Bills in Committee
Ways and Means (H)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 2325 | A bill for an act amending the sales and use tax exemption for the sale of goods and services furnished in fulfillment of a written construction contract with a nonprofit hospital, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 3168.) |
SF 2309 | A bill for an act providing for tax credits and refunds relating to renewable fuels including their component biofuels and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SF 2052 and SF 2223.) Various effective dates; see section 15 of bill. |
SF 512 | A bill for an act relating to state revenue and finance laws by exempting certain all-terrain vehicles and off-road utility vehicles from the sales and use tax, modifying the flood mitigation program, and providing an individual income tax exemption for certain payments made to nonresident utility workers, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1291.) |
SF 509 | A bill for an act relating to retail motor fuel sites, by requiring standards and practices to assist disabled individuals obtaining motor fuel, providing for enforcement by the department of agriculture and land stewardship, providing for a tax credit, and including effective and applicability date provisions. (Formerly SF 251 and SF 396.) |
SF 480 | A bill for an act authorizing a city or county to provide a property tax exemption for value added by improvements to residential property that is a public nuisance. (Formerly SF 25 and SF 278.) |
SF 477 | A bill for an act extending the period of time for collecting sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund. (Formerly SF 255 and SF 409.) |
SF 397 | A bill for an act relating to matters under the purview of the department of transportation, providing fees, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1069.) |
SF 346 | A bill for an act relating to various matters involving insurance and the insurance division of the department of commerce and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1086.) |
SF 280 | A bill for an act relating to the authorized use of revenues from the physical plant and equipment levy and including applicability provisions. (Formerly SF 204.) |
SF 233 | A bill for an act relating to the programs and duties of the economic development authority and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability provisions and other properly related matters. (Formerly SSB 1115.) |
SF 166 | A bill for an act relating to fantasy sports contests. (Formerly SSB 1068.) |
SF 124 | A bill for an act concerning the reporting and payment of wine gallonage sales and taxes. (Formerly SSB 1034.) |
HF 2468 | A bill for an act relating to the administration of the tax and related laws by the department of revenue, including the renewable energy tax credit, the solar energy system tax credit, appeal procedures for certain centrally assessed property, an extension of the utility replacement tax task force, requiring background checks for job applicants and persons performing work for the department of revenue, a sales and use tax exemption for certain items used in performance of a construction contract with designated exempt entities, a geothermal tax credit, the adoption tax credit, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability provisions. Various effective dates; see bill. |
HF 2467 | A bill for an act relating to the automatic repeal of income tax checkoffs and including retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 657) |
HF 2453 | A bill for an act creating an exemption from the sales tax for certain items directly and primarily used in the production of electricity. (Formerly HSB 651) |
HF 2447 | A bill for an act relating to the calculation of certain court costs in probate matters, and including applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 645) |
HF 2444 | A bill for an act relating to licensing fees collected by the board of educational examiners and deposited in the general fund of the state, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HF 2375) (Formerly HF 2067) |
HF 2441 | A bill for an act providing for an increase in the maximum local option sales tax rate to fund local natural resources and outdoor recreation projects. |
HF 2435 | A bill for an act relating to Iowa's urban renewal law by modifying requirements for the annual report prepared by the legislative services agency, establishing restrictions on the use of divided revenues, modifying the conditions for establishing certain urban renewal areas, imposing duration limits on certain urban renewal areas, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 639) |
HF 2433 | A bill for an act relating to state taxation by temporarily updating the Code references to the Internal Revenue Code, decoupling from certain federal bonus depreciation provisions, rescinding certain administrative rules and rule amendments and modifying the sales tax exemptions related to the purchase of items used in manufacturing and other activities, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. Effective 3-21-16. |
HF 2431 | A bill for an act concerning alcoholic beverage control, including micro-distillery production and sales and dramshop liability insurance requirements, requiring a comprehensive study on alcoholic beverage control, and establishing fees. (Formerly HF 2402) (Formerly HSB 574) |
HF 2430 | A bill for an act exempting the sale of clothing from the sales tax. |
HF 2428 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a statewide sobriety and drug monitoring program to be used for certain criminal offenders in participating jurisdictions, and providing a penalty. (Formerly HSB 606) |
