Bills in Committee
Judiciary (S)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 2365 | A bill for an act relating to domestic abuse risk assessment and deterrence. |
SF 2364 | A bill for an act relating to the dissemination of certain specified materials, including the prohibition of certain specified materials in schools and school libraries, civil actions to determine obscenity, and providing penalties.(Formerly SF 2198.) |
SF 2332 | A bill for an act relating to pretrial bond amounts for certain felonies.(Formerly SF 2090.) |
SF 2292 | A bill for an act relating to application of specific penalties to an assault on a social worker under certain circumstances.(Formerly SF 2159.) |
SF 2252 | A bill for an act relating to identification markings on firearms and firearm parts, and providing penalties. |
SF 2235 | A bill for an act relating to excuse from jury service for persons at least seventy-two years of age.(Formerly SSB 3086.) |
SF 2234 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a cold case investigation unit within the department of public safety.(Formerly SF 2103.) |
SF 2225 | A bill for an act relating to the possession of marijuana, and providing penalties. |
SF 2218 | A bill for an act relating to sexual abuse evidence collection kits. |
SF 2184 | A bill for an act creating the community law enforcement enhancement fund and providing an appropriation. |
SF 2178 | A bill for an act relating to the modification and extension of a no-contact order.(Formerly SSB 3027.) |
SF 2162 | A bill for an act relating to the authority of a law enforcement officer over local businesses operating during an annual recreational bicycle ride across the state. |
SF 2135 | A bill for an act providing that a licensed veterinarian is immune from administrative, civil, or criminal liability in investigations or proceedings involving the mistreatment of animals. |
SF 2123 | A bill for an act relating to the Iowa law enforcement academy council including the revocation or suspension of certifications of law enforcement officers and reserve peace officers in this state and certifications of law enforcement officers in other states, and the peace officer, public safety, and emergency personnel bill of rights including formal administrative investigations of officers. |
SF 2113 | A bill for an act relating to parole board review of the status of certain persons committed to the department of corrections. |
SF 2109 | A bill for an act relating to the penalties for defendants who aid and abet the commission of murder in the first degree. |
SF 2101 | A bill for an act relating to the crimes of indecent exposure and public masturbation, and making penalties applicable. |
SF 2100 | A bill for an act relating to the crime of indecent exposure and making penalties applicable. |
SF 2095 | A bill for an act relating to the statute of limitations in a civil action involving the sexual abuse of a minor. |
SF 2064 | A bill for an act establishing a criminal penalty for violent repeat offenders and providing for risk assessments. |
SF 2053 | A bill for an act relating to the information required to be included in name change petitions. |
SF 2036 | A bill for an act relating to jury notifications of attorney compensation and litigation financing. |
SF 2034 | A bill for an act relating to the penalties for defendants who aid and abet the commission of murder in the first degree. |
SF 2002 | A bill for an act creating the second amendment preservation Act, and providing penalties. |
SF 572 | A bill for an act relating to the statute of limitations periods for certain criminal and civil actions.(Formerly SSB 1017.) |
SF 557 | A bill for an act relating to noneconomic damage awards against health care providers.(Formerly SSB 1225.) |
SF 556 | A bill for an act relating to the admissibility of the results of an analysis of a person’s blood, breath, or urine in criminal and administrative proceedings.(Formerly SF 505.) |
SF 537 | A bill for an act relating to tort liability, including employer liability in civil actions involving commercial motor vehicles and arising from an employee’s negligence, punitive or exemplary damages, and noneconomic damages available against owners or operators of commercial motor vehicles.(Formerly SSB 1238.) |
SF 536 | A bill for an act relating to operating-while-intoxicated offenses, including the lookback period for prior convictions, temporary restricted licenses, and ignition interlock devices, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly SF 506.) |
SF 533 | A bill for an act relating to the possession of marijuana, and providing penalties.(Formerly SSB 1226.) |
SF 516 | A bill for an act prohibiting the use of automated or remote systems for traffic law enforcement, including prohibiting the sharing of related information, requiring the removal of existing systems, and providing exceptions, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 1176.) |
