last tier to be ushered in, it will be a financial struggle for us to eventually have all of our children in private school. My husband and I are currently draining our childrens college savings plans and we are not the only ones paying for private education with their 529. Having my children in a school that aligns with our values is very important to us at this time. Someday, we actually hope it to change as it was never our intention to utilize private schools. Unfortunately, given the circumstances in our local district, and the lack of transparency, we had to move in the best interests of our children, and that was to remove them from public education. Because we have invested into the college savings plan, we were able to make the switch to private school. We would not have been able to do that, had we not been able to use our 529s. I am unsure if we will be able to afford private school once that money is gone. Passing SSB 1022 will secure our childrens future into the school of our choice. After two years of parents being shoved out of the schools, kept in the dark about what is being taught to their children, and topics that are becoming increasingly controversial I humbly ask you to serve all of your constituents and vote yes in favor of SSB 1022.What school choice is not: Vouchers Defunding public schools.What school choice is: Empowering parents to utilize their own money to pursue an education that is the best fit for their children. Funding the student. The potential for public school teachers to receive the raises they deserve. Equality. Many of us have spent the last 1218 months petitioning you for change and for choice. If people stopped parroting a false narrative surrounding SSB 1022, then perhaps they too would see how this is beneficial to all families in our state.