Appropriations (H)

Date Location Agenda Public Comments Minutes
04/24/2008 1:30 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes PLEASE NOTE CHANGES TO AGENDA Consideration of the following: SF 2426 sf 2429 SF 2430 Standings RIIF Any other bills that are ready Further business Adjournment
04/23/2008 12:00 AM On Call Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approve minutes Assignment of bills if any Consideration of any bills that are ready Further business Adjournment
04/22/2008 12:00 AM On Call Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following if ready: HSB 796 SF 2422 economic development budget Further business Adjournment
04/17/2008 12:00 AM upon adjournment of the House Labor Committee Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
THE HOUSE LABOR COMMITTEE IS SCHEDULED TO MEET UPON ADJOURNMENT OF HOUSE Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills if any Consideration of the following: HSB 794 HSB 795 any bills that are ready Any further business Adjourn
04/16/2008 11:00 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills that are ready Consideration of bills that are ready Any further business Adjourn
04/15/2008 2:00 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
04/15/2008 9:15 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following bills: SF 2306 HF 2674 SF 2417 Further business Adjournment
04/10/2008 11:00 AM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
04/08/2008 2:00 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following: HSB 787 - Education - Winckler HF 2487 - Teacher Quality - Winckler SF 2134 - Veteran Affairs - Jacoby (if ready) Further business Adjournment
04/03/2008 11:00 AM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
04/01/2008 2:00 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills, if any Consideration of SF 2400 - Administration and Regulation - Representative Hunter Consideration of HF 2654 - Water Permit Fees - Representative Kuhn Any further business Adjourn
03/26/2008 10:30 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 2286 - Block Grants - Rep. Gayman Consideration of SF 2394 - Transportation - Rep. Cohoon Any further business Adjournment
03/20/2008 11:00 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of HSB 784 - Ag/DNR - Representative Kuhn Any further business Adjournment
03/18/2008 11:00 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of HSB 773 - Justice System - Rep. Taylor Any further business Adjournment
03/11/2008 10:00 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assign bills Consideration of the following: HSB 772 - Taylor HSB 773 - Taylor HSB 779 - Cohoon Additional business Adjournment
03/05/2008 1:00 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/27/2008 2:00 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/25/2008 3:30 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/20/2008 2:00 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/18/2008 3:30 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/13/2008 2:00 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/06/2008 2:00 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Any further business Adjournment
02/04/2008 2:30 PM Cancelled Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
01/30/2008 2:00 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 2023 - Representative Foege Further business Adjourn
01/28/2008 2:30 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 2023 - Rep. Ro Foege Any further business Adjournment
01/24/2008 11:30 AM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Assignment of bill Any further business Adjournment
01/23/2008 1:00 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Assignment of bills Presentation by Holly Lyons, Fiscal Services Division, on Governor Culver's proposed FY 2008 budget Any further business Adjournment
01/16/2008 1:00 PM Adjourned Rm 103, Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Assign Bills Future Business Adjourn
04/24/2007 12:00 AM 8:00 PM or upon adjournment Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approve minutes Assign bills Consideration of: SF 601 (if ready) Any other bills that are ready Additional committee business Adjournment
04/23/2007 12:00 AM On Call Cancelled Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
04/20/2007 12:00 AM On Call Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approve minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following (if ready): SF 578 Jacoby HSB 319 Jacoby HF 845 Cohoon HF 792 Reichert Additional business Adjournment
04/19/2007 10:30 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approve minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following bills (if ready): HF 588 Education - Winckler HSB 314 Regents bonding - Cohoon HF 845 Paper trail - Cohoon SF 579 Pharmaceutical Collection & Disposal - Kuhn Additional business Adjournment
04/18/2007 10:00 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approve minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following bills HF 893 - tax amnesty - Hunter (if ready) SF 588 - Education - Winckler (if ready) SF 575 - Justice system - Taylor (if ready) and any other bills that are ready Additional committee business Adjournment
04/17/2007 10:30 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
PLEASE NOTE CORRECTED BILL NUMBER ON AGENDA Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 551 - Kuhn Any other bills that are ready Additional committee business Adjournment
04/16/2007 4:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of any bills that are ready Additional business Adjourn
04/12/2007 3:30 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approve minutes Consideration of HF 511 - Kuhn Consideration of any other bills that are ready Additional business Adjourn
04/10/2007 11:00 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 562 - Economic Development Any additional business Adjournment
04/09/2007 12:00 AM Upon Recess Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 563 - Judiciary Any additional business Adjournment
04/04/2007 3:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll Call Approval of minutes Assignment of subcommitees Consideration of HF 357 - disaster relief - Kuhn Additional business Adjournment
04/02/2007 3:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following: HF 357 - Disaster Relief - Kuhn SF 277 - Teacher Salaries - Winckler Any additional business Adjournment
03/29/2007 3:00 PM Cancelled Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
03/28/2007 2:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following: HF 534 - Shared Incentives - Winckler HF 361 - Targeted Small Business - Ford HF 357 - Disaster Services - Kuhn Any other business Adjournment
03/27/2007 11:00 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following: House File 518 - George Washington Carver endowed chair House File 534 - shared incentives Additional business Adjournment
03/21/2007 2:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of: HF 527 - Preschool SF 403 - Supplemental Additional business Adjournment
03/20/2007 11:00 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of: HF 224 - Ford HSB 284 - Hunter Additional business Adjournment
03/19/2007 3:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assign bills Additional business Adjournment NOTE Democrats will caucus following adjournment.
03/13/2007 8:20 PM Cancelled Supreme Court Chamber
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
03/06/2007 11:30 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll Call Approve minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of the following: HSB 180 - Federal Block Grants HSB 202 - Transportation Additional Business Adjourn
02/28/2007 1:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of HF 357 - Disaster Aid Individual Assistance Grant Fund Adjourn NOTE: Democrats and Republicans will caucus following the meeting.
02/21/2007 1:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Convene Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Adjourn NOTE: A public hearing on HSB 180 (federal block grants) is scheduled for Monday, February 26th at 10:00 AM in Room 116.
02/14/2007 1:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Adjournment
02/07/2007 1:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes Assignment of bills Consideration of SF 95, if available Presentation: Holly Lyons - Director of the Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services Agency Any other business Adjournment
01/31/2007 1:00 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Call to order Approval of minutes Assignment of subcommittees Presentation: Holly Lyons, Director of Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services Agency - Overview of Governor Culver's budget recommendations Adjournment
01/22/2007 1:15 PM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Roll call Approval of minutes Presentation: Holly Lyons, Director of Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services Agency Any other business Adjourn
01/16/2007 10:30 AM Adjourned Supreme Court Chamber
Roll Call Approval of Minutes Assignment of Bills Presentation: Holly Lyons, Director of Legislative Fiscal Division of Legislative Services Agency Other Business Adjourn
01/10/2007 11:30 AM Adjourned Room 19
***Meeting room location has been changed to Room 19, Reagan Room*** Welcome Introductions Adoption of Committee Rules Adjournment