SF 515 | A bill for an act providing for the reinstatement of parental rights of a former parent under certain circumstances.(Formerly SF 111.) |
SF 512 | A bill for an act relating to consent agreements for domestic abuse and sexual abuse protective orders.(Formerly SF 428.) |
SF 449 | A bill for an act relating to motor vehicle accidents resulting in injury or death, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly SF 301.) |
SF 407 | A bill for an act relating to marijuana, including the manufacture, delivery, and possession of marijuana, providing fees, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 406 | A bill for an act relating to marijuana, including the manufacture, delivery, and possession of marijuana and the licensure of retail marijuana, providing fees, including excise taxes, establishing funds, and including penalties. |
SF 386 | A bill for an act relating to compensation of college athletes and including effective date and applicability provisions.(Formerly SF 245.) |
SF 377 | A bill for an act relating to the postfertilization age of an unborn child relative to an abortion, and making licensee discipline and civil penalties applicable. |
SF 339 | A bill for an act relating to the employment of unauthorized aliens and providing penalties.(Formerly SF 84.) |
SF 313 | A bill for an act relating to replacement of the term visitation with the term parenting time relative to time awarded to a parent. |
SF 302 | A bill for an act relating to animals subject to complaints alleging mistreatment, including by providing for the inspection of premises, the removal of animals, the care of animals in custody, and the disposition of animals by court order, and providing penalties. |
SF 299 | A bill for an act relating to judicial actions and records by authorizing assistance by a small claims filing agent and modifying provisions relating to accessing protected information in court records. |
SF 241 | A bill for an act relating to the dissemination and exhibition of obscene material to a minor by the parent or guardian of the minor, and providing penalties.(Formerly SF 45.) |
SF 204 | A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of manufacturing, delivering, selling, or possessing drug paraphernalia by exempting hypodermic needles or syringes delivered, sold, or possessed through an approved needle exchange program. |
SF 203 | A bill for an act requiring the use of inventory checklists upon commencement of a residential tenancy and including applicability provisions. |
SF 202 | A bill for an act relating to older individuals and dependent adults and creating certain criminal offenses and civil actions, and providing penalties. (See SF 522.) |
SF 197 | A bill for an act establishing the sexual assault nurse forensic examiner program. |
SF 188 | A bill for an act relating to law enforcement profiling by standardizing collection and centralizing the compilation and reporting of officer stop and compliance data, providing for officer training, creating a community policing advisory board, providing for penalties and remedies, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 179 | A bill for an act relating to officer disciplinary actions. |
SF 174 | A bill for an act relating to the carrying of weapons by certain individuals involved with law enforcement.(Formerly SF 30.) |
SF 171 | A bill for an act relating to sexual misconduct by a peace officer with offenders and juveniles in the peace officer’s custody and providing penalties.(Formerly SF 44.) |
SF 126 | A bill for an act relating to the penalties for defendants who aid and abet the commission of murder in the first degree. |
SF 105 | A bill for an act establishing the criminal offense of sexual exploitation of a student with a disability by an employee of a community college and providing penalties. |
SF 83 | A bill for an act relating to marijuana, including the manufacture, delivery, and possession of marijuana, providing fees, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 82 | A bill for an act creating a capital murder offense by establishing the penalty of death for murder in the first degree offenses involving kidnapping and sexual abuse offenses against the same victim who is a minor, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(Formerly SSB 1004.) |
SF 76 | A bill for an act extending the limitation of certain criminal actions committed on or with minors. |
SF 75 | A bill for an act relating to the interception of communications and civil damages, civil and criminal immunity, and injunctive relief. |
SF 63 | A bill for an act relating to the determination of conditions for pretrial release of a defendant. |
SF 33 | A bill for an act extending the limitations of certain criminal actions committed on or with minors, and providing penalties. |
