Bills in Committee
Education (H)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 2218 | A bill for an act allowing the director of the department of education to inform the regulatory boards of school districts, area education agencies, and community colleges when required report submissions are late and providing suspension of professional licenses in certain circumstances. (Formerly SSB 3072.) |
SF 62 | A bill for an act relating to the duties and operations of the state board of education, the department of education, and local school boards. (Formerly SSB 1021.) |
HF 2597 | A bill for an act relating to participation in varsity interscholastic athletic contests and athletic competitions by students participating in open enrollment. (Formerly HF 2131) |
HF 2557 | A bill for an act relating to the elimination of reporting or data collection requirements related to the department of education. (Formerly HSB 534) |
HF 2519 | A bill for an act providing for a committee to study an open eligibility policy for certain students in grades seven through twelve relating to competitive high school activities, and providing an effective date. |
HF 2491 | A bill for an act relating to funding for special education services for children living in foster care or shelter care facilities or a juvenile detention home. |
HF 2477 | A bill for an act requiring students at state postsecondary institutions to provide proof of legal status, reducing funding for state postsecondary institutions that enroll students without such proof, and providing an applicability date. |
HF 2455 | A bill for an act relating to articulation agreements between public postsecondary institutions. |
HF 2433 | A bill for an act providing for the biennial election of directors of school districts, merged areas, and area education agencies, and including effective date and transition provisions. |
HF 2432 | A bill for an act establishing a rural community dentist loan repayment program and fund. |
HF 2425 | A bill for an act relating to postsecondary scholarship and tuition grant assistance. |
HF 2420 | A bill for an act providing for a worker shortage loan forgiveness program. |
HF 2399 | A bill for an act establishing committees to formulate plans for a state research and development prekindergarten through grade twelve school and providing an effective date. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2530) |
HF 2365 | A bill for an act relating to monitoring the academic progress of high school students. (Formerly HF 2154) |
HF 2341 | A bill for an act relating to waivers for early school start dates and year around schools. |
HF 2339 | A bill for an act requiring a study by the department of education relating to the disproportionate number of male students in special education programs. |
HF 2334 | A bill for an act relating to minimum nutrition standards for school district attendance centers and prohibiting the sale of foods with minimal nutritional value in vending machines located in school district attendance centers and providing an effective date. |
HF 2333 | A bill for an act relating to measures for preparing a student for a career or postsecondary education, including a statewide core curriculum for school districts and accredited nonpublic schools and a state-designated career information and decision-making system. |
HF 2331 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a mathematics and science education improvement grant pilot project and making an appropriation. |
HF 2330 | A bill for an act relating to at-risk students by establishing a school attendance task force pilot project program, requiring a report, and making an appropriation. |
HF 2321 | A bill for an act relating to education, including for statewide core content and performance standards, graduation requirements, student assessments, education data, and teacher training and salaries. |
HF 2320 | A bill for an act relating to the providing of income tax, franchise tax, premium tax, and moneys and credits tax credits for employers paying part of their employees' student loans and including a retroactive applicability date provision. |
HF 2280 | A bill for an act creating a supplementary weighting plan for certain rural school districts. |
HF 2239 | A bill for an act relating to the duties and operations of the state board of education, the department of education, and local school boards. (Formerly HSB 578) |
HF 2226 | A bill for an act relating to the statewide tax revenues per student calculation under the local sales tax for school infrastructure purposes. |
HF 2221 | A bill for an act concerning restrictions on contracts for teachers and school nurses. |
HF 2210 | A bill for an act requiring students in kindergarten through grade twelve to participate in physical education for a specified number of minutes per week. |
HF 2208 | A bill for an act relating to a state tuition aid subsidy for resident community college students and making an appropriation. |
HF 2204 | A bill for an act requiring automated external defibrillators in all public and nonpublic schools. |
HF 2200 | A bill for an act requiring a school employee to report an arrest to the board of educational examiners or the principal and making a penalty applicable. |
HF 2198 | A bill for an act relating to statewide core content and performance standards and assessments for kindergarten through grade twelve. |
HF 2186 | A bill for an act relating to the administration of epinephrine in schools, and providing effective and applicability dates. |
HF 2180 | A bill for an act expanding the national guard educational assistance program to provide assistance to students enrolled in graduate school. |
HF 2179 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to observe a moment of silence once during each instructional day. |