HF 2419 | A bill for an act relating to agricultural literacy special registration plates for motor vehicles. (Formerly HF 2088) |
HF 2411 | A bill for an act prohibiting the deduction of amounts classified as a penalty reimbursement for purposes of the individual and corporate income tax and franchise tax, and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 2410 | A bill for an act relating to water quality improvement, by providing for water quality programs, projects, and practices, approving designs for soil and water conservation practices, prioritizing watersheds, and reducing property taxes on land reserved for conservation practices. (Formerly HF 2211) |
HF 2402 | A bill for an act concerning alcoholic beverage control, including micro-distillery production and sales and dramshop liability insurance requirements, requiring a comprehensive study on alcoholic beverage control, and establishing fees. (Formerly HSB 574) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2431) |
HF 2382 | A bill for an act relating to water quality by providing funding for water quality financial assistance programs, extending the period of time for collecting sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund, modifying and specifying uses for funding received from the secure an advanced vision for education fund, and modifying allocations of state sales and use tax revenue collections. (Formerly HSB 601) |
HF 2375 | A bill for an act relating to licensing fees collected by the board of educational examiners and deposited in the general fund of the state, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HF 2067) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2444) |
HF 2362 | A bill for an act relating to the military service property tax exemption and credit by increasing the exemption amount, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 595) |
HF 2352 | A bill for an act exempting from the state sales tax the sales price from the sale or furnishing of a water service by a water utility and creating related state and local water service excise taxes. |
HF 2347 | A bill for an act providing for an individual income tax credit for the purchase of a gun safe under certain conditions and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 586) |
HF 2346 | A bill for an act relating to Iowa community college special registration plates for motor vehicles. (Formerly HF 2051) |
HF 2319 | A bill for an act providing for the reporting and remittance of use taxes on the Iowa individual income tax return and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 2260 | A bill for an act relating to education funding by extending the period of time for collecting sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund, modifying uses for funding received from the secure an advanced vision for education fund, and authorizing school districts to adopt a district cost per pupil equity budget adjustment. (Formerly HSB 551) |
HF 2259 | A bill for an act relating to motor vehicle registration fees for disabled veterans. (Formerly HSB 544) |
HF 2242 | A bill for an act increasing the amount available for allocation to the workforce housing tax incentives program under the aggregate tax credit limit for economic development authority programs. |
HF 2173 | A bill for an act relating to open enrollment by requiring the payment of certain moneys received from the secure an advanced vision for education fund. |
HF 2117 | A bill for an act providing a deduction from the individual income tax for the amount of interest paid on a qualified education loan and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 2069 | A bill for an act providing a property tax exemption for land used to produce food within the limits of a city. |
HF 636 | A bill for an act excluding certain wagers from the definition of adjusted gross receipts for purposes of the wagering tax on gambling games, providing for a wagering tax on promotional play receipts, and providing for the prospective reduction and repeal of the tax on promotional play receipts. (Formerly HSB 110) |
HF 629 | A bill for an act exempting the sale of honey bees from the imposition of the sales tax and use tax. (Formerly HF 523) (Formerly HSB 187) |
HF 628 | A bill for an act relating to Iowa's urban renewal law by modifying requirements for the annual report prepared by the legislative services agency, establishing restrictions on the use of divided revenues, modifying the methodology for calculating the amount of divided revenues, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 225) |
HF 618 | A bill for an act relating to the individual income tax checkoff for the Iowa election campaign fund by providing for the future repeal of the tax checkoff and the Iowa election campaign fund, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 612 | A bill for an act modifying the property tax assessment limitations for residential property and agricultural property. |
HF 611 | A bill for an act relating to the individual income tax by modifying the income tax brackets and tax rates, and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 604 | A bill for an act relating to the individual income tax by providing an alternative base income tax and related alternative cumulative income surtax imposed at the election of the taxpayer and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 215) |
HF 602 | A bill for an act creating a home modification tax credit available against the individual income tax, and including retroactive and other applicability provisions. |