SF 32 | A bill for an act modifying the periods of time to bring certain civil actions, including by victims of sexual abuse, minors, and persons with mental illness, entitling certain cases to a preference in trial order, and including effective date provisions. |
SF 26 | A bill for an act relating to the electronic recording of a custodial interrogation in a criminal or juvenile case. |
SF 25 | A bill for an act establishing an interim study committee to review and develop recommendations for the appointment of a special prosecutor for incidents involving the use of deadly force by a peace officer. |
SF 24 | A bill for an act relating to carrying or possessing a dangerous weapon when entering real property if a written notice forbidding such entry has been conspicuously posted, and providing penalties. |
SSB 3142 | A bill for an act relating to the sale of certain consumer products by high-volume third-party sellers using online marketplaces and including effective date provisions. |
SSB 3141 | A bill for an act relating to discrimination and disparate treatment by local entities including law enforcement. |
SSB 3131 | A bill for an act relating to the expungement of certain criminal history records of victims of human trafficking, and including penalties. |
SSB 3129 | A bill for an act providing for the award of attorney fees and litigation costs in civil actions to prevailing parties and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
SSB 3112 | A bill for an act relating to the administration of medical cannabidiol by educational institutions and long-term care facilities. |
SSB 3055 | A bill for an act relating to public safety answering point cost and expense data collection and the responsibilities of the auditor of state. |
SSB 3054 | A bill for an act relating to disclosure of psychological test material. |
SSB 3022 | A bill for an act relating to video and telephonic hearings in criminal proceedings. |
SSB 3013 | A bill for an act relating to spousal privilege and confidential communication between spouses. |
SSB 1233 | A bill for an act relating to the sale of certain consumer products by high-volume third-party using online marketplaces and including effective date provisions. |
SSB 1210 | A bill for an act relating to tort liability, including employer liability in actions arising from an employee’s negligence, punitive or exemplary damages, and noneconomic damages available against operators of motor vehicles. |
SSB 1177 | A bill for an act relating to the medical cannabidiol program, including medical cannabidiol registration cards, medical cannabidiol dispensaries, and income tax deductions, and establishing a medical cannabidiol tax fund. |
SSB 1140 | A bill for an act relating to certain public safety, public employment, and law enforcement matters, and providing penalties. |
SSB 1134 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the qualifications of electors. |
SSB 1110 | A bill for an act relating to controlled substances and precursor substances, including amending the controlled substance and precursor substances schedules and including effective date provisions. |
SSB 1106 | A bill for an act relating to the confidentiality of certain law enforcement reports, records, and information under Iowa’s open records law. |
SSB 1105 | A bill for an act relating to the penalty for public employees and public officials taking money from a public employer. |
SSB 1104 | A bill for an act relating to crime victims, including the collection of evidence in sexual abuse cases and the establishment of an automated tracking system involving sexual abuse evidence collection kits.(Formerly SSB 1002; See SF 451.) |
SSB 1103 | A bill for an act relating to annual salary rates for justices, judges, and magistrates. |
SSB 1101 | A bill for an act concerning jurors, relating to access to certain department of revenue taxpayer information for jury list compilation and juror information confidentiality, and including effective date provisions. |
SSB 1100 | A bill for an act relating to the requirements for a sex offender to be granted a modification of sex offender registry requirements. |
SSB 1039 | A bill for an act relating to prohibited conduct by athlete agents and making penalties applicable. |
SSB 1036 | A bill for an act restricting public agency disclosure of and access to certain personal information related to tax-exempt organizations, and providing penalties. |
SSB 1035 | A bill for an act relating to the creation, administration, and termination of minor and adult guardianships and conservatorships. |
SSB 1015 | A bill for an act relating to the sex offender registry including duration of registration requirements and sexually motivated extortion. |
SSB 1007 | A bill for an act relating to the opening administration, and termination of adult guardianships and adult and minor conservatorships and terminology changes to the probate code. |
