Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Sister Cathy Talarico []
The pipeline is dangerous and not necessary. The latest fear tactics have been an attempt to scare people into agreeing. There are more objectors to the construction, than those for it. Id be more convinced if the necessity of and cost of it were to be paid for by a goodwill offerings. Any takers?Please listen to those who are most affected. Thank you. Sister Cathy Talarico
Carolyn Uhlenhake Walker [- Select -Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Des Moines]
Please vote "yes" on HF368. We need to support our Iowa farmers!!
Sherri Webb []
What is it like to be a farmers daughter, or son? To wear the label of farm kid? Being one myself, I can tell you it changes throughout your lifetime.Your first memories will be of cows and tractors. You will know the sweet smell of the milk the calf eagerly drinks, the softness of their hair as you push your face into their necks and the roughness of their tongues as they mistake your fingers for nipples. You will know the smell of diesel fuel and soil, often as its owned combined fragrance and be able to recall the vibration of the tractor seat you share with your dad while he lets you steer. There will be memories of tires on plastic as you help cover the silage pile. Meals brought to fields. The first time you see a calf be born. You will wonder why everyone doesnt have a cow in their yard or a tractor in their driveway. The early years will be full of all that is special about being a farm kid.And then you will realize the sacrifice that comes from your familys chosen profession. You will notice your dad (or mom) doesnt always make it to dinner, games, or Christmas morning. You will notice the hushed conversations of adults talking about things like weather, milk prices, fuel prices, and other bills and feel the worry. Because you are a teenager the sacrifice will be a burden and may breed resentment, even in the most resilient of farm kids. Who wants to toss hay on a warm summer day when their friends are at the lake? Who wants to try to hide the smell of cow manure with perfume or cologne because they had to work before they went to the basketball game with their friends? Why cant their parents just leave the barn and not worry about a sick cow, whether the rain is coming, the payment that is due?But then something magical will happen. You will be able to see all the farm gave you, all the experiences that are unique only to farm kids. You will hear the compliments on your work ethic in school, in sports, in 4H. You will see the farm through the eyes of visitors, friends, teachers and hear their astonishment at what your family does, see the excitement for the cows and tractors. You will find other farm kids and compare stories, realizing that you are not alone. You will be able to listen to the tough conversations and know the stories of how your family business survived the hard times. You will work beside grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings. You will share the laughter and the tears.And even if you dont make the farm your full time occupation, even if the farm is no longer there, your heart will still be that of a farm kid. It will swell with a love and pride that only a farm kid knows when you talk of your days doing chores, of your time spent with family, of the precious lessons learned that shaped you into the person you are today. And you will realize the greatest gift is getting to be a farm kid. Shared with permission from Country Ayre Farms, LLCI can't say it much better than she did from Country Ayre Farms, LLC. A farm is more than land and crops. It's a family's heritage and their future. Our farm tells a story that is over 123 years old. I am respectfully asking that you understand how much our Iowa farmland means to all of us. Please consider changing the 90% miles to 90% private parcels. Mileage would include public areas, ditches, water, roads, railroads, etc. Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right thing. Peter F. DruckerIn the end you should always do the right thing, even if its hard.Thank you.
Mary Knox []
I don't think eminent domain should be allowed for projects that don't serve the public being affected. A pipeline is not a utility unless it serves the community it travels through. Eminent domain should not be for pipelines passing through our state, but not directly servicing a purpose for our state. These CO2 pipelines are clearly not a utility, or something that serves the community like a road or a service line. Further, this technology of CO2 capture and storage is unproven, experimental, and extremely hazardous. How could we put our people and animals in the direct path of something so hazardous, and under such high pressures, and that emergency services would be untrained and unequipped to respond to?
Sharon Neighbors []
I would ask that the legislature listen to concerned citizens whom they represent and protect property owners from this invasive pipeline. The dangers are real and unnecessary. The pipeline industry and the wind turbine industry are riddling our state. The proposed pipeline is contaminating our underground while huge wind turbines are contaminating the air, water, and the soil.. Please stop the destruction of Iowa.
Rebecca Olsen []
Vote yes on HF 368. Eminent Domain should not be used to force land owners to grant use of their land, against their will, for big $$ pipelines to use. This is an abuse of Eminent Domain.
Rebecca Olsen []
Vote yes on HF 368. Eminent Domain should not be used to force land owners to grant use of their land, against their will, for big $$ pipelines to use. This is an abuse of Eminent Domain.
Glenna Minor []
In Iowa, the governorappointed IUB retains control of permitting and eminent domain, which requires public hearings and information sessions prior to approval and construction. However, there is no oversight of voluntary easements, opening the door to harassment. This means the risks of the whole carbon pipeline scenario will not be adequately vetted, monitored or controlled. There is too much risk involved with this endeavor, peoples land, financial devaluation of their remaining lands not snatched via eminent domain, health risks and the lists goes on. HF368 should not be passed. Please protect our safety and our rights. Please do not hand it over to corporate greed for an unproven technology. Please honor your oath to serve the whole community, not just those with big wallets. Thanks in advance for doing the right thing.
Sheila Gregan []
Vote yes on HF 368