Bills in Committee
Health and Human Services (H)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 2297 | A bill for an act relating to children's mental health and well-being and including provisions for contingent implementation. (Formerly SSB 3109 and SF 2161.) |
SF 2235 | A bill for an act relating to standards for and certification and inspection of children's residential facilities. (Formerly SSB 3154.) |
SF 2222 | A bill for an act relating to the prescribing and dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives including by pharmacists and providing insurance coverage for such contraceptives prescribed and dispensed. (Formerly SSB 3082.) |
SF 2213 | A bill for an act relating to Medicaid program improvement, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SF 2107.) |
SF 2198 | A bill for an act relating to the use of experimental treatments for patients with a terminal illness. (Formerly SSB 1264.) |
SF 2197 | A bill for an act relating to the membership of the medical assistance advisory council and executive committee. (Formerly SSB 3113.) |
SF 2145 | A bill for an act relating to speech therapy and other benefits for children under the hawk-i program and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SF 2049.) |
SF 2125 | A bill for an act relating to the termination of Medicaid managed care contracts, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3081.) |
SF 464 | A bill for an act relating to the prevention of disabilities policy council. (Formerly SF 302.) |
SF 455 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a child care provider reimbursement workgroup. (Formerly SSB 1136.) |
SF 454 | A bill for an act establishing a study relating to the health and well-being of children in this state. (Formerly SSB 1208.) |
SF 452 | A bill for an act relating to Medicaid program transformation and oversight. (Formerly SSB 1253.) |
SF 441 | A bill for an act relating to a health workforce program analysis. (Formerly SSB 1167.) |
SF 402 | A bill for an act relating to the state mental health institutes at Clarinda and Mount Pleasant. (Formerly SF 308.) |
SF 386 | A bill for an act establishing an interim legislative study committee relating to the establishment of one or more facilities to provide care and treatment for persons who are sexually aggressive, combative, or who have unmet geropsychiatric needs. (Formerly SF 142.) |
SF 334 | A bill for an act relating to sexual orientation change efforts and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SF 31.) |
SF 329 | A bill for an act relating to hospital and long-term care pharmacy practice for pneumococcal vaccines. (Formerly SSB 1198.) |
SF 275 | A bill for an act relating to public health including public health modernization and boards of health. (Formerly SSB 1039.) |
SF 273 | A bill for an act establishing an interstate medical licensure compact. (Formerly SSB 1019.) |
SF 205 | A bill for an act establishing a notification requirement for mammogram reports to patients. (Formerly SF 80.) |
HF 2424 | A bill for an act relating to county funding of mental health and disability services and the mental health and disability services property tax levy. |
HF 2253 | A bill for an act relating to the provision of food to persons in need, including the donation of food to be distributed by food banks and emergency feeding organizations, the establishment of prison gardens, and the exemption from the state sales and use tax of the purchase price of tangible personal property sold and services furnished to food banks, and providing for appropriations. |
HF 2231 | A bill for an act concerning the use of experimental treatments for patients with a terminal illness. |
HF 2220 | A bill for an act relating to children's mental health and well-being and making an appropriation. |
HF 2214 | A bill for an act relating to relocation of a custodial parent and modification of child custody. |
HF 2206 | A bill for an act relating to a child in need of assistance and child abuse and a drug-endangered child. |
HF 2199 | A bill for an act relating to Medicaid program improvement, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 2190 | A bill for an act relating to the termination of Medicaid managed care contracts, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2141 | A bill for an act relating to the prescribing of medications to treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and providing penalties. |
HF 2140 | A bill for an act relating to fetal deaths, prohibitions against the buying, selling, or experimentation on an unborn infant or bodily remains, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2105 | A bill for an act eliminating the board of physician assistants, transferring regulatory responsibilities regarding physician assistants to the board of medicine, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2104 | A bill for an act relating to subsidized guardianships. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2418) |
HF 2103 | A bill for an act relating to licensure and inspection requirements for assisted living programs that prepare meals for off-site delivery. |
HF 2084 | A bill for an act relating to the performance of medical abortions and providing penalties. |
HF 2073 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of an asset, income, and identity verification system for certain public assistance programs, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2041 | A bill for an act regarding the supervision of physician assistants by physicians and providing for emergency rulemaking authority, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2039 | A bill for an act relating to the mandatory disclosure of certain mental health information by a health care provider. |