HF 2176 | A bill for an act relating to the incorporation of character education into the curricula of students in grades one through nine, and providing effective and applicability dates. |
HF 2171 | A bill for an act requiring public schools and specified nonpublic schools to utilize environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products in school facilities. |
HF 2154 | A bill for an act relating to monitoring the academic progress of high school students. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2365) |
HF 2144 | A bill for an act relating to the compulsory school attendance age and providing effective dates. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2623) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2681) |
HF 2143 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to provide transportation to students who are not entitled to free transportation. |
HF 2140 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of the state percent of growth for purposes of the state school foundation program, and providing an applicability date. (Formerly HSB 563) Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 2137 | A bill for an act relating to the membership requirements and oversight responsibilities of the board of educational examiners. (Formerly HSB 528) Effective 7-01-08. |
HF 2135 | A bill for an act establishing a violence prevention competitive grant program administered by the department of education for school districts to assist elementary school children and providing an appropriation. |
HF 2131 | A bill for an act relating to participation in varsity interscholastic athletic contests and athletic competitions by students participating in open enrollment. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2597) |
HF 2129 | A bill for an act directing the department of education to conduct a study of high school exit examinations. |
HF 2106 | A bill for an act beginning the compulsory education attendance age at age five, providing for related matters, and providing an effective date. |
HF 2104 | A bill for an act relating to a postsecondary tuition and mandatory fee waiver for Iowa national guard veterans attending community colleges or state universities. |
HF 2101 | A bill for an act creating a mathematics and science teacher practical experience incentive program, providing for a tax credit, and including a retroactive applicability date. |
HF 2100 | A bill for an act relating to nutritional guidelines for food and beverages sold on school grounds. |
HF 2091 | A bill for an act relating to time lost for certain activities in order to meet the minimum hours of school instruction for grades one through twelve. |
HF 2089 | A bill for an act relating to local property tax funding for community colleges. |
HF 2082 | A bill for an act requiring the inclusion of teacher quality compensation funding as part of a whole grade sharing agreement. |
HF 2081 | A bill for an act requiring the inclusion of school infrastructure funding as part of the negotiations for a whole grade sharing agreement. |
HF 2074 | A bill for an act relating to adding a minimum core curriculum requirement to the state's educational standards for grades nine through twelve. |
HF 2071 | A bill for an act relating to state and local measures for preparing a student for a career or postsecondary education, including a statewide core curriculum for school districts and accredited nonpublic schools and a state-designated career information and decision-making system. |
HF 2063 | A bill for an act relating to the time by which school districts may start the instructional day for grades nine through twelve. |
HF 2047 | A bill for an act relating to textbooks and associated computer hardware adopted for use by school districts and provided to public and accredited nonpublic school students. |
HF 2039 | A bill for an act raising the compulsory education attendance age, providing for related matters, and providing an effective date. |
HF 2036 | A bill for an act requiring a school district to return a portion of state funding for each dropout in the district. |
HF 2032 | A bill for an act providing exceptions to the age of admission to kindergarten. |
HF 2031 | A bill for an act relating to teacher training and practitioner preparation related to autism spectrum disorders and providing an appropriation. |
HF 2030 | A bill for an act relating to establishment of a grade review process for certain members of the armed forces enrolled at state postsecondary institutions. |
HF 2028 | A bill for an act allowing receiving school districts to send school vehicles into the district of residence to transport an open-enrolled pupil. |
HF 2012 | A bill for an act requiring the incorporation of a personal finance course into the high school curriculum. |
HF 879 | A bill for an act directing the department of education to conduct a study of high school equivalency diploma options, requirements, and fees. |
HF 804 | A bill for an act relating to implementation of core content standards and a model core curriculum. (Formerly HSB 240) |
HF 779 | A bill for an act relating to the compulsory school attendance age and providing effective dates. (Formerly HF 6) |
HF 754 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to prohibit the use of cigarettes and tobacco products at schools, on school grounds, in school vehicles, and at off-campus school-related indoor events. (Formerly HF 583) |
HF 739 | A bill for an act relating to the incorporation of historical contributions by minorities and women into high school curricula. |
HF 710 | A bill for an act relating to student achievement and teacher quality through performance measures, standards, assessments, teacher compensation, and education data collection, and making appropriations to the department of education and the department of management. |
HF 708 | A bill for an act providing special education school tuition grants. |