HF 594 | A bill for an act providing for an Iowa individual income tax checkoff for the reduction of food insecurity within this state and making an appropriation and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 593 | A bill for an act providing a tax credit against the individual income tax for equity investments in a qualified motor fuel pump station, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability provisions. |
HF 562 | A bill for an act relating to fees collected by the county recorder, including fees collected for copies of vital records and applications for marriage licenses. (Formerly HSB 198) |
HF 561 | A bill for an act relating to county recorder duties and fees. (Formerly HSB 166) |
HF 545 | A bill for an act amending the sales and use tax exemption for the sale of goods and services furnished in fulfillment of a written construction contract with a nonprofit hospital, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 190) |
HF 526 | A bill for an act increasing the amount of the fees retained by a county treasurer for the issuance or renewal of driver's licenses. (Formerly HF 143) |
HF 523 | A bill for an act exempting the sale of honey bees from the imposition of the sales tax and use tax. (Formerly HSB 187) (See Cmte.Bill HF 629) |
HF 487 | A bill for an act regulating the sale of portable electronics insurance, including requiring licensure, providing for fees and penalties, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 120) (See Cmte. Bill HF 639) |
HF 485 | A bill for an act establishing a property tax exemption for property used for certain gardening activities within a city and including applicability provisions. |
HF 484 | A bill for an act relating to a sales tax holiday for instructional materials sold to college students. |
HF 483 | A bill for an act providing that the exemption from property taxes for pollution-control property does not apply to property used as part of certain confinement feeding operations and including applicability provisions. |
HF 466 | A bill for an act providing an exemption from the computation of net income for the individual income tax of net capital gain from the sale or exchange of qualified capital stock and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 465 | A bill for an act relating to the amount of the earned income credit and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 388 | A bill for an act relating to the sales tax imposed on the operation of bingo games by certain nonprofit entities. |
HF 370 | A bill for an act creating a parent investment tax credit available against the individual income tax and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 341 | A bill for an act granting cities the power to borrow surplus moneys from the city's reserves. (Formerly HF 89) |
HF 339 | A bill for an act relating to property taxes levied by a township for the improvement and maintenance of certain cemeteries. |
HF 306 | A bill for an act relating to tobacco products, including taxation of such products. |
HF 280 | A bill for an act providing an exemption from the computation of the individual income tax of certain amounts of retirement income and including applicability provisions. |
HF 257 | A bill for an act modifying the criteria for claiming the deduction from the individual income tax, corporate income tax, and franchise tax of certain wages paid relating to the employment of an individual with a disability, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability provisions. |
HF 226 | A bill for an act relating to individual and corporate income tax credits for the installation of geothermal energy systems in Iowa and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 225 | A bill for an act providing a franchise tax credit for the installation of geothermal energy systems in Iowa and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 208 | A bill for an act relating to residential property and property taxation within a self-supported municipal improvement district, providing a property tax exemption, and providing for mail delivery of notices. |
HF 191 | A bill for an act providing an individual income tax credit equal to a percentage of the federal American opportunity tax credit and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 190 | A bill for an act providing an exemption from state individual income tax of certain tuition and related expenses of postsecondary education and including retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 130 | A bill for an act exempting from the sales tax certain required equipment and supplies purchased by a volunteer fire fighter, emergency medical services personnel, or a reserve peace officer. |
HF 118 | A bill for an act striking certain statutory repeal provisions relating to the state sales and use tax and the secure an advanced vision for education fund. |
HF 74 | A bill for an act extending the period of time for collecting sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund. |
HF 55 | A bill for an act permitting a tax refund for fuel used to provide emergency medical services by certain privately owned entities. |
HF 37 | A bill for an act providing for an Iowa individual income tax checkoff for qualified Iowa zoos, making an appropriation, and providing for the Act's implementation. |
HJR 2008 | A joint resolution nullifying administrative rules of the department of revenue concerning the manufacturing sales and use tax exemptions and providing an effective date. |
HJR 2004 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa restricting the use of revenues derived from a certain increase in the state sales and use tax rates for school infrastructure purposes. |
HJR 12 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the funding of the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund. |