HF 2025 | A bill for an act relating to the payment of fees and expenses of county medical examiners who perform autopsies or conduct investigations of decedents who are out-of-state residents. |
HF 647 | A bill for an act relating to crisis stabilization programs operating in psychiatric medical institutions for children. |
HF 600 | A bill for an act relating to telehealth and professional licensure, insurance coverage, and reimbursement under the medical assistance program. (Formerly HF 218) |
HF 543 | A bill for an act relating to limitations on licensed intermediate care facility beds for persons with an intellectual disability at the state resource centers in the state. (Formerly HF 217) |
HF 491 | A bill for an act relating to the replication of an employment-oriented child support assistance pilot program in the state. |
HF 469 | A bill for an act creating a licensed social worker loan repayment program and revolving fund. |
HF 423 | A bill for an act relating to midwives and the practice of midwifery and making a penalty applicable. |
HF 422 | A bill for an act prohibiting abortions at entities or institutions that receive state funds. |
HF 420 | A bill for an act relating to the regulation of tanning facilities and making penalties applicable. (Formerly HSB 81) |
HF 404 | A bill for an act relating to telehealth relative to professional licensure, insurance coverage, and reimbursement under the medical assistance program. |
HF 399 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of one or more facilities for the housing of certain sex offenders in need of medical and personal care. |
HF 392 | A bill for an act relating to certification of outpatient diabetes education programs in the state. |
HF 391 | A bill for an act relating to the basis for the adjustment of a child support obligation based on the outcome of a child support obligation review. |
HF 381 | A bill for an act relating to the Iowa health information network, and including effective date provisions. Various effective dates, see bill. |
HF 362 | A bill for an act concerning alternative transportation options relating to mental health services. |
HF 361 | A bill for an act creating a children's mental health and disability services advisory council. |
HF 350 | A bill for an act relating to the continuation of Medicaid program eligibility for children post-discharge from the state training school at Eldora. |
HF 295 | A bill for an act concerning background checks relating to certain nonregistered child care home providers. |
HF 294 | A bill for an act relating to child care provider reimbursement rates under the state child care assistance program. |
HF 276 | A bill for an act relating to sexual orientation change efforts and making penalties applicable. |
HF 252 | A bill for an act relating to improved transitions from hospital discharge to a nursing facility. |
HF 236 | A bill for an act relating to the prevention of disabilities policy council. |
HF 235 | A bill for an act concerning membership on the commission for the blind. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2287) |
HF 218 | A bill for an act relating to telehealth and professional licensure, insurance coverage, and reimbursement under the medical assistance program. (See Cmte. Bill HF 600) |
HF 217 | A bill for an act relating to limitations on licensed intermediate care facility beds in the state. (See Cmte. Bill HF 543) |
HF 216 | A bill for an act relating to reimbursement of certain family foster care service providers. |
HF 180 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of an evidence-based depression screening and treatment program for older individuals. |
HF 179 | A bill for an act establishing a long-term care committee. |
HF 178 | A bill for an act relating to elderly persons with aggressive or psychiatric behaviors in long-term care facilities. |
HF 177 | A bill for an act relating to state child care assistance program eligibility and waiting list guidelines. |
HF 171 | A bill for an act establishing a notification requirement for mammogram reports to patients. |
HF 170 | A bill for an act relating to elderly persons with aggressive or psychiatric behaviors in long-term care facilities. |
HF 151 | A bill for an act relating to coverage of three-dimensional mammography and including applicability date provisions. |
HF 141 | A bill for an act mandating drug testing of applicants for and certain recipients of assistance under the family investment program. |
HF 133 | A bill for an act relating to the provision of financial institution records for the purposes of determining eligibility for Medicaid, and providing a penalty. |
HF 109 | A bill for an act establishing a statewide chemical substance abuse monitoring pilot program. |
HF 107 | A bill for an act to require owners or operators of certain child care facilities and child care homes to provide evidence of financial responsibility, providing a penalty, and including applicability provisions. |
HF 106 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a health workforce center. |
HF 98 | A bill for an act relating to notice requirements for child abuse investigations by the department of human services. |
HF 86 | A bill for an act relating to the rights of a child in child in need of assistance cases. |
HF 85 | A bill for an act relating to abuse of elders. |
HF 65 | A bill for an act creating the Iowa death with dignity Act and providing penalties. |
HF 51 | A bill for an act relating to reimbursement of emergency medical service providers under the Medicaid program. |
HF 14 | A bill for an act requiring newborn metabolic screenings to include screening for certain lysosomal storage disorders. |