HF 685 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to coordinate with local law enforcement to assess the security of school facilities. |
HF 668 | A bill for an act relating to forgivable loans for individuals enrolled in approved nursing education programs. |
HF 636 | A bill for an act modifying the method for determining and appropriating adjusted additional property tax levy aid for certain school districts and providing an effective date. |
HF 635 | A bill for an act providing for a summer reading loss prevention grant program for students in kindergarten through grade three, and making an appropriation. |
HF 633 | A bill for an act relating to middle school remediation programs and support services implemented by school districts and making an appropriation. |
HF 625 | A bill for an act relating to education funding by providing for the establishment of the state percent of growth for purposes of the state school foundation program, providing that a portion of the growth be reserved for public school textbook and supply costs, and providing an applicability date. |
HF 607 | A bill for an act requiring a background investigation of certain teachers prior to issuance of an initial contract by a school district. |
HF 583 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to prohibit the use of cigarettes and tobacco products at schools, on school grounds, in school vehicles, and at off-campus school-related indoor events. (See Cmte. Bill HF 754) |
HF 573 | A bill for an act requiring secondary school students to take a college entrance examination prior to graduating from high school and making an appropriation. |
HF 530 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to provide school superintendents and other administrators with training to identify gifted and talented students. |
HF 482 | A bill for an act relating to requests for approval for early school start dates and year around schools. |
HF 475 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a math and science education improvement grant program, and providing appropriations. |
HF 470 | A bill for an act relating to policies granting resident status for purposes of paying postsecondary tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education. |
HF 469 | A bill for an act relating to permissible uses of physical plant and equipment levy revenue, and including an applicability provision. (Formerly HF 156) |
HF 460 | A bill for an act exempting the instructional support property tax levy of a school district from being collected as part of the incremental taxes paid to a municipality for an urban renewal area and providing for the Act's applicability. |
HF 459 | A bill for an act relating to the purposes for which physical plant and equipment levy revenue may be utilized, and including an applicability provision. (Formerly HF 165) |
HF 458 | A bill for an act restricting students from open enrolling to school districts that have been designated as school districts in need of assistance as part of the federal No Child Left Behind Act. |
HF 441 | A bill for an act adding one-half unit of personal finance literacy to the education program school districts and accredited nonpublic schools must offer in grades nine through twelve and making an appropriation. |
HF 440 | A bill for an act relating to the Iowa braille school library within the Iowa braille and sight saving school at Vinton. |
HF 439 | A bill for an act directing the state board of regents to convene a task force to develop and coordinate a five-year strategic plan to address alignment of the kindergarten through postsecondary education systems. (See Cmte. Bill HF 841) |
HF 436 | A bill for an act relating to the provision of incentives for school district reorganizations and dissolution and operation of regional academies. |
HF 427 | A bill for an act adding one-half unit of personal finance literacy to the education program school districts and accredited nonpublic schools must offer in grades nine through twelve and providing a future effective date. |
HF 415 | A bill for an act providing for a school attendance task force pilot program, and providing an appropriation. (See Cmte. Bill HF 816) |
HF 364 | A bill for an act relating to the forwarding of the names of applicants for the school lunch and breakfast programs to assist in the enrollment of children in the medical assistance and healthy and well kids in Iowa program. |
HF 327 | A bill for an act relating to school board director district boundaries and optional methods of election when any school district is enlarged, reorganized, or changes its boundaries. |
HF 277 | A bill for an act relating to libraries, including library funding, representation on library boards, information collected by the division of libraries and information services established within the department of education, and a library funding and representation study to be conducted by the commission of libraries. |
HF 270 | A bill for an act relating to the employment of school nurses by school districts and providing an effective date. |
HF 267 | A bill for an act authorizing community colleges and state universities to seek approval to establish charter magnet schools and increasing the number of charter schools that may be approved and providing an effective date. |
HF 255 | A bill for an act relating to rules adopted by the state board of education to waive school fees for indigent families. |
HF 251 | A bill for an act requiring school districts to offer cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification to high school students. |
HF 250 | A bill for an act requiring the state board of regents to adopt rules directing its institutions of higher learning to waive certain tuition charges for the children of police officers, fire fighters, sheriffs, deputies, volunteer emergency services providers, and individuals in protection occupations killed in the line of duty. |
