Meeting Public Comments

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A bill for an act relating to immunization information requested on a medical examiner investigation form.
Subcommittee members: Carlin-CH, Bolkcom, Lofgren
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: RM 24A
Comments Submitted:
The purpose of comments is to provide information to members of the subcommittee.
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.

Emily lewis []
SUPPORT SF125Vaccine safety and monitoring should be of top concern to ensure the health and wellbeing of our future generations.Potential vaccine related deaths are not currently being evaluated to the best of their ability.
J Wayson []
Support SF125, requiring immunization records to be collected on medical examiners survey form from infants to 3 years old. (This should be collected on all ages, especially as a full adult schedule is set to debut!)To find the truth, all possibilities MUST be examined. Those in support of a full vaccination schedule should ALSO be in support of this bill. Those confident in vaccine safety should also be confident in what a medical examiner would conclude, giving proof and power to either side of the vaccine debate.
Britni Graham []
I'm in full support of SF 125 and hope you'll give it your full support as well. The safety of our future generations could be greatly impacted by moving this legislation through. Thank you.
Christina Crew []
Support: anything recently entering the body, including vaccinations, should be included.
Stephenie Bellwood []
Please support this! So important!
J Block []
I am writing in support of bill SF 125. Requiring immunization information to be collected on medical examiners survey forms for infants3 years old in crucial for the wellbeing of future generations and it is simply best practice for public health. Currently adverse reactions and deaths related to vaccines are severely underreported and underevaluated. These potential correlations must be evaluated to the best of their ability. The US is LAST among developed nations for its high infant mortality rate, despite having the largest vaccine schedule. Thank you for researching and considering SF125.
A Haring []
I fully support bill SF 125. Information on everything that has entered the body, including immunizations, should be collected on medical examiners survey forms for everyone, including infantsyears old is critical to the wellbeing of our country. Thank you for researching and supporting SF125.
Jon Ahrendsen MD []
I feel that I am uniquely qualified to address this issue as I am quite sure I am the only person presenting information at this subcommittee that both immunizes infants and provides medical examiner investigations.This bill is needed to provide a more complete death investigation report when children below the age of 3 die. Currently the investigation form lists EIGHT questions about the last meal of the child before he or she died. There is currently ONLY ONE QUESTION on the form about immunizations. Were immunizations complete? yes or no. Certainly the collection of all facts surrounding the death of a child is important to the investigation. If it is important to ask 8 questions about the last meal of the child, would it not be important to know the date and type of the last injection that the child received?Please try and explain to me why that information is not important to know. And to the people who claim this will take too much time to do, This does not involve treating physicians, it only would affect medical examiners who know that it is their duty to produce a complete report. According to 20102015 data, the latest I could access, only 2% of medical examiner cases involved a child under the age of 4. From 2010 to 2015, the average in Iowa is only about 104 cases between the ages of 1 month and 4 years of age.