SSB 1005 | A bill for an act relating to grandparent and great-grandparent visitation. |
SSB 1004 | A bill for an act creating a capital murder offense by establishing the penalty of death for murder in the first degree offenses involving kidnapping and sexual abuse offenses against the same victim who is a minor, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(See SF 82.) |
SSB 1003 | A bill for an act relating to the awarding of joint custody and joint physical care. |
SJR 2003 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to cannabis. |
SJR 10 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the rights of a crime victim. |
SJR 8 | A joint resolution calling for an Article V convention in order to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints, and limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and requesting Congress to similarly propose such amendments. |
SJR 4 | A joint resolution requesting the call of a convention for the purpose of proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to term limits for federal legislators. |
SCR 102 | A concurrent resolution urging the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to grant an exception to the classification of cannabis under schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act in Iowa.(Formerly SCR 101.) |
SCR 2 | A concurrent resolution urging the members of the Congress of the United States to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to require that the Supreme Court of the United States be composed of nine justices. |
HF 2506 | A bill for an act relating to consumer data protection, providing civil penalties, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 674.) |
HF 2485 | A bill for an act relating to access to confidential records of the commission on judicial qualifications by standing committees of the general assembly. (Formerly HSB 676.) |
HF 2474 | A bill for an act relating to adoption proceedings by providing for representation of adoptive parents and guardians ad litem by local public defenders for children in certain adoption proceedings and modifying filing requirements for adoption petitions and notice requirements for adoption hearings of adults. (Formerly HF 2113.) |
HF 2472 | A bill for an act relating to tampering with witnesses or jurors, and providing penalties. (Formerly HF 2226.) |
HF 2446 | A bill for an act relating to sexual exploitation of a minor, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly HF 2232.) |
HF 2442 | A bill for an act authorizing the reduction of damages payable to an unresponsive property owner in condemnation proceedings and including applicability provisions.(Formerly HF 804, HF 81.) |
HF 2429 | A bill for an act providing for the conduct of licensed veterinarians when involved in certain legal matters involving the alleged mistreatment of animals, including by providing for immunity from administrative, civil, or criminal liability when acting in good faith; providing for administrative, civil, or criminal liability when not acting in good faith; and making penalties applicable.(Formerly HSB 708.) |
HF 2282 | A bill for an act relating to spousal privilege and confidential communication between spouses.(Formerly HSB 528.) |
HF 831 | A bill for an act relating to the expungement of convictions for certain class “D” felonies, and related convictions, and to the definition of a conviction relating to the possession, receipt, and transportation of firearms, offensive weapons, and ammunition. (Formerly HF 223.) |
HF 820 | A bill for an act relating to court records for residential forcible entry and detainer actions. (Formerly HSB 257.) |
HF 818 | A bill for an act relating to the restoration of voting rights to certain convicted persons and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HSB 231.) |
HF 554 | A bill for an act relating to the vacation of certain termination of parental rights orders.(Formerly HF 212.) |
HF 489 | A bill for an act relating to the requirements for a sex offender to be granted a modification of sex offender registry requirements.(Formerly HSB 88.) |
HF 456 | A bill for an act creating a special motion for expedited relief in actions involving the exercise of the right of freedom of speech and of the press, the right to assemble and petition, and the right of association.(Formerly HSB 58.) |
HF 427 | A bill for an act relating to the Iowa drug policy coordinator and the Iowa drug policy advisory council.(Formerly HSB 98.) |
HF 416 | A bill for an act relating to support of a child including support relative to the child’s completion of high school graduation or equivalency requirements.(Formerly HF 11.) |
HF 310 | A bill for an act relating to the defenses of justification and diminished capacity for certain violent crimes.(Formerly HSB 11.) |
HJR 11 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the qualifications of electors.(Formerly HSB 143.) |