HF 249 | A bill for an act creating a mathematics and science teacher practical experience incentive program and providing for a tax credit from withholding. |
HF 243 | A bill for an act creating a program to provide financial assistance for postsecondary education for young adults who were involved with the state's foster care program. |
HF 217 | A bill for an act requiring the placement of automated external defibrillators in high schools. |
HF 198 | A bill for an act requiring the state board of education to define student proficiency in mathematics and reading. |
HF 195 | A bill for an act requiring parent and guardian involvement policies to be adopted by school districts. |
HF 175 | A bill for an act establishing an efficiency in higher education act. |
HF 165 | A bill for an act relating to the purposes for which physical plant and equipment levy revenue may be utilized, and including an applicability provision. (See Cmte. Bill HF 459) |
HF 161 | A bill for an act relating to the recognition of school district performance excellence resulting from the implementation of outstanding comprehensive school improvement plans. |
HF 160 | A bill for an act directing the state board of regents to conduct a statewide study of the kindergarten through grade twelve school system to determine and recommend best strategies to improve student achievement. |
HF 159 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a statewide educational standards and accountability task force. |
HF 157 | A bill for an act requiring the school budget review committee to grant transportation assistance aid to school districts under certain circumstances and providing a statutory appropriation. |
HF 156 | A bill for an act relating to permissible uses of physical plant and equipment levy revenue, and including an applicability provision. (See Cmte. Bill HF 469) |
HF 153 | A bill for an act relating to the development and administration by the department of education of a program to identify and honor schools for increasing the number of students enrolled in advanced-level courses and reducing achievement gaps. |
HF 145 | A bill for an act relating to the suspension of students who commit assault. |
HF 142 | A bill for an act relating to the state school foundation program by increasing the regular program foundation base, and providing an effective date. |
HF 127 | A bill for an act requiring that public schools and accredited nonpublic schools cause the pledge of allegiance to be recited at the beginning of each school day. |
HF 119 | A bill for an act requiring the board of directors of a school district to adopt a parent and guardian involvement policy. |
HF 114 | A bill for an act requiring the division of vocational rehabilitation of the department of education to provide, or reimburse community colleges for, certain services for hearing-impaired individuals. |
HF 64 | A bill for an act relating to the number of years of supplementary weighting for limited English proficient students and providing effective and applicability dates. |
HF 63 | A bill for an act establishing a dentist recruitment program and revolving fund and making an appropriation. |
HF 51 | A bill for an act limiting the school aid formula to provide funding for four years of high school per student. |
HF 47 | A bill for an act relating to reimbursement of advanced placement examination fees paid by or on behalf of students enrolled in public school districts and accredited nonpublic schools or receiving competent private instruction and making an appropriation. (See Cmte. Bill HF 755) |
HF 46 | A bill for an act authorizing school districts to deduct and pay fees for membership in not-for-profit professional education associations. |
HF 45 | A bill for an act relating to the minimum hours of instructional school time in a school year for grades one through twelve for school districts, charter schools, and accredited nonpublic schools, and providing an effective date. |
HF 44 | A bill for an act relating to postsecondary education opportunities by establishing a jump-start grant program for the postsecondary education expenses of students who graduate early from high school and by requiring school districts to publicize available postsecondary education opportunities. |
HF 43 | A bill for an act adding one-half unit of personal finance literacy to the education program school districts and accredited nonpublic schools must offer in grades nine through twelve and providing a future effective date. |
HF 32 | A bill for an act creating a twenty-first century Iowa scholars program and fund to be administered by the college student aid commission, and requiring a program promotion and support study. |
HF 30 | A bill for an act relating to elections for certain bond issuance propositions of a school district. |
HF 21 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a high school reform initiative, and making an appropriation. |
HF 18 | A bill for an act establishing and making appropriations for an instructional technology program for Iowa's school districts, certain schools governed by the state board of regents, and certain institutions administered by the department of human services. |
HF 12 | A bill for an act relating to the inclusion of kindergarten and prekindergarten pupils in the actual enrollment of a school district. |
HF 10 | A bill for an act relating to rules of the state board of education regarding the use of telecommunications as the exclusive means to provide any course required by the minimum educational standards for accreditation. |
HF 9 | A bill for an act modifying the compulsory school attendance age to include certain children who are five years of age. |
HF 6 | A bill for an act relating to the compulsory school attendance age and providing an effective date. (See Cmte. Bill HF 779) |
HJR 4 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa to provide home rule for school districts. |