Bills in Committee
State Government (S)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 2380 | A bill for an act relating to energy conservation requirements contained within the state building code or adopted by governmental subdivisions, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3138.) |
SF 2304 | A bill for an act relating to professional standards for the certification or designation of music therapists and providing penalties. |
SF 2265 | A bill for an act expanding the practice of cosmetology to include shaving or trimming a beard. |
SF 2219 | A bill for an act providing for the sale or lease of the Iowa communications network. (See SF 2355.) |
SF 2213 | A bill for an act relating to the examination and copying of a public record under Iowa’s open records law and federal copyright law. (Formerly SF 494.) |
SF 2154 | A bill for an act relating to the standard of judicial review and providing a claim or defense when a state action burdens a person’s exercise of religion, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 2124 | A bill for an act relating to lobbying restrictions on former members of the general assembly. |
SF 2088 | A bill for an act establishing a retirement savings plan trust, making appropriations, and including contingent implementation and effective date provisions. |
SF 2084 | A bill for an act relating to educational requirements necessary to receive and maintain a license to practice cosmetology. |
SF 2073 | A bill for an act concerning special service members of the Iowa public employees’ retirement system by establishing a deferred retirement option plan and including public safety telecommunicators in the protection occupation category. |
SF 2061 | A bill for an act providing for a state employee retirement incentive program and including effective date provisions. |
SF 2041 | A bill for an act concerning limits on reappointing members of the state racing and gaming commission and including applicability provisions. |
SF 2031 | A bill for an act relating to voter registration by providing for the registration of eligible electors upon review of electronic records received from driver’s license and nonoperator’s identification card applications, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 2023 | A bill for an act providing for the licensure of clinical art therapists, making penalties applicable, providing for fees, and including effective date and implementation provisions. |
SF 494 | A bill for an act relating to the examination and copying of a public record under Iowa’s open records law and federal copyright law. (See SF 2213.) |
SF 437 | A bill for an act relating to injectable authority for optometrists. (Formerly SSB 1032.) |
SF 395 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of permanent emergency personnel positions directly related to certain disasters. (Formerly SSB 1080.) |
SF 388 | A bill for an act relating to energy conservation requirements contained within the state building code or adopted by governmental subdivisions, and including retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1126.) |
SF 381 | A bill for an act providing for the registration of eligible electors upon review of electronic records received from state agencies and including effective date provisions. |
SF 367 | A bill for an act relating to campaigns for public office by requiring certain independent expenditure donor disclosures and providing judicial standards related to libelous statements in published campaign materials. |
SF 352 | A bill for an act relating to electronic filing requirements for statements and reports filed with the ethics and campaign disclosure board. (Formerly SSB 1108.) |
SF 348 | A bill for an act requiring that elections for the offices of senator and representative to Congress, governor and lieutenant governor, and senator and representative in the general assembly be conducted by ranked-choice voting in the general and primary elections and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
SF 339 | A bill for an act relating to the number of days available for voters to vote absentee ballots, and including applicability provisions. |
SF 338 | A bill for an act relating to school corporations by changing the date of the election of directors of local school districts, merged areas, and area education agency boards and including applicability and transition provisions. |
SF 272 | A bill for an act establishing the state of Iowa higher education bank and revolving loan program and fund and making appropriations to the fund of amounts certified due to the elimination of the deduction for federal taxes paid by certain individual income taxpayers and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
SF 263 | A bill for an act requiring that elective members of the state and district judicial nominating commissions, and the county magistrate nominating commissions, be elected by the registered voters of the state. |
SF 261 | A bill for an act relating to prohibitions under the smokefree air Act, and making penalties applicable. |
SF 249 | A bill for an act relating to the prohibitions against smoking under the smokefree air Act and making penalties applicable. |
SF 224 | A bill for an act modifying membership requirements applicable to the Iowa utilities board. |
SF 223 | A bill for an act establishing a home modification grant program and making appropriations. |
SF 203 | A bill for an act relating to campaign finance by establishing a voter-owned Iowa clean elections Act and fund, providing for funding from specified sources, including an income tax checkoff, providing an income tax exemption for contributions made to the fund, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 193 | A bill for an act including public safety telecommunicators in the protection occupation category of the Iowa public employees’ retirement system. |
SF 186 | A bill for an act relating to limitations on the timing of public school district bond elections and including effective date provisions. |
SF 185 | A bill for an act establishing a state employee retirement incentive program and including effective date provisions. |
SF 168 | A bill for an act establishing central standard time as standard time in this state throughout the year. |
SF 165 | A bill for an act concerning the applicability of requirements for state purchasing from prison industries for products manufactured in this state. (See SF 252.) |
SF 159 | A bill for an act requiring federal income tax returns of candidates for president and vice president of the United States to be filed with the state commissioner of elections. |
SF 149 | A bill for an act relating to the review of administrative rules and the rulemaking process. |
SF 112 | A bill for an act relating to political subdivision elections by changing the date of the election of directors of local school districts, merged areas, and area education agency boards, by providing for the combined administration of regular and special school and city elections, making changes to the administration of elections for political subdivisions located in more than one county, establishing requirements for ballot arrangement and placement for political subdivision offices, and including effective date and applicability and transition provisions. |
SF 107 | A bill for an act relating to the elimination of the requirement for the posting of signs or symbols under the smokefree air Act. |
SF 106 | A bill for an act relating to eyelash extension application certification. |
SF 101 | A bill for an act providing for the nonpartisan election of county officers. |
SF 93 | A bill for an act concerning disability benefits for special service members in the Iowa public employees’ retirement system. |
SF 65 | A bill for an act relating to voter registration by providing for the registration of eligible electors upon review of electronic records received from driver’s license and nonoperator’s identification card applications, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 64 | A bill for an act concerning department of administrative services’ procedures regarding the designation of individuals as ineligible for state employment and the public solicitation of individuals to fill certain state employment vacancies. |
SF 63 | A bill for an act requiring a state family and medical leave program study and making an appropriation. |
SF 62 | A bill for an act relating to the possession, sale, transfer, purchase, and use of fireworks, the disposition of fireworks sales tax receipts, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 61 | A bill for an act relating to voter registration and voting by lowering the age at which a person may register to vote and the age at which a registered voter is eligible to vote in a primary election and including effective date provisions. |
SF 60 | A bill for an act relating to the option of voting straight party. |
SF 50 | A bill for an act providing for confirmation by the general assembly for an appointment to the office of lieutenant governor and including effective date provisions. |
SF 49 | A bill for an act relating to combined charitable campaign programs administered by certain public employers. |
SF 48 | A bill for an act establishing a multiple sclerosis support fund and authorizing lottery games to benefit persons with multiple sclerosis. |
SF 47 | A bill for an act relating to proof of identification and proof of residence in order to register to vote on election day or in person absentee or to vote, establishing a criminal offense for falsely swearing certain oaths and affidavits, and including applicability provisions. |
SF 46 | A bill for an act imposing a moratorium on the issuance of licenses for gambling games and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. |
SF 45 | A bill for an act providing for the development of a mandatory defined contribution pension plan for certain public employees. |
SF 33 | A bill for an act requiring that a primary runoff election be held in the event of an inconclusive primary election for certain offices, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (See SF 483.) |
SF 20 | A bill for an act increasing fees for certain licenses related to fishing. |
SF 5 | A bill for an act raising the legal age relating to tobacco, tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, vapor products, and cigarettes, and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
SJR 2008 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the consideration of bills by each house of the general assembly. (Formerly SSB 3116.) |
SJR 2005 | A joint resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Iowa limiting years of service for members of the general assembly, the governor, and judges of the supreme court and court of appeals. |
SJR 2002 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to public retirement systems. |
SJR 10 | A joint resolution designating the American cream draft horse as the official state horse for the State of Iowa. |
SJR 7 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa limiting terms of service for members of the general assembly. |
SJR 5 | A joint resolution requesting the call of a constitutional convention in order to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to allow Congress and the states to prohibit or otherwise regulate the expenditure of funds for political speech by any corporation, limited liability company, or other corporate entity. |
SJR 3 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa limiting terms of service for members of the general assembly, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, the auditor of state, the treasurer of state, the attorney general, and other elected state executive officials. |
HF 571 | A bill for an act relating to the confidentiality of information contained in audio and video call recordings. (Formerly HF